
Know your rights_270_2021.07.27Thu, 7/29 3:31PM ? 1:41:10SUMMARY KEYWORDSquestions, state, cases, lockdown, australia, pcr test, rights, people, absolutely, government, test, information, health, section, privacy act, biosecurity, videos, vaccination, shows, census00:01Good evening everyone and welcome00:05to ringing live in the internet over the red FM network. Our show is proudly sponsored by a web gate IT solutions to reaching your it dollar further. anyone's LOOKING FOR IT experts please do be sure to contact the guys@ a thought we do have our three regular show sponsors. Now in addition to our longtime sponsor, greener cleaner, we are also being officially sponsored now by alkaline health and of course Verona resort in Noosa. You can find out more about all three sponsors by the link on our Help page will urge you to check out the great range of products at great and cleaner has make sure you booking for a session with Phil at alkaline health. And of course, if anyone's looking for a relaxing break, please do be sure to check out Verona resort in Noosa. And a reminder to mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them. So with all our shows covered as always, my name is Mike I'm joining in, in the shear by Darrell who's made the trek over again la lights01:03very good. My very good man. How are you? I'm still he's still alive still kicking. Oh, good. And oh, we've got things touching. That's that's joining the studio. You're talking about Darryl and yourself. No,01:17no, no, no, that's Johnny. Johnny's sticking his hands in strange places there. That's a very important, very important all Mike need to be working. And Darren has joined us again. Thanks, Mike.01:28No problem. And may I say Bravo, bravo to the protesters.01:33Absolutely. Absolutely. And we'll certainly be touching on that a little later at night. Now, as I explained at the start of every show, we formed the know your rights group just on seven years ago now. And during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And following other people's liberties. And freedoms are being eradicated and absolutely alarming rate. It does seem like some people are finally starting to wake up now and wanting to learn about their rights. So as long as people do slowly, but surely continue to wake up to the truth, we will continue running these shows as regularly as we can, and of course, doing our bit to teach them about their rights and trying to restore our freedoms. And before we get started another important reminder, we have now moved over from Facebook to the me we platform, we do also have a telegram group and a gab account, as well as a bit shoot account to replace our YouTube account, which of course we can no longer use because of the ongoing censorship. So again, please do be sure to follow us on at least one of our uncensored platforms bit shoot me we telegram or gab so that when the inevitable does happen, we don't lose, you know, just reminder, again, there'll be no future uploads to YouTube for at least two months, due to them deleting all those videos. So on bit, shoot, just do a search for the new rights group channel. And you'll find all of those videos, and you can watch any that you might have missed, as well as any future ones as well. Now, just a reminder, our last video that we did on Sunday nights, or just two nights ago, has already been viewed 37,000 times. And the last two videos we did before that have both been viewed 40,000 times. Ah, okay, so if you missed those videos, please do be sure to lock in a time to watch them, because they really do contain some really vital information. And they do answer many, many, many of the same questions that we do keep getting. Again, I do want to acknowledge and understand that many of you are new to our group, new to our show new to our website new to our videos. But we urge you please do spend some time looking through all the information that we've already created over the past seven years, read our website, listen to our podcasts or watch those video updates. And please do refrain from trying to correspond with us via Facebook Messenger or YouTube comments or things like that. Again, we do see occasional message or comment here or there. The best way to get hold of us though, is via email. But again, we can only answer very basic, very general questions via email. As I keep mentioning on these shows, with all due respect, we are here to help. But we're not your on call lawyers, especially people who just call me out of the blue in the middle of the day and think that I'm just going to be free to answer the questions. It does not work that way. If you do want a personalised response to your questions, the only way to do that is by booking a one on one coaching call, which you can do by the links at the top left of the shop page. And again, a reminder, please provide all of the details in red that are clearly outlined at the bottom of that booking page. Now we have obviously with everything that's going on in the past week been absolutely inundated with coaching call requests. We're back to being about two weeks behind on some of those at the moment. And we're not sure how long we're going to be able to continue providing those. But for the moment at least we're going to do our best to catch up on all of them as quickly as we can. But again, of course reminder, the wider the range of availability that you give us, the better the chance of us getting to your call sooner in between all of our other commitments. And just a note, just so we're completely transparent so that everybody knows, we will now be completely ignoring every single booking that is not immediately followed up with an email, whether you've spoken to us or emailed us previously, as soon as you book a coaching call, you must email us with all the information that we need in order to call you otherwise, we will be ignoring that and considering it a very kind donation. Now, back to the show. For those of you keeping track, it's out 270 is broadcast. And we would of course, like to welcome any new listeners to the show, and indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. And of course, those of you who are new to our show on our website, you will find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on our radio show page. And that of course, is know your rights group comm.au forward slash radio hyphen show, and you can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. Now those podcasts include discussions on a wide range of topics as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. And we cover important topics such as unjust an unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal taxes voluntary, the fact that the PTO is not a legal entity, we also deal with the Stormin concept and of course, the importance of the Commonwealth constitution, as well as everything COVID related to. So there's lots of really great information up online now for all listeners new and older like to refer to, in case you've missed anything or if you want to refresh on a topic that we've previously covered.06:32So Mike, why do we do these broadcasts06:36made is always the point of the broadcast is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we really want people to take on board and actually implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on the shows for really taking action against these injustices and helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, we will continue doing these broadcasts every week, again, for at least the foreseeable future, because quite clearly has everyone is now finding out 2021 is shaping up to be an extremely challenging year. And we do obviously want to play our part in keeping everyone informed of their rights, and how to stand up for them. Again, reminder, we will continue doing our live video updates on a Thursday and Sunday evening at 8:30pm. And again, they have been extremely popular. So if you've missed any of those, please go to our bitch shoot channel or the videos tab on our Facebook page. We do also love to receive listeners feedback as well as any questions they may have suggestions for topics that they'd like us to cover things like that, you can send those through via email at no your rights at rad FM comm otherwise, you can SMS us on 04127, double one, seven, double five. So as we usually do, I'm gonna kick off tonight's show with just some of the raft of emails that we've received over the past week or so because I'm sure there'll be of interest to everyone tuning in. All right, David. So some of these have obviously just come through during last week's show that we didn't get a chance to get to data when we had the last one. Are you talking about the census? I simply wrote on the outside of the envelope, no persons were present on the night of the census. That's because I'm a man not a person. Well, there you go. Can I get that really? Can I? Maybe Maybe. Was he a person or a natural person? Well, they both they both. Does the census apply to men and women or only08:36persons? Well, the census complies to your consent.08:44Well, I think we'll leave it till the next census. Question that's coming up a bit later. Okay.08:53Daniel says, Good afternoon after trying all my members of parliament, state and federal. This is the only response email I received. My question was to all of them who are South Australia's lockdown laws, legal and constitutional law and human rights law. And my other question was Who will pay for loss of income and mental anguish? Most responses on the phone were either no knowledge or will have to take it to the Supreme High Court attached is assigned level five restrictions order signed by Commissioner grant Stevens. Since South Australia police is technically a private company. Is this order legal? And you've had a look at that order. Right there.09:28I have and the Western Australian statute provides that yes, the Commissioner of Police is the emergency management officer in respect of that. So yes, it is now getting into the constitutional question. Is it constitutional? Well, there is a head of power under Section 51 section 51 nine under