
The Energy Bus, by Jon GordonHISD Hospitality Services BookstudyDuring the course of the first semester of Hospitality Services student and instructor will read and discuss The Energy Bus. Students are required to read each chapter ahead of time so they can fully participate in the discussion. The Study Guide Questions are to be submitted to the Instructor Wednesday before you leave the Marriott. You are NOT ALLOWED to work on this assignment at the Marriott!! If you pre-read do not give away what happens in future chapters. The reading schedule is listed below.Date answers are dueWeek OneChapters 1 – 7due August 31st Week TwoChapters 8 -15 due Sept. 1st Week ThreeChapters 16 – 23due Sept. 14th Week FourChapters 24 - 34 due Sept. 21 QuestionsWeek One: Describe in a paragraph or two, the worst day you have ever had.What are the sources of George’s woes/troubles?What is the bus driver’s name? Why do you think Jon Gordon gave the bus driver this name? Rewrite Rule #1 in your own words.Read pg. 29, 2nd paragraph that starts with “See, George, …” Now list the things a smile can accomplish. Read pg. 31, George’s Homework. Answer the same three Homework questions about yourself.What is your vision for your personal life now and in five years?What is your vision for your professional life in ten years?Is the road you are on taking your bus in the direction you want it to go to achieve these visions?What step will you take every day for the rest of your life to ensure you are always the driver of your bus? Week Two:What is the name of George’s company? Why do you think Jon Gordon named the company this?Rewrite Rule #2 in your own wordsIdentify the parts of the formula E + P = O; describe the formula E + P = OWhat personal fuel do you use each morning – positive or negative – “be honest!”?How do you feed the positive dog in your life?How do you feed the negative dog in your life?Have you ever had an event in your life that occurred that at that time you perceived to be a disaster, a negative, a bad thing only to realize later that it actually was a blessing in disguise? (yes or no answer here).Knowing that life does provide blessings in disguise should help change your perception of negative events. Do you ever search for the silver linings? (yes or no answer here).When we perceive our challenging events as blessings in disguise, we control our reaction to the event as well as the outcome. In Chapter 12 there is a statement about something that is physically impossible. What is it? What five things (-not people!) are you most thankful for today?Desire, Vision and Focus are needed to drive a bus successfully. Desire is “to wish or long for, want”; Vision is “the power of seeing; foresight”; and Focus is “adjustment of lends difference for clear image, to concentrate”. Think about these three words. Which of the three is your strongest point? Which of the three is your weakest point? Jot a few ways you can work to improve this weakness in yourself.Week Three: “Desire, vision and focus help you turn your bus in the right direction but positive energy is necessary to take you where you want to go.”Rewrite Rule #3 in your own words.Why would sharing your vision be an important part of getting people on your bus?What is one of the visions of the Hospitality Industry?Should you worry about people that do not share your vision and enthusiasm? Why or why not? (Hint: Rule 5)Rule 6 mentions “Energy Vampires,” describe what an Energy Vampire is and identify one in your life.Without reading ahead for the answer, what do you think the value of the rock is?Think about your life. Is your bus filled with people who support you or people that negatively impact your ride? Do you think enthusiasm is important for a successful, happy life? Why or Why not? What are you passionate/enthusiastic about?What attracts you to these passions in your life?Identify 5 ways you can share your enthusiasm about your passions.Purpose is found in service. Write down three things that you can do to serve others and make the world a better place. Week FourOn page 101 Joy discusses three phrases about how people broadcast their energy. Describe the person you most enjoy being with – what are they broadcasting?What is The Energy Bus’ definition of CEO? Starting on page 107 and continuing to page 108 a bus rider named Danny describes the job description of a CEO. Make a list of the things the CEO must do to be successful. What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?On page 118 Joy shows George the value of the rock by removing the dust. Then she shares “how to love someone.” What does Joy suggest for George to show his love? Love Your Passengers is Rule #8. How do you Love Your Passengers? List the passengers below and next to the person write a way you express your love.Parents Friend(s) Sibling(s) TeacherMarriott Mentor Who do you need to show your love to that perhaps you have overlooked? Record the Five Ways to Love Your Passengers. What does Rule # 9, Drive with Purpose, mean? What does a sense of purpose do for a team?Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride is Rule # 10. Remember you only have one bus ride through life, so give it all you’ve got and enjoy the ride! Who do you identify with the most? Joy or GeorgeWhich rule is your favorite and why?What is the main message you received from the book? Before you read this book and began this study, how did you react when you faced an energy vampire? Has this book changed your reaction to Energy Vampires? Do you consider yourself a Purpose-Driven Person? Are you living your purpose? ................

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