1. Photoshop:-This program is the graphics designing programs, where

You can design the picture for digital studio, design the newspaper,

Advertisement, poster, hoardings board, flax board.

2. How to open the Photoshop?

A. First method:

(i)Click on start

(ii)Click on program

(iii)Click on Photoshop

B. Second method:

(i)Click on Start

(ii)Click on Run

(iii)Click on Photoshop

(iv)Click on ok


(i)Gray scale:-TO design the picture in B/W.

(ii)RGB :-To design the picture in color for computer print

(iii)Smyk :-To design the picture for offset and flax board print.


1. Rectangular marquee tool (m):-This tool helps to select the any

Picture in rectangular shape.

2. Elliptical marquee tool (m):-This tool helps to select the any picture in circle shape.

3. Lasso tool(l):-This tool helps to select the picture in required shape.

There are three types of lasso tool.

a. Lasso tool

b. Polygon Lasso tool

c. Magnetic Lasso tool

4. Move tool (v):-This tool helps to move the layer from one place to another place.

5. Crop tool(c):-This tool helps to the crop the any picture in required


6. Magic wand tool (w):-This tool helps to select the same color, you

Can also select the many area by pressing shift key.

7. Healing brush tool (j):-This tool helps to remove any dark spot, cut

Out sign by pressing Alt key.

8. Path tool (b):-This tool helps to path the any picture.

9. Brush tool (b):-This tool helps to draw the different brush as like leaf

Or paddy.

10. Clone stamp tool(s):-This tool helps to make the duplicate photo with

The help of Alt key.

] - Increase brush shape

[ - Decrease brush shape

11. Pattern stamp tool:-This tool helps to make the nature,rock and artistic Background.

12. History brush tool(y):-This option helps to clear the all effect of any


13. Eraser tool (E):-This tool helps to erase the any picture. there are three Types of eraser tool.

(i)Eraser tool


(iii)Magic eraser

14. Gradient tool (G):-This tool helps to make the different color


15. Type tool (T):-This tool helps to type the text on picture. There are

Two types of text tool.

(i)Horizontal [Ram]

(ii)Vertical [ ]

16. Blur tool:-This tool helps to make the misty color.

17. Sharpen tool:-This tool helps to make rough figure.

18. Smudge tool:-This tool helps to increase the same color.

19. Dodge:-This tool helps to add the brightness in picture.

20. Burn tool:- this tool helps to burnt the picture.

21. Sponge tool:- This tool helps to make the B/W picture.

22. Pen tool:- This tool helps to select the any picture in required shape.

How to select the picture?

➢ Zoom the picture 400 %

➢ Press Tab key

➢ Press ‘F’ key for two times

➢ Press space key and move the picture

➢ Press ‘P’ for pen tool

➢ Select the picture

➢ Press ‘ctrl + enter for marquee

➢ Press ‘ctrl + alt + D for feather 2 or 3

➢ Add the feather ‘1 to 250

➢ Press ctrl +C

➢ Where you want to paste ; press ctrl +V

23. Zoom tool:-This tool helps to zoom the picture .

24. Hand tool:-This tool helps to move the picture up and down.

25. Custom Shape tool:-This tool helps to draw the different shape in path and shape.

26 Line tool:-This tool helps to draw straight line for helps ‘shift key’.

27. Notes tool:-This tool helps to type the text note or voice note.(voice

Record)in picture.

28. Eye dropper:-This tool helps to choose the same color from picture.


1. New: - This option helps to create the new page.

How to create the new page?

➢ Click on file menu

➢ Click on new

➢ Choose the page width, height and inches

➢ Choose the mode Gray scale, RGB and CMYK

➢ Choose the content white, background and Transparent

➢ Click on ok

2. Open:-This option helps to open the picture.

➢ Click on file menu

➢ Click on open

➢ Choose the picture from the required drive

➢ Click on open.

3. Automate:-This option helps to make the many copies of any picture.

How to many copies?

➢ Click on file menu

➢ Click on Automate

➢ Click on picture package

➢ Choose the page size

➢ Choose the picture copies number

➢ Click on ok

4. Print with preview:-This option helps to print the photo.

How to print photo?

➢ Click on file menu

➢ Click on print with preview

➢ Click on center image

➢ Set the picture

➢ Click on ok

5. Print:-This option helps to print the picture and photo.

How to print the photo?

➢ Click on file menu

➢ Click on print


1. Fill: - This option helps to fill the color in selected area.

How to fill the color?

➢ Select the area

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click on fill

➢ Choose the opacity

➢ Click on ok

2. Stroke:-This option helps to add the line in selected area.

How to add the line border?