quarantine, which allows for the biosecurity act to be written section 470 Five provides a listed human disease, the sorry the Governor General may declare that a human biosecurity emergency exists if the health minister is satisfied that a listed human disease is posing a severe and immediate threat, or is causing harm to human health, to human health on a nationally significant scale. Let's look at that on a nationally significant scale. Well, let's go to South Australia where this gentleman was writing from. So since March last year, there's been 856 cases in South Australia with four deaths, right? Let's go to Western Australia, four deaths in 18 months, 18 months in Western Australia, there's been 1048 cases with nine deaths. Brian doesn't really sound like let's go look lettering stuff on hearing. Yeah. Is that a national scale? Like? Okay, let's let's go to Tasmania, what 234 cases with 13 deaths. Now, here's the clincher here, Northern Territory 192 cases, no deaths. So, this this particular listed human disease that the Governor General has declared the biosecurity declaration we which is a human Coronavirus with pandemic potential. So there's no actual declaration of a pandemic, but just a virus with potential. You know, this actually gets into it as well and says that it must be justifiable and it must be on a national scale. And when you look at those figures, okay, you can't say, Well, you know, Victoria, New South Wales, they've got these, you know, I think what did what did Victoria have 800 to 900 deaths? Is anyone got an over 1000? Because Victoria's had the most well, how is this on a justifiable national scale? Absolutely. Absolutely. There is no emergency. Absolutely not. You look at those figures. It is not justifiable. And definitely not demonstrably. Indeed. Indeed.12:29Good stuff. All right. Rob says, Hi there. Love your work and your Facebook videos. Very informative. My question is I've been selected for jury service. Thankfully, something not COVID related. I was wondering if there's any way out of it using the straw man theory. When I watched the video about straw man, it blew my mind. I bought your book the other day. I'm in the process of reading. It's amazing. And I've also been doing a lot of research on the banking system. What a bunch of crooks. Anyway, look forward to hearing from you, Rob. So what what can someone do with jury service?12:57Well, it's quite easy. You need to write a letter back to them and ask them, is the decision of the court going to be made under the does your monarch has found it close to in the Commonwealth constitution? Or will it be made under the the title of the queen of Australia, as found in the roll stars entitles act of 1973, which fails to have a head of power for its valid creation, as endorsed by the Attorney General's Office of Australia on at least four occasions? I do believe they'll pull you from the jury duty. Especially if you were staying in the position as the subject of the coin that's tried and tested by the way.13:44Definitely. All right. Frank says hi, do we use the official into for for application notice form for the intervention? And this is becoming an intervener? In in Word colourants case in the UK? Or do we just print the info on plain paper without all the boxes the same as the farmers notice and send that in much appreciated Frank?14:06Well, Frank, if you look at the greatest Australian party website of light, you will see that the latest additions with respect to intervention allow you to fill out the form according to the instructions on the videos and forms a sent to our international lawyer who resides in the state of chaos called accordion slayed. And she then formulates the packages and then sends them to London accordingly. And we see of course, a donation because it does cost a fair bit to file these interventions. But you follow the instructions on the website, and they're all fairly straightforward now. So we've put a lot of effort into that website, too. I help people intervene in the most important case in the Commonwealth.15:07noise. And again, that's the great Australian .au website that they can find that information in those videos.15:14Hey, Mike, while we're on the subject of chaos, yes. Did you remember Do you remember the show get smarter? I do. I do. That was the name of the bad guys wasn't it was chaos here? They were the bad guys. Do you remember the name of the good guys? Agent 99. Control control control wasn't liberty or freedom. It was control.15:36We're in it. So we're under a state of anarchy at the moment is between chaos and control. I think controls winning at the minute if you look outside.15:47Radio, Shelley says good. Hey, guys, just a quick question. Can a subject of the Queen arrest of policy officer Cypher breach of Section 28 of the Crimes Act etc? Everyone can15:57absolutely. If you see a crime being committed, you can do a citizen's arrest. Absolutely. But make sure you follow the guidelines. Yes, yes. Very important.16:08been there done that. Okay, this talk, again, these these emails are picked up through this talk of military training and drills in why in regards to the jab if they're deployed to go door knocking, what can I say? And do aside from I do not consent. I mean, this this is one of many that we get we get pictures of tanks rolling down the street on the backs of trailers and all these so called secret emails that the military are preparing to do this, that and everything else. And I don't even I haven't seen any evidence of it other than the rollout of the vaccination programme simply being organised by the military because the bloody state governments couldn't organise a troop raffle? I have not seen any evidence of any military actually doing anything else, despite this during the rounds for like three months now.17:01Yeah, a lot of people are a little bit fluster about that. And what it is, is the army have been deployed to help roll out the vaccination schedule, which please means that if you with your voluntary consent wish to have a vaccination, you can go and someone from the army will administer that for you with your voluntary consent, and not under force and threat and coercion.17:38If anyone wants to send through evidence of any army officer knocking on their door, holding them down and forcibly sticking a needle in their arm, by all means, send it through. But until that happens, I'm going to say this, that, yes, the majority of the shape are completely brainwashed. However, I also feel that there is a percentage of the awake people that are equally brainwashed into believing blindly believing everything that comes across their desk, and every article and every email and all the rest of it. And this is how they control us eat through fear. They control the mainstream media. So they can, you know, they control the shape through the stuff that they put on the TV. But they also exercise control over those that claim to be awake and on top of it all, by putting out all these bs stories and spreading these ridiculous rumours that have no basis in reality. And then the supposedly awake people buy into them, they go spreading these stories. And then of course, they look like complete conspiracy theorists to all the other people out there. So you've got to have that middle ground, you don't want to blindly believe everything. Okay? But you know, you don't want to believe nothing either. And believe the worst case scenario of everything either you need to think this is all about critical thinking. That's what is sadly lacking here. But believe nothing, the government says Don't believe everything the government says, critically think about whatever the government says with the media or anyone else and make up your own decisions. But it's more about19:09informed consent. So even if they tried to force the vaccination, they still have an obligation to inform you about what the risks are with respect to taking part in that scientific experiment 100% I have an obligation19:28and this is why I wonder why there's still so many sheep just lining up in their droves at these vaccination stations or centres, whatever they call them. Now, I can't believe given the number of vaccines that are being given every day that every single person is being sat down. I mean, I don't know if you've been to one, but I'm not I can't believe every single person's being sat down and had it thoroughly explained to them, what the procedure is going to be what particular vaccine they've been given what the pros and cons are questions about. Their own private medical history and their, you know, potential reactions to any of these, and all the rest of it. And if that's not being done, why the hell are you lining up for this?20:09They haven't I know someone who went there and they actually took the statistics of the TGA website. They were unaware of20:18that is to leave people who have jabbing people aren't aware of what I mean. And this is this is just so wrong. But again, they get away with it. Because they say, well, we're not forcing you. We're not corralling you. We're not making you do this. If you want to be stupid enough to just blindly line up and take it without any information, and we're not going to stop you.20:36It's actually a breach of the Australian immunisation handbook. Absolutely,20:42absolutely. But again, the problem is, who's going to hold them accountable? Because clearly the markets that have just lined up for four hours aren't going to turn around and go, Oh, gee, well, I didn't realise they were supposed to do that. According to the handbook, but I just signed up for it. Don't I feel silly? Oh, well, I'm going to do the right thing and go and take legal action against the man. I mean, it's just not gonna happen. And this is the problem. All right. it at all. says hi, team love listening to the show every Tuesday. I have a highly important question. I strenuously object highly important. So I'll just important, important for many of us at aged care settings, how to approach the employer about mandatory vaccination, should I write a letter and mean mentioned section 5123. If the employer would not