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Business Plan by


Business Plan (Copy # 1)

May 24, 20XX

Notification of Proprietary Information or Business Confidential Information: This document includes data that will not be disclosed outside the Program and will not be duplicated, used, or disclosed, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal. Redacted by document owner: Maria Brychuk

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Vision and Mission Statement....................................................................................................................... 4 Business Overview........................................................................................................................................ 4

Legal Business Description ....................................................................................................................... 4 Operations (Products and Services) ............................................................................................................. 4

Production and Delivery of Services ......................................................................................................... 5 Future Products and Services ................................................................................................................... 5 Quality Control ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Licenses / Permits ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Leasing / Renting Commercial Space ....................................................................................................... 6 Zoning........................................................................................................................................................ 6 The Market .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Market Definition........................................................................................................................................ 7 Market Research ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Customer Profile ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Sales Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Distribution Strategy .................................................................................................................................. 8 Advertising, Promotion and Public Relations ............................................................................................ 9 Competitive Analysis and Assessment ..................................................................................................... 9 Human Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Hiring employees ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Workers Compensation: .......................................................................................................................... 10 Risk and Opportunity................................................................................................................................... 10 Management Assessment........................................................................................................................... 11 Capital Requirements.................................................................................................................................. 11 Financial Plan.............................................................................................................................................. 12 APPENDIX A ? Quality assurance survey (sample) ................................................................................... 12 APPENDIX B ? Proof of Liability Insurance ................................................................................................ 12 APPENDIX C ? Proof of Zoning.................................................................................................................. 12 APPENDIX D - Resume.............................................................................................................................. 12

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Executive Summary


Dancing is a historical tradition. Dance has been alive at social functions since the beginning of time. It has proved its long-lasting presence in our lives. It is in our media, our music and day to day social functions. Today, dance instructions for children are widely considered as one of the regular after school activities.

is dedicated to bringing quality children dance education to . There is a very large and growing young family community in . It is our plan to offer fun non-competitive dance classes for young children. There are many benefits to dancing that will attract children from many backgrounds and interests.

, is the founder and owner of . has been involved with dance for many years, both professionally performing and teaching. 's background and experience will provide a strong foundation for as a successful venture.

Our market research indicates very favorable environment for a dance school in . The demand, demographics and availability of similar services are all pointing to a sustainable growth of dance school business.

The business model described in this plan is proven by many similar businesses in . Low barriers of entry and virtually no fixed cost operational component makes this business self-sufficient and recession-proof. Our financial projections estimate a fulltime income in 1-2 years or operations.

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Vision and Mission Statement

Vision: To become premier cultural and educational institution serving larger community.


? To train and develop young dancers with individual and personalized attention, in order to attain the student's fullest potential.

? To give students an enriching and inspiring course that will educate and benefit the mind, body and soul.

Business Overview

() is a dance educational institution started on March 20, 2010. Owner and Artistic Director has an extensive dance experience in variety of styles, both on-stage and as an instructor and choreographer. Currently in the process of establishing in . has joined The Council of the Arts and looking forward to contributing to growth and awareness of the arts through educational programs.

Legal Business Description

is a sole proprietorship, owned by . The business name "" was registered with the Attorney General of on August 24, 2009.

Operations (Products and Services)

will offer dance instruction and classes for children 3-17 years old in Creative Movement, Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap and Character dance styles.

Dance is a common, widely used type of activity for children. It stands along hockey, gymnastics, art, soccer and music.

will use a standard dance school business model. The business of dance instructions doesn't have to be unique to succeed. This is a "localized" type of business, where the choice of the majority of customers depends on the proximity and convenience.

The difference from the standard approach will be centered on two concepts, both driven by revenue consideration which we believe is important for us to establish a sustainable model and growing business.

? First, we do not anticipate an investment in long term studio lease/rental and setup expenditure. We will source locally available and suitable facilities and work out per-usage rental agreements. This will eliminate the largest portion for the fixed costs and enable to grow and be flexible.

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? Second, we will focus most of our effort on the classes for younger age students. These classes are generally more popular and have highest profit margins. This will allow us to effectively reinvest the profits and grow our program at a faster rate.

Our competitive advantage will center on quality of instructions and support services we provide. In dance, quality of instruction depends on the level of instructor's education and the amount of professional dance experience. We also plan to provide the best service to our customers using technology tools for communication, payment and registration automation via internet.

Production and Delivery of Services

Initially will instruct classes herself. It will take at least a year to year and a half to bring the enrollment numbers to medium level of schedule intensity. Full time week for dance instructor usually consists of 10-15 classes per week. When accounted with class preparation, administration and recital activities this easily adds up to 40 hours of work time per week.

We plan to bring on board additional part-time instructor by the fall 2010 semester. The arrangements in this case will be of a contractual nature on the per-hour of instruction rate compensation. Adding a parttime instructor prior to achieving full schedule load works is a risk mitigation and contingency strategy, in case the need for a substitute arises.

Future Products and Services

We plan to grow number of classes with younger children first, potentially offering classes in multiple locations. We will also continue to expand our services based on customer demand. As program grows we will be adding more complex classes for older children and expand the variety of dance styles offered.

currently promotes itself as a full program dance school. As interest and customer base grows we plan to introduce larger variety of classes in Hip-Hop and Tap. Both of these styles are in the secondary demand category. Diversifying the styles offered we will be better equipped to retain current students as well as attract new customers.

plans to offer summer camps starting in 2011. Further market research will be conducted on feasibility and cost-benefit analysis.

also plans to explore an opportunity to enter into agreement with local elementary/middle schools and offer after-school dance programs.

