
Study Island

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Generation Date: 02/22/2015

Generated By: Robert Dilliplane


1. Stephen has been saving money to buy a new car. The new car costs $18,870.00. He has to pay 17.25% in taxes based off the cost of the car. If he also purchases an extended warranty for $800.00, what is a reasonable estimate for the total price of the car?

|[pi|A. |$24,800.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |$20,800.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |$28,850.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |$16,525.00 |

|c] | | |


2. Jolie sends between 14 and 23 text messages per day. Each text message costs $1.10. Suppose Jolie's cellular bill spans a period of 8 weeks. Which is a reasonable amount that she would spend on text messages on one cellular bill?

|[pi|A. |$130 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |$148 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |$10,304 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |$1,036 |

|c] | | |


3. A band just recorded a new album with 12 tracks. The shortest song on the album is 1 minute and 1 second. The longest song on the album is 4 minutes and 43 seconds. What is a reasonable estimate for the total time of the album?

|[pi|A. |10 minutes |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |72 minutes |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |36 minutes |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |3 minutes |

|c] | | |


4. Lisa is reading a book. She is able to read about 3 chapters each day. Assuming that, on average, each chapter contains 17.8 pages, which is a good estimate of the number of pages Lisa can read in 6 days?

|[pi|A. |108 pages |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |306 pages |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |27 pages |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |324 pages |

|c] | | |


5. The school uses between 300 and 400 sheets of paper per school day. If paper costs the school $2.00 per 100 sheets, approximately how much does the school pay for paper every month? (Remember to only count school days!)

|[pi|A. |$190.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |$110.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |$140.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |$90.00 |

|c] | | |


6. Each week, canned goods are donated to the local food bank. Last week, 60 people donated 600 canned goods. If 45 people donate this week, about how many cans can the food bank expect to receive?

|[pi|A. |1,350 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |1,125 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |675 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |450 |

|c] | | |


7. Fred's car can travel about 34 miles per gallon of gas. If the car has used 16 gallons of gas, approximately how far has Fred driven?

|[pi|A. |[pic|

|c] | |] |

|[pi|B. |[pic|

|c] | |] |

|[pi|C. |[pic] |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |[pic] |

|c] | | |


8. A coffee shop uses 888 coffee cups every 7 days. Which is a reasonable estimate for the number of cups the coffee shop uses in 5 weeks?

|[pi|A. |643 cups |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |4,000 cups |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |31,500 cups |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |4,500 cups |

|c] | | |


9. At the start of the month, Lisa had sold 504 copies of her new book. At the end of the month, she had sold 910 copies of her book. If each book profits $9.42, approximately how much did the book profit in the entire month?

|[pi|A. |$4,536 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |$12,726 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |$8,190 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |$3,654 |

|c] | | |


10. Ben wants to estimate the cost of dinner and a movie for him and his date. He knows the following information:

• The most expensive item on the dinner menu is $13.90, including tax.

• The least expensive item on the dinner menu is $6.10, including tax.

• The drinks on the dinner menu cost $1.80 each, including tax.

• He will give the waiter a 20% tip based off the total amount of the bill.

• The movie tickets are $9.00 each.

• They are not going to order food at the movie theater.

If he wants to pay with cash, which of the following is a reasonable estimate for the amount of cash he will need for dinner and the movie?

|[pi|A. |$41.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|B. |$43.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|C. |$32.00 |

|c] | | |

|[pi|D. |$57.00 |

|c] | | |



1. A

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. D

9. D

10. D


1. To find a reasonable estimate, round $18,870.00 to $20,000.00.

Next, find the amount of the taxes by rounding 17.25% to 20%.

20% × $20,000.00 = $4,000.00

Then, find the total amount of the car.

cost of car + taxes + extended warranty = total cost of car

$20,000.00 + $4,000.00 + $800.00 = $24,800.00

Therefore, a reasonable estimate for the price of the car is $24,800.00.

2. Round the cost of each text message to the nearest dollar.

$1.10 rounds to $1

To find the range that Jolie spends on test messages per day, multiply the approximate cost per message by the number of messages sent per day.

14 × $1 = $14

23 × $1 = $23

Jolie spends between $14 and $23 per day on text messages.

Calculate the number of days per cellular bill by multiplying the number of weeks by the number of days in one week.

8 weeks × 7 days per week = 56 days

To find the cost range of text messages on Jolie's cellular bill, multiply the daily cost range by the number of days included on the cellular bill.

$14 × 56 days = $784

$23 × 56 days = $1,288

Over a period of 8 weeks, it is reasonable that Jolie spends between $784 and $1,288 on text messages.

The only answer choice in the range is $1,036.

3. Round the song times to the nearest minute.

1 minute and 1 seconds rounds to 1 minute

4 minutes and 43 seconds rounds to 5 minutes

To find the range for the approximate total time of the album, multiply 12 by each approximate time.

12 tracks × 1 minute per track = 12 minutes

12 tracks × 5 minutes per tract = 60 minutes

The approximate album length is between 12 minutes and 60 minutes.

The only answer choice in this range is 36 minutes.

4. Round the number of pages per chapter to the nearest page.

17.8 pages per chapter rounds to 18 pages per chapter

Multiply the number of pages per chapter by the number of chapters read per day.

18 pages per chapter × 3 chapters per day = 54 pages per day

Multiply the number of pages read per day by the number of days.

54 pages per day × 6 days = 324 pages

Lisa can read approximately 324 pages.

5. First, estimate the number of sheets of paper used by the school every day by taking the average.


Next, calculate how much the paper costs each day by dividing by 100 and then multiplying by $2.00.


Now, since there are approximately 20 school days in a month (5 days per week times 4 weeks), multiply by 20 to get the answer.

$7.00 × 20 = $140.00

6. Since 60 people donated 600 canned goods last week, each person donated about 10 cans each.

This week, if 45 people also donate 10 cans each, then the food bank can expect to receive 10 × 45 = 450 canned goods.

7. To calculate the number of miles Fred has driven, multiply.


Fred has traveled approximately 544 miles.

8. Round the number of coffee cups used in 7 days to the nearest hundred.

888 cups rounds to 900 cups

The coffee shop uses approximately 900 cups in 7 days. Since there are 7 days in 1 week, the statement can be inferred that the coffee shop uses approximately 900 cups in 1 week.

To find the approximate number of coffee cups used in 5 weeks, multiply.

900 cups per week × 5 weeks = 4,500 cups

The coffee shop uses approximately 4,500 cups in 5 weeks.

9. Calculate the number of books sold in given month by subtracting the number of books sold at the beginning of the month from the number of books sold at the end of the month.

910 books - 504 books = 406 books

Round the profit of each book to the nearest dollar.

$9.42 rounds to $9

To find the approximate profit of the book for the entire month, multiply.

406 books × $9 = $3,654

The book profited approximately $3,654 in the given month.

10. Ben wants to make sure he will have enough cash to pay for the dinner and the movie.

So, he is going to assume that they both order the most expensive item off of the menu.

Therefore, he estimates he will spend the following for both of them:

Dinner Menu Items: 2 × $14.00 = $28.00

Drinks: 2 × $2.00 = $4.00

Tip: 20% × $32.00 [pic]$7.00

Movie Tickets: 2 × $9.00 = $18.00

Total: $57.00

Therefore, a reasonable estimate for the amount of cash he will need for dinner and the movie is $57.00.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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