care, I would still lose my job in a couple of months time. Also, is the health department document about No need to disclose vaccinated nation status still valid? Any ideas? Please, thanks a lot at atoi. Know that the documents not valid because they've come out since from this national cabinet and said that, yes, anyone in health care or aged care is required to have this vaccine. But again, as we've explained on a couple of past shows, where does the national cabinet get their authority to make these decisions? And it's about questioning, but you've got to stand your ground, you've got to ask these questions. And you've got to ask them in writing. So that then you get formal written responses. Because then as with everything that we've been telling people to do over the last seven years, and then you create that paper trail, and once you've got that paper trail, then you can go to a court or a tribunal or some sort of independent arbitrator and say, Look, here, I asked them these questions, they fail to refuse to answer, here's my paper trail. Now I require some sort of compensation, if they continue with that action to, you know, let you go or fire you or whatever else.22:34Let me see it, I think it is. The if you want a letter to send to your employer, if you've been threatened with loss of employment due to not wanting to partake in a vaccination without your informed voluntary consent, I can direct you to the Constitution, watch a website where there was a post on July 25, titled is your employer threatening you with economic duress, we have a Word document there that is downloadable. And this word document actually is a response to a letter from your employer, because this is what's happening, people are receiving correspondences emails from their employer stating that you must go and do this to continue your employment. So we compel you to go there and download that particular document, it is seven pages long, it gets into the fact that they they are creating economic or putting you under economic duress. They are imposing or interloping on the doctor patient relationship. Now, it's as simple as this the doctor patient relationship is between you and the doctor. There cannot be any minute any coercion to make you accept the medical procedure, it must be with your consent. Now, if you're being compelled by your employer, okay, and the doctor is aware, he should not perform the procedure because it's not voluntary and by your consent. The doctor patient relationship is based on contract law. Okay, it's private in nature and no one can get involved. These coercions that the government are providing a provided need to be tested out. In the High Court there are various cases that have been put together even some trying to think of the world have lost it. There's a lot of people getting together and a class action sex class action. Sorry, by my tea went to my head. Okay, that's what it was. Yeah. So there's very class actions going on around in the country. So you need to get on board with that. I think Nathan Buckley's actually getting one together. And I think there's another lawyer from Sydney called Matt Hopkins. He's part of that legal team that put out that other. Yeah. correspondents Yep, yep. Yeah. So look, go to the Constitution watch, there's a document there that you can download, you can fill in your name, there's instructions on how to use the document as well. And it's as simple as this they're creating. They're creating a stress for you, and this is taken to be a battery. So there's a threat of violence, okay, when when someone is going to give you a medical procedure against your will, and you don't consent, that is a battery, okay, now is the threat of that battery coming in from your employer. So who's creating that? Well, it's the Minister of Health and possibly the chief health officer, there are mechanisms in law that are available to you to stop those particular batteries are threats of battery, as we know, you know, in in family violence if someone's threatening you with violence. And this is the threat of battery because it's without your consent, that you have access to, for example, to obtain an intervention order.26:29Economic violence is a basis for intervention order in domestic law26:34100%. So and we're compelling, it's going to start very soon, it's it's just on the drawing board, at the moment, we're going to be compelling people to go and obtain intervention orders against the chief health officer, and or minister that is writing these particular laws that are creating an economic duress, and therefore a battery against you the threat of a battery,27:02North noise. This must be another one from last week, Brendon says people are getting coerced into getting tested through being offered $450 per test, and 15 $100. If they test positive, they get four or $5. For testing can do every do it every so many days, I think it's 30 days, my son had to get tested because somebody in the work team had associated with a person that apparently tested positive, which turned out to be a false positive, and multiple people had to get tested before returning to work. And so this is one of these problems with these PCR tests. And we'll get to that after the break. But one person test positive in a workplace or cafe or restaurant, and then because you've you know, been doing your QR scan code, whatever rubbish scene, you get, declared to be a secondary case or tier two case or whatever. And then you've either forced to isolate or quarantine or, or have a test everything. And then all of a sudden, once it turns out, oh, no, that was actually false. Positive, don't go back and go on. And don't worry about your test now, because it's just But no, or Yeah, we've even heard of people who've been forced into quarantine. Based on that they were close contact with someone that apparently tested positive somewhere, then it's turned out that that was a false positive. But I haven't gone back to the person who's still stuck in quarantine. Instead, I can come out now. It's just insane. So I mean, this is this is just crazy. This is what they're doing, you know, paying people to get tested, and then giving them money. If they test positive. I mean, it's no wonder they're lining up like bloody sheep to the slaughter. But again, everything has a price. And you know, you might be doing it tough. And we certainly understand that you can all look at it for under 50 bucks or 1500 bucks. And you know, I've got no other income coming in. But you know, what price you're pulling me out. Now, what price you put on your sanity? Yeah, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Yeah, I could go on for days with these same quotes, but it all comes down to the same thing. Do don't don't give away what you know, truly important for something that's only you know, has a small temporary and 100% thing. Yeah, the the cost of the test. What is it? That's $85. I just found out that the the organisations that are doing the the tests, you know, the dribbles, pathology, and those kind of got, they are all getting paid by the government $85 per test as a as a Medicare29:22rebate. Okay. And then the government are paying people and then the government are paying people $450 to get a test as well. Yeah. Right. So so every test that happens, it's it's yielding over $500 in costs.29:37If they test positive, it's another 1500 bucks as well. Is that true about the people being paid to get tests? Really? Yep. And this is all coming out of taxpayer dollars. bolts coming off the printing press.29:54Well, well, let's not get too technical, but again, For anyone who wants to reason, you know, to maybe stand up and ask some questions, at least have the lovely non legal entity known as the IDEO, you might ask them, is my tax payer payments? Or are my taxpayer payments going towards paying for this kind of nonsense? Because if so, just don't concede, don't consent to this absolute rubbish. So anyway, there's some food for thought as we go into the first break, when we come back from the break, we're going to be discussing the the restrictions in South Australia, extend restrictions in Sydney, the minimal easing of restrictions in Victoria, of course, how to deal with it all, we're going to be most importantly, dealing with the fact all of these restrictions are all based on cases and cases are just simply positive PCR test results, and the new directors that have come out from the CDC. regarding those, those tests, PCR tests, and whether or not they can be used anymore. We're gonna talk about the huge turnouts to the worldwide demonstrations on the weekend. And, of course, the importance of Article 21 in regards to your fundamental right to freedom of assembly, and then we've got a couple of other articles to go through. And then if we've got any time left at all, we'll go through some more of the emails that we've received. Because again, they'll almost certainly be questions similar to the ones that you're asking right now. So please do be sure to listen all the way to the end of tonight's show, so that you don't end up emailing us in another day or two, with the very same questions, as we've already answered tonight. So I like all our shows is gonna be another information packed show again, on that point, quick reminder, podcast members can listen to all of our previous shows, that's all 269 of them. To review all the information that we've shared over the past seven years, you can of course, listen to our full catalogue of shows from the last seven years by ordering a new set of 13 podcast CDs. And as I have mentioned on the past few shows, those new brand new CDs are being included at no extra cost for all of our already heavily discounted platinum and ultimate Platinum packs, which a lot of people are now choosing to take advantage of. So please check those out. And look, if you're not yet a podcast member, you want to access all of our weekly podcasts with all the music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast, incredible amount of information we have in our court cases page. And of course, our members only forum, please do be sure to join up