Beacon Unlimited Coding Intro Lesson PlanTitle: Coding Intro with Wiggggle & Sunshine?Recommended age: 10+?Description: Learn the basics of computer science and coding with interactive exercises from . The week will start with an overview of the tools being used for the program. Next we will talk about the importance of persistence (in life and coding!) and how to debug your code. Then we will spend a few days coding for Minecraft and seeing how code can be use to build games. The week will end with a Dance Party! All students will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the week.?Day BreakdownIntroductionTheme Verse: “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”Proverbs 1:7 NLTIntroductions of leadersPlan for the weekIntroductions (make sure co-facilitator captures all names for certificates at the end)NameCity you live inFavorite camp overviewSet up account progress on classes to finish laterIntro to the interface How to drag and dropPut things back to removeRun to see the code in actionReset to start again so you can rerun codeSee progression at the top of the screenAfter every lesson you complete you will get a certificate!Initial exercise: Lesson plan: : verse: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”James 1:2-3 NIVLesson plan: : to teach in advance:What is debuggingImportance of persistenceKeep tryingDebriefDiscuss what they learnedHow they were able to try againMinecraft Hero's journeyTheme verse: “The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!””Judges 6:12 NLTExercise: to teach in advance:Pre-planning actionsLoopsFunctionsDebriefHow far did they getWhat was the best partMinecraft DesignerTheme verse: ““People know where to mine silver and how to refine gold.”Job 28:1 NLTExercise: to teach in advance:Forever do loopsSpawning charactersDependent actionsDebriefWhat was the best partDance Party!Theme verse: “Praise his name with dancing, accompanied by tambourine and harp.”Psalms 149:3 NLTTeaching guide: : to teach in advanceMake a NewControlling the dancersEventsPropertiesAfter they complete, they can share the link to their completed dances in the chat or with friendsSend out personalized certificatesRecommendations to keep learning:More Hour of Code Tutorials: course - Computer Science Fundamentals: Requirements: ................

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