Kyha J. Floyd

2416 Sloan Dr.

Charlotte, NC 28208


FAde In: Act I. /Scene 1




At the dirty rodent ridden three story Hoyden Projects Portia’s mother Jocqa is beating on her like a runaway slave at age 9. The neighbors come out of their homes to see where the noise was coming from. Portia runs out of the apartment butt naked with bruises flying all around her showing her future in 3D before her eyes. (Fade back to black during the narrative poem).


Case the scene

Leave this place

Run fast as you can


Don’t look back

Not at his face

Run quick

Be nimble

All the way to the end

Scope the exits

And get ready to go

Jump your head through the door

On the down low

Don’t be loud

Don’t even whisper

Don’t even think about it

Move quicker

Outside in darkness

The winds will whisper your cover

Cold as it may be

But it’ll make sure he’s missed her

The currents

Ill guide her way

To safety from the mister

She can’t go back to him

Not after the ways he disused her

Break the speed limit

Only if you have to

Don’t try to risk it

He will catch up to you disappear like he winds do

He’ll never remember who

Remember the escape plan

Leave his fire, leave the man…

Cut to:/Scene – 2 - Fast forward to seven years ahead where Portia witness a gang of young men in her mom’s old bedroom gang banging her 22 year old sister, Romaline. One of them being the man she is to fall in love with later on and her sister has a baby by. (Sexual moaning in the background)


Portia go back outside and play with your friends

Portia turns around slowly and one of the gang bangers grabs her shoulders


We’re all friends here

Romaline gasps in ecstasy


She’s just a child, Drake

Drake smirks at the thought that she is showing concern for someone


Girl has got to learn somehow right?

He pulls her shirt over her head as the door slams shut


Drake no! She’s not even 16 yet!

Cut to:/Scene – 3 – Present time where Portia and Drake are engaging in a gun fighting lover’s quarrel. Other gangs down the street anti-up to join in the fight thinking it’s one of their boys in trouble with a rival gang. One of Drake’s men (Truck) standing guard on top of his limo throws a grenade at them to hold off their tyranny.


You self-serving bastard wanna shoot at me? How about I knock off all of your men and hang your ass?

Drake can hear exactly where she is and rounds the corner to come up behind her.


No matter how you put it, baby, it all comes out the same. You cheated me out of millions and now you must be dealt with.



Shit, shit, shit!

Soon as Portia falls to the ground, Drake leaves in his waiting limo down the street too afraid to check her pulse.


Many things by the looks of your demeanor

Has done you in so good you’ve become a deceiver

Taking the world by storm

Rising just to fall deep

Into your own abyss of shame, now a retreat

Not listening to the ones who have loved you was costly

You turned wrong from righteousness…what should not be from what ought to be

A traitor to your own person

Two faced once vowing to never but has now gone always hurting

You’ve cheated worse circumstances than this

And I don’t know how you managed to pull away from life’s bullets

You were a lost cause and on your way to being forgotten

A matter so pure to love has turned into something so rotten

And as you recover from your fall from grace

Look around you and see who has gone past you in the race

Your way to make up for loss time is staring you in the face

Ready to lead you into a more prosperous place…

Fade out intro:




Let us all bow our heads in prayer!

The minister gives a short eulogy as her former friends go up to the casket. One of them, Lydia, a very timid yet vocal woman of decent moral virtue asks…


Where is the graveyard from here?

Her friend Bailey, who is anything but virtuitous, goes to stand by the casket to look at Portia one last time.


Just follow me to it. It won’t be a long service the minister is just gonna do the ‘ashes to dust’ thing and the coffin goes underground.

Lydia gives Bailey a world weary look as she is clearly uncomfortable with the whole ordeal. Portia enters the scene and look on as she props herself upon the opening of the casket. Clearly she is suspicious of Bailey’s intentions of making sure Portia stays dead.


I’m gonna miss her so much, Bail. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through this without you.

Bailey pulls her close for a hug and comforts her in her usual Haitian ascent.


She would want us to move on with our lives, honey. It won’t do the spirits any good to dwell on the past. Portia would want both of us to honor her life and get over what’s happened to her as quickly as possible.

The casket suddenly closes with a loud clack making them both jump and scream. They watch as a peace of paper float in the air then fall to the floor and down through an air vent.


What the hell was that?

Bailey goes to the vent to see if she can find the paper. A mist of red coloring appears before her seemingly stopping her dead in her tracks right in front of the casket. (Enter the minister with the stench of his presence preceding him)


Is everything alright in here ladies? I heard a noise.

Bailey was still frozen where she stood oblivious to the minister’s presence or what he is saying. Lydia frowns at Bailey’s behavior before answering.


We’re fine here. The casket top just fell shut that’s all.

The minister looks as if he wasn’t sure about her explanation.


That aura around Ms. Cynchero’s casket tells me different. Well, anyhow, the hearse is ready to transport the body to the grave site. So if you and your friend here don’t mind letting these gentlemen escort the body we can move along.

Two horrifically fierce looking groomsmen, who seemingly appears out of nowhere to Lydia, picks up the casket with ease. Lydia gasps because she could swear that their hands never touch the casket. It seems to float in thin air.


Come on, Lydia, let’s get out of here.

Bailey grabs Lydia’s arm and rushes her out of the sanctuary to the limo. Portia smiles as she shimmers to the graveyard ahead of them and lean on a pole under the tent waiting on their arrival.


Bail, that was creepy when the casket door shut, huh. I don’t think I like what the minister was insinuating about it either.

Bailey dials a number on her cell phone before answering her.


We shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions before anything happens. Look at this piece of paper. It fell when the casket close.

Lydia takes it from Bailey’s hand and gasps at what she sees.


This is Portia’s handwriting. How can this be? I know she didn’t rise from the dead…did she?

Lydia gives Bailey an innocent blank look.


After the funeral I think you and I should lay low for a while.

That scares Lydia more than the casket.


Why should we have to lay low, Bail? Besides, after the way that casket close I’m too scared to be by myself.

Bailey rolls her eyes heavenward.


So what you think that Portia would come back to haunt us?

Lydia gives her a hysterical laugh.


Well don’t you think it was a little odd in how she died? If someone killed me for no reason I’d come back and…

Bailey raises a finger at her in a signal to hold her thoughts as speaks into the cell.


This is Bailey. It’s starting right now. Lydia and I are on our way to the grave site. Meet us out there in 5 minutes.

She closes the cell and places it back inside her purse.


I don’t like the way this looks, Bail. I’m not laying low for anybody. Just because Portia was involved with those gangsters doesn’t mean I’m in danger. She made that choice not me.

Bailey knew that Lydia was someone who can’t easily be convincible to protect herself.


Then we’re both in trouble and there’s no escaping it.

Bailey is feeling ill at ease about her future. She tries to hide the fact of who is sleeping with Drake. She looks back at the note and reads the message that reads…


I know now!

A sense of dread creeps up on her instantly as faint shadows of her evil ways pommel the nonchalant look on her face.

Cut to/Scene – 5 – Portia is walking in the entertainment district of the city. She shimmers to the dance floor observing every female on it. After about 20 seconds she spots two beautiful women snorting crack. Clapping her hands once, a brilliant fiery reddish brown light shines throughout the club blinding everyone within its vicinity. Portia emerges as the look alike to the Goddess Athena with long flowing fiery red hair with gold streaks stepping out from it almost naked. She looks perfect in a mix of both crack head women with long luxurious incredibly desirable shapely legs with a perfect figure eight body!


Wow, man this is some powerful shit!

Portia looks at him and smirks as she heads toward Malachi, which is one of Drake’s men. His eyes are literally drooling with desire for her sexual prowess.


That is not drugs compadre. Everyone here isn’t users. Nah, man that was something else from someplace else.

The clubber goes on to dance crazy again as Portia sits on the other side of Malachi


Barhop! Spill me some quill and lace it sexy!

Malachi giggles.


Yes ma’am, I gotcha!

Malachi looks at her wondrously.


There’s no guessing at the fire in your blood.

Portia turns to face one of her many enemies from Drake’s clan. She smiles deceivingly at him.


I suppose you think every woman falls for your charming come on’s.

Malachi smiles back thinking she was taking his bait. The bartender comes back with her drink. Portia pulls money from Malachi’s pocket without him knowing and she pays the bartender.


Now I have that fire you were speaking of.

Portia downs her liquor in one big gulp


How about another?

Portia shakes her head at him.


Oh, not on your first try lover! Don’t you want me to see how small it really is?

Malachi moves in closer to her as if to sexually intimidate her.


Maybe we should take this to a more private venue, hmn?

Portia laughs drearily.


I say, I want you to die right here and now.

Malachi laughs thinking she’s playing. He never realizes she is serious until it’s too late. She grabs his head and look him in the eyes as hers grew brilliant white and time stands still when she conjures a force to pull his heart from its valve and hands it to him.


Eat your heart out lover!

Soon as Portia turns the corner time resumes with a loud scream from inside the club. No one notices the huge guardian angel, Levi, looking on from a vacant television stand before disappearing.



Did you feel that?

Lydia looks over at her questioningly.


Feel what?

Bailey looks around the ceiling suspiciously.


That! That wind.

Lydia frowns at her wondering if her paranoia is a way for her to grieve.


You know what I think? I think you’ve lost your mind since Portia died.

Bailey looks at her incredulously.


That is nonsense! Portia and I weren’t even that close. I mean she was your best friend.

Lydia looks at her suspiciously and was walking towards her when Portia telepathically moves a table and knocks her down.


What the hell is going on?

Portia appears out of nowhere to her and Bailey screams even louder.


Aw…shut that shit up, bitch, before I give you something to holler about!

Bailey’s screaming slows down to a whimper.


You killed her; you killed your best friend for no reason.

Portia snorts at her.


She’s not dead I just knocked her hell out. Sit your trifling ass down ‘cause we got some words to exchange.

Bailey is shaking like Portia did when her mother beat her as she sits down.


Whatever it is I swear I never meant for anything bad to happen. Here, here I’ve got…I got…

Portia shakes her head at her.


Look you stupid heifer, I don’t need your dirty money. I’m dead just like you wanted me to be, remember.

A flashback of Bailey and Drake making plans to kill her while having sex, plays in her mind. She sits down still upset that secret is out even if Bailey won’t admit to it


I will get my revenge against those who wanted me dead, make no mistake about it. However, that’s not even the best part. The best part is I get to use you as my whore like pimps would. I know you’re used to it.

Bailey holds her head down and nods. Portia moves to prop herself on the arm of the sofa beside Bailey. She drops ash on her head making her cry.


You were always an easy mark. I never knew why Drake chose you over me. The pussy must be out of this world. I’ll find out soon enough by the perverts I set you up with.

Bailey gasps and almost chokes on her own breath.


Please, Portia I prom…

Portia laughs hysterically.


Who the hell is Portia? I’m not Portia. Now do me a favor and pick this table up off of Lydia. Move bitch!

Bailey jumps at the tone of voice Portia uses on her.


Okay, alright just don’t kill me.

Bailey moves the heavy coffee table off of Lydia.


Welcome back, Lydia. I hope you slept well.

Lydia looks around not sure of where she is or who she’s with.



Lydia slowly rises and rubs her eyes to make sure she’s not still dreaming. Her eyes grow wider as she takes in the vision of brilliant red and white auras framing her unfamiliar body frame. She seems to have gotten taller and slimmer. She has a perfect shape of the figure eight with long flowing silky honey colored hair and beautiful wide deer brown eyes!


Who the hell is this “Portia” chick?

Bailey and Lydia exchange looks before attempting to answer her.


Well of course you look nothing like her but your mannerisms are so similar and so is your voice.

Bailey tries to sneak out while Lydia has Portia’s attention but being dead gives one a certain advantage that being alive simply can’t. Portia catches her by moving a chair to clip her in the knees.


I hope you didn’t think you’d get away with what you did to me.

Bailey is still screaming.


No, I was just…ah…I was going to…ah…apologize. Yeah…in a more sincere way.

Lydia soundly pops her lips.


What is she talking about, Bailey, and why are you trying to run away from us?

Bailey rushes towards Lydia.


She’s a demon, Lydia, run!

Portia acts quickly as she raises Bailey’s body in mid air. Lydia gasps and again faints falling this time on a nearby sofa. Portia squeezes her hold on Bailey and twirls her around then shakes her senseless until she foams at the mouth. She then drops her on the floor and floats over her body.


I’m only going to warn you once. You double cross me I’ll kill you over and over again ‘til I get sick of doing it.

Bailey starts crying and Portia swears an expletive.


You’re a witch in sheep’s clothes! It’s not gonna matter what I do or how I do it because you’ll kill me anyway.

Portia smirks at her.


You know, I think you’re right about that. Why not just kill you now since I truly want to do it?

