
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM # 13 WEEK OF: 09/14/20 - 09/18/20TEACHER’S NAME: Ms. AllieDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes –Daily Focus Question/Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers). Insert 4 additional DETAILED center ideas/activities DAILY – this does not include art, writing, or literacy.]MondayDate: 09/14/20What will I learn to do in preschool?Introduce the concept that classroom rules and routines help me learn and stay safe.Review the daily schedule/flow the day visuals. 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Why do we need rules in our classroom? What are our classroom rules?Answers – Rules tell us what to do.We need rules in order to be able to do things and keep each other safe in our classroom.Our classroom rules are:Rule #1 – Our eyes are focusedRule #2 – Our ears are listeningRule #3 – Our voices are quiteRule #4 – Our bodies are calmRule #5 – We are kindGenerate a list with your child of all the different ways they can show that they are kind (saying “please” and “thank you,” inviting a friend to play, sharing a toy, and listening to mommy and daddy).Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “Who Makes Rules?” *Also available in Spanish.Art – Encourage children to create a placemat with their name to use during breakfast, lunch and snack.Writing – Create a writing folder for each child and encourage children to work on building their writing skills.Literacy – After reading an “Alpha Tale,” encourage children to play What’s in the bag? Children will pull items from a paper bag; identify the item, and its beginning letter sound.Blocks – Encourage children to use blocks to build buildings they are familiar with such as those they live in or visit often. Dramatic Play – Invite children to explore the dramatic play area and use the props according to their interests and needs. Science – Add mirrors for children to explore their features and discuss what they see. Encourage children to look carefully at themselves and note what they see. Math – Encourage children to create patterns using different faces of emotions (for those that can, have students draw the emotions).TuesdayDate: 09/15/20What will I learn to do in preschool?Review the concept that classroom rules and routines help me learn and stay safe.Review the vocabulary word rules.Review our classroom rules, sing the “Listening Song” and practice the gestures.Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “Listen and Learn.” *Also available in Spanish.Art – Invite children to draw self-portraits. Provide mirrors and encourage them to look at their faces carefully in the mirror then draw what they see.Writing – Using a clipboard and a pencil, crayon or marker, encourage children to practice writing names from around the classroom.Literacy – When reading an “Alpha Tale,” encourage children to find the letter in the alphabet book, trace the letter with their finger, and practice what sound the letter makes.Fine Motor – Encourage children to build items they see around the classroom.Sensory – Include a designated play dough table as a daily option in addition to the sand or water table. Think carefully about the children in the class in order to determine what materials to provide with the dough. For example, some children may appreciate the opportunity to have a sensory experience with the dough and use it without tools. This may also help develop their fine motor skills in pinching and pounding the dough. Other children may need or want tools to support their experience.Outdoor Play – Practice appropriateness with the children when going outside.Music and Movement – Provide an assortment of instruments and invite children to share their thoughts on how they work, or offer a brief demonstration, and then invite children to explore.WednesdayDate: 09/16/20What will I learn to do in preschool?Review the concept that classroom rules and routines help me learn and stay safe.Review the vocabulary word rules.Introduce the vocabulary word centers.View a virtual tour of our classroom centers by clicking the link below.-508017145000Questions – What are centers? How can we use our classroom rules in our centers?Answers – Centers are activities located in specific areas around a classroom.Following our classroom rules in our centers help us learn and stay safe.Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “My First Day of School.”Art – Invite children to create pictures of their families, or someone they love. Display the pictures in picture frames in the dramatic play area. If picture frames are not available, children may want to create them out of Popsicle sticks. Talk with the children about the people in their pictures.Writing – Using a clipboard and a pencil, crayon or marker, encourage students to create and write emotions from around the classroom.Literacy – After reading an “Alpha Tale,” encourage children to find the letter around the room. Children will practice the beginning letter sound.Blocks – Encourage children to replicate a building from a book/visual.Dramatic Play – Invite children to create art in the art area to decorate the dramatic play area. Allow children to hang their art in the dramatic play area.Science – Have children practice appropriate hand washing.Math – Encourage children to create patterns using two color buttons.ThursdayDate: 09/17/20What will I learn to do in preschool?Review the concept that classroom rules and routines help me learn and stay safe.Review the vocabulary words rules and centers.Introduce the vocabulary word center chart.Questions – What is a center chart? How does it work?View a photograph of our center chart below.Answers – A center chart allows a child to choose what they would like to do.A child will take their picture/name card and place it in the center they would like to go to.When a child is finished with a center, they can change centers by taking their picture/name card and placing it in the center they would like to go to next.Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “Lola Goes to School.”Art – Encourage children to create a picture collage of school.Writing – Using a clipboard and a pencil, crayon or marker, encourage students to write the word of the day (corresponding with the morning focus question and attach to their artwork).Literacy – After reading an “Alpha Tale,” encourage children to create a collage of pictures that start with the letter. Children will practice the beginning letter sound.Fine Motor – Cut apart a picture of each child, thus creating a puzzle. Invite children to assemble their own puzzles and their peers’ puzzles as well. Also consider doing this with pictures of teachers and school staff.Sand/Sensory – Laminate children’s pictures and add them to the sand table. Invite children to dig through the sand to find themselves and their peers. Encourage them to note the names of the people they find.Blocks – Encourage children to use blocks to build themselves (what blocks would work best for arms; how could you make your head? etc.).Dramatic Play – Add picture frames to the dramatic play area. Invite children to create pictures of their families and put them in the frames. If frames are not an option, post the pictures on the dramatic play refrigerator. FridayDate: 09/18/20What will I learn to do in preschool?Review the concept that classroom rules and routines help me learn and stay safe.Review the vocabulary words rules, centers and center chart.Review the flow of the day visuals, classroom rules and center chart.Visit your student epic! account and click, “Assignments.” Please read, “Know and Follow the Rules.” Also available in Spanish.Art – Encourage children to create an emotion collage.Writing – Using their writing folder, encourage children to work on building their writing skills.Literacy – When reading an “Alpha Tale,” encourage children to find the letter in the alphabet book, trace the letter with their finger, and practice what sound the letter makes.Science – Encourage children to explore some of the new science equipment. What are they called and what can we do with them? Encourage children to draw what they see.Math – Encourage children to use stickers or dot art to create patterns.Blocks – Encourage children to create their names with blocks.Dramatic Play – Add a child-friendly cookbook (with pictures) to the center. Encourage children to read the recipes and pretend to make them. Children might like to look for recipes they know their families like or things they think their families might like to try.Social/Emotional – Week 1English: : ................

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