as a podcast member. And of course, if you're already a member, thank you. And please do know that we will continue doing whatever we can to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including our new membership benefit, which is of course a link to each of the articles that we cover on each week show as part of our show notes, which makes it very easy to reference what we what we're talking about. And we do even include a copy of those articles, or most of them with our notes as well. Now, we have of course also had one of our members who's using software to transcribe each of our shows. We are now providing copies of those to all of our members as well as part of their podcast membership. And again, we have just uploaded the latest transcripts tonight from last week's show. So that is available for all members now as well. So we're gonna play a couple songs give you a chance to join up as a member if you haven't already, please make sure you check out our products page and of course our bit shoot channel with all of those new live video updates. As always, if you do have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in yet jump on the phone, post a message on Facebook send them a quick text message or an email just to remind them that our show is on live right now in case they forgot to go to the website. Click on the radio show tab to listen in. Or they can listen in off a mobile device via the tune in app. Just download tune in do a search for Rhett f m. And you will find us there so we will play a couple songs and be back with lots more straight after this. Welcome back to the no you're right show streaming live on the internet over there. We're getting excited. We're getting way too excited. Over right33:57now what is not exciting though is the level of restrictions that are still being imposed. Sydney is completely screwed looks like they kind of be for at least the next month. They are well and truly stuck in lockdown. I haven't heard the latest about South Australia. My understanding is that that was supposed to come out of restrictions either tonight or last night. I haven't received confirmation of that yet. But they were going to come out of restrictions and go back to their pre restriction levels. However, in Melbourne, of course good old dictator Dane who slammed us straight into our fifth complete full on hardcore lockdown has now of course only eased ever so slightly. He's basically open schools. He's opened some restaurants and gyms and things like that, but you can't have any It is to your house, back to this ridiculous PCR testing before you go to the snow, and a whole raft of other, you know, no singing, no dancing, no having fun you will do as we're told, as you're told. And it's just crazy because as I've keep explaining to people, all of these restrictions, all of these lock downs are all only possible when they have cases to rely on. Okay. But the cases, as I've said on a number of my video updates are just positive PCR test results. That's all the cases. And as we keep hearing about, as we heard about in even the last email that we read out, time and time and time again, we hear about these PCR tests returning false positive. So it's claimed that someone's got this COVID. It's a case of COVID, it gets counted in the numbers, and then all of a sudden, it gone. Oh, no, that was actually a false positive, it's not actually correct, but they don't ever adjust the numbers or adjust the people who are affected by it. And this is the problem. Now, what is an even bigger problem is as again, we've explained and there's links on the vaccination page on our website. Okay, you can find the articles that detail that the wh o have come out and said that anything over 30 to 35 amplification cycles could in fact give 100% false positives. Okay. Now, you'll find this under the inaccuracy of COVID-19 testing subheading, which you'll find on our vaccination page, and the title of that document that says the who declares all PCR tests at high CT to be potentially 100% false positives. So that's old news. We we covered that a week or so ago. Okay. But what is new is that we've now got information from the New South Wales Health website, which confirms that the current number of cycles being used for PCR tests in Australia is 40 to 45 cycles, which is considerably higher than the what the World Health Organisation prescribes for accurate testing. And again, you can find that article, and it's just a direct link to the New South Wales Health website. Again, you can find that on our vaccinations page under the inaccuracy of COVID-19 testing section, so the cycles that they're using are likely to give false positives. Let's not forget also, Anthony Fauci came out and said that the cycle should be no more, no more than 30 to 35. Yet now we have confirmation that in Australia, these tests and here we are, this is from New South Wales health and where's the biggest lockdown right now? Of course in Sydney. Okay. So there's every indication, every indication, okay, that the lockdowns in Sydney are completely unlawful because they're based on false misleading and deceptive data. Now, here is where it gets even worse though, because now the FDA which is the federal Federal Drug Administration, has now announced that the CDC which is the Centre for disease control in the US PCR test for COVID-19 has failed its full review. And this is what the article says on again, there's a copy of this. in the show notes, I haven't had a chance to upload it to the website just yet. But it says FDA announced today that the CDC PCR test for COVID-19 has failed its full review prefers laboratories to use a method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS COVID to and influenza viruses. So what they're basically telling you is that the current PCR test can't differentiate between COVID and the flu. This is what the actual FDA is now telling you as part of their report on the CDC PCR test. Now, if America if the FDA and CDC I know they're not directly linked to Australia, but if they have come out and said that the PCR test is not able to differentiate COVID-19 from the flu, then why on earth are our governments here, still insisting on it and not only insisting on it, but insisting on using it at higher amplification cycles, then what is recommended? So, you boys are the switched on in relation to taking action against the government. Hello Holding the government accountable. So how can we hold our government accountable to these? If the FDC FDA and CDC have said you can't use and in fact, they go on to say that they are. They are withdrawing, I'll read it for you. It says, as of December 31 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the US Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorization of real time RT PCR diagnostic panel. So they're removing it. They're saying you can't use this after the 31st of December 2021. Because it's no longer accurate. So surely our governments have a duty of care to us that if someone as big as the CDC and FDA have said these tests are no longer accurate, that they need to step in now and stop using them.40:44That applies to America, you'd have to check with the chief health officer of the applicable country or region where you're in?40:51Absolutely. But what I'm saying is if someone as large as the FDA and CDC have said this, then they would have to surely our government here in Australia would have to provide some kind of evidence. That negates that and says no, no, no the PCR test is is accurate, especially when they using it at 10 to 15. amplitude cycles more than what it's supposed to be useful. Possibly possible.41:14You'd have to see what the instructions were for those PCR tests to the Australian authorities.41:20Well, the instructions from the guy that invented the PCR test was do not use these tests from viruses, yet they seem to41:28completely ignore that instructions, the PCR tests with relation to each state would have had to have received some instructions. Because there are a number of PCR tests, there's probably about half a dozen different brains. So each brain will have an insert relating to how that particular PCR test is to be conducted. Absolutely. So that their paperwork then would have to be seen as to whether they're breaching the manufacturer's guidelines, these jeans.42:06Oh, I get Oh, I get? Yeah, good minds think alike. Alright, so that's something for people to pursue. But definitely look into that and understand the issues that we've got here that the US is saying no longer use these tests. We've got proof already from New South Wales, that they are using the tests at higher cycles than what they're designed for, and what the again, the US is saying can potentially relate to 100% false positives. So coming back to some of these restrictions that have been brought in, you know, based on these potentially false positive PCR tests. One of the obviously the lockdowns are a huge issue for you know, for a lot of people. I mean, last week, we had 65% of the population in Australia in some form of lockdown, but the one that seems to be really getting up everyone's go to knows or whatever the case may be. Now, this week, is all miked up, Brad hazard has, I think he is, has come out in New South Wales and said, we're closing the loophole that says the people who failed to wear masks don't have to provide any any form of medical exemption apparently, that's a loophole. I actually thought it was protected doctor patient privilege, but according to Mr. Brad Hazzard, he thinks otherwise. And he's now issued these these new directives. And it's now all over the New South Wales Health website that says if you're in a situation where master mandatory which is basically everywhere in Sydney now, a regulatory officer can ask you to confirm the lawful reason, you're not wearing a face mask and if you are asked by a police officer, you must show them either a medical certificate or letter from a health practitioner or indeed as provider or a statutory declaration. And you must also carry and produce evidence of your name and address to a police officer if requested. So you