Bailey sits up thinking she may take her up on her suggestion to kill her. When Portia steps out of her spiritual form her skin grows to rust and decay as she grabs her to throw her to a chair beside them and before she lands she make needle points and springs rise up to meet her tail on impact.


Wait! Just wait you scandalous ass bitch!

Portia laughs at her reactions and starts to pace back and forth while she figures out what to do to her next.


Why should I have mercy on your flesh when you never respected mines! I’m dead and no one is going to prosecute me. Why not get rid of you now, bitch? I have no use for your sorry ass! All you ever wanted was to fuck, Drake, in my face. Low and behold the day he kills me is the day I actually see the two of you in my house, my bed, my man, my…

Lydia interrupts as is her usual nature to do so.


I thought you were marrying Chamberlain Dock?

Portia turns and see Lydia sitting up on the sofa apparently over her fainting spell.


I was doing it to get back at Drake, for betraying me.

Bailey laughs at her.


He was never in love with you, Portia. He even…

Portia gives her a world weary look and explodes into sudden anger lighting the room up in red hues and black smoke.


Enough with this Portia chick! How many times do I have to tell you this?

Lydia cringes as Bailey climbs on the sofa beside her.


Well what the hell do we call your ass then? You know you’ve always been twisted in the mind so bad you’d confuse a psychologist.

Portia sits down in a chaise lounge.


Story…my name is…Story…for now.

Lydia sits back and contemplates her answer.


Why Story?

Bailey tries to get Lydia to not ask so many questions.


I’ve got a lot of shit to tell and you two will be the first to hear it. Although, I won’t tell it all in front of this scandalous ass bitch beside you.

Lydia gets up and walks over to where, Bailey was. She stares down at her as she still struggle for air.


How could you do this to her? She was your friend, Bail.

Bailey grabs her neck to try and ease the hold Portia got on it.


Not to me!

Portia shakes her head at her.


Hell no, this heifer was no friend of mine. I always knew what she was up to. Even Chamberlain knew and he tried to tell me to stay away.

Bailey continues to gag when Lydia runs to help her get away.


You should have you senseless bitch! Drake never even loved you.

Portia sees red and moves to finish her kill when Lydia reminds her.


Stop it! Remember she’s Haitian and she will make your afterlife a living hell…literally. She knows too much about the other side!

Portia knows she’s telling the truth and reluctantly releases her.


Only because I haven’t gathered my army yet! I’ll tell you this though; I hope you don’t think he loved you instead. He used your scank ass like a dirty rag and who’s to say he won’t kill you next? Just like Lydia says everyone thought me and you were close friends.

Bailey stands up at that accusation and holds up a necklace against Portia’s aura. A Grandfather clock chimes the hour of 1 a.m. as Portia gets up and wave a hand to snatch the necklace with the cross on it to fling it into the fire place. Then she makes a fire appear out of nothing to burn it making Bailey choke from an indrawn breath.


FYI to you bitches! That shit will only work in the fucking movies. There is nothing but prayer to keep demons off your back.

Portia moves in closer towards her until they are practically kissing.


You have so many on yours it’s a wonder how you still have room to fuck us mortals.

Bailey turns her head away from Portia to keep from letting her see her reactions.


I’m mortal! Lydia is mortal! You’re the devil’s bitch! You can’t talk about us you stupid…

Portia punches a hand through Bailey’s spleen to run it up her spine making up tremble. When she pulls out she grabs her heart threatening to pull it out. Lydia rushes over to stop her once again. Portia laughs as Bailey turns blue/black and her eyes roll in the back of her head.


Nah, you deserve to suffer for your insolence.

She lets go of her heart and transforms her thumb into a scalpel. She flips Bailey upside down and yanks off her clitoris and deadens her g-spot. She then freezes her ovaries and closes her uterus. Portia then flips her back and coaxes her Pituitary Gland out of her brain. When she finishes her tormenting attacks she giggles and walk away proud of her vengeful acts.


What did you do to me?

Portia tosses up her Pituitary Gland like a marble.


Yeah, Port…I mean…Story. That was too scary to watch.

Portia turns to look between Lydia and Bailey.


I just did her whorish ass a favor. Her desire for sex exists no longer. Next time she has sex with Drake or her other men she won’t feel anything but regret and pain.

Portia grabs her face as if to tongue her at a moment’s notice.


Oh and uh…by the way…next time don’t look.

She releases her and turns towards the outside wall and leaves her condo. Bailey and Lydia look at each other wondering what to do next. Lydia runs to the window to see if she can see her.


I think until we can make since of this situation you need to steer clear of Drake and his men for a while.

Bailey moves to the window where Lydia is.


I think you need to mind you own business, Lydia. I know how to deal with spirits unrest. My grand mere knows voodoo so I’ll just grab some herbs and hex Portia when she comes back.

Lydia gasps and shakes her head almost violently


Portia is dead, Bailey! She won’t come back.

Bailey laughs and grabs her coat before walking out the door.


That bitch manifested herself into believing she’s a ‘Story’! Well I’ve got a story she’ll never forget!

After slamming the door behind her Bailey pulls out her cellular to call Drake. His machine picks up just as he answers.


Who the hell is it?

Bailey jumps at the sound of his voice.


Drake! This is, Bailey, and I’ve got news about Portia.

Drake gives a long hissing sigh before responding.



Inside Lydia grabs her coat and flip the switch to turn off the lights. She opens the door and hears Bailey’s voice on the other side of the door. She stops to hear everything she says.


She’s alive, Drake. I saw her! Lydia and I saw her not too long ago. She’s…she looks…different but it’s her.

Drake coughs like he’s choking on a beer.


How do you know this?

Bailey breathes deeply before answering


I saw her me and Lydia. Today at the funeral the casket fell shut which was a clear sign of things to come. After the ceremony me and Lydia came to her condo to clean it out and she appeared out of nowhere!

Drake listens to thinking she’s lost her mind.


Bitch you is crazy delirious! That heifer ain’t ever liked you and now you miss her so much you’re seeing her. You are crazy!

Bailey raises her voice.


Drake you’ve got to believe me! She almost killed me tonight.

Drake is still laughing now more hysterically than before.


Look, don’t call me no more bitch!

After Drake slams the phone Lydia slowly opens the door to see Bailey’s face. They were talking so loud she even heard Drake cussing at her on the other end.


Hello! Hello…Drake! Drake she’s gonna come after you!

Lydia smirks at her desperate act to get Drake to listen to her.


He hung up on you sweetheart. Don’t worry, though. He won’t be the only one to do so.

Lydia slams the door shut and turns to lock it. She looks back at Bailey and shakes her head in shame at her before going to the elevator to leave.


Lydia you’re making a mistake if you don’t side with me on this. That thing…that person who came here tonight is pure evil! She’s out for blood and-

Lydia bangs her hand on the wall beside the elevator before saying.


She’s only out for you and Drake’s blood! Everyone else is insignificant to her.

The elevator doors open and Lydia steps in and turns to bid Bailey farewell.


I just hope God has mercy on your soul.

The elevator doors close just as Bailey tries to stop them.


Lydia! Lydia don’t go, Lydia!

Cut to:/Scene – 7 – Portia is back at Drake’s house and after she listens to the conversation he has on the phone she makes her move to make him wish he believes in a higher power. Using the wardrobe screen in his closet she asks…


Going somewhere asshole?

Drake swerves around to see who’s behind him and sees no one there. He continues to look for a shirt.


You still wear that stinking toilet water!

Drake stops searching for his shirt and stands still.


You never did have good taste in anything you chose to do.

Drake grabs one of his guns and points to the sound of her voice.


Who’s there?

Portia appears in her usual bright light at the closet door opening.


You know who it is, asshole!

Drake turns and becomes blind to her aura. She kicks the gun out of his hand and run to balance herself on his head. She then stands on it with the stilettos she’s manifest herself into. Drake screams out in searing pain as blood trickles down his porcelain face.


Who are you, lady?

Portia laughs dancing on his head causing more blood to stream down his face. When he starts to scream even louder she jumps off and lands on top of the screen she left. (Enter Drake’s men to make sure he’s alright)


Hey, boss you okay? We heard you screaming.

Drake is breathing heavily.


Are you kidding me? Don’t you see this blood on my face? Find that bitch!

Truck looks at him in wonder.


What blood, sir? There’s no blood in here or on your face.

Drake rubs his face rapidly and holds out his hands to show them.


Don’t you see this shit man?

Truck walks in the closet to investigate totally oblivious to the bright light of Portia shining from the high ceiling.


There is nowhere else in here, sir.

Drake looks up and sees the bright light turning red. He points towards the ceiling.


Up there then! Where did that bright ass light come from, huh? Why the fuck is it there?

Truck goes to turn off the closet lights and the room glows red.


It’s the new security system you installed last Wednesday remember, boss?

Drake leaves the closet with a shirt in hand cussing.


Damn, that Bailey! She must’ve had her people put roots on me or something.

Drake sits down on a Queen Anne chair adjacent to his huge California king size bed. He wipes his brow with his hand towel and throws it at Truck.


Find that bitch and bring her to me!

They all leave his bedroom looking back at him to make sure he was serious.


Bailey if this is your idea of a joke I will definitely have the last laugh!

He gets up and finishes dressing. Afterwards he goes back to the closet and sees nothing there. He closes it and locks it and leaves his bedroom. He then runs downstairs to get in his limo and finds two women already there making out with each other. Drake smiles as he is very happy to see them until one of them reaches out and grabs him and starts torturing him.


What the hell is this shit?

The two women laugh at his reaction and kiss him on the ears.


Bitches get the fuck off of me!

He starts to push them away but they won’t budge.


Move…move! If you don’t get away from me I’ll shoot you bitches!

One woman pulls him down on top of her as the other jump on his back and rides him like a pony. He pulls out his piece to kill her when suddenly she disappears and the window that once separates the back from the front rolls down. It’s the same woman.


Is there something wrong boss?

Drake screams again and bang on the limo to get the attention of his guards. No one comes and the limo pulls off. It continues to go through the neighborhood and on towards an old railroad track. Then the woman reappears again in the back manifesting herself into his many past lovers. He never realizes the woman is just one person haunting him to the point of insanity.


We mean you no harm, Draky baby!

The first manifestation appears as Romaline.


I just wanna sex you up!

The second one appears as Angela with a dildo


I just wanna make you my woman

The third appears as Bailey exposes her breasts


I just wann let you be my bitch!

The fourth appears as Sasha with legs wide open


I just wanna fuck you

The fifth appears as Ryvah in a nurse’s suit


I just wanna stroke you down

The sixth appears as a plus size woman name Stacie


I just wanna eat you up!

The seventh appears as a man name Brook


I just wanna let you suck my dick

The eighth appears as Portia in a wedding gown


I just wanna make you my wife

The ninth appears as Lydia in a maid’s suit


I just wanna let you in my empire

The tenth appears as a drag queen name Story


I just wanna give you the biggest dick

The eleventh appears as Casserine a lesbian


I just wanna give you the biggest dick

The final and twelfth one appears as Dana his first love


I just wanna give you the best sex of your life!

When they all finish they strip naked waiting for him to complete his promise except for Portia.


I was going to be your wife! You betrayed my trust, my love, and my life! For this treachery you deserve nothing less than death

Drake throws his hands up!


No, baby girl I didn’t mean it! I never meant to kill you, sweetheart. I loved you more than all these bitches.

As Portia steps out of the car so does the rest of the women and they reconform back into Story. It takes a minute for Drake to realize the car is not moving. Story looks back and waves her hands to conjure a runaway train to crash into the limo. She laughs watching him struggle to get out of the car. When the train gets close enough for him to impossibly survive the impact she turns her back and walk away completely missing Levi pulling him out of the back.


Good-bye asshole!

Cut to:/Scene – 8 – Portia flies back to her vacant condo to think about what she’s gonna have to do with her manifests. Although, the body she transforms into is perfect she much prefers her own body. She takes her time to dwell on the meaning of why her soul is not moving on. She quickly jumps up and flies out of her bedroom window. The mortician is the only one who can help her move on. She arrives at the sanctuary and notices the gates closing. A strong heat seething wind knocks her out of the sky into a colony of trees populated by demons of the damned. They barricade her way out forcing her to stay put.


What the hell is this?

Portia looks at each of them and knows for certain that they are definitely enemies. The leader, Cyroc, speaks first.


We are keepers of the dead and the damned. You have trespassed inside our realm.

Portia’s long dead sister, Romaline, emerges from the darkest shadow of the trees.


I sent for her to come here. Portia, you are in grave danger.

Portia is in shock to see her.



Romaline points behind Portia.


Baby girl, you need to go home. They’ve been trying to contact you on the other side. I promised to help them get you back home but something is holding you here.