➢ Select the area

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click on stroke

➢ Type the point

➢ Click on ok

3. Free Transform:-This option helps to transform the picture in required Direction.

How to transform the picture?

➢ Paste the any picture

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click on free transform

4. Transform:-This option helps to transform as like horizontal, vertical,

By degree, skew, distort and perspectives the picture.

How to transform the picture?

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click on transform

➢ Choose the horizontal, vertical, skew, etc.

5. Define brush:- This option helps to define the any picture is brush.

How to define brush?

➢ Select the picture

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click on define brush

➢ Type the define brush

➢ Click on ok

6. Define pattern:- This option helps to define the any picture in pattern.

How to define the any picture in pattern?

➢ Select the picture

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click on define pattern

➢ Type the pattern name

➢ Click on ok

7. Preset manager:- This option helps to delete the brush and pattern.

How to delete the brush and pattern?

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click preset manager

➢ Choose the brush or pattern

➢ Click on delete

8. Preference: - This option helps to change the undo setting & list of

Recently used files.

How to change the undo setting?

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click on preference

➢ Click on general

➢ Type the number in undo 50% and Click on ok

How to change the list of recently used files?

➢ Click on edit menu

➢ Click on preference

➢ Click on file handing

➢ Type the files number (1-30)

➢ Click on ok


1. Mode:-This option helps to change the picture mode .you can change

Picture to RGB, Gryscal and CMYK.

How to change the picture mode?

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on mode

➢ Choose the RGB, Grayscale and CMYK

➢ Click on ok

2. Adjustment:-This option helps to change the lighting of any picture.

you can use curve, brightness or contrast, hue and staturation.

How to change the color?

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on Adjustment

➢ Click on curve or brightness

3. Duplicate:-This option helps to change the duplicate picture.

How to change the duplicate picture?

➢ Open the picture

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on duplicate

➢ Click on ok

4. Apply image:-This option helps to change the different color.

How to change the different color?

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on Apply image

➢ Choose the any style

5. Calculation:-This option helps to make the picture black & white.

How to make black & white picture?

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on calculation

➢ Choose the any style

6. Image size:-This option helps to change the size of picture.

How to change the size of picture?

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on image size

➢ Type the width & height

➢ Click on ok

7. Rotate canvas:-This option to rotate the picture.

How to rotate the picture?

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on rotate canvas

➢ Choose the rotate degree

8. Canvas size:-This option helps to change the size of canvas.

How to change the canvas size?

(i)Click on image menu

(ii)Click on canvas size

(iii)Type the width and height

(iv)Click on ok

9. Crop:-This option helps to crop the picture.

How to crop the picture?

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on crop

➢ Click on ok


1. New:-This menu helps to create the new layer. we can creak any

space with the different layers.

How to create the new layer?

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on new

➢ Click on layer

➢ Type the layer name

➢ Click on ok

2. Layer via copy:-This option helps to create the duplicate layer.

How to create the duplicate layer?

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on new

➢ Click on layer via copy

➢ Click on ok

3. Duplicate layer:-This option helps to create duplicate layer.

How to create the duplicate layer?

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on duplicate layer

➢ Type the layer name

➢ Click on ok

4. Delete:-This option helps to delete the layer.

How to delete the layer?

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on delete

➢ Click on ok

➢ Again, click on ok

5. Layer properties:-This option helps to change the layer properties


How to change the layer properties color?

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on layer properties

➢ Choose the layer color

➢ Click on ok

➢ Select the layer

6. Layer style:-This option helps to add the shadow, inner shadow, outer

shadow etc.

How to add the shadow?

➢ Select the layer

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on layer style

➢ Choose the inner shadow & outer shadow

➢ Click on ok

How to make text in fire?

➢ Press 'D' for default color

➢ Press 'X' for toggle color

➢ Create new page in Grayscal mode with background content

➢ Type the test

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on Rotate convas

➢ Click on 90 degree CW

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on Resterize

➢ Click on type

➢ Click on filter menu

➢ Click on stylize

➢ Click on wind

➢ Choose from left

➢ Click on ok

➢ Press 'ctrl+F' for three times

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on Rotate convas

➢ Click on 90 degree ccw

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on mode

➢ Click on index menu

➢ Click on mode

➢ Click on color table

➢ Choose the Black Body

➢ Click on ok

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on mode

➢ Click on RGB

➢ Click on filter menu

➢ Click on Distort

➢ Click on Ripple

➢ Click on ok

7. Arrange:-This option helps to Arrange the two layers.

How to Arrange the two layer?

