Starbucks beverage routine video


Starbucks beverage routine video

If you're a Starbucks fan, we know you're struggling these days. Since we're all trying to bring some positivity to our days in quarantine, why not learn how to make Starbucks drinks at home? With a few tips you can turn your coffee into something much more sophisticated and get as close as you can to your favorite Starbucks drink.If you're bored and looking for some fun and easy recipes to try, check these out. Here's how to make some of the best Starbucks drinks at home: How to Make Starbucks Iced Coffee Starbucks' Iced Coffee is really popular, especially in the summer. People need something refreshing and this is a perfect alternative to a warm cup of coffee. It wakes you up with caffeine and refreshment.You can also check out here how to make more iced coffee recipes. Ingredients: - 1/4 cup sugar - 4 spoons of instant coffee - 1 cup of water - Vanilla syrup or any other flavors (as per your choice) - Milk (as much as you prefer) - Ice cubes Steps: 1. In a large jug, mix the water, coffee and additions, if any. 2. Mix them really well and leave them to sit for around 8 hours. 3. The next morning, filter the coffee in another jug or cup, preferably using a filter or the cotton clothes, used for filtering milk and cheese. 4. You now have a basic jug of coffee that you can store in the fridge for about a week. 5. Place ice cubes in a cup of your choice, pour in your coffee and you can now add to it the milk. How to Make Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Ingredients: - 2 espresso shots (can be replaced with 80 ml brewed coffee) - 1/3 cup milk - 1 Tbsp of sugar - 1 cup ice cubes - 2 Tbsp of concentrated chocolate syrup - Whipped cream or chocolate sauce (for serving) Steps: 1. In a blender, add the ice cubes and coffee. 2. Now add the milk, sugar and chocolate syrup. 3. Mix them well in the blender for around 30 seconds until the mixture is smooth. 4. Pour into a serving cup and add your cream and chocolate sauce topping. If you're a chocolate fan, you will LOVE this... How to Make Starbucks Vanilla Latte Ingredients: - 1/4 cup milk - 1 espresso shot - 2 Tbsp of vanilla syrup Steps: 1. Boil your milk on the stove. 2. In your mug, pour in the vanilla and espresso. 3. Now add to them the milk and mix them really well. 4. You can add some foam from the milk on top if you'd like. How to Make Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte This is a special fall drink that people are obsessed with. Starbucks only have it in the fall, so people made it their mission to try and recreate it at home so they can have it whenever they like. We've already shared with you the recipe before and you can check it out here. How to Make Starbucks Caramel Macchiato Ingredients: - 1/4 kg of full cream milk - 2 Tbsp of vanilla syrup - 2 espresso shots (can be replaced with instant coffee using double the amount) - Caramel sauce Steps: 1. Make the espresso or instant coffee shots as usual. 2. Heat the milk and pour it into a large cup, then whisk it to get a nice foam. 3. Pour the vanilla syrup over the milk, and add the espresso to them. 5. Drizzle the caramel sauce on top. How to Make Starbucks American CoffeeImage Credits: Via Pinterest Ingredients: - 2 Tbsp of coarse coffee - 1/2 cup of water Note: You will need to use a French press for this recipe. You can find it at many stores, including Starbucks and even Ikea. Steps: 1. In your French press add the coffee and water, stirring them well together. 2. Now add hot water, filling up the French press all the way. 3. Close the French press but without pushing down the plunger. Leave it for 4 minutes to brew. 4. Now press down the plunger gradually all the way in and pour your coffee into your cup. How to Make Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Ingredients: - 8 drops of liquid stevia (a sugar substitute available in many supermarkets) - 1 tsp cocoa powder - 1/2 tsp vanilla - 1/4 tsp ground mint - 1 cup of hot coffee - 1/2 cup hot milk Steps: 1. Mix all of the above ingredients, stirring them together really well. 2. Place them in your mug and you can top it with some whipped cream. Main Image Credits: Instagram @coffee.sad Find out how to make the most delicious recipes from our Kitchen section here. It warms our heart to see Olaf -- especially when he pops up on one of our snacks! School Bread We were THRILLED when School Bread made its triumphant return to EPCOT -- featuring an adorable white chocolate Olaf topper! But we know that not everyone can make it to the Disney parks to get their Olaf fix. So, here's a hack you can use to sprinkle some magic flurries on your morning drink order! We consider coffee to be an essential part of our daily routine. And now, we have a handy trick to add a dash of Disney to our drink! Instagram user @code_word_disney shared their process for ordering an "Olaf Frappuccino" from Starbucks! ?code_word_disney This drink isn't on the menu so you'll have to custom order it -- but don't worry, they shared their step-by-step processes for placing a mobile order for the drink: First, select a Venti Vanilla Bean Cr?me Frappuccino Add five Frappuccino Chips in the Blended Option section Choose "Regular" Caramel Drizzle in the Toppings section Add "Extra" Cinnamon Dolce Sprinkles in the Toppings section So, what makes this an "Olaf Frappuccino"? A few things! First, the look mimics the adorable snowman, with each ingredient representing a different part of him -- his snowy body, coal buttons, stick arms, and carrot nose are all there, in an abstract form of course! ?code_word_disney Plus, the taste fits the "Olaf Frappuccino" criteria. This frozen treat tastes like a blended ice cream sundae and the hint of cinnamon mixed with the whipped cream and caramel definitely sounds like a warm hug to us! Hi Olaf! So, the next time you head to Starbucks for a little pick-me-up, give this drink a try to see if it's worth melting for! Check out our review of the Robert Brownie Jr. drink we found at the Starbucks in Disney Springs! With more than 750 pages, the 2021 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining is full of tips and planning tools developed by Disney World experts over 30+ years of visits. We've done the research for you, so you'll know just which spots will uniquely suit your family's needs! With mini-reviews of every single restaurant, bar, lounge, kiosk and more; an entire chapter on the best snacks in Disney World; full Disney Dining Plan analysis (and how to get FREE dining); and a full chapter on discounts and deals; you'll have everything you need to plan your best vacation yet. Click here to order your copy of the 2021 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining E-book with code WDW2021 to save 25% off the cover price today! Use code WDW2021 at check-out for 25% off the cover price today! Our guides are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. Do you plan on giving this Starbucks hack a try? Let us know your thoughts in the comments! 3 Delicious And Creamy Keto Starbucks Recipes to Try at Home is the perfect way to get your caffeine fix from home AND stay keto. Save money & stay keto! You will love sipping on these copycat frappuccino recipes that are sugar-free, low-carb, and best of all ridiculously easy. Watch the video to see how easy it is, and keep reading to get the recipes and our tips for tasty coffee all week long. Jump to: Is Starbucks keto? Starbucks is very high in sugar but if you know how to order smarter choices, you can still enjoy Starbucks and stay on your keto diet. And with these easy recipes, you never have to rely on fast food joints again. Save your money and save your carbs. 3 Keto Starbucks Recipes to Try at Home These homemade keto Starbucks recipes are going to quickly become your favourite treat or daily caffeinated beverage. Not only were they designed to be easy to make and low cost, but also you don't need any special ingredients. All the ingredients are probably sitting in your pantry right now. The ingredients used in all three recipes are common ingredients that are usually easy to find even when stores supplies are low. And if your morning routine is grabbing a granola bar and a coffee on your way to work, make a quick blender recipe for grain-free granola bars. Keep a stash of this healthy granola bars in your low-carb pantry. Keto Starbucks Copycat Frappuccinos - to make at home If you don't know what a frappuccino is they are delicious milky (or milk substitute) blended beverages that are served at Starbucks. They come in all kinds of flavours, but today I am going to show you have to make