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Work and Asset Management, V2. WAM.v2.1.Manage Stock Items Creation Date:December 05, 2015Last Updated:savedate \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"November 7, 2018Title, Subject, Last Updated Date, Reference Number, and Version are marked by a Word Bookmark so that they can be easily reproduced in the header and footer of documents. When you change any of these values, be careful not to accidentally delete the bookmark. You can make bookmarks visible by selecting Tools->Options…View and checking the Bookmarks option in the Show region.To add additional approval lines, press [Tab] from the last cell in the table above.autotext "PIC Oracle Logo" \* Mergeformat Copyright ? 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved.This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Contents TOC \o "2-3" Brief Description PAGEREF _Toc479005202 \h 4Business Process Model Page 1 PAGEREF _Toc479005203 \h 6Business Process Model Page 2 PAGEREF _Toc479005204 \h 7Business Process Model Page 3 PAGEREF _Toc479005205 \h 8Detail Business Process Model Description PAGEREF _Toc479005206 \h 9Test Documentation related to the Current Process PAGEREF _Toc479005207 \h 20Document Control PAGEREF _Toc479005208 \h 21Attachments PAGEREF _Toc479005209 \h 22Create Stock Item PAGEREF _Toc479005210 \h 22Create Storeroom Location PAGEREF _Toc479005211 \h 22SID PAGEREF _Toc479005212 \h 22To update the table of contents, put the cursor anywhere in the table and press [F9]. To change the number of levels displayed, select the menu option Insert>Index and Tables, make sure the Table of Contents tab is active, and change the Number of Levels to a new value.Brief DescriptionBusiness Process: WAM.v2.1.Manage Stock Items Process Type: Process Parent Process: 5.7.1 WAM.v2.1.Manage InventorySibling Processes: WAM.v2.1.Request, Issue and Return Materials, WAM.v2.1.Manage Physical Inventory, WAM.v2.1.Transfer Stock Items, WAM.v2.1.Manage Quantity and Price AdjustmentsSpare parts and Storeroom management are important to the work management process. Having the materials available to perform work is critical to any business. This URM takes you through the process of setting up catalog stock items and storeroom stock item details.Catalog or Stock ItemA catalog or stock item is the record that describes item that you are keeping in the inventory catalog. Typically this item is stored is a warehouse and known as an “Inventory” stock item. There are other types of stock items such as Direct Purchase and Expense type items but those are not managed in the same manner as an Inventory Stock Item. This discussion is related to Inventory type Stock Items.The Stock Item has information such as the description, the default accounting, commodity coding, and the unit of issue. This information is generic regardless of where the item is actually stored. This record does not contain any quantity information.Storeroom LocationThe Storeroom Location or “Storeroom” record define the location of a storeroom or warehouse. This is a location that Stock Items can be found. There is information such as an address and default accounting information for new Stock Item Details created for the Storeroom.Stock Item DetailThe Stock Item Detail record brings together the Stock Item and the Storeroom to define a record that describes where to go to find the inventory materials. This record contains all the quantity information such as the number of items on hand, the number of items on order, and the number of items being requested based on work order plans. This record is the heart of the inventory system. All other inventory processes act upon this Stock Item Detail record.The table below shows an example of how multiple storerooms might be used to store materials and where materials might be found.Stock ItemsStoreroomsCentral Satellite 1Satellite 2Satellite 3BearingsXXBushingsXXPumpsXXMotorsXXValvesXXGlovesXBatteriesXThe process of creating Stock Items, Storerooms, and Stock Item Details is the first step in setting up an inventory item. The following URM describes this process.Business Process Model Page 1Business Process Model Page 2Business Process Model Page 3Detail Business Process Model Description1.0 Check Catalog Actor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User checks the Catalog for list of Stock Items to ensure that the Stock Item does not already exist. This is an important part of the process because you want to avoid two Stock Items for the same materials. You should try several search mechanisms to ensure the item is new. For example, search by descriptions, or manufacturer, or commodity codes to feel confident that the new item does not already exist.1.1 Populate Required Information and Request Create Stock Item Actor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User populates the required information and makes a request to create Stock Item. Please refer to the attachment for further information on entities to be configured. Stock Item CodeExpense codeStock Item categoryConfiguration required (Y/N) Entities to Configure: 1.2 Create Stock Item in Created Status Actor/Role: WAMDescription:WAM creates Stock Item in ‘Create’ status. This is the default state of all new Stock Items.W1-STKITINFO (Stock Item Information)W1-DELSIBOM (Delete Stock Item BOM)W1-ADDSTBOM (Add Stock Item BOM)W1-STKITVAL (Stock Item Validation)W1-VLEXPCODE ( Validate Expense Code (Stock Item))Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-StockItemBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object 1.3 Request Activate Stock Item Actor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to ‘Activate’ Stock Item. Once the Stock Item is activated, it can be used to create Stock Item detail records.1.4 Transit Stock Item to Active StatusActor/Role: WAMDescription:WAM transitions Stock Item to ‘Active’ status. W1-StockItemBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate SID1.5 Populate Required Information and Request Create StoreroomActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User populates required information and makes a request to create store room location. This is the record that defined “where” you are going to stock the Stock Item materials. This is often known as the Storeroom or warehouse. You need this component to create a Stock Item Detail record in the following steps. AddressAccounting InformationStoreroom InformationConfiguration required (Y/N) Entities to Configure: Group: Create and Activate SID1.6 Create StoreroomActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM creates a new Storeroom Location record in Active status. W1-NODEINFO (Node Information)W1-DFNDOWAG (Default Node Owning Access Group)W1-STCCEXVAL (Validate Storeroom Cost Centers and Expense Codes)W1-VALEXPCOD (Validate Expense Code (Storeroom))Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-StoreroomInventoryManagemntBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate SID1.7 Populate Required Information and Request Create Stock Item Detail(s) (SID) for StoreroomActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User populates required information and makes a request to create Stock Item Detail(s) (SID) for storeroom. This is where the quantity and reorder information is maintained. The Stock Item detail record combines the Stock Item and the storeroom location to define where a specific Stock Item can be found. A Stock Item can be stored in many storeroom locations by simply creating many Stock Items detail records.Group: Create and Activate SID1.8 Create SID in Created StatusActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM creates SID in ‘Created’ state. While creating SID, text documents or notes can be added as part of the SID.W1-SIDINFO (Stock Item Detail Information)W1-SIDDFLTC (Stock Item Detail - Default Class)W1-VALSTROIN (Validate Stock Item Detail Reorder Info)W1-VALSIDSR (Validate Stock Item Detail on Storeroom)W1-INVSIDAIF (Inventory Stock Item Detail Additional Info)W1-SIDDIRVAL (Stock Item Detail - Direct Purchase Validation)W1-VALLTMGSI (Validate Lot Managed Stock Item Detail)W1-VALSIDSR (Validate Stock Item Detail on Storeroom)W1-DPSIDAIF (Direct Purchase Stock Item Detail Additional Info)W1-SIDEXPVAL (Stock Item Detail - Expensed at Receipt Validation)W1-VALLTMGSI (Validate Lot Managed Stock Item Detail)W1-VALSIDSR (Validate Stock Item Detail on Storeroom)W1-EARSIDAIF (Expensed At Receipt Stock Item Detail Additional Info)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptW1-SIDDocumentsW1-SIDNotesBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate SID1.9 Review SIDActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User reviews Stock Item Detail record to ensure the information is correct before proceeding.W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate SID2.0 Request Delete SIDActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to delete Stock Item Detail. Group: Create and Activate SID2.1 Delete SIDActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM deletes Stock Item Detail record from system. W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Activate SID2.2 Request Activate SIDActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to activate Stock Item Detail record. Only Active Stock Item detail records may be referenced in other WAM processes such as, work planning, materials requisitions, and reorder processing.W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate SID2.3 Transition SID to Active StatusActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM transitions Stock Item Detail record to ‘Active’ status. W1-CHKACTSI ( Check Active Stock Item Detail on Storeroom)W1-MONSIDRR ( Monitor SID and Create Reorder Review)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate SID2.4 Create Reorder Review for SIDActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM creates reorder review for SID under Inventory category. Please refer to process WAM 2.1 Reorder Stock Items for further details. The system will evaluate the inventory quantities and if the quantities have dropped below a reorder point, a stock reorder notice is created automatically.W1-MONSIDRR ( Monitor SID and Create Reorder Review)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-SIDInventoryBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object 2.5 Review Lot(s)Actor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:Some Stock Items are defined as being “Lot Managed”. This means that each shipment of a Stock Item has a sub-inventory created with a unique Lot ID. This is used for Stock Items such as chemicals where a shipment manifest comes with expiration information. For example, a Stock Item for a chemical where 40 gallons are on hand. However, comprising those 25 gallons might be 4 lots of 10 gallon drums. Each 10 gallon drum has a Lot record created with a delivery and expiration date. Lot Stock Items differ from regular Stock Items because the on-hand quantities are maintained at each individual lot. This means when you process a Lot Stock Item, you must not only provide the Stock Item but also the lot id when processing the Stock Item.Wire is also often made a Lot Stock Item to manage the quantity on spool. The wire does not expire but it can be treated as a sub-inventory like other Lot items.Group: Create and Activate Lot2.6 Populate Required Information and Request Create LotActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:If the Stock Item is defined as a Lot Managed item, a WAM Authorized User populates required information and makes a request to create lot. W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate Lot2.7 Create Lot in Created StatusActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM creates Stock Item Lot record in ‘Created’ state. W1-SIDLOTINF (Stock Item