Quality Control

To ensure quality of instructions we limit the class size as follows: 1. Children ages 3-5 years old ? maximum 10 students per class 2. Children ages 6-9 years old ? maximum 12 students per class 3. Teenagers 10-17-year-old ? maximum 20 students per class

These ratios are proven to be optimal for quality of dance instruction. They enable age-appropriate personalized attention of instructor without compromising the performance and expectations of the rest of the group.

We plan to measure quality of our instructions and services in bi-annual surveys. See APPENDIX A for a sample.

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Licenses / Permits

has a liability insurance policy with . Policy designed specifically for Dance School business and provides $2Mil coverage limit. Certificate of insurance is enclosed in the Appendix B.

No other licenses or permits are required for this type of business.

Leasing / Renting Commercial Space

To keep our overhead costs low, will distribute business locations as follows:

1. Home office at the place of primary residence of for all administrative activities. 2. Dance studio facilities rented on per-use-fee agreements with community organizations.

In the future, when business volume will be sufficient to support the fixed cost, we plan to establish full size dance studio. This topic will be further explored in the Opportunities section below.

Currently has rental agreement with Town Hall. We rent two different areas at Town Hall for our classes on per-hour fee basis. Our busiest area at Town Hall is available for our usage until May 2010. We have just extended our agreement to summer 2010 and working on extending it further through December of 2010.

We are exploring alternative locations for the same type of per-hour rental arrangements in .


Not applicable under current business model. Facilities that are being rented are designed specifically for fitness-related activities. No customers are admitted to home-based office.

We confirmed with Zoning and Planning department of Town that no zoning permits are required for residence-based office where no customers are admitted. Copy of the confirmation is enclosed in the APPENDIX C.

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The Market

Market Definition

We specialize in recreational dance instructions for children age 3-17 years old. We are the only dance instruction provider in area.

- is a fastest growing residential community in the .

- According to Statistics demographic report from 2006, has 600 females from 3-17 years old.

- According to Statistics demographics survey population has one of the highest saturation of young and mid-age families with children.

- is the largest elementary school on , drawing children from all surrounding communities and exceeding 600 students.

- As of September 2010 this number will grow to 730-750 students due to inclusion of kindergarten children into school system.

Our preliminary research and trial offers also shows that 30% of our students come from outside town limits. Most of these students come from , and some from .

Market Research

Our market research shows that there are a few established dance schools in the area. Two large schools and 2-3 smaller specialized dance instruction business are in the area. However, will be the only dance instruction business in . All other dance schools are located in .

target customer base are parent of and children, primarily females, from 317 years old. Government of reports continued population increase and projects the trend to continue at a 2% per year rate. In addition to town boundaries several surrounding communities, including and are utilizing area businesses and educational institutions. We estimate potential market size of 800-900 children (excluding ). In our opinion this presents a realistic potential customer base of 150-200 students for that location.

We also conducted trial sessions as part of our market research strategy. Our enrolment numbers went from 12 students in the fall 2009 to 35 students in the spring 2010. We continue to receive good level of inquiries and plan to have 70-80 students in the fall of 2010. Trial sessions had proven that there is a real potential and that the market segment is sufficient to provide sustainable customer base for Dance School operations.

Customer Profile

Our customers profile includes families of 1-3 children in the age of 3-17 years old. We primarily target families with female children. Services we offer are affordable by any family and may be of interest to any child.

Most of the sales in this sector are delivered through registration periods that run 3-4 weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. There are three semesters per year: fall, spring and summer.

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Dance instructions fall into recreational activities category from customer point of view. Since our business is the only one of the kind in area, our main competition includes other recreational activities offered for the same demographic profile customer. Such activities include girl soccer, softball, hockey, arts and music classes, etc.

Sales Strategy

1. Positioning Strategy

Our goal is to position as a best value dance educational institution. We strive to provide the highest quality of instructions and support the model with the best service. We also position ourselves as a recreational dance school with emphasis on broader customer base ? every child can dance.

2. Pricing Strategy

Our pricing model is design based on the following assumptions:

- Known industry average price for dance instructions for typical customer segment. - 3-5% higher then other large providers of similar service in - On-par with cost of other recreational activities available for the same market segment - Sufficient to cover all costs involved in providing the instructions

Distribution Strategy

Our distribution model is different from commonly perceived dance school. We do not have a single location, but rather offer classes at several distributed locations.

One of the key to recreational activities offer is to understand the convenience factor. For 80% it is about convenience, which includes ease of access, distance, parking, other activities that parents can be involved in while child is in class. For the remaining 20% of the customers in this business it is about brand and quality.

To the remaining 80% we offer the following: - Instructions are in (Town Hall) ? short distance for most of the students - Easy access to facilities ? believe it or not it is easier to access Town Hall then going from , areas. - Plenty of available parking space ? never an issue like in downtown where three large dance school are located. - Free Town Hall gym usage for parents while their children are in class - Proximity to and retailers ? what else can parents wish for?

To most demanding 20% of customers we offer what they are looking for. The best quality of instructions that is based on instructor training and experience. We also offer the best customer service from initial inquiry to completion of each session.

Our brand is supported by unmatched attribute. is trained in Russian Ballet style and has been performing for several years as a professional dancer. As much as people perceive hockey as a Canadian game, or Maui Thai a Thai martial art, similarly ballet is perceived as Russian dance discipline. Russian ballet school continues to be a producer of world top performers, and the brand is as strong as ever. We will continue to capitalize on this brand.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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