WE ARE CALLED TO DISCIPLE OTHERSThere is an old expression that states, “There is a diamond in the rough.” This means, as it applies to individuals, once we get people saved, we help them cut away all the rough edges of life. We disciple them, help them find deliverance, and help them find their new walk with God. They find purpose and destiny in God. All the rough edges are smoothed out, and a diamond for Christ comes forth. When we get saved, we have a responsibility to become a diamond maker by discipling others. But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been” (Mark 5:19 NLT). Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19, NIV).And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2, NIV).You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things about God’s word.[a] You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food (Hebrews 5:12 NLT).What Does It Mean to Disciple Someone?Define Discipleship - It means learning how to follow Jesus and be, think, and act like Him. It is helping them learn how to do things God’s way and live His way. It is learning how to handle life the way He prescribes, living according to Christ’s character. It means surrendering our lives to the Lord and making Him the Lord of our lives. It is sharing with another person what God has done for us and sharing the changes God has made in our lives.It is helping people get their lives aligned with God. It is sharing what we know about God and how He helped us overcome issues in our lives.It is allowing God’s love to flow out of our lives to other people. It is fellowshipping and spending time with a person.It is helping people with their problems.It is not just giving people information. It’s doing life with another person. It is showing them how we handle life in all kinds of situations. We help answer their questions about life, God and church. If we don’t know the answer, we tell them that we don’t know and ask them to give us time to find it. It is okay to say we don’t know. It is sometimes sharing a scripture or two to help comfort them or give them wisdom in life. We constantly tell people how God can use them and wants to use them. We encourage them to attend church and worship God. It is reminding them that God loves them, even when they have doubts. When needed, it is reminding them that they are forgiven. 35109158265795510051Discipleship is reproducing ourselves in others. Discipleship is helping others grow in God. Discipleship is like being a spiritual coach, a partner, a mentor, or a spiritual parent. Discipleship is coaching a person out of their weaknesses and bringing them to full maturity. Discipling is praying for the people we are discipling. Discipleship is providing connection for someone to God and in the church. It is introducing the person we disciple to other believers. Discipling is being there for the disciple when in crisis (death in the family, etc.)Discipling is thriving in a relationship with the Lord. Discipleship is being there at the most vulnerable time in a believer’s life, right after they get saved. Satan is angry now and wants to destroy their lives. If they do not have a discipler to hold them by the hand, the devil will reclaim them.Picture of a New Baby ChristianPicture in your mind a small, two-month old baby wrapped in a blanket laying by itself in a forest under some trees. Suddenly, a full-grown wolf emerges from the trees drooling at the mouth and creeps toward the baby, ready to devour it. This is exactly what happens when we get people saved without caring for them or discipling them. We leave them alone for the devil to devour them as babes in Christ. Will you allow the souls you win to the Lord to be devoured? ................

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