have to carry papers please, according to birdhouses, so what do we have to say to young bread? Well,44:16firstly, I'd like to call him Boss Hogg. Because he knows about as much as possible this is, I'd like to point everyone into the direction of the Privacy Act section 16 bit B, which is that's the letter after a before see that generally Yep. And the section is total permitted health situations in relation to the collection use or disclosure of health information. And specifically, subsection one a which says a permitted health situation exists in relation to the collection by an organisation of health information about an individual if it is necessary for the organised legislation to collect the medical history of an individual to provide a health service to the patient. So once again, it's got to do with the doctor patient relationship. And it's got to do with whether you've engaged their services. So you can't be walking through the shopping centre and then adopted just walks up to you and goes, could I please have your your your exemption or your medical history because you haven't engaged his services, the doctor patient relationship is realised is based on contract law. It's private, it's voluntary, and it's by consent. Now, let's have a look at this because I find this quite humorous. In regards to the permitted health situation where they can collect health information, it says an organisation can collect health information about an individual, what's an organisation? So in the Privacy Act, it specifies what an organisation is, okay? An organisation means an individual or a body corporate or a partnership or an or other unincorporated association or a trust. And listen, that is not a small business operator. Registered political party sorry, run an agency as state or territory authority. A prescribed instrumentality of a state46:28or territory, no geeky. So, of course, they will claim on me gold, my boss, Hogg will claim No, no, no, these are these orders, these orders are issued under emergency powers. And they override the Privacy Act, and you must do what they say.46:52I would say miss the whole goal or maybe it's Rosco p Coltrane. I'm not sure. But possibly, I would be stating that. Section 109 invalidates your route rules or your laws to the point or your direction to the point of the inconsistency.47:13Yes, yeah. That's it. And that is the key. Now, of course, again, this is all good. If you want to write this back to Mr. Brad hazard or you want to, you know, draw something out for New South Wales.47:28100%. Right back to the government, right to your local minister, right to the men in the local milk bar. It doesn't matter. Let everybody know,47:36absolutely let everybody know, but what I'm saying is, there's no point engaging in an argument with the local shopkeeper about the Privacy Act or doctor patient privilege. Absolutely. Take the time to inform and educate them and you know, as we always recommend people do print copies of these sections and subsections off and keep them with you. Okay. Yeah, and show them to you know, to people who who question you but don't sit there getting into this this lengthy yelling screaming argument, as I've seen some people doing that on the hour, they wouldn't let me in and, and now I'm going to sue them and all the rest of it again, as I've said on previous shows, don't take it out on the small guys, they're already doing it tough enough, absolutely want to sue someone Sue Woolworths on Bunnings or, you know, Myers or something for not letting you in without showing your exemption. But you know, try and be a little bit kind to the to the small guys, because they're already doing it tough as it is. So Darren, that was section 16 be read of the Privacy Act, subsection, one eye, one eye, a permitted health48:47situation exists between the relationship exists in relation to the collection by an organisation of health information about an individual, if it is necessary for the information or the organisation to collect the medical history of an individual to provide a healthcare service to the patient just to play49:05devil's advocate so we don't get anyone into any trouble. Is there any argument there that the local shopkeeper asking for this can say, Well, I'm not collecting your information? I just want to see it. Because that's what I've been told by the government I have to do.49:22By asking for it and having it relayed to you, you are collecting it, right. You're collecting a record of it, whether it be verbal or visual. It's a collection of the infant age, you're collecting the information perfect. I49:36just want to make sure so that our listeners have got this 100% confirmed in their own mind. So whatever questions are thrown at them, they've got the responses and they've got49:45the answer. And as we said last week, the Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission in your state. If somebody asks you for that exemption, then you take They details and you report them to that commission, and they will ring that individual and let them know that they are actually in breach of a discrimination of a discriminatory law. They go so that this has happened in the past, and I urge people to go to the the Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission websites in each of your states. And there are fully full explanation of50:26all one offs. It's as simple as this. It's a medical record. And it is only applicable within the doctor patient relationship that is enshrined in the Constitution. It's section 5123. A. That's the doctor patient relationship.50:44There you go. Nice and simple. All right, we do need to go to another break. As always, we'll be a lots more that we still need to cover. So please, don't go anywhere. We'll be right back after this. And welcome back to the No, you're right show streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network. Okay, so I want to quickly address the amazing turnout around Australia. And in fact, around the world. I mean, we've seen some of the footage from grace in the UK and, and other countries from the world wide demonstrations that they held. And of course, here in Australia, you know, Sydney, massive Melbourne, huge, great turnout and Brisbane, the you know, the convoy that they had in, in Perth. Fantastic. So it's, it's really great to see, you know, so many people now, saying radio enough's enough, we are going to stand up and, and fight back. And of course, to do that, considering that 65% of the population of the country was, was technically in lockdown is, is even better, because it means that people just aren't afraid anymore. And this is the key, because this is how they get you. They get you living in fear, they control you through fear, when your fear is gone. They have no control. And of course, the simplest way to remove fear is through information and knowledge. And that was why I was so so grateful that so many people watch that video that I did last Thursday, and downloaded that article that I went to the trouble to highlight and scan in and upload to ensure people had access to it straight away. And that, of course, is the United Nations general comment on the right of peaceful assembly, which is of course, Article 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Now, there is a tonne of information in there, I'm not going to go through it all. Now, obviously, we covered a lot of it on on Thursday night's video, but I urge you, if you have not downloaded that, pardon me, that article, please go to our vaccinations page, and go to the lock downs on a lawful section. And you'll find two two key reports that that go together hand in hand. One, of course is on the freedom of movement, which is on article 12. And then there's this new one, which is article 21. And it has all been highlighted. And all of the things that the media is now coming out and saying like, oh, the police are going to track down people through facial recognition, all that stuff is specifically prohibited in that commentary on article 21. it specifically says they cannot go out there and use surveillance to then go and identify people who've turned up to peaceful assemblies. Okay, so all of this is specifically covered. So if you or anyone you know, has been contacted by the police received any fines, anything like that, please make sure you go we had over 20,000 people download that highlight a document within two days between Thursday and Saturday, which is which is fantastic. But again, I urge you if you haven't downloaded it, go and do it now. Because you can use it in relation to any old fines. You might have any current fines you might have, you know, protest fines, obviously, any future fines from any rallies that you want to attend anything like that. And with that knowledge comes that power, okay with that knowledge comes that confidence, that knowledge eliminates that fear. And this is you know, more than anything else. What we're trying to do through the know your rights group is you know, inform and educate people give them that knowledge given that power, give them that freedom. And this is so simple. Now, again, you know, we tend to have very short memories, sometimes some people, and it's important to keep things in perspective. So, in case anyone's either not aware of it or perhaps forgot, please remember that back in June 2020. So just over a year ago now, the BLM march in New South Wales was approved at the 11th hour by the court of appeal. Okay, so, so important because, as I've said many, many times before, for law to be meaningful and valid, it must be applied equitably across the board. So the courts can't say, yes, it's okay, despite the lockdown measures for people to take to the streets, okay. And protest in regards to the black lives matter. But then they equally can't now somehow protest or rally or whatever you want to call it, in relation to the lockdowns or the mandatory vaccinations and you know, and everything that they did on Saturday, you know, what's good, for one is good for the other, they cannot discriminate, okay, there can be no discrimination. So, if they want to argue, for example, that