➢ Put the layer

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on Arrange

➢ Click on send to back or bring to front

8. Merge down:-This option helps to join the two layers.

9. Flatten image:-This option helps to lock the all layer.

How to lock the layer?

➢ Click on layer menu

➢ Click on flatten images

➢ Click on ok


1. Inverse:-This option helps to select the outside area of first selection.

➢ Select the picture

➢ Click on Select menu

➢ Click on inverse

2. Color range:-This option helps to select the same color.

How to select the same color?

➢ Click on Select menu

➢ Click on color range

➢ Choose the any color as like Red, Green, Blue etc.

➢ Click on ok

3. Modify:-This option helps to add the border and rounded corner of


How to Add the border?

➢ Open any picture

➢ Press 'ctrl+A'

➢ Click on select menu

➢ Click on modify

➢ Click on border

➢ Type the border paint number (40,50 or 60)

➢ Click on ok

➢ Fill the color inside the border

How to make corner selection?

➢ Select the picture

➢ Click on select menu

➢ Click on modify

➢ Click on smooth

➢ Type the number (30,35,45)

➢ Click on ok

4. Transform selection:-This option helps to round the selection.

How to Rotate the selection?

➢ Select hte picture

➢ Click on select menu

➢ Click on Transfer selection

➢ Rotate the selection

5. Save selection:-This option to save the selection.

How to save the selection?

➢ Select the area

➢ Click on select menu

➢ Click on save selection

➢ Type the name

➢ Click on ok

6. Load selection:-This option helps to the save the selection.

How to open the save selection?

➢ Click on select menu

➢ Click on load selection

➢ Choose the selection name

➢ Click on ok


1. Extract:-This option helps to extract every hair of any picture.

How to extract the picture?

➢ Open the any hairy picture

➢ Click on filter menu

➢ Click on extract

➢ Fill the color

➢ Click on ok

2. Liquify:-This option helps to distort the

picture. w can also make

funny animation using Image ready.

How to distort picture?

➢ Select the picture

➢ Click on Liquify

➢ Distort the picture

➢ Click on picture

How to make the animation using image ready?

➢ Design required picture in Gif format

➢ Click on image ready tool

➢ Open the picture

➢ Make the required duplicate frame

➢ Copy the required frame

➢ Click on forever

➢ Choose the time

➢ Click on play

How to save Gif animation?

➢ Click on file menu

➢ Click on save optimize as

➢ Type the file name

➢ Click on save

3. Pattern maker:-This option helps to make the pattern.

How to make the pattern?

➢ Select the area

➢ Click on filter menu

➢ Click on pattern maker

➢ Click on Generate

4. Artistic:-This option helps to make the picture in artistic style, colored like pencil, you can also use sketch & brush strokers.

5. Blur:-This filter helps to make the blaring. you can also make

different style of background here.

6. Distort:-This option helps to distort the picture.

7. Rendor:-This option helps to make the different color & give different lightining.

8. Texture:-This option helps to make the different style background as

like brick all, carculas wall etc.

9. Stylize:-This option helps to add wind effect add embolus.

10. Magic pro:-This filter helps to make the picture very smart.

How to use magic pro?

➢ Install magic pro first

➢ Select the picture

➢ Click on filter menu

➢ Click on magic

➢ Click on magic pro

➢ Type the number (30,35,45)

➢ Click on ok


1. New guide:-This option helps to create the new guide.

How to create the new guide?

➢ Click on view menu

➢ Click on new guide

➢ Type the inches

➢ Click on ok

How to lock the layer?

➢ Click on view menu

➢ Click on clear guide


1. Windows menu:-This menu helps to hide/unhide tool, option , style,

Color, swatch, plate.

2. Action:-This option helps to create the action .you can also work very


How to create Action?

➢ Click on Windows menu

➢ Click on Action

➢ Click on create name & choose the function key.

➢ Click on Record

➢ Design the picture

➢ Click on Stop

➢ Click on function key, which you want set.

Size of Photo:-

(i)Passport Size =1.2' x 1.6'

(ii)Auto Size =0.66' x 1'

How to make B/W picture to color picture?

