
Sew Your Own Sock MonsterThere are lots of different ways of making sock monsters. This tutorial will cover the basics. You can follow it step-by-step, or do your own thing. Be creative!Supplies:1 pair of socksStuffingNeedleThread Marker (or pencil or chalk), for marking where to cutPinsButtons (for eyes)ScissorsOptional embellishments (not included in kit):Felt, various colors for eyes and tummyExtra buttons, for tummy embellishmentsEmbroidery floss, for a pop of color when sewing on embellishmentsright5080Directions1. Flip the sock inside out. Grab the heel section and fold it together like in the picture. It should have three little "humps" from the heel to sew together in a straight line. Try to think about how it will look right-side out. You are trying to form two lips.2. Sew up the mouth (you can see it finished in the picture). Then outline the top of your monster, like its “ears” or “horns.” For this one I made them lopsided, or different heights, and more of a square shape, but you can do whatever you want (see other monsters at end for more ideas).3. Sew along the outline you drew. Make sure to stitch small and close together, so when you turn the sock right-side out, it will not have big gaps. Also make sure to have good strong knots at the ends.4. Draw your outline for the legs, too. 63817505. Sew up the legs (with the same tight stitch) and make sure?NOT?to sew across the groin area to connect the legs! 6. Cut just outside your outline (make sure not to snip any of your sewing). Also, although you did not sew in the groin area, you need to cut across here.left-133357. Turn your sock right side out and make sure the ears and legs are pushed out completely to their whole shape. A pen (with the cap on) can be helpful for doing this.8. Take handfuls of the stuffing and stuff it into the monster, starting at the top. Work out the bumps as you go along. You can decide how much stuffing you want. Maybe you want to have a cute chubby monster, so stuff it more!right09. Once the monster is all stuffed, take a matching thread and fold over raw edges of sock. Just do a simple loop stitch to close the monster all up. It's okay if it doesn't look perfect because it’s a MONSTER!left12128510. If you have really long socks (like these knee highs), you should have enough sock left over (from below the legs) to make the arms. If you don't, just use your other sock. Repeat like ears and legs above by outlining your arms and then stitching along the outline.right16319511. Just like before, cut out the arms and flip them right side out.12. Stuff the arms with batting. Leave a little bit of the raw edge without stuffing so you can fold it over.left013. Fold over the raw edge of the arms. Thread needle through (with thread already knotted at end) from the inside of the arm to out, through both parts of the folded over hem. This way the end of the thread will be hidden inside the arm.right762014. Place the arms where you want them. You can even pin them in place. Then just start with a loop stitch, grabbing a small part of the monster’s body and you then go through arm too. 15. Pick out the colors and buttons you want for your monster’s eyes. Be creative here and add your own flair! The numbered steps show how to do eyes like in the pictures, but you can also just sew the buttons on for eyes by themselves.1. Sew button onto first layer of felt2. Trim around button to form a circle3. Sew first layer of felt on to the second layer. I used a contrasting color thread so it would show!4. (Add the other buttons for other eye onto second layer) Trim around the eyes on second layer of felt.16. Sew on the eye "patch" with a contrasting thread to make it stand out. Hide your thread tail at the end by pulling it through the body of your monster with your needle and trimming any excess that sticks out on the other side.17. (Optional) Cut out a piece of felt for tummy (or you can just add buttons on chest for embellishments, like on the green and blue monsters below). Pin the felt onto the monster and sew it on with contrasting thread, like with eye "patch."18. YOU'RE DONE!! Congrats you have created your own sock monster.19. Love and snuggle your monster.20. Make more monsters and introduce them to each other! Be sure to name them all and come up with backstories for them!This is one way of making sock monsters, but there are plenty of others. Here are some more tutorials: you do better with video instructions than written/pictures, check out this YouTube tutorial: ................

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