I'll look at, you know, some of the principles of Article 21, you know, don't apply, because there are exemptions that are provided for it, you know, in given health scenarios, great, then, those arguments equally don't apply in this instance, because the same health scenario existed in June 2020, when the Black Lives Matter, protests happened, just as they did when these protests happen. So it's no different. If they want to stick to one for one argument, they've got to stick to it for the other arguments. So please keep that in mind.56:52You have an implied right to political communication through the Commonwealth constitution. And that is derived from section two, seven and 24 of the Constitution is an implied right, and you can exercise it. Absolutely.57:08Absolutely. And, you know, again, when you take the time to do the research, when you take the time to look, you'll see that you do indeed have these protections. So don't buy into the fear mongering do that in the media put all these you know, crazy things out and they show these ridiculous made up photos of people supposedly punching horses, which never actually happened when you go and look at the actual videos and but again, the Muppets out there, see it on TV got all those, you know, horrible bad protesters look at them, you know, punching horse, it's actually really funny because I stumbled upon an article today. And it was the media talking all about this horse that supposedly got attacked. Now, isn't it funny that on Sunday, they were all up in arms showing these graphic photos of this police horse getting punched with all these, you know, inflammatory comments about you know, a protest or violently punches horse and all the rest of it. Yet the report today was off Look, the horse is doing well. And, and the police officers concerning are very thankful for the public's, you know, outpouring of support and, and everything over the horse that was allegedly allegedly assaulted at the protests. So all of a sudden, the videos come out, which proves that their claims are complete and utter Bs and they've well and truly changed their tune. So again, people this is where people power comes into play. When people provide the actual evidence when people provide the information when people provide the knowledge. When people provide the video footage, and all these sorts of things. It dispels all of the rubbish, okay, when people call them out whether they calling out their MPs, whether they calling out the media, whether they calling out the chief health officer, were they calling it the premier who Yeah, whatever it is, when people on mass call out the lies and the deceptions, they simply can't continue. And this is where we the average people have so much power when we band together collectively. Okay, we can, you know, really make some some inroads and some headway and and really affect some, you know, some actual change. So, please do keep that in mind. All right. Now, one of the other things that I wanted to cover again, because all of these as I've said before, all of these restrictions all of these lockdowns are all just part of this incessant push to convince people to line up and take this experimental medical treatment. Okay, they know they know they can't force it on you. Trust me if they could, they would believe me, they wouldn't hold back, but they know they can't. So all they can do is deceive and trick and coerce and cajole and no convincing and all the rest of it. But that's all they've got. Okay, but what's happening now, is people are waking up now people are starting to question now people are starting to research. And now people are starting to come up with evidence, and facts and statistics, that completely blow away the mainstream media narrative that completely dispel the government propaganda that, you know, completely destroy these, you know, Chief Health Officers claims and all the rest of it. So again, we just go straight to the TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration website. The latest most up to date report is, of course from last Thursday, which is the 22nd of July. And they tell you very clearly there, that there have been 399 reports of death following vaccination for COVID-19 vaccines. Total adverse reaction reports is 41,406. They say that apparently now, which I do find a little hard to believe, but nevertheless, we'll take them on face value. They say that 10,125,000 vaccines have been given so far. So based on their statistics, their figures, that means anyone who has one of those medical experimental jobs has a one in 244 chance of having an adverse reaction, and has a one in 25,377 chance of dying afterwards. Okay, these are very significant numbers. Remember, we've got 25 million people in Australia. In the past seven months, there's been something like only six or seven COVID related deaths. That's it, most of them were 80 and 90 year olds, yet, the TGA has come out and confirmed.1:02:09I mean, just last week, that one person that died from the COVID vaccine, and it's been confirmed to be directly related to the COVID vaccine was 38 years old, and the other one was 48 years old. So you've got 80 and 1980, and 90 year olds dying of COVID, or with COVID, which is more than the point get, you've got 38 and 40 year olds, the 48 year olds dying because of the COVID vaccine. So unless you're in the 80 or 90 year old category, you've got a far higher chance of dying or having an adverse reaction from the vaccine than you do from the thing that it's supposed to be protecting you from. I just don't understand how people haven't got this through their heads yet. Okay. It's no as Darren likes to say this is not me saying this. This is the website saying this is the TGA telling you this. This is not us telling you this stuff. This is what the TGA is actually reporting. And again, how many cases even with all of these lockdowns, okay, what is it 1000 1500 cases. And again, those cases are just positive PCR test results. You got 1500 cases around Australia, and most of them are showing no symptoms, no symptoms, yet you've got 41,400 adverse reactions. Well, every single one of those has to be a symptom, otherwise it wouldn't be classified as a reaction. And that's to the vaccine. So what's more dangerous the vaccine you don't go there? It's pretty clear the articles speak for themselves. The statistics speak for themselves. I don't know how to spell it any more clearly.1:03:47This Justin Mike, the Sidney Coronavirus lockdown that was due to end this Friday, the 30th of July has been extended out for another four weeks or weeks. That's my Intel. Well, well,1:04:05it's Yeah, another four weeks. That's huge. That's not good for sydneysiders time to man up Sydney.1:04:15And I certainly did. They certainly did on the weekend. They did that. Yeah, they had a fantastic turnout. So Amazing. Amazing, Eddie's and it was really well done, but it looked it could be time to crank it up to the next level. Because Yeah, another four weeks. I mean, look, again, you know, let's not forget, this is their second month. We had it for six months here in Victoria. So they're still only just starting to scratch the surface. And they've done this you know, once or twice, you know, this is the year we've just, you know, we're only just now slowly coming out of our fifth walk down. But again, I mean, Sydney Sydney is a different animal to I mean, you know, Sydney is the, you know, the economic epi centre of the of the country. So, you know, when when that many businesses and commerce is shut down up there, it does have a greater impact, you know, in all reality and compared to what it does in Norman. So yeah, it's a very serious situation out there. And again, the only way it can continue is if people continue getting tested. If everyone just stopped lining up to get tested tomorrow, it would be finished next week, because they have no cases to justify any further lockdown1:05:34on I've actually made some bookings, actually to get tested every day, this week at 450 bucks a pop, I can't refuse well.1:05:43And here's another thing that and look, again, maybe it's just me being in the, you know, the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists that I am. But we keep hearing, it's not just the number of cases, it's the traceability of the cases. And so, you know, Dan Andrews, for example, came out and said today, you know, there's, there's 12 cases, but they're all been in isolation the whole time. So it's not an issue, and we can trace them all back. Whereas Paul, Gladys has got 145 cases, and she doesn't know where 30 of them came from. But this is my thought, given the 1000s of cases that they've had over the past 18 months. And given that, on the whole, they've always been able to trace those cases back to someone at the football or someone at a cafe or whatever. What happens when one of us magically got this thing, because of course, we're not going to get tested, we're not going to go and open our mouths to the authorities and tell them where we've been and what we've done and who we hung out with. So there is a min immediate break in the chain of the links. And surely, there's been lots and lots of people like us that have, you know, supposedly transmitted that according to them. So again, this story, the narrative just doesn't add up, because there should be lots more broken chains that just don't exist. Yeah, I1:07:04think, you know, when I was younger, he got a bit of a bit of a cold, you just soldier on go to work, keep working? Exactly. So, you know, I'm sure, as you said, there's many people that have done that. And, you know, depending on who's around you, you know, we're not all going and working in aged care centres, where people have a broken down immune system. You know, if you're working, you know, on a building site, for example, it's highly unlikely that anyone's going to receive the disease.1:07:35So yeah, it just, it doesn't matter how you look at it, which angle you're looking at it from, this stories are starting to fall apart, and we just need people to keep thinking, keep uncovering, keep digging, and keep ripping apart the