Portia looks back at the demons and sees that they are trying to move in closer to her spirit. Portia cringes at the coldest chilling her aura has felt so far. Romaline speaks in a heavy sonic boom voice breaking barriers of all sound.


Back off of her now or you’ll be replaced forever.

The demons suddenly back off and run out of the cover of the trees.


Romaline what’s happening?

Romaline motions for Cyroc to guard the entrance


Like you something is holding me here. I’m here to help you save my soul and then I can go to my home.

Portia glides closer to Romaline.


What home is that?

Romaline shakes her head.


If I don’t help you then I’ll be damned like the other demons.

Romaline hears a loud explosion deep within the shadows of the trees and takes off.


Come on! Come quickly! I’ll take you to the minister. Watch your head.

Portia just misses the mamba snake slithering down from a branch. She grabs it and throws it down and steps on it like a roach.


Now this is some bullshit! Not only is life a bitch but death is worse.

Romaline looks back.


Come on, Portia, this way!

Portia is about to follow her sister when a stream of sparkling stars attack the tree they’re leaving. Romaline and Portia look at each other as they back inside the tree.


Okay sis, what the hell is this shit now?

Romaline shakes her head.


I have never experienced the likes of this situation before. I can say this for sure that whoever is coming after you is more powerful than any evil I know.

Portia looks at her sister and questioning the sincerity of her willingness to help her.


Well I guess that means we better stick together. Right now I don’t trust any spirits in this realm.

Romaline shakes her head in agreement then look around to see if the coast is clear.


It seems that they may have left us for now. We must leave unnoticed or it will come back and there is no cover outside of these trees.

She grabs Portia’s hand and guides her to the gates of the sanctuary. Just as she starts to push open the gate for them to walk in the spirits comes back and swoop Portia away from Romaline.


Look out, Portia!

Portia turns around too late to get out of harm’s way.



Cut to:/Scene – 9 – The unknown spirit drops her off at an abandon mission building seemingly by herself until she starts wandering about walking into Levi’s aura.



Portia spins around ready to fight


Who the hell are you?

Levi laughs at her startle ness.


Bow…to see me darling, Portia!

Portia raises her hands to strike at a moment’s notice.


Look, you show yourself or I’ll…

Levi responds raising his horrible voice


I said for you to bow to me!

Portia hits a brick cylinder column and grows angrier. When she tries to advance upon him in full red aura rage her unseen voice blew her down in a bow position.


Do you think to challenge me? I’ve been around longer than you’ve been dead. Now stop bowing and listen carefully

Portia slowly straightens up feeling the force of his strength leaving her.


We have to get you back to your new home.

Portia shakes her head whispering.


I never left it

Levi laughs again.


That is true. Your anger gets the best of you at times but you can’t steal yourself so pay attention.

Portia gasps as her hand fly towards her lips


Someone kidnapped me?

Levi grumbles before answering.


Not quite.

Portia starts to creep closer to the voice.


Okay, then what is it? Did I run away? I know I didn’t run away from paradise.

Levi laughs again.


No, no my sweet, Portia. You were summoned by an unforeseen force to help a soul already damned to perdition.

Portia listens and gets an even worse understanding as she stops in front of a cabinet where she thinks he is.


That would make no sense for a soul already condemned to hell to call on someone newly entering Heaven. Unless…unless…

Levi appears in shadow beside the cabinet parallel to Portia


Unless it isn’t your time to die!

They’re being interrupted by the sound of someone coming in. Levi grabs Portia and covers her in the darkness of his robes to keep them hidden.


Be very quiet. It’s one of your many enemies looking for sanctuary from their enemy which is your enemy.

Nate Bearden enters the scene.


What’s he doing?

Levi ignores her as he watches the front door swing open again.


Another one just walked in.

Portia struggles to see but Levi’s robes conceal everything.


What’s happening?

Levi places a hand around her mouth


Ssshh! They can still hear us.

The two men are walking towards the window before Drake and Truck walks in. Portia is about to run out of Levi’s robes but Levi stays her.


Not yet my sweet Portia. Wait until something happen it won’t be long.

They continue to watch as the men move forward with their business transactions (enter Drake and his men)


You got what I’ve asked for?

Nate nods just barely.


Yeah, man you got the money?

Drake laughs before responding


About that money, how much did you demand from me?

Nate gives him a world weary look


Hey…I’m a businessman just like you. I want to see my money.

Drake laughs even harder.


Oh, you can see it but you’ll never have it

Nate grows more impatient


I won’t be tolerating your cheating ways Brethia!

Drake laughs louder making fun of the way he says his last name


I won’t be tolerating…ha, ha, ha! My sentiments exactly now show this mother fucker the product.

Truck moves forward and opens a briefcase full of a green and gray substance.


What’s this shit?

Drake wipes his face dry from the heat of the building.


That is where your money is coming from as soon as you move this for me and I’ll pay your price.

Nate gets upset and pulls his shot gun and points it at both of them. Drake gives a nervous laugh and pulls out a grenade with his thumb on the key.


I wouldn’t if I were you.

Nate pauses for a second.


Try it and you two will be the only ones blown up.

Portia see Drake fully intending to pull the levy key. She moves from Levi’s grasp and flew over all three of them to swoop down on Drake in shadow.


What the hell was that?

They all look around to see if there are others in the room.


I don’t know but it sure as hell isn’t gonna get me!

Nate moves toward the door to sneak out but Drake catches him. He shoots him in the back as he runs to the door. He then walks up on him and shoot again. Truck screams out loud making Drake turn around as he sees his best man getting mutilated by the same woman as before.


Holy shit!

He runs towards the door


Holy is right, shit it ain’t!

Drake swirls around and sees Levi’s shadow.


Who the fuck is you?

Levi smirks at him.


You worse nightmare

Levi flies up in the air where Portia is still mutilating Truck to pieces. He reaches out his hand and stops her by grabbing hold of her waist and pulling her close to him.


That’s quite enough, my love. I think he’s pretty torn apart. Let’s get out of here, darling.

Levi swept them both up in a ball of fire and instantly disappearing. Drake leaves the building like a bat out of hell to his limo.


Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell did these mother fuckers get me into.

Drake gets to the alley where his car is and sees the driver door open. Without question he runs to get in and drives off! He screams the whole time while he’s driving backwards to get out of the area. Ignoring the gangsters standing on the corner of the street he gets out of the car screaming in the wind.


What the hell do you want from me?

The gangsters didn’t know what to make of the outburst and they began to scatter and run down the street away from him. As they disappear Nate Bearden reappears stumbling off the sidewalk into the street carrying a rifle.


You’d better watch your back, “Bear”! Someone will shoot it.

Drake takes off his leather jacket and throws it on the seat and gets in to drive away. He almost runs over Nate Bearden who was dripping blood as he walks.


Go fuck yourself you bastard!

Drake realizing he still has the grenade in his hand throws it at Nate and speeds off. He looks out the side view mirror and sees it blow him smithereens. Drake laughs thinking he gets away with another murder of his enemies.


I’ll always have the last laugh.

Cut to:/Scene – 10 – The back of the limo where Levi and Portia is celebrating with a glass of Cristal is providing a perfect view of Drake losing his mind. Levi stares at Portia and studies the purity of her soul. Portia looks back at him with question.


Where are you from?

Levi points up at the roof meaning Heaven.


You called me Portia earlier. My name is, Story, not Portia.

He laughs quietly.


Indeed you do have stories to tell and as it would be worthwhile to hear them your name has always been Portia.

She shakes her head at him in disbelief.


No matter how much you manifest your look the fact still remains you are who you were born to be.

Portia looks at him in amazement then lowers her head in shame.


By the way, you may not want to do it again. It will corrupt your spirit and kill the good aura surrounding your soul.

Portia pops her lips at him in frustration.


Why should I care about a damned aura and corrupted spirit? I’m here to get my revenge on that asshole you made me let get away.

Levi shakes his head in pity at her.


And what the hell is your problem? You don’t like the new me?

She looks at him and regards his incognito wardrobe.


I’ll let you see mines if you let me see yours.

Levi smiles at her trying to bargain with him. He doesn’t trust her and to show that he gives her a peace lily petal.


Keep this in one piece and I’ll give you what you want or better yet I’ll give you what you need.

Portia considers his offer and holds out her hand to shake in agreement with him.


Oh, so you’re not a fool after all. Good, ‘cause I was beginning to think you have no brain, scarecrow.

Levi breathes deeply at her insulting manner towards him.


The name is Leviticus or simply Levi!

Portia ignores his reaction.


As it is in the book?

Levi’s chest swells with pride.


I am one in the same.

Portia gasps and look around to find the nearest route to run away from him.


So what, are you here to condemn me for my sins on Earth? I’m already dead.

Levi gives her a worried look.


I’m here to help you get through what you’re going through.

Portia laughs disbelievingly


And what is it that you think I’m going through? I’m dead so why should I continue to be tested?

Levi takes her hand and folds it into his.


You have one more task to perform so you’re not truly dead until it’s been done.

Portia shakes her head at his reasoning making the car swerve as it takes off.


I suppose I should keep it down before scary cat up there make us wreck and we end up dead. Ha, ha, ha!

Levi is getting more frustrated at her banter. He grabs her to slap her quiet.


I am not to be taken lightly, Portia! My mission to help you will only happen if you let it. Seeing how you’re set on having vengeance on the people who wanted you dead I suggest you take it!

He shoves her away from him making her crash into the mini bar opposite from them.


Did you have to hit me? I was trying to make light of the situation, not you.

The redness in his aura cools to a deep indigo shade. He takes his time observing her reactions to make sure she realizes that he’s in charge of where she’s to go next.


Look, I know I’m a little on edge but I can’t help how I feel.

Portia sinks back in her seat duly chastised. Levi just looks at her and continues to shake his head.


Okay, here we go with the brooding silent look from the Grand Puba!

Levi’s aura flips to hot pink!


When you get those tons of bricks out of your head let me know and I’ll tell you what you need to know.

Portia sinks further in her seat as Levi sighs heavily and pulls her on top of him. She tries to push off of him but he holds her closer to him and kisses the side of her face he hurt earlier. She cringes at the touch of his lips.


No, no, no! I’m sorry I hurt you. Don’t pull away from me. I promise I won’t hurt you again…unless of course you deserve it.

Portia tries to run at the thought of that.


Relax, baby, it was a joke.

He caresses her lovingly and she stops struggling against him. She closes her eyes and let him ease the pain she was feeling inside and out. He kisses the top of her head as she drifts off to sleep.


I promise you baby, I’ll protect you from the pains of your past.

Cut to:/Scene – 11 – Drake stops at one of his friends’ house looking for Bailey.


I need to get a hold of that skeeze, Bailey!

Chamberlain Dock is an old friend and secret enemy who poison the wine he hands to Drake. Drake senses a plot against him and thinks his friend is the cause.


Man, I ain’t seen her in a minute. I though she was your bitch.

Drake starts pacing the rug with worry.


She was.

Drake walks over to his wet bar and pour him a stiff vodka tonic.


Well, damn man. Pour yourself a drink and spread out why don’t cha!

Drake downs his drink and pours himself another.


Man, I’m serious about this shit! You’ll never believe how my day went.

Chamberlain moves to sit opposite of him on an ottoman.


Care to share?

Drake looks at him and pours his friend the same drink.


I lost two men to something unexplainable and I know this might sound crazy but I think that bitch, Portia, is still alive.

Chamberlain stands up at that news and walks over to the window.


Man, you sound like you’re having the worse day ever!

Drake sighs and moves to stand beside him and look out the window.


Mmn, don’t patronize me.

Chamberlain holds up his hands to ward him off in case he needs to run.


Okay, okay! I won’t go there. What are you gonna do when you find her?

Drake walks away from the window back over to the wet bar for another drink.


I’m going to kill her!

End of Act – 1 -

FADE IN: ACT – 2 –

Scene – 12 – Inside a poetry night club at the Habastria south of the city Portia finds a little solace and peace. She watches several poets go up and perform poetry. Some of the patrons sit down with looks of admiration at some of the regular poets entering the building. The host begins to perform a poem she calls Twisted…


He’s got me so twisted

Even a black widow’s bite wouldn’t kill as wicked

My sanity exits no more

Self belongs to self no longer

Blues have never been this deep a first love burned twice toasted in his heat conquering my flesh to the core and I’m left defenseless fighting for an unsettled score

should life be so dark and forbidding I fell for the charms of a worthless man hidden behind a skeleton of shaky bones unsure of his own mind tricking me into thinking he had it going on

Suffering in my own consequence I now wonder where my good sense has been a mindless black chick is a sad sight to behold it takes forever to get it back but my search will remain the main goal

Now I am fully armed

I refuse to be misused by another man’s charm

I own new ideas t increase a thunder no man can put asunder

I’ll never forget HW he turned me out how he turned a sure thing into full doubt

Stealing my lifetime for a minute ‘because I insisted

Well never again will I let a man’s big stick get me twisted…

Enter Levi to sit right behind Portia in the back at the bar. Portia can smell his unique aroma and did not know for sure if it’s lethal or not. She decides to feel him out and see what he’s aiming for with her. The bartender, a handsome model, in his early twenties it looks like, leans toward her.


