
?Wish Upon a StarLiteracyNumeracyTopicRead the rhyming story Aliens Love Underpants Can you draw pictures and write sentences to tell the story of Aliens Love Underpants? What comes first, next, last..? Remember to include the adjectives from last week’s learning and if you can try to make it rhyme. Can you create your own mnemonic for the planets in space? (think of a word beginning with the same letter as the name of the planet, see example below)Complete a book review of the story (you can find a copy of a blank review on our Flexible Learning page). What happens first, next, last? Who is the main character? Warm up – counting in 2’s - 2 times tables.Can you practice finding half? Use the halving moon rocks worksheet from our class page, OR, when you are building your spaceships, can you also make moon rocks to share half and half? E.g. if you made 4 moon rocks, share them so that two aliens have half each. How many would they have each?Can you make a pizza for an alien. Make sure you half the ingredients for each side. Can you draw a rocket with six windows colour half the windows for the Spaceman. Can you do the same but this time draw a rocket with 8 windows or 10 windows?Make a pizza (use a wrap or slice of bread for a base). Make sure you half the ingredients for each side and cut in half before you eat it, enjoy! Challenge can you cut into quarters?Make sure an adult is helping you with all of the activity. Can you complete a passport for Space?Remember to use capital letters for names and places. Can you make a space rocket, what different shapes can you use to make it? Think of the 2D and 3D shapes that we have already learnt in class.Can you make a space porthole – I wonder if you can see planets through it? …Can you use your ICT skills to research the planets that are in space? Can you put the planets in the correct order starting with the furthest from the Sun?You can cut and order the planets on the resource sheet provided or make your own planets to order (drawings, paint, collage etc.) 220027547752000 You can find supporting sheets if you wish to use them on the Flexible Learning Page.Ongoing activities...Ongoing activities ...Ongoing activities ...Handwriting; you don’t always have to use a pencil try using mud, squirty water bottle, paint etc. Reading every day try to read books, magazines, cookbooks etc. Use oxfordowl.co.uk you’ll find a guide to this on the flexible learning page.Set aside talk time every day, maybe create a lucky dip of topic ideas in a jar and pick one each day. Talk about your night-time dreams with a family member.Write a diary of your day or week.Times tablesCounting in steps of 2, 5, 10 and 3 (can you start at different points)Number formation: you don’t always have to use a pencil try using mud, squirty water bottle, paint etc.Tell the time. Look at clocks you have at home and practice telling the time to a grown up. If you are stuck ask your grown up for help.Temperature – if you have a thermometer record the daily temperature. Which day of the week is warmest? Coldest?Number bonds, doubling and halving numbers.Take daily exercise – Joe Wicks workout is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am.Enjoy a weekly cooking activity – maybe write a review of the food afterwards.Lego challenge – pick a letter from the alphabet and build a model beginning with that letter.Play board games with your family.Relax - draw, paint, practice football etc. take time to complete an activity that makes you feel relaxedRecord the daily weather Take care, have fun and stay safe! ................

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