holes at each and every opportunity when they see them. So I'm gonna leave things there, we are going to go to another break, as I said, still a tonne of emails to get through. So I'm sure there'll be some questions there similar to the ones that you're thinking of right now. So please, don't go anywhere. We'll be right back after this short break. And welcome back to the Mirage shows reaming live on the internet over the red FM network, or as we have been absolutely bombarded with emails This week, we're just gonna keep smashing through them. So a grimace census. Hi guys lobby Show. I'm thinking of answering the census questions as follows. I don't recall and I don't remember. Thanks to Daniel Andrews. Well, I mean, if it's good enough for the inquiry into the hotel quarantine debacle, surely it should be good enough for the census. Absolutely, absolutely do not recall I do not remember,1:08:46I like it. I was I was reading the sensor sack while I was paying my room the other day, and watching the paint dry fast. And and I noticed that in section eight of the census and statistics act, it says that the status statistician must transfer the information to the custody of archives. So all the information goes to the custody of archives. And then I noticed that in section eight a, it says that a person has to consent to the information to go to archives. So I can't tell you what to do. But I know what I'd do if a census officer knocked on my front door which they never have. I wonder why one of the why and and what I would be asking them if they said we'd like you to partake in the in the census I would say Can I ask is this the census where the information is transferred by the statistician to archives? And of course the answer of course it is. Well, I withdraw my consent. Now, the thing is where are they going to send the information If it doesn't go to archives, if that is the process and you withdraw your consent, is there an obligation to still fill out the form? If they can't make their obligation to send it to1:10:10archives? Yeah, nice. Nice cut them off at the pass. Like I said, that's what I do. Absolutely. Alright. Chris says given the High Court challenge to the limits imposed upon us in respect to freedom of movement between and within the states, Eg Clive Palmer's unsuccessful court case against the W a government and several unsuccessful cases challenging Victorian lockdowns and curfews. I think he's joining a few in unconnected dots there. Because I don't think Clive Palmer's was talking about with insights. Is there any reasonable chance of winning a court case if one challenged the constitutional validity of such restrictions? In other words, has the unconstitutionality of the restrictions argument being lost already? Well, no, because people are having funds withdrawn all the time? Well,1:11:00it's a very good question. And I think, Chris, for the question, because it needs to have a little bit of insight on the particular subject. Now, one thing I'd like to draw everyone's attention to is the Palmer versus wha case. The legal counsel was a Mr. Dunning. Now, having said that, let's look at another case, which was the Liberty works versus the Commonwealth case. And guess who the legal counsel was? We're gonna go out on a limb and say, Mr. nany, it was Mr. Danny, there you go. Well, well, well, now, can I say this? If you go and read the case law, you will see that the Justices of the High Court pointed that it is not a constitutional matter, unless you are challenging the statute that the particular directive is made under and not the direction itself. If you challenge the direction, it's not a constitutional question. But if you challenge the statute, it is now Mr. Dunning in his submissions challenged the the act itself and or it was this is how it's written and or the direction and he's projected to his clients, this is what I'm going to do. Or maybe it was under instruction, then when he got in front of the court. And they said, Well, are you here to challenge the act or the direction made under it? He said, I'm here to challenge the direction made under it. And they said, You're not here for a constitutional question. See you later Mr. Dunning, and it gives the appearance that the cases were not one, the questions have still not been answered on a challenge of the validity of the Act. And the direction will the outcome of the direction because that is basically the direction of an executive officer, you cannot challenge that. Okay. You've got to challenge what created that which is the act itself.1:13:06Absolutely. Or where the act empowers the direction as having the force of law? Yep, indeed.1:13:14All right. Aaron says boys love the show all you offer. Thanks for sharing some sanity over the last year and a half. Moving away from Corona for a bit of a reprise. I'm soon to buy my first property. And when I asked the ANZ loan officer, I asked her candidly, do I get a title at the end of the loan? Or does Macquarie Bank use it to trade stocks? She said, I definitely get the title and said it's not a certificate like it used to be. But a piece of paper you can print out with your name on it. It sounded dubious. I've heard you guys mentioned this issue before is there a way to secure the title in your loan agreement before signing? Or any way we can ensure we get the title at the end that you know of love to hear your thoughts? Much appreciated. Proud member aaron? Big No. No, you don't even get the certificate.1:14:03And it's a big she lied to you. We can't get the title. And she said you don't get the certificate, you get a piece of paper you print out which is the title but that's not the title because the title is a certificate of title correct.1:14:17Right. But they I mean, this has been doing the rounds for a while now. They've been converting all of these paper titles to digital titles for convenience and security because too many people lost their their paper titles cause problems.1:14:31Notice that all happened after the titles offices were sold. Now another thing is is the technical wording of the fee simple title. Would you like to elaborate Darrell?1:14:47It's either known as a grant in fee simple or fee tile. Ti l says both have the meaning as prescribed. If you look at Victorian legislation under Section 18 ai of the Property Law Act 1958. With no third party can force any form of licence against that property, bit of an awkward statement, but one that sort of puts the body corporates known or cartels known as local government, out in the cold. So, being under the grant of freehold through the crown, the crown, ultimate ultimately have the last say, because the ultimate owner of that freehold property is the crown. So therefore, any restriction or covenant placed against that property must be within the confines the jurisdiction of the crown of the United Kingdom and none other no impersonators or other. So Macquarie Bank, at the moment of mine interpretation, of course, would be committing a fraud against a statute.1:16:22We recently speak to a particular young lady who was challenging the title's office in regards to the technical wording that was found on the title because I do believe it used to be in a state in fee simple1:16:41in fee simple and the key word is in Yeah, and now what is it just a safe state fee simple state fee simple near the word in brings in the the Old English law meaning of the Crown's ownership over that property? Ultimately, they have the last say, yeah, this is the key really to simplify the the jargon, the estate and fee simple King go on with because it's quite dragged out. It goes back to about 1279. from memory when I was doing the study on this1:17:24uni with a way to see his university happening. Now it was just sitting on the floor listening to1:17:35me, oh my lord. Alright. Zahra says, Hi, guys. I'd like your opinion what Brad hasn't said, Oh, we've dealt with that. We covered all of that. Luke? Hi, Mike. I have a few grades I have. I mean, that mentioned the possibility of Australia going into martial law in late August. Is this possible? If so would it What would it entail and what should we do to prepare for it? Of course, this could be just fear mongering. Yes. But I'm interested in your thoughts on this topic?1:18:05Well, yeah, well, we've been under martial law since 1973. When the unidroit Treaty was drafted and signed off by the Federal Attorney General and the Attorney General's1:18:18of every state. I think what they're talking about is a public declaration of martial law. can it happen is that likely to happen? What would be the consequences if it happened?1:18:30If it is, then what happens is we rely on what they rely on as the lever agreement. And they would have a bit of justification to do to attempt that, well, they've got the justification because the Commonwealth of Australia has been abandoned. For too long, Australians have been accepting the in the imposter, state and federal as being the representative government under the Constitution because they failed to do so.1:19:06Alright, Jeff says hi guys on the last show to 69 to discuss some very plausible excuses for being away from home and or outside the 5k limit, although the stay at home direct direction so you can go out if you have a lawful excuse. The heavy handed police officers are often not satisfied with being given a lawful reason. And they demand proof such as the name address of the intimate partner you're travelling to visit, or the elderly relative, you're going to provide caregiving to police can verify your excuse. If you don't get all the private personal details if they don't believe them, they'll issue an infringement yet so what they quote section 191 d of the public health and well being act 2008, which says they can require the provision of any information needed to investigate, eliminate or reduce the risk to public health. Okay, and where's the exemption from the Regina v ban a Supreme Court ruling that says that they cannot detain you for the purposes of facilitating an investigation? Any thoughts on how to handle it if they require verification of your excuse again, ask And