Looks like another packed house tonight!

Portia smirks at his attempts to be cordial. She studies his physique only to see if she’ll get a reaction from Levi sitting directly behind her.


I wouldn’t know. It’s my first time here, lover! Will it be your first time if I offered you a drink and a ‘while’?

The bartender smiles back.


What is a while?

Portia leans in closer showing much cleavage but still no reaction from the man behind her


While I rip your clothes off and have my way with your body!

The bartender laughs and shakes his head at boldness.


So what are you drinking tonight?

Without hesitation she answers


I’ll have Tanqueray.

Another performer takes the stage during the standing ovation for the last poet. They’re giving an ode to all dark black men…


It is supreme to be the thing much lesser men be envying

Saccharine sweeter than sweet

Better than butter’s cream

Once was out now in again

Sexier than any non color has been

Potent and consecrated pleasures for a sistah’s mind

And sensuously dark skinned…

Beautifully sculptured from crest to crease

Strong enough to mess up any intellectually

Doing as he’s gonna do always by his business

Treated like shit most of the time by his peers who are jealous

His walks of confidence mixed with intelligence

Showing off every essence of his darkness

Are recorded as intimidation and harmful

When it’s really pride and love

Proclaimed as superhuman categorized in the class of ‘ape’

Teased to the point of mistaken ‘black’ for purple grape

He’s not included in our human race/yet he could actually be the Greek Gods of yesterday

Blessed with an abundance of sexual prowess

Women can’t help but caress that beautiful skin

Skin that is sweeter than saccharine

Better than no color once in now not accepted…

Levi disguises his voice so that she can’t recognize him.


Mmn, the beautiful ones are in the house tonight!

Portia turns around to see a man incognito with a derby hat and Rayban shades with pure gold trim. Portia leans in close to see if she can recognize his face. He smells delicious mesmerizing her senses.


Who are you?

He leans into her making her flinch.


I’m you, as a man.

Portia laughs and leans back against the bar. The audience applauds as the last performer leaves the stage. The host is bidding everyone a good night as Portia contemplates her next move to find out who the stranger is.


Are you new in town?

Levi considers her aim to guess who he is and decides to play along.


Yes, as a matter of fact I am.

Portia sighs as she looks around for anyone who may be watching.


Well rule number one: when you’re picking up women in Charlotte, always show yourself to be available.

She attempts to take off his hat but he leaves the bar taking her drink with him.



The bartender laughs and quickly fixes her another one. Portia takes it and downs it in one gulp and throws it to the floor making a loud crack. Just as she leaves the audience demands an encore performance from the host and she recites her award winning poem Hold On…then another poet follows up with one they call A Sistah Snake…which strangely feels like an attack on her!


You don’t know her walk of life

Step aside and let her by

No one was there to correct her wrongs

Perpetual thoughts of sin is her growth

Measured up to dirt cheaper

Cheaper than the stroke of dust

Nobody puts her on a pedestal

She gives up quick dismissals…and missiles

Like the belly crawlers with slime

Her sneaky nature is outlawed

Unorthodox is too nice in her descriptions

Poison better suits her flaws

First name Angel taken from good

The hell of worse than bad

Off key patterned speeches tells it

They tell it on her integrity…honestly

Liquor, the booze of tart flavor

Must be in her middle name

Every Tuesday she changes

Once a year she maintains her hater

The gossip of her told me the truth

Creations of obverse medicine is used heavily

Future drama queen of Druid Towers

Already thick in my skin like glue…

The door slams shut behind Portia when the poet finishes her last verse.


Hey stranger come back!

Cut to:/Scene – 13 – Portia spots her stranger turning a corner. She slows down and waits for him to reappear. When he doesn’t she rounds the corner to intercept him but she’s caught from behind by someone clapping their hand over her mouth to keep her from bringing attention to them.


You should have never come here!

Portia struggles to escape his iron clad grasp.


I told you to never give me a reason not to trust you.

Levi releases his hold on her mouth.


I wasn’t but now that you mention it…what in the hell are you doing here?

Levi loosens his grip a little but he still doesn’t release her.


So if you knew it was me why follow me? Why not just dance with me?

He took her by the waist and flew them both into the air onto a nearby vacant rooftop. The building was just one over from Drake’s penthouse. Levi takes her hand and engages them in waltz. Portia falls almost completely under his love spell but they’re interrupted by Drake & Bailey on the rooftop across from them.


All you have to do is make sure they buried her body! I swear woman, you’re showing to be good for nothing!

Bailey advanced towards him in full rage.


Why should I care about you and your safety? She was the only one you ever seemed to fucking love!

Drake back slaps her snapping her head back. Bailey grabs her face and begins to cry from its sting.


Don’t you get bold on me, bitch! I ain’t forgotten about you and Malachi plotting against me.

Bailey wipes tears off her face and look at him.


That was a long time ago you bastard and he’s already suffered for it!

Drake snaps his head at her and frowns.


What do you mean?

Bailey sighs.


You killed him you bastard! Don’t deny it either because deaths like that has your signature written all over it.

Drake paces back and forth.


I truly had no idea about Malachi.

As he sits down Bailey moves closer to him.


We both know who it is that’s coming after us. Drake we have to act quickly if we’re going to survive this!

Bailey stands behind him and begins to rub his shoulders to try and seduce him to her way of thinking.


I can’t believe you still think I’m going to fall into that voodoo shit!

Drake turns to look at her like she’s losing her mind. Bailey is in shock.


Bitch, I ain’t got shit to do with you or anybody else’s dirty murders. Do me a favor and stay the hell away from me, alright!

Drake leaves the roof to go back to his pent house as Bailey drops to her knees crying. Portia and Levi prepare to leave before Bailey notices them watching her.


Must be a hard thing to reject by everyone who comes near you.

Cut to:/Scene – 14 – Levi and Portia flies away to another realm. Everything in it is mechanically created because the citizens in it can never feel love. Levi conjures his first offer as a man with powers to persuade anyone of anything.


Victor Salmon has the power to rid you of Drake’s intentions of pain he inflicted on you in the past.

Portia looks at him and shakes her head.


No, that isn’t what I desire.

Levi presents her with a reward of everlasting wealth.


How about a small token of his appreciation if you accept?

He hands her a diamond tiara.


I can never be bought.

Portia smiles up at his concealed face as he secretly manifests mirroring the emotions flashing across her features.


It’s beautiful. In fact it has the name that I would’ve named my first daughter after.

Portia refuses his offer and at the same time tries to touch his chest but he backs away insulted by her rejections.


Will you not accept such a tempting offer of high class and privilege? No suffering, no strife, stress free!

Portia’s confusion at how he’s reacting to her answers is peculiar to her and she backs away in case goes off the deep end.


I’m not going to take your offer, especially since I can’t even see my alleged impending happiness!

Cut to:/Scene – 15 – Levi waves his hand to create a portal for them to step through. He manifests once more as Portia grows angrier at his second guessing her. The new realm they enter is much like a fairy tale with meadows of every flower in existence and rainbows with more colors than the spectrum itself.


Where are we now?

Levi looks back at her and smile grabbing her hand. Portia gasps at the intimacy of his touch and gradually move to beside him. They walk towards a house the locals call House of Kingdom. Sporting steal spikes on each side of its columns and majestic gold crown symbols painting the walkway, the house rises higher as it opens for their entrance.


This is my home. It is where I was born and bred. You’ll meet my family here after your decision is made.

Levi’s hood magically slides off displaying a bright light with five seemingly mini crowns hovering over it. Portia looks down at his hand to see that it is of flesh. She immediately snatches her hand away but as quickly as she did he quickly retrieves it.


Do not be afraid of what is more natural than life itself.

Portia looks up at his golden aura


Okay. I’ll trust you for now.

Levi shows his approval by enveloping her and taking off inside the great hall of the house to one of the chambers that holds the prologue of the Realm of Ecstasy.


When this is all over I should hope to know who you truly are.

Portia’s awe at the horizons is cut short when Levi steps in front of her grinning from ear to ear.


Oh my…you are indeed heavenly!

He smiles even broader


Did I just say, heavenly?

Stroking her jaw line


Oh, my sweet loving Portia. Very soon you will realize your good fortune and come back to me.

Levi leans down to bestow her unsuspecting lips a kiss so sensual it would melt the hardest of hearts. Portia not realizing his seduction of her slowly raises her arms to pull him closer to deepen the kiss. An epiphany that they do this everyday creeps inside her aura making her melt all the hate she’s ever felt for Drake away.


You are the most beautiful wife I know.

Portia’s face goes from dreamy to weary


What do you mean?

Levi looks at her out the corner of his eyes


You are queen to this kingdom. Here in Rubivia wives are born and to receive their destiny with their kings.

Portia steps away from him in shock that Levi thinks she is going to be happy with this set up. Portia reaches out to slap him but her hand flows right through his aura causing first degree burns.


You are such an asshole!

Levi motions for his men to seize her.


You knew the deal before accepting my offer.

Portia smirks at his men as they all resemble Drake’s goons.


Do you really think I’m as stupid as that? I never accepted any of your flimsy offers.

She folds her arms


Even I can do better than this!

Levi with another wave of his hand makes the first offer disappear just as quickly as it came.


Well you certainly haven’t lapsed for a keen short term memory.

Portia stares at him for a second then turns to leave.


Where do you think you’re going?

Portia stops and turns around to see that Levi is reforming back to his dingy dark robes and hood.


You are as self serving and arrogant as a real man!

Portia walks back towards him in full rage


I’m beginning to loathe the very thought of your existence!

A loud thunder clap booms and lightening strikes the horizon behind her as she clenches her hands and increase her speed to give him a good lashing.


There is a reason why the phrase ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ is so popular!

Levi stretches his hands and literally causes her to rise in the air squeezing her waist so tight she can pop in two!


You dare to grow evil on me, woman!

He makes her legs spread wide and stretch further than she’s ever been able to. Portia screams in agony swinging her arms trying to grab her leg to push them back together.


Okay! Okay! I won’t do it again. I promise!

Levi gets weary of her screams and drops his hand making her crash to the ground.


You are a very tempestuous human. However, you will learn to yield to the mercies of people who care about you.

Portia heaves to catch her breath as she rolls around on the ground. Levi walks towards her to ease her torment.


Stay the hell away from me.

Levi’s hands turn ice blue as they heal her body and manifest her into a more desirable look that is her normal angelic look.


Stop it! Stop it I said! You’re a monster…a monster!

Portia looks up at him as she rises to move away from him in fear.


What are you? What the hell do you want from me?

This time Levi walks up to her retreating form. His gaze is crystal clear diamond and she tries to shield herself from his penetrating gaze.


What? I can’t ask questions and get an answer?

Levi sighs and pulls her close to him. He sucks in the aroma of her deathly perfumes.


I have watched over you as a child and have made sure you triumphed over the odds that have beaten you.

Portia gasps at the revealing information.


It was you! You were the guardian angel I saw in the alley when those kids beat up my mama!

Levi squeezes her tight and whispers in her ear almost bitingly.


I’ve told you who I am. You just refuse to listen.

He releases her with a sudden jerk and turns to walk away. Portia rubs her ear from the heat of his mouth. She looks around and finds that she’s back in the same vacant lot from before.


Where the hell did he go?

She sprints up the road not realizing that his aura vanishes into thin air without memory. She stops after running a mile.


Damn, that idiot left me here!

Cut to:/Scene – 16 – Drake and his gangsters is meeting at Portia’s condo with Bailey squatting petrified in a corner listening.


We’re being destroyed boys! We have only a few of us left.

Drake walks around Portia’s old dining table as he speaks.


No one knows where this woman is or where she lives. All we know is that it’s a woman killing us.

Bailey jumps up screaming.


It’s Portia! I’m telling you Drake it’s her!

Drake gets up to back hand her further into her corner.


You stupid foolish bitch! I’ve told you too many fucking times that the bitch is dead! Now I don’t wanna hear that shit from you again!

Bailey runs from the room crying and starts dialing numbers on her cell phone.


Okay, so we know this boss but what about what happened to the limo and you seeing something in your closet.

Chamberlain Dock, who is now Drake’s right hand man since Malachi is dead, clears his throat to interject.


How do we know who it is? No one can actually pinpoint the triggerman.