➢ Open the any B/W picture

➢ Click on image menu

➢ Click on mode

➢ Click on RGB

➢ Press 'F7' key

➢ Double click on locked background

➢ Click on ok

➢ Select the picture with pen tool

➢ Select lasso tool and choose feather 10 or 15

➢ Press shift key and select the hair regarding face

➢ Press alt + S +S for save selection

➢ Type the name

➢ Press alt +ctrl+D and add the feather 3,2,1

➢ Press ctrl + H for hide selection

➢ Press ctrl +B (for color balance)

➢ Choose the yellow color

➢ Click on ok

➢ Press ctrl+B

➢ Choose the color


➢ Select the both eyes

➢ Press ctrl +M

➢ Choose the blue color

➢ Click on ok


➢ Choose both red area eyes

➢ Press ctrl +B

➢ Choose Red color

➢ Click on ok


➢ Select lips

➢ Add feather 3,2,1

➢ Press ctrl +B

➢ Choose red and magenta


➢ Select both chick

➢ Add feather 10-5

➢ Press ctrl +B

➢ Choose the Red color


➢ Choose sponge tool with size 100 and follow

➢ Spray on eyebrow

➢ Choose burn too and explosive 15

➢ Spray on eyebrow


➢ Select the Bindi

➢ Add feather 1,2,3

➢ Press alt+I+A+N (for variation)

➢ Choose original


➢ Select the Ring

➢ Add the feather

➢ Press alt+I+A+N

➢ Choose original

Extra Knowledge of Photoshop

1. How to set the any picture in frame?

➢ Open the frame

➢ Click on image menu and convert the frame in RGB mode

➢ Select the frame for pen tool

➢ Add the feather 3,2,1

➢ Copy the frame only for selected area

➢ Open the picture

➢ Click on image menu and convert the picture RGB mode and regulation is same (picture & frame)

➢ Paste the frame in required picture

➢ Where you want to set picture for press ctrl+T

➢ Click on select menu and click on Load selection

➢ Press F7 key

➢ Double click on picture layer (for unlock layer)

➢ Helps to left mouse and put the picture in frame.

2. How to set the action for function key?

➢ Open the picture

➢ Crop the picture, with 0.86 and height 1.25 and regulation 300.

➢ Select the crop picture (for ctrl+A)

➢ Copy the picture

➢ Go to windows menu and click on Action

➢ Click on create new action

➢ Type the action name and choose any function key

➢ Click on record

➢ Open the new page (5 x7 0r 8 x 10)

➢ Paste the picture in new page

➢ Set the picture

➢ click on stop

➢ Click on any function key, which you want to set

3. How to make animation using image ready?

➢ Open the picture

➢ Save as the picture in desktop

➢ Click on filter

➢ Click on Liquify or press 'shift +ctrl +X'

➢ Effect in eye and click on ok

➢ Again, save as picture in desktop

➢ Open the image ready program or press 'shift + ctrl +F'

➢ Open all the save as picture

➢ Click on windows menu

➢ Click on Animation

➢ Click on first picture and click on create duplicate frame

➢ Click on Second picture and click on copy frame

➢ Again, click on first picture and click on paste frame

➢ Choose the second and all picture

➢ Choose forever and click on play

4. How to make Required image size or paper size?

← Open New page

← Click on edit menu

← Click on Image size

← Remove Tick mark from constrain proportions

← Type the Width and height

← Click on ok

5. How to crop the picture in required size?

← Open any picture

← Click on Crop tool

← Type the width and height

← Press enter key

← Now, crop the picture

Shortcut key

|Shortcut |Use |

|Alt +drug mouse |Make duplicate picture |

|Alt +Ctrl +D |Add the Feather for select area |

|Ctrl +T |Transform the picture |

|Ctrl +E |Merge two layer |

|Ctrl +Shift +E |Merge all Layer |

|Ctrl +Delete |Fill the color for select area |

|Ctrl +Enter |Selection the picture |

|Ctrl +Shift +U |Make Black &White picture |

|Ctrl +Shift +N |Create New layer |

|Ctrl +[ |Send to back picture for one picture |

|Ctrl +Shift +[ |Send back for all picture |

|Ctrl +Shift +] |Bring to front picture |

|Ctrl +Shift +I |Inverse the selection |

|Ctrl +M |Increase &Decrease light of picture |

|Ctrl +Shift +M |Open Image ready program |

|Press 'F7' |Show the Layer box |

|Ctrl +X |For default color |

|V |Go in move tool |

|M |Rectangle marquee tool |

|L |Lasso tool |

|W |Magic wand tool |

|C |Crop tool |

|J |Healing brush tool, Patch tool |

|B |Brush tool, pencil tool |

|S |Clone stamp tool, Pattern stamp tool |

|Y |History brush too, Alt history brush tool |

|E |Eraser tool, Background Eraser tool |

|G |Gradient tool, Pent bucket tool |

|T |Text tool |

|U |Custom shape tool |

|R |Blur tool, Sharpen, Smudge tool |

|O |Dodge tool, Burn tool, Smodge tool |

|H |Hand tool |

|Z |Zoom tool |

|I |Eyedropper tool |

|N |Note tool, Audio annotation tool |

| | |



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