please show me your exemption from the Supreme Court ruling of Regina v banner, which clearly states you have no authority to detain me for the purposes of facilitating an investigation. And if you're not in a vehicle, you would also refer to DPP vs. Hamilton and ask them to please confirm or deny on their body camera, whether you are in fact required to stop and speak to police. If you're not under arrest, unless it's an indictable offence,1:20:27well guess if it's an indomitable offence, then if they're investigating inaudible offence, which very rarely they are, well, yes, I1:20:34mean, this guy's talking about whether you're adding your five K's or not wearing your mask. So these are not inaudible offences quite clearly. Alright, Kelly says I've just discovered a great video post through tase way. So helpful. Thank you. I wonder if you have ever shed any light on this matter for me, my family applied for a red zone permit to enter Victoria from New South Wales last week. And it states on that permit that we need to quarantine and get to COVID tests were current quarantine at home but do not want to get the COVID tests. We've told the health department that that and they are threatening us with extended quarantine for another 10 days unless we do the tests. I would offer any ideas on action we could take as I would like, as we would like to send our kids back to school. We've offered to do a blood test or urine testing. But the offers have been declined. Well, if they've given you an offer, and you've given on a counteroffer and they've declined, then they're clearly not known or anymore. And again, Wednesday, it was their authority to force you to undergo a medical procedure. Yeah, I1:21:29do believe the legislation doesn't specifically mention P is a PC test. Yeah, I do believe it just says that you have to provide a negative result from from a test or does it actually say pc? Yeah,1:21:46I would think it says basically, I pretty much everything that I say is PCR. But again, how can I keep putting these PCR tests in the legislation given now that the true authorities on this are saying that it's no longer reliable? I mean, that just seems to be bad government. And that would be contrary to what they have agreed to be doing. Or Arthur has sent us war in peace. Hi, Mike. Go on Doris. I seem to always miss the Tuesday live broadcast. But remember, I enjoyed listening to the recording of mine legend Neville live Mr. Show. I know you've touched off on the subject of a simple here we go ownership and a few shows. But I have further questions. We have a reasonable size property. Our aim is to nurture the land become self sufficient sustaining our immediate extended family. We sat in Council with Noosa Shire and presented their plan to create multiple dwellings and structures on our land. We received a two hour detention highlighting all the limitations our vision presented together with a long list of specialist reports required. They said it would be it's probably worth putting in a DEA development application in a paid development fee of $7,000 per additional structure. That's nice. I asked the cartel representatives what the development fee was for and where it goes. They said it's because you'll be increasing the usage of the roads and services really. And the money goes into a kitty and will be dispersed as needed. Well, at least they're not hiding the fact to satisfy all requirements and fees. The application cost about $80,000 with little chance of getting it approved with reference to the Queensland Property Law Act 1974, section 20 and 21 along with part two, section 1315317, the common law from constitution watch, there we go. He's been looking at constitution watch, it seems pretty simple is as close to absolute ownership as the system will allow taken to be in free and common folk age with a licence and without fine and the ownership includes the commission of waste, such as the value of timber opening and working in mines and the pulling down houses. So my questions are, do I have the unlimited right to build structures and change landscape without licences, fees, approvals and fines? If I go ahead and build without approval and counsel attempts to final give notice to demolish decommissioned structures? Do I have a solid proven law to support me? Or is this a grey area? Are there any supporting cases one in court? How would I deal with counsel if they sent letters or came knocking at my door? Thank you for your efforts giving us confidence self empowerment other?1:23:59Well, the prior precedents, the only one that I can think of would be yearly high court case, Sydney City Council. But that was very limited in its scope. There's been no real test place in Australia relating to the questions that you've put the standing of local government before Federation headed down as a body corporate. So therefore, one needs to question back when that legislation was first created, whether that was actually valid in English law. I don't1:24:38know the knees. It's difficult to answer the question in respect of the size of structures, because there's no guidance there. You know, we're talking about a shed or a skyscraper. And you know, because there are certain cost limits that you can build up to according to counsel with The structure is permanent, whether whether it is a certain height so it really depends on the structure. It might be1:25:08best to leave for a one on one coaching session we can get some further particulars and go from there. Alright, Josh says Hi Mike go on Darryl. My employers demanding I provide my medical excuse for not wearing a mask. I've told them I don't have to provide a pursuant to the Privacy Act. And I've asked them under what authority they can force me to show it they now stating I can be stood down for not providing this information. My question is, how do I go about seeking remedy if I get stood down for not providing my private medical information? What can we cover then? Privacy Act section 61 a year? Yeah, some 16 v one I look, your your employer cannot even pose that sort of request upon you. Once again, it's a doctor patient relationship, and they cannot penetrate it. It's enshrined the the lecture wasn't just this one's Josh. Questions about qR checkins. Businesses are now becoming quite anal about in Queensland. Is there any reason we can't just download the app and enter false info in so that we can't be tracked? Just like we could do with a paper copy? My greatest fear at the moment is if you happen to be at a place they call an exposure site, you may be forced into PCR test or quarantine. Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, there's nothing that says that you have to enter correct information into it. They just say you've got to scan it so scan it with whatever info you want to make up1:26:30just just put Mike's name on Let's not talk about Mike's name I've been all over the world three times apparently.1:26:37Alright.1:26:39Hi Nagy writes great might know Darren hope you find hope this finds the podcast like to ask him an entry on constitution watch site Brett Sutton federal indictments update posted on July 27 2021. There are two download Windows. The first is Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer of Victoria, Australia now under application for formal investigation for notable crimes. How far along is this investigation? And has he replied to any of the questions asked or does he need to go before court to answer anything? The second window summons summary criminal felony proceedings the second download has number 2021 a year but no case number Why is this is it simply not ready to go before the court or is there some other reason? regards Bradley1:27:22good questions Bradley. The The matter is actually before the courts and that's about as much information as I have. I received the the information from a source that I can't reveal. But I know that you can get updates on I'm just trying to think of the football is nine there's a football that has a radio show. It's on the you can tell I'm not into football, or don't me I would never call ik he's Sam Newman. Okay, so Sam Newman has a radio show are really not sure what the radio show is some people have sent me some links to it and they actually regularly speak to the lawyers and there are ex police officers who were also involved with this okay so there's there's a big group of people that are trying to expose this and bring the relevant people to counsel accountant to put them in jail Actually,1:28:33no, no, I love it. All right, we're running out of time rapidly. Mick says hi fellas Love Your Work could you address how to actually take corporations and people to tasks when they breach your rights or government departments etc. It's all well and good knowing your rights but I have many had had many altercations now due to not allowing anyone to breach my rights and protections under the law that people actually don't care and a too ignorant to understand what is happening. one entity even stated we don't give a stuff about the policy when I questioned them about QR codes being voluntary, which is clearly stated in the policy and another quoted it's law to use QR codes very frustrating to say the least but once a few businesses a total lesson, things will change. They're already under the pump financially cheese MC1:29:14QR codes I don't think it's just QR codes on he was just giving that as an example but1:29:21Okay, so it's in regards to face masks and things like that Nico arkose. The the Human Rights Commission of each state are the people that you need to see in respect of that if you'd like to get some sort of a litigation going usually the business is given an opportunity to apologise and and basically if they do not or if they continue on with their behaviour behaviour in respect of being in conflict with those rights, then they are taken to task1:29:55nice. Alright, Darren says Good evening, my darlings. Often advisors when confronted by police to ask them if we've been personally identified in a public health order, wouldn't appealing to a biosecurity control order be more effective with a weak police