Drake sighs weary of him being right


Process of elimination has always been my four leaf clover. We’ll do that and we’ll do it my way!

Drake wanders to the window on the far right corner of the room. The clouding sky serves as his omen to carry out his plan to seek his revenge. He graciously pulls out a Cuban and places it between his lips.


Boss, when the hell do you want this mother fucker dead?

Drake doesn’t answer he just dismisses them with a wave of his hand. He then turns to confront Chamberlain Dock on the details of his plan.


Look, Dock, this will only take about forty-five minutes to an hour tops.

Chamberlain smirks at Drake’s enthusiasm over killing Bailey. Resentment creeps up inside and what he says next might’ve insulted Drake if he didn’t know him so well.


I told you that bitch was gonna get to you one day and pull the softness out of you.

Drake lights his cigar and walks toward Chamberlain startling him a little but he manages to appear calm.


What you said years ago, doesn’t even matter compared to what I’ve been through these past couple of days.

They’re being interrupted by Drake’s doorman, Stacy B. Hanz


Excuse me boss, there’s someone at the door for you and they won’t say what they want.

Drake turns to address him.


Ask them who they’re working for. If they answer let them in otherwise shoot them.

Stacy leaves just as Chamberlain suddenly becomes aware of what Drake is insinuating.


Do you mean to tell me you’ve seen the future?

Drake takes a puff of his cigar and pauses to take a look at his vibrating cellular. A roll of thunder suddenly breaks the eerie silence plaguing upon them.


Who is this?

When no one answers he hangs up. Chamberlain is still patiently waiting for him to answer him. A hail storm suddenly pounds the pave leaving the ground dry from liquid and full of round balls. Drake frowns at this phenomenon.


I swear to you, Dock, ever since that incident in the closet it’s been some strange ass shit happening around here.

He turns off his cellular ignoring Bailey’s continuous whimpering in the corner. He gets up to go towards her when the door opens again.


Sorry to interrupt again boss but it’s one of Ms. Thorpe’s friends. She says that she’s here to pick her up.

He steps aside to let her in. Chamberlain moves to stand in her way of Bailey.


Hold up there a minute, shawty!

He grabs her making her scream.


Get your slimy hands off of me you creep!

Bailey hears her voice and sits up holding up her hand to get her attention.


Bailey I’m coming for you!

Drake stands in front of her and Chamberlain to waylay her further.


You’ve got some nerve being here lady!

Lydia pauses in her struggle.


I’m here to save my friend from the likes of you!

Drake bursts into laughter


Your friend doesn’t need to be saved she needs to be dead.

He pulls out a gun and points it towards Bailey and fires. Lydia then pulls out of Chamberlain’s grasp and runs to make sure Bailey is still alive.


Huh! Fuck these whores man. Let’s go and get these mother fuckers who are trying to kill me.

Chamberlain hesitates


Hey, man I’ll catch up with you later! I have to be somewhere in a few minutes.

Drake stops in just beyond the door.


I mean to get rid of my troubling past once and for all!

Chamberlain nods in agreement


These pests these weasels, fakes, phonies, and freaks will never get the best of me.

Chamberlain studies his mood for a moment then asks


As soon as I get to the towers when do we get started?

Drake turns to look in a gold plate tournament cup at his reflection and replaces the cigar between his lips before replying



Drake turns to leave as soon as he’s out of sight he turns to the women and says


Come on! We don’t have much time.

Cut to:/Scene – 17 – Portia and Romaline heads straight for Drake’s mansion. They’re carrying a torch to set it on fire. Before they can escape Portia and Romaline stops Bailey, Lydia, and Chamberlain Dock dead in their tracks!


So I guess it’s about to go down.

Bailey’s hands are full carrying a basket of rare poisonous flowers. Lydia smiles thinking Portia is there to save them but Romaline puts an end to her hopes.


Yeah, and I know exactly who to start with first.

Levi appears secretly in the shadows waiting for the right moment to stop all of them. He holds out his hand and conjures up another offer to give to Portia. Bailey prepares to strike first.


I’m not going to let you seek the Lord’s vengeance on this man!

Portia jumps on the wall and runs toward Bailey then swoops down and kick her in the head. She laughs as she keeps her feet on her face daring her to protest.


You’ve got nerve, bitch! I told you before don’t get in my way. The man has never loved you in the first place you with your foolish voodoo make up on. Don’t you know how ridiculous you look?

Portia scrapes a sinister mark on Bailey’s face to keep her from moving as she torches her body. Levi intervenes at that moment and snatches Bailey up to put her out and lock her in a safe place.


That bastard is really starting to piss me the fuck off!

Portia flies out of the house leaving Romaline to chase after Lydia.


Levi, this shit ain’t over!

The rest of Drake’s men are in the pool house Jacuzzi with some call girls when Portia stumbles upon them. Portia shakes her head walking around the room torching it drinking in their sorrows of her terrorist actions. Some of the girls start screaming in pain from their burns.


Burn bitches burn!

Drake’s men wander about in confusion (enter Stacy B. Hanz)


What the hell is going on in here!

Soon as he enters the room the illusion is dissolved and reality sets in for Drake’s men. They all start screaming and running to escape Portia. Stacy tries to help him but Portia keeps him away by throwing up bricks to build a wall around him. (Enter Levi)


You want some of this hot ass shit? I’ve got plenty more if you wanna join him.

Levi flies to stop her from killing any more innocent people by grabbing her by the neck from behind.


It ends here, baby!

He throws her out of the house and douses the fires she set and takes off after Portia.


You can’t run nor hide from me!

Portia looks back and finds he is right on her tail. She swoops around the house and re-enters in the rear. Before Levi can keep up with her she heads back to pool room and conjure a huge explosion to completely demolish the scene.


Levi! Levi! You’re a foolishly corrupt angel.

Levi is too late as the pool water turns to blood burgundy. Portia gasps as he flies towards her and holds out his hand with another offer.


Why don’t you shove that along with the rest of your ‘purposeful’ offers?

He grabs her by the neck again this time choking her as he turns her towards the mess she made.


You are not here to pass judgment on everyone who has crossed you in the past. You must now accept every offer I give you from now on or your soul will be damned just like your sister’s. Except this time there will be no redemptions for you.

Portia watches in horror as her victims’ souls’ burn incessantly. She looks back at Levi with tears clouding her vision and regret shadowing her features. She tries to pull off his hood to reveal his identity.


If you want to reach your destiny you’ll stop avenging your past mistakes!

Cut to:/Scene – 18 – He then flies them out of the house that no longer exists in the real world. Deep within the mountains Levi forces her to accept the next offer.


This is the City of Innocence! You will do well to be very careful of what you say here. A clever expletive from you will cause your demise quickly and your chances will be fully exhausted. Come, let us find our kindred.

He ushers them both down the long path towards the inner city. The snow on the ground slows their pace to a casual stroll as the towns people stare in awe at them. An aura of glowing stars surrounds their figurative forms and it shines even more at the enchantment entrance. Portia looks up at Levi with the hopes of romance in her eyes. He smiles knowing she is very happy with this offer. The lights of the city create an aurora of reflections in acknowledgement of their arrival. One of the officers of the city steps forward to present a chest of treasure at Portia's feet.


Welcome to our humble city majestic one. We’ve been anticipating your arrival through the ages of Mystine. Come…let’s settle you in your empire!

Portia’s body manifests once again to blend in with the majestic themes of their world. Levi can only look on wishing he can manifest with her.


You are by far the most beautiful creature I’ve ever offered.

Levi stands closer to her making her smile as she sees the light beaming through his cleverly concealing robes. Portia walks towards the resort township humming a tune. She grabs his hand and pulls him along as they glide towards her empire. Levi is happier with the creation of the scenery as it truly represents the softness and serenity of the real paradise he’s from. His eyes draws an outline of the picture they admire highlighting all of her empire’s attributes.


You seem to be happy enough, my dear. I take my leave of you and wish you luck in your journey.

Levi pulls away from her to rise back towards the clouds above. Portia stops just beyond the entrance of her empire watching Levi disappear inside of the thickest silver cloud she has ever seen. When she no longer sees him snow starts to fall very lightly. She holds out her hands to let some fall on her palms but they never do. A stronger pair of hands grabs them instead as they pull her along inside her empire. The city is made up of empires and the empires have their own kindred citizens. One of the citizens holding her hand miraculously reminds her of Lydia.


Come, mistress of destiny, awaits your arrival to complete the coronation of your crown.

They lead her to the town saloon where everyone is gathering to get out of the snow to continue their celebration of the “End of Eras”, which is the day the town victoriously took reign over Drake the Dragon. The citizens offer Portia a seat as they move towards the front to introduce her as the returning empress. The lead citizen who goes by Mark is the strangest and strongest one of them all.


Here ye, here ye all of Methodonians!

The citizen who looks like Lydia bestows a blessing smile to the crowd as she proudly stands beside him.


We are happy to announce the arrival of the fifth moon and the gift it has blessed upon us!

Mark grabs his wife’s (the citizen) side and pull her closer to him.


Here she is without further ado, Empress Portia Cynchero Devine!

The audience ‘ooh’ and ‘awed’ as she ascends to the stage. They can’t actually see her as her light is brighter than its brilliance. When she reaches the podium they applaud her presence before them. Portia smiles all the while wondering why they said ‘Devine’ at the end of her name. She looks around the crowd and smiles with even brighter brilliance.


My fellow Methodanians I am most humbled by your gracious acceptance! I only ask that you enjoy your holiday as it is truthfully a long awaited one. May your days be at peace!

The crowd goes wild at the end of her speech as she steps down to go outside for a breath of the air. A deep growing shadow in the corner of the room moves towards her direction. She reaches the exit as two of them rush past her to leave first almost knocking her backwards. Mark stops her from leaving behind them by placing a hand on her shoulders.


Wait! They’ll kill you this time, Empress. It’s much too dangerous for you to travel alone.

Portia stops and slowly turns her head to face Mark. Her face is thunderous but quickly changes back to its seemingly normal pleasant look. She grabs his hand to bow to it.


You could be right about that.

She looks him up and down before continuing


And I believe you whole heartedly especially since I know for a fact that you know better than me…Vigilante!

Mark gasps and quickly recovers as he forcefully pulls Portia against his chest. He notices out the corner of his eye a strange man no one else can see wearing torn homeless clothes with a hood. There is no way to tell who it may be. It could be Drake making a return from the underground or a new demonic avenger or even worse considering his actions…Leviticus!


Ahem! I was just conveying my err ah…concerns for your safety, Empress

Portia laughs as the citizen (Lydia) comes up behind Mark and hugs him from behind catching him off guard.


I shall leave you two to your privacy.

Portia leaves the saloon just as the snow stops falling. She walks back down the lonely snow covering road with sprinkles of shimmering diamond chips. A smile flashes across her face as the image of her eccentric neighbor Mary Q. Contrary comes out in the morning of a new sun scooping up the diamond chips dance in the cradle of her memory. References of where these memories are coming from haunts her as she stops halfway to her house. She stops right in front of her house when she sees her coming out in the moonlight.


Hello my lady! Isn’t it a wonderful evening of stars and spectrum?

Portia smiles at her wondering still why she scoops up the chips.


Ms. Contrary, why do you always scoop up the diamond chips at night?

The woman looks at her a little put off by her question.


My lady, you were the one who placed the new law that any peasant can use the diamond chips to pay their needs. I can bring out the mandated material on the scroll if you need to see it.

Portia puts up her hands and shakes her head.


That’s okay Ms. Contrary, it was an innocent question really.

A strange noise of footsteps and she looks around to see who it is but it’s too late. Vigilante knocks her down pushing her into one of the demons. They fly off with her concealing her identity in sackcloth. Her house is the next building a mile up the street and it secretly turns into a makeshift of a dungeon with torches light a path to it’s center.


There in that opening!

Portia kicks and screams the whole way until the demons carrying her drops her in the lowest part of the dungeon.


Mother-fucking ingrates!

The head demon walks in wearing clothes Levi wear. Portia looks at him in confusion.


Who in all of Hell are you?

The demons laugh annoying Portia to no end. She turns around to head out only to be facing Vigilante and Romaline.


Are you two behind this? Where is Lydia, Vigilante?

The demons continue laughing as she grows angrier. She walks closer to her seemingly demonizing sister to touch her hair.


It grew from when I last saw you.

Fire from Romaline’s hair flies off to jump at Portia. Portia retaliates by blowing cool ice on her making her freeze frame.


Can you believe this bitch?

Portia boldly steps around Romaline’s frozen form to confront Vigilante.


What beef do you have against me?

Vigilante moves closer to Portia almost knocking her backwards.


I’m not here to help you. I’m here to regain what I’ve lost in your battles with them.