three of the flavours at home. Those three flavours are vanilla, mocha, and chai. To make the recipes you will need heavy brewed coffee/chai tea that has been chilled so that your ice doesn't melt while blending. Keto Mocha Frappuccino I will typically brew about 0.5 - 1 litre/1-2 pints of coffee/tea at once then store it all in a container in the fridge. A large canning jar is perfect for storing your brewed coffee/tea for the week. This way I do not have to brew the coffee each day and wait for it to cool. Keto Chai Frappuccino ULTIMATE LOWCARB BUNDLE: Want to start low-carb FAST? Learn how to start TODAY ... even if you're a complete beginner. This has everything you need to Ditch The Carbs ... and live your best life! DON'T WAIT - BUY NOW. How to Make Strongly Brewed Coffee or Tea To make these frappuccinos you really want to use strongly brewed tea or coffee so that your drink isn't weak in flavour when mixed together. How you make strongly brewed coffee or tea will depending on your coffee maker. 1: The most common way to make strong brewed coffee (or tea) is to use twice the amount of grounds/bags when brewing. 2: If you use a coffee machine, use a double shot or double capsules. 3: If you have a programmable coffee machine, you may have the option to use the bold/strong button. If no button exists on your coffee maker you can also brew your coffee twice. Add ice and coffee to blender.Add remaining ingredients. Blend and enjoy! Which Milk Is Best To Use? The recipes here are shown using unsweetened almond milk because almond milk is much lower in carbs than regular dairy milk. If you wish to use fresh milk, it will just change the nutrition values accordingly. The rest of the carbs in the recipe nutrition panel, come from the heavy cream and the coffee. 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk = 0.7g net carbs, 0.7g protein, 1.3g fat1/2 cup full-fat milk = 5.9g net carbs, 3.8g protein, 4g fat Read more: The Ultimate Guide To Carbs In Coffee Copycat Vanilla Frappuccino - Keto Starbucks The first recipe to try in the keto vanilla frappuccino. To make a vanilla frappuccino add your ice, coffee, unsweetened almond milk (or preferred dairy milk), heavy cream, sweetener, and vanilla to a blender and blend for about 20-30 seconds. Taste your keto frappuccino to ensure it is sweetened to your liking, add more sweetener if needed and blend again. Pour your drink into a cup and watch as a frothy whipped top forms on your drink. Top with a swirl of whipped cream if you like for an added garnish. Keto vanilla frappuccino. Keto Mocha Frappuccino The mocha frappuccino is much like the vanilla one but with the addition of cocoa powder. Again add all the ingredients to the blender and blend for 20-30 seconds. This one is especially important to blend well to ensure that all the cocoa powder doesn't settle to the bottom of your keto coffee cup. I like to top my mocha frappuccino with cinnamon because the flavour of the mocha and cinnamon is absolutely delicious. You may also choose to sprinkle more cocoa powder over your drink if you aren't a fan of cinnamon. Keto Mocha Frappuccino Keto Chai Frappuccino The chai frappuccino is going to follow the same pattern as the other two. Blend the strongly brewed chai tea in a blender with ice, almond milk, vanilla, sweetener, and heavy cream for 20-30 seconds. Then pour and serve your drink. Any chai tea blend will work. Always check to see if sugars have been added, some instant tea blends are sneaky and add them to their ingredients. Keto Chai Frappuccino 3 Keto Starbucks Recipes to Try At Home I know you will love these easy delicious recipes. Especially since they are made with basic easy to find ingredients. If you aren't sure what keto-friendly sweetener you should use check out my Ultimate Guide to Low-Carb Sweeteners. If you don't like blended drinks, you can also mix your drink without the ice and then pour it over the ice later. To make your drink hot, simply leave out the ice and use hot coffee/ tea for your drink. You may want to heat your almond milk in the microwave as well. Feel free to play around with different flavours, just make sure you follow the basic recipe for the vanilla frappuccino. Enjoy! Recipe More Recipes You May Like: More recipes you may like:

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