Detail-Specific Lot Information)W1-SIDLOTVAL (Stock Item Detail-Specific Lot Validation)W1-LOTADDINF (Specific Lot Stock Item Detail Additional Info)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate Lot2.8 Request Delete LotActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to delete lot. W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate Lot2.9 Delete LotActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM deletes Lot. W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate Lot3.0 Request Activate LotActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to ‘Activate’ Lot. Note: A Stock Item Lot cannot be processed until it is in an Active state.W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate Lot3.1 Transition SID to Active StatusActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM transitions SID to ‘Active’ state. W1-SIDLEXVAL ( Validate Lot Expiration Date)W1-CHKMSTSID ( Check If the Master SID is Active)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Create and Activate Lot3.2 Monitor Expiration DateActor/Role: WAMDescription:WAM checks if the time configured for the lot is expired or not. The WAM system will automatically expire the Lot upon activation if you try to activate a lot with an expiration date in the past. The effect of expiring the Lot is to change the status to Expired. This prevents the use of the Stock Item Lot in WAM business processes.W1-SIDLOTEXP ( Check Lot Expiration)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Hold Lot 3.3 Request Hold LotActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to ‘Hold’ lot. This is needed when you want to temporarily stop the usage of this Lot Stock Item. It’s possible that problems have been reported with this Lot and you want to take it out of service until you can perform tests. You do this by changing the status to Held.Group: Hold Lot 3.4 Transit Lot to Held StatusActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM transitions Lot to ‘Held’ status. W1-SIDLOTEXP ( Check Lot Expiration)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Expire Lot3.5 Request Expire LotActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to expire lot. The system will automatically expire the lot when the expiration date becomes older than the current date, but you can also manually force the Stock Item Lot to expired status.W1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Expire Lot3.6 Transit Lot to Expire StatusActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM transitions Lot to ‘Expire’ state. Note: This action doesn’t affect inventory quantity, however User has information about lot expirationW1-SIDSpecificLotBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object 3.7 WAM.v2.1.Manage Quantity and Price Adjustments Actor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User performs inventory quantity and price adjustments as may be required. Please refer to process WAM.v2.1.Manage Quantity and Price Adjustments for more details.Group: Hold SID 3.8 Request Hold SIDActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to ‘Hold’ SID. This is needed when you want to temporarily stop the usage of this Stock Item. It’s possible that problems have been reported with this Stock Item and you want to take it out of service until you can perform tests. You do this by changing the Stock Item status to Held.W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Hold SID 3.9 Transit SID to Held StatusActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM transitions SID to ‘Held’ status.Note: This action doesn’t affect inventory quantity, however User has information about the quantity on hold.W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Deactivate SID 4.0 Request Deactivate SIDActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized makes a request to ‘Deactivate’ SID. When the Stock Item detail has completed its useful life and you no longer want to use it any more, you change the status of the Stock Item to Inactive. History is maintained, but the Stock Item detail can no longer be used in other inventory business processes. Note: All inventory quantities must be zero before transitioning the Stock Item detail record to Inactive.W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Group: Deactivate SID 4.1 Transition SID to Inactive StatusActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM transitions SID to ‘Inactive’ state. WAM checks SID stock transaction quantities while transitioning SID to ‘Inactive’ state. W1-CHKSIDST ( Check SID Stock Transaction Quantities)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-SIDInventoryW1-SIDDirectPurchaseW1-SIDExpensedAtReceiptBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object 4.2 Review Stock ItemActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User reviews Stock Item. 4.3 Request Deactivate Stock ItemActor/Role: WAM Authorized UserDescription:WAM Authorized User makes a request to ‘Deactivate’ Stock Item. There are times where the entire Stock Item will no longer be used. W1-StockItemBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object 4.4 Update Stock Item Status to InactiveActor/Role: WAM Description:WAM updates Stock Item to ‘Inactive’ state. History is maintained, but the Stock Item can no longer be used in other inventory business processes.W1-CHKACTSID ( Check Active/Held Stock Item Detail)Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):W1-StockItemBusiness Object (Y/N) Business Object Test Documentation related to the Current Process ID Document Name Test Type Document ControlChange Record SECTIONPAGES \* MERGEFORMAT 1DateAuthorVersionChange Reference10/09/2015Barry DeMartini,Galina Polonsky1Initial Version11/06/2018Kimberley Herrala ScottReview11/06/2018Galina PolonskyReviewed, ApprovedAttachmentsCreate Stock Item\sCreate Storeroom Location\sSID\s ................

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