A Portia frown at him wondering how he even knows about all of that is happening. Vigilante turns and walks further down the corridor of the dungeon. He walks through a fiery portal that seems to have no heat coming from it. Other demons and lost souls from her empire enter the portal leaving her alone with the leader. Portia faces him as he reveals himself by disrobing. He looks familiar to her but she can’t seem to place where or who.


I’m sorry to be an inconvenience.

He scowls at her and points to a rock on the ground


I am Cyroc! We met when you first saw Romaline at our safe haven. Now rest your head there.

Portia hesitates for a second before moving to sit where he’s pointing. Cyroc nods an approval of her obedience and descends to all fours like a panther and move in towards her to sniff for any weapons. After finding none on her he starts to undress her seductively. Portia rolls her eyes heavenward in disgust and complains


Can you please get it over with?

Cyroc stops and stare at her.


Why so impatient? Are you scared you’ll enjoy it as much as I will?

Portia laughs at his assumption of pleasure. She kicks him away from her. Cyroc changes color from black to red as he rises back into his human form angry by her reaction to his seduction.


I tried to be nice but it seems as if I’ll have to force from you what I desire.

Portia jumps up and run towards the entrance of the dungeon. She escapes just before Cyroc can slam it shut. She glides out in the air meeting Levi just before they both descend back to the empire. Portia is completely livid to find him there.


I can’t believe you let this happen to me! A fucking demon, Levi! Have you gone completely mad, man?

Levi sighs deeply and disrobes himself showing it is actually Cyroc the demon she just ran from. Portia pops her lips and swears under her breath. She paces back and forth trying to figure out how to get away before he jumps her bones again.


Will it be so bad?

Portia stops pacing and give him a ridiculous look


You can’t be serious! Yes, it will be awful!

He grabs her and kisses her deeply. She tries to push him away but his lips are hypnotic. He pulls her in closer and begins to unclothe her revealing skin pure from evil and wickedness. Portia’s body ignites in flames as the light in her turns to darkness causing a horrifying cry throughout the township she just left. As Cyroc tastes her body Portia looks up in the sky and whispers…


Levi…save me!

Cyroc is ready to penetrate but she escapes in time before he does causing him to become violently angry. Portia runs to Cleansing Lake at the edge of her empire and jumps in to regain her light. Cyroc the demon, roars in protest as his body combusts into millions of tiny particles and is blown away by the wind out of the whole township.


Shit! Where the hell is Levi?

Portia wipes the water off her eyes and turn to see the town people coming towards her. She sinks back into the water and swims inside a dry cave deep within the lake where she finds Levi. He smiles at her and hands her fresh robes. She snatches them from him making him burst into laughter. Portia stomps further inside a cave just off the lake only to find herself back at square one with Levi following.


You’re disappointments comes from your bad decisions not your circumstance

Portia turns to face him scowling.


I can’t believe you think to try me. Listen, I care not what you think of my endings. Just tell me where it is I’m supposed to be so I can get there!

Levi shakes his head


You refused to follow rules while you were alive so now you’ll have to pass this one to save your soul from burning. Do as I tell you to and learn from your mistakes so that they may be prevented in the future! Then you can go home to where you should be.

Cut to:/Scene – 19 - A deep hurt creeps up inside her making her suddenly break down and cry. She tries to wipe her face before Levi can see her tears but he already knows. He steps beside her and offer his hand and this time Portia automatically accepts. He then steps over a cliff and take her on a journey through time to observe her bad decisions as he explains it all.


Your childhood years were very unpleasant to watch. Your mother suffered from her bad decisions therefore you and Romaline suffered. In turn these made you two grow up making crucial choices instead of breaking the generational curse.

They travel further towards her teenage years (intro scenes replayed to the end) when she first met Drake. Then they go further to her college years where she first lost her virginity to…


Chamberlain Dock…oh my God! He was the only one who ever made me forget about Drake.

Portia whirls around to face Levi questioningly


He’s now one of Drake’s men. Damn, so what does this mean? Does it mean? Help me!

Levi puts his hand on her shoulder reassuringly


Come…we have much more to see before coming to the truth.

Portia places her hand in his startling him before they walk a little further to where she starts working. Levi stops in front of her office door as they witness her boss sexually harass her. Levi explains further the circumstances of her decision to sue him.


This was your first job out of college. You were overly enthusiastic about being someone else’s boss and your superior used it to his advantage.

As they look on they listen to what her former boss, Jeffrey Berger says to her…


I see you’ve adapted to your new position very well. Is everyone treating you with respect?

Portia shakes her head and cringes inside as she doesn’t know what signals she’s giving for him to think he can come on to her.


They sure are but I’m not sure about some.

She watches herself come around her desk and lean on the edge exposing silky creamy caramel thighs in her tight business skirt suit. Jeffrey sees it and figures it to be an invitation to harass her. Portia never truly see it coming considering she’s still talking about her job. The current Portia tries to get her attention but Levi stops her.


You can’t alter anything here. That can only be done in the next dimension.

Portia stops struggling as she realizes the truth of what he says without saying it.


Good girl! Now listen to your first mistake with your boss.

They watch as she pushes him away. Portia gasps when he tries to force a simple kiss on her mouth. Levi stops the scene with a wave of his hand.


Would you like to see the alternative ending since you’ve lived the real one?

Portia nods her head wanting to see some form of happiness. Levi swings his hand to the left to switch the result of her actions in this turn of events. They travel in the scene counter clockwise and it turns into a mansion home with a set of twins running around with a golden retriever running after them. A housekeeper comes outside to catch them and have them eat their food. Portia smiles until her sister appears out of nowhere and gives her boss a kiss. Portia’s face falls and she turns to Levi for answers.


What is it?

Portia huffs


What the hell is this? Aren’t those kids mine?

Levi responds on the contrary


You and Romaline are sisters are you not?

Portia grows more suspicious at him


The real ending is more satisfying. What the hell happens to me? I mean didn’t I ever get a chance at happiness?

Levi wraps his heavy arms around her shoulders. Portia isn’t in the mood to hear what he’s about to say but she listens anyway.


I can offer you two choices. A…you can move on to the next decision alternative or B…you can find out why this one worked in Romaline’s favor.

Portia considers the offer for a minute


I’m simply asking you to be patient and to trust me.

Portia runs her hands through her hair


No, I want to go back and do to Drake what he did to me!

Levi grows angry at her stubbornness and chokes her in mid air


This is your final warning Portia Cynchero, Babylonian harlot! Learn from your mistakes now because if you go back you both will die and no one wins.

He drops her on her head hoping it finally brings sense to her mindless thoughts. He drags her and passes further through a portal of darkness. Choking to get more air, Portia gets up and try to run away but he stays her.


We’re here!

Cut to:/Scene – 20 - The scene paints a dreary picture of the gunfight between her and Drake. Before she can run for cover Chamberlain Dock, who’s running from one of Drake’s many enemies, picks her up.


Where the hell have you been Po-Po?

Portia looks up at him in confusion at first and then realizes what is happening.


I’ve been by my own business!

Chamberlain looks at her face and realizes she’s lying. He grabs her hair and move to an elevator shaft to slide down to the next floor. They’re in a city resembling many predictions of the End Times of Methadonia. He pulls off a piece of his shirt to place on her forearm. A shrapnel of glass sticks out of her skin and he breaks it to get it out.


Why are you always taking care of me?

Chamberlain smiles to cover his confusion of why she’s asking him that question


You see only what you want to see. You have yet to learn who is for your good. I’m not Drake. I won’t do anything to hurt you even if I wanted to.

A wave of déjà vu sweeps over Portia nearly making her faint. Chamberlain steadies her until she regains her balance. He smiles and kisses her on the lips igniting an inferno of passion so strong the scene of the gunfight literally disappears. He tries to pull away but she deepens the kiss and lets it go on further than necessary. The street war between Drake and his enemies seems to slow down to minimal fire. Bullets fly in the air in slow motion as gunmen run for cover to dodge them. One bullet flies by Chamberlain making him pull Portia down with him. She falls through the hole in the shaft screaming and the scene commences to exist again.


Cham! Cham!

He tries to catch her but he’s too late. Suddenly everything freeze frames in time as Levi appears out of the mist of gunfire to catch her before she falls inside the Black Hole of the Damned.


You only get a few chances. Take this offer before it’s too late! This will surely make you release your hatred towards all things insignificant.

Portia reaches out to take his hand and the same passions she experience with Chamberlain shot through her like a cannon! She does a double take at Levi and he seems not to even notice what is happening. The scene propels her to a different dimension placing her in present day time. She gets up off the ground and looks at her surroundings and sigh.


I can definitely deal with this.

She leans her head back and breathes in the fresh oceanic air. They walk towards a house that seems to be empty of anyone living there. It stands on a hill top facing what seems to be a skyline made of crystal platinum awnings. From the distance of the house it looks as if fairies are walking the streets creating yuletides or joy and spreading it wide as far as where she stands. Portia is so in awe at the scene she can hardly hear someone call her.


Oh, I’m sorry I was just…

The stranger smiles at her and takes her arm to usher her to the bathroom. She sees a name tag saying Devais Levine Realty.


I want to show you the tub in here.

Portia smirks and cynically thinks Levi is trying to purposely work himself inside her clothes.


Sure you do. I can’t wonder why, though.

As soon as she sees what he wants to show her the taste of crow burdens her tongue. Devais frowns at her sarcasm and checks his watch.


I have another appointment in an hour so if you’re leaning towards a purchase now is the time to say so.

The house resembles the exact design of her old condo. Portia looks around and takes in the irony of it. Devais, who easily resembles a print model, look alike of Drake and Chamberlain walks up behind her and places a hand at the small of her back.


Have you made up your mind?

Portia tries to shake her head to clear her mind of his resemblance. She gives him a nervous smile to cover her reactions.


Uh, well I left my budget book at my…uh…apartment? So I need to get back to you with that decision.

Devais checks his watch again and gruffly excuses himself to make a phone call. Portia stands and waits trying her best not to listen to his call. He’s upset about something and she suspects her indecisiveness has a lot to do with it.


I’m sorry I am so ill prepared today. I guess I’m just not myself lately. Let me…

Devais interrupts her in a tirade of angry frustration.


You’ve been doing this the whole time! Why are you going in and out of your mind? Are you unhinged or something?

Portia moves closer to him until she is square in front of him. Her mouth opens to tell him off but the only thing to come out of it is a sigh



Portia faints right in front of him. Devais lets her crumble to the floor. He looks down and shakes his head at her. Outside traffic is picking up in the subdivision indicating that it’s getting late. Devais bends down to wake her.


Ms. Cynchero! Ms. Cynchero!

Portia slowly stirs around and springs up checking her watch in a daze.


Who? Where?

She looks over at him leaning against a bare wall with shadows of the places she and Levi are still to visit. Her memory slowly comes back as she regains her senses.


Oh, my head is heavy. What are we doing here, Levi?

Devais frowns again at the mention of another name to his reference.


Who is Levi?

That gets Portia’s full attention as she studies his appearance once more. He looks a lot like Levi except more clean. He has on a three-piece Dolce & Gabana suit carrying a briefcase. His shoes are shiny Stacy Adams and his wrist is sporting a Movado watch. Everything seems to be coming back to her and she walks out towards a car.


Ms. Cynchero, are you going to get the house or what?

Portia doesn’t to face him at all as she gets in the Jaguar XKS and speeds off. She turns up the radio to clear her mind when suddenly Levi appears in the passenger seat.


You’ve got some nerve, lady. The moment you women are presented with the one you turn tail and flee.

Portia looks over at him angry beyond reason he has the nerve to show up and tell her after the fact especially since she has a growing feeling that it’s him.


Why are you here? Who was that man if it wasn’t you!

Levi gives her a world weary look before making her stop the car.


The one…

He gets out gliding down the street towards the inner city. Portia swerves around causing the cars following her to wreck and cuss her out as she speeds forward to get back to the house. She thinks about it and turns to yell to Levi


At least tell me if he’s single, got kids, a girlfriend, gay, bi, say something!

Levi laughs at her desperateness


None of the above except that he is single because he’s a widower.

Portia looks over at him and feels he is hiding something.


And…tell me more!

Levi appears to her in shadow.


You were his wife!

Portia automatically stops at that revelation.



Levi laughs at her.


You in you alternate life was his beloved ‘Story’ but you died of breast cancer. As you can see the decisions you’ve made effects your cipher in every lifecycle. Now is the time to choose whether or not you take ‘Easy Street’ or continue down the spiraling path to a life of hell and damnation in Hell! It’s all up to you.

His shadow leaves. Portia goes back inside the house and find Devais is showing the house to another woman.


Devais wait!

He turns around to see who is calling him and doesn’t see the woman behind him pointing a gun at his head. With a small wave of her hand Portia forces her away from existence.


Ms. Cynchero, what are you doing back here? I thought you didn’t like this house.

Portia stops just beyond him and frowns.


I never said anything about not wanting to buy, I just left.

Devais smiles at her


That made me think you didn’t.

Portia hangs her head low sheepishly


Oh, well I’m here…again. I do want to buy but I need to see about my options.

Devais turns to address his other client but finds her to not have ever been. He turns to face her with a question look on his face.


Well since you’re not busy we can discuss this in more detail.

Devais steps aside to let her have a seat at the dining table. He shrugs his shoulders and follows her inside the house to negotiate payment. Levi hovers over the bar and watch them as they discuss the pricing of the house versus what she could afford to pay. He notices how Portia lets her guard down when Devais gets personal with her. Portia reaches down for her purse to find a pen and her checkbook. While she isn’t looking Levi jumps in Devais’s body and uses the desire they both have for her take precedence. When Portia looks up she notices a bluish aura around Devais.


Okay, it seems I may have left my checkbook. How long can you hold the house?

A car crashes outside in front of the house preventing Devais to respond. They both jump up to run and see whose hurt. The vehicles blow up before they can get to it. Devais covers Portia with his body to shield her from the blast. Glass and car parts fly all over the place. Portia just knows that Devais was getting cuts and burns all over his back. She squirms to look up at him and see no pain or suffering in his eyes. Only love dwells in the deep pools of his heavenly stone grey gaze. Portia remembers that Levi has the same gaze.



Devais doesn’t answer instead he kisses her deep and proceeds to make love to her then and there. Portia knows she should stop him but it feels so right for him to love her the way he’s doing now. He slowly and seductively brings them to an ecstatic state no human can produce. With every stroke of every thrust he impends on her Portia screams from the sheer thought of pleasure from it.


No one can ever love you the way I do, Portia!

End of Act – 2 –

Act 3:/Scene – 21 – Drake is in his limo on his way to the crash site. His boys are to find Portia in her manifest body and kill her. He runs up on the crash and get out of the limo and screams for friends. The cars are still exploding when a bright light blue light appears as a silver cloud when he rushes up to it and he can visibly see Portia and what appears to be angel having sex. As he walks closer the fire of the crash spreads further engulfing his limousine. He turns to run towards it screaming Bailey’s and Peechez’s name. He runs to see if his friend, Chamberlain Dock, is dead but finds no one in the driver’s seat.


No! Bailey…Peechez!

He drops to his knees and place his head in the palms of his hands wailing the names of all the friends recently lost.


I can’t believe this shit, man.

The next day Portia wakes to what feels like a dream. Her body and spirit feels light as if strife doesn’t exist.



She gets up to look for Devais. She notices all the new décor of her surroundings. She has no memory of it at all.


Uh…Devais? Levi? Either one of you guys!

She turns around to see a ghostly form coming towards her. She smiles and realizes that it could be the love of her life. The ghost comes closer to her to reveal Devais and Levi in one manifest form smiling down at her. She runs up to him to kiss him and he catches her in an intimate embrace.


Oh, baby you’re a dream come true. I’m so glad you waited for me.

Portia looks at him in confusion at his statement. He lays her down gently on the bedding and place one finger to trace all over her body to wash away her manifestation. He brings her body back to its original form. When he finishes he kisses her and pulls her up to look inside her body and finds her heart is almost completely full. Portia gasps.


Oh, my God! I haven’t seen this lady in years or in months, days, ever…

Devais hugs her voluptuous form.


You are more beautiful now than you were before.

Portia turns to face him not sure of what he means.


Okay, let’s cut the charade. Who are you? Truthfully!

He continues to smile but does nothing.


You know who I am, Portia. I’ve been with you the whole time.

Portia backs away.



He smiles and advances towards her retreating form to reassure her.


I am he and Devais. When you manifested you crossed inside my spiritual realm just as Devais was searching for his beloved wife, Story. He’s young and his life is incomplete. Levi, the angel, has come to manifest his completion and at the same time help you and he complete your destiny.

She starts to pace back and forth and then an epiphany hits her as she pieces all of the mystery together.


I thought at the gunfight I saw a giant Sparrow flying over the skyscrapers. Never did I imagine it could’ve been an angel. That was when Chamberlain came to help me. He kissed me right before I got shot! Have I been here before? Have I been reincarnated? Who really shot me?

Devais stops just before touching her.


This I can only say that you still have a choice. Some souls aren’t meant to die. It wasn’t your time so something or someone interrupted the pattern of death and you were wrongfully slain. Drake wasn’t going after you he was after another who betrayed him.

Thinking she knows who she blurts out…



Devais laughs


Pay attention! Who else besides her would have motive and opportunity? Who else cares for you, my dear?

Portia can hardly remember who else Drake hates.


It really doesn’t matter because he’s no longer here. However, he was with you when you get killed.

Portia gasps as what he says becomes clear.


Chamberlain Dock! Drake always though we were having sex while he went away for days at a time.

He frowns at her as this becomes a new revelation to him.


Are you saying you slept with him?

Portia laughs


Hell to the no! Although, I did want to, I realized that it was only lust. You know the kids play while the parents are away type of thing.

Devais breathes deeply in relief. His coming to her aid in helping her make the right choice can’t work if she’s slept with him Chamberlain Dock.


Good because I’d hate to have to kill him once he contacts you. Oh yeah, when he does, and he will, don’t answer it. It’ll be a trap just like last time.

Portia frowns wanting to ask him why but decides against it. Instead she goes to a nearby closet to dress and tour the castle like home he dwells in. Before she can put on one stitch he grabs her from behind to make love to her again.


Not so fast!

Cut to:/Scene – 21 – Chamberlain Dock runs behind a huge boulder to escape Drake’s gunfire. He knows has no one to defend him, however he can never underestimate Drake’s will. If he can kill the women he loves most then he can kill him. The scene flashes back to scene one where he and Portia tries to run away from Drake’s wrath. It shows Chamberlain pushing away from Portia out of harm’s way crashing into a saloon as he watches Portia get shot up by the gun he drops. Back to the present Chamberlain escapes Drake’s line of fire again by jumping on a train heading west.


Oh, yeah mother-fucker! I’m gonna get your sorry ass now!

Drake turns around and run towards a house with an SUV in the driveway. He hot wires it and drives off. His cell phone rings and its Dooley, the last of his men. He answers it reluctantly to hear the news he knows about Portia.


I hope its good news.

He heard the line go static.


You were right about the woman being Portia. Somehow she survived and got plastic surgery or something. I think she’s the one who killed Malachi boss!

Drake sighs as the line threatens to disconnect.


Boss…hey yo boss! Are you still there?

Drake pauses for a minute careful not to breathe a word as a cop with flashing lights ride past him.


Yeah, man I’m here. There’s just one person I’m really worried about.

Dooley clears his throat.



Drake pops his lips


Chamberlain Dock, only because he’s become too loose of a shit ass for me and I gotta find out where he’s headed.

Dooley chokes on his own breath before asking.


I’m sorry did you say Dock? As in Chamberlain?

Drake swears under his breath.


Mother-fucker ain’t that what I just said? Now watch your back because he doesn’t know you’re alive. If you see him before I do let me know. I’m gonna kill that mother-fucker myself.

Drake hangs up. He drives off heading west towards the next stop he knows the train will make. Behind his house in Cassenola. He has to get there before it does so he can set a trap for Chamberlain to fall into.


I’ll be damned to let him get away again!

Cut to:/Scene – 22 – Lydia and Mark Fletcher comes out of hiding to meet up with Romaline and the rest of the lingering souls to send them onward towards Eternity. The Minister Olajuan comes out of the sanctuary to meet them.


Let us hurry and get this over with before anyone realizes what we’re doing.

They all run to the trees where the damned dwells and place the tokens of light around it on the ground. The minister starts to chant.


Kahn to thee shupaykta wi….Angels of Synergy come for your lost children of this world…take them to be at rest.

Romaline looks around to see the ones in the tree disappear in a shadow haze and other in a shadow of light. She moves to be next in the shadows when Chamberlain Dock accidentally runs into her causing her to miss her opportunity.



Chamberlain gets up to run but when Mark manifests into Vigilante he trips him to fall into the dark shadows of Hell but it’s not the Hell of Eternity…it’s Purgatory.


Aw shit nah!

Romaline tries again to get an opportunity to leave but someone interrupts her again. (Enter Portia)


I know you ain’t leaving without saying goodbye.

Levi appears right behind her. Portia runs up to her sister and gives her a hug. Romaline turns to wave goodbye to the others and is horrified when Drake comes up behind Lydia and pushes her inside the same shadow as Chamberlain.


No, oh no! Aghhh! Mark!

Romaline falls in with the other lost souls to travel for eternity in peace. The others turn to see Lydia fall and Vigilante go in after her. Portia holds a hand out against Drake to push him far away.


Why didn’t you let me end him? This nightmare could be over for you.

Portia faces her guardian angel to explain.


I know now the importance of my cipher’s cycle. I know that everything happens for a reason.

Levi smiles proudly that she finally accepts her destiny.


I also know the real person who killed me was not Drake.

His face falls


At least we’ve got Romaline over to the other side. My work here is…

Levi holds up his hands to stop him from leaving.


There is one more task you must perform old witch!

Portia frowns at Levi claiming the minister’s a witch.


Where did that come from?

Levi wraps his arm around Portia’s waist and explains.


Olajuan here is from another realm. The reason why he can see the future is because he’s from the future.

Portia looks back at the minister and sees his eyes growing a light shade of green. They slowly move back out of his sight just in case he decides to zap them. Portia hides behind Levi to protect herself. The minister raises his arms and with a booming voice yells…


Memorials and chants of peace and righteousness…celebrate your time!

Then he formally fades away back into a new portal. Portia looks up at Levi and see his hair is turning brilliantly silver. She touches it and is awed by this new look on him. Not realizing that he actually looks like that. He leads the way from the sanctuary.


We will be together at last!

Cut to:/Scene – 23 – Drake is at his home all alone drowning in his miseries. He’s lost almost all of his men and his best friend is now his main enemy. He knows he has to get even or his other enemies will think he’s vulnerable, which is true. A loud thump sounds outside his bedroom window and he cocks his nine millimeter.


Who is it? Who’s there?

There is truly no one there but it doesn’t stop him from going crazy. He begins to throw furniture and break windows and destroy precious art decorating his house.


Look, you stupid bitches! You can’t haunt me because there are no such things as ghosts!

A creepy silence falls against the house and even though there’s no sound it creates a sonic boom or his impending doom.


Shit, what the fuck is that?

Another boom sounds again and this time it’s for real as it is coming from his closet.


Oh, so you’re the boogeyman now, huh?

He laughs hysterically as the scene grows to an eerie gray.


I’m the king of this castle, bitches! Ain’t none of ya’ll fit to be my queen

Another boom sounds but this time its one of his housekeepers


Mr. Brethia, are you alright?

Drake spins around like a dog chasing his own tail becoming dizzy.


Yeah! That’s right bitch! I’m king Big Dog in here!

The housekeeper continues to pound harder on his closet door trying to kill a bug. Drake runs to it and starts yelling at her.


I’m here bitch!

The housekeeper slows down the beating of the closet door. Drake drinks his tequila swallowing the worm at the bottom of the bottle.


Mr. Brethia, it’s me, Juanita! Are you okay, do you want me to call for help?

Drake isn’t listening to her questions because he can hear is Portia’s voice. Suddenly Romaline’s shadowing form appears in a corner beckoning Drake to kill the housekeeper.


Come out, come out if you dare. I’ve got guns blazing for your ass!

The housekeeper moves from the closet slow with the broom she uses to clean with. Drake gets ready for her and as soon as she appears he fires a round killing her instantly. When he stops and realizes what he just did he screams out of grief and torment.


No! Shit! Aghhh….

Cut to:/Scene – 23 – Levi and Portia dines out at an elegant restaurant. They’re having a good time when Bailey’s shadow appears to them.


Oh, I get it now

They both look up and see her hovering over their table. Portia quickly stands and stop her by knocking her down with a wave of her hand.


I told you once before didn’t I? I said never to come near me!

Portia advances towards her but Bailey was ready for her. Levi senses an ambush and pushes Bailey’s shadow out of the restaurant. He then takes Portia’s hand and run out the back way. They jump in the waiting limo and the driver pulls off.


Are you sure you know what you’re doing?

Levi laughs at her questioning him. He must explain to her the rules.


I’ll explain everything to your soon. Right now as Bailey has somehow made a deal with one of those renegade demons for power we must get out of this realm.

He takes her hand in his and as the driver passes over train tracks with an oncoming train they vanish in smoke leaving the driver in confusion. The driver who happens to be Bailey’s accomplice rises out of the crash and walks by.


Oh, that’s just great! How the hell am I too catch them if you can’t even cripple them?

The accomplice turns and ignites her making her scream. Then he stops while holding her in mid air. (Enter Vigilante)


Bitch, I told you I got better things to do with my time.

Bailey gets livid when he drops her. She gets up to follow him but he takes off far away. She stops walking to stand still and think. Her real mission is to find and kill Portia once and for all for betraying her. (Bailey exits)


There is something I need to tell you.

Portia looks at him with growing concern. He places her hands in his.


You died long before that gunfight. It was a different gunfight and the difference was me.

He waits for her reaction. When he starts to tremble he then tells her the rest.


There was an argument over another woman. We never got to finish it when the gun went off. You just walked in on a conversation with my son about his mother.

Portia begins to see red as the memory of that fatal night permeates her thoughts. The whole scene turns silver including them. She slowly balls her fists and Levi hurries to finish explaining before she gets the wrong idea.


You knew about him before we married but you didn’t realize he was your nephew.

Portia starts to push him away but he stands his ground by hugging her tightly against him.


You….liar! He couldn’t have been its just not possible!

She pounds on his chest


Stop Portia stop it! You can’t hurt me anymore ‘because you’re dead. The reason why I’m here is to either ease your passing…or bring you back.

Portia stops her tyrant. The look on her face is growing into total shock as Levi finishes.


I’ve had to become a manifestation or respected leadership before finally coming after you.

Portia feels her head as if she’s going to faint. Levi holds her fast until the final words.


An ancient covenant was made for you by your mother Jocqa. You must choose what is best for you but there is a catch.

Portia sits down on the ground


Wait a minute! What catch? What covenant?

Levi sits down in front of her. Portia caresses his jaw line and he grabs her hand.


The ancient covenant is for you to choose one lifetime that will change the world forever. One lifetime will last as long as you want it to but there will be lots of disappointments. The other will be your happy blessings in abundance but it will be short lived and no promises of a safe eternity.

Portia starts to shake her head no as tears fall freely streaking her face framing her sorrows. Levi kisses her fully on the lips


The decision is yours to make. In the end you must do what is best for your goodness. I must leave you now. As your guardian angel I can’t interfere any longer.

Portia starts to panic


Hold up! What about you, will you be there? That would make my final decision. All I want is to be happy.

Levi smiles as he slowly fades away.


Yes, but with who are you happy with? Me or Drake?

Portia tries to keep him from fading


Don’t go, please! Which one are you going to be in? Which future?

Levi shakes his head as he disappears


Follow your heart or your soul.

He leaves a trail of glittery dust right when Drake comes up behind her.


I knew you weren’t anything but a psycho bitch! You’re just like your sister, Romaline. Always wanting what you can’t have.

Drake back hands her making her crumble to the ground. Portia looks up at him with tears in her eyes. He laughs at her and kicks her in the stomach. She reaches up to grab his foot and keep him from kicking her again. She pushes him away long enough to recover and stand up. She wipes blood off of her lips and look at her hand.


Shit! I’m human again.

Drake runs to knock her down again but she side steps it and he crashes into a brick wall.


Damn, bitch! Somebody gave you better instincts. Are you finally a woman now with a little intuition?

Portia laughs at him and turns to walk away and find a portal to make her choice. Before she can get one Drake comes up behind her and knocks her down with a stone to the head. As she falls he catches her and slings her over his shoulders. (Exit alley)


Now I can take care of business.

Cut to:/Scene – 25 – Back at scene one where Drake and Portia conclude their deal to meet up at the fight scene with his enemies. Downstairs Chamberlain Dock is waiting for her with a limo.


We must hurry, Portia! The portal is going to be gone.

Portia freezes right as she gets in the car. Chamberlain pushes her in further so he can get in. She stares at him in shock from what he says. His smile reminds her of Levi.


Cham, did you say...

He cuts her off


Let’s go over the plan again. Now as soon as I drop you off place the book at the edge of the portal to keep it open for me.

Portia suddenly gets an epiphany and opens the door to jump out just as the limo crosses a bridge. The limo suddenly stops and drives backwards to catch her. She runs out of breath as she turns into a vacant lot to get to the other side of the street and catch the bus to go back. Everything comes back to haunt her. She has a flash back of Levi pledging undying love to her and asking her to marry him.


Oh shit!

The limo turns the corner just as she jumps on the bus. Chamberlain shoots at it killing four innocent bystanders. Portia tries to hide but can’t. When the bus driver stops by hitting a pole she runs off and goes through one of the emergency exits. The only safe haven for her is an old building where on the other side city officials gets ready to implode it. She slows down to look around and finds all kinds of explosive materials. She turns to leave but runs right into Chamberlain Dock.


Don’t ever do that again!

He grabs her then shake and slaps her silly. Portia screams making one of the inspectors of the implosion call a halt to it. He walks up on them as Drake and his men enter the scene.


Now look at what you’ve done.

Portia reacts to Drake calling for her. Chamberlain laughs holding her tight to him kissing her on the mouth just as Drake finds her.



He whispers her name in disbelief. The inspector hides behind a pillar watching.


Drake he’s going to kill you! Run, baby, run!

Drake is still in shock to find the love of his life kissing his sworn enemy.


She left you willingly, Brethia! Now you see where her love lies.

Portia struggles even more to get away from him. She screams for him to let her go but he holds her fast to him with the gun he borrows from Drake at her head. Drake doesn’t know who to believe until Bailey comes in.


That’s right Draky baby! She’s nothing but a slut! I’m your lover for life, sweetie.

Bailey grabs Drake’s face and turns it towards her lips to kiss him in the mouth. He pushes her away in disgust and she laughs nervously at his reaction then points a gun at his head.


I said it! I said you won’t come to me that easy but you will now won’t you? You’ll become my bitch now!

Portia notices that she intends to kill him and stomps on Chamberlain’s foot break free and save Drake. The inspector behind the pillar sees Chamberlain move to shoot her and picks up a rock to hit him in the head. Everyone turns to him except for Portia who runs to move Drake out of harm’s way. Two guns go off at once then a third. Portia bumps her head on something solid knocking her out completely just as she Drake hit the ground. The inspector appears to all of them showing his face as Levi the guardian angel. He flies past all of them to get to Portia and heal her head. Just before she awakens he manifests back into Drake’s body.


I choose to love Levi.

Levi sweeps his hand at a wall to create another portal and they both run inside. Her choice of happiness lands them in a meadow of deep blues and sharp tones of warming colors. Portia is still hazy from the blow.


Where the hell am I?

Drake smiles and rubs her head.


We were horse riding when your mare bucked and threw you over. You hit the crested rock and were out cold for a good while.

He continues to rub her head.


That was yesterday. How are you feeling?

Portia sits up rubbing her forehead still a little hazy as to what has actually taken place. She’s feeling lucid as if to have lived a million lifetimes.


Who are you?

Drake burst into hysterical laughter then thinks about her injury and head trauma comes to mind.


Are you sure you’re alright?

Portia nods


Of all the people in the world you would forget me? After all that we’ve been through that has manifested into this?

She sits up completely.


What do you mean by manifest? Are you…no you can’t be. It was all a dream?

Drake kisses her on the mouth slow and lingeringly. As he lifts his head she notices the same scar on his forehead as Levi has.



She whispers his name as if enchanted by it. Drake laughs again.


I might have to go riding with you more often. You’ve never been this hilarious.

Portia gives him a weary look before standing up. She almost topples over from the sudden movement. Drake rises to steady her.


Are you certain you can ride back? You know you seem to be out of it lately. We’ll go see the doctor soon as we get back.

Portia walks slowly out of the cave with Drake by her side. The sunlight gleams in her eyes sharply and she turns away from it. Drake hugs her close.


Why did you call me by my grandfather’s name?

She lifts her head up to meet his inquisitive stare.



He nods to confirm


I don’t know who your grandfather is!

Drake gives her a thoroughly weary look


Yes you do! You think there is nothing like Grandfather Levi!

A thought dawns on her


What do you mean?

Drake shakes his head.


You two are inseparable! I used to get jealous of your relationship. He was never that close to me. The man even recited poetry to you on command!

She frowns


Poetry, so he was a writer? Do you remember some of his work?

Drake sighs deeply


Well yeah, since I was named for him I guess I took on some of his genes for writing.

Portia pushes away from him and whispers…


Levi…is your middle name?

He frowns at her confusion.


Levi is my first name. You know that and stop being silly!

Portia keeps whispering his first name



Drake is growing angrier at how she’s reacting to him.


Why are you acting so weird? You know my name, baby. It was all you used to brag about to your family remember? You went around saying: ‘Leviticus Devais Drake’! When we were in elementary school you made fun of it calling me ‘LDD’ as if I was dumb. Come on now you at least remember that. We hated each other for years!

Portia continues to look up at him and sees a glowing halo over his head. She reaches up at his face and then drops her hand. She whispers enchantingly


You saved my life. What is it that I call you now?

Two sparrows and a dove come toward them and places diamond chips on their heads. She never notices as she waits patiently until he speaks again.


Well when you’re mad it’s ‘LDD’ but any other time you call me Drake.

Portia nods saying


I chose love. Who else calls you that? It is your last name right?

Drake’s pleasant mood fades away as he ushers them down the hill.


I’m taking you to the doctor right now!

Portia doesn’t move an inch


Who is the doctor? Why won’t you answer my questions?

Drake stops for a moment before answering


Because their asinine! You know you never call me, Levi! You’ve always referred to me as Drake.

Portia eyes starts to water


Why don’t I call you Levi?

Drake wipes her tears away and kisses her once more


You don’t like it, sweetheart. You said ‘Drake’ is more masculine.

Portia’s tears run more freely down her face as Drake starts to kiss them away. He awakens the passionate side of her again as she deepens the kiss. He starts to undress her and pull her back towards the cave.


I love you, Portia

At the sound of her name she tries to stop him.


Recite some of his work to me!

Drake hesitates then tries to remember a piece he actually wrote for his grandfather as a child to prove his worth.


Bubbly functions

wetting the back of your throat like spring waters

instead of keeping you cool

it makes you hotter

following a path

similar to a caress

comforting your nerves

keeping them from stress

almost the same as

a jazz tune

that mirrors the sways

of a luxurious groove

touching the core of your being

fighting to satisfy the desire to fulfill your ecstasy

the phrase of a good thing is used



the sexiness of it feels good

the emotions seriously

comes off the high slowly

it’s mellow just like

floating in air like


in skin tight leather

the color beige

is now a favorite

I love smelling it’s reactive

I love its name of a flavorful taste…


What’s my last name? Say it!

He laughs at her silliness


Whatever you want it to be so long as you end it with mines.

His cell phone rings interrupting the searing inferno their passion ignites inside of them. Drake reluctantly answers


This is, Levi

Portia continues to make love to him deliberately trying to distract him.


Wait, wait, honey! It’s one of the kids.

That makes her stop completely. He smiles handing her the cell


They want to make sure mommy is okay. Here talk to your children.

Portia slowly grabs the phone from him. He continues to undress her and discards their clothing to the far corner of the cave. Portia can barely concentrate on the phone conversation


Hey, babies! How are you?

The children laugh


Don’t make anymore of us, mommy! We don’t have enough room.

As they hang up she looks at Drake in confusion. He stops and sighs


What is it now, babe?

Portia sits up and closes her legs


How many children do we have together?

Drake pouts and puts his clothes back on.


Look, silly girl! We have three children and have always talked about having more! We live in a mansion and we both own an empire so stop playing amnesia chick and let’s make that little girl we’ve always wanted.

Portia shakes her head feeling that something was off


What about Lydia?

Drake freezes in his movements


You really don’t remember do you?

Portia shakes her head as he explains


No one really knows but Lydia disappeared after marrying that man, ah…Fletch? Fletcher, Mark Fletcher!

All memories come flooding back to her at once. They show rain falls of events leading up to her disappearance. Last words of, Lydia, slowly creep inside her soul to reveal the intensity of her fears to the frantic states of which she is escalating to.


Honey, are you alright?

She quickly redresses and run out of the cave. Her mission now manifests to save her lost friend from a fate worse than death. To keep her from going through what she did for happiness. Nearing the three-story home of her friend she climbs the picket fence



She runs until she reaches the inside of her house of which she finds the front door mysteriously opening. She gets halfway to the room from the stairs and sees a glowing aura under the doorway. She grows weary of what might find behind the door.



She tries calling her name again but still no answer. Drake appears by her side with the same glow around him. He manifests as he waves his hand to clear up the lingering shimmers of the aura behind the door. Portia nearly faints as he reveals to her opening the door to a final portal before it vanishes


It is for the best, Portia, wife of Levi…

He turns to leave her standing there staring at his retreating form (movie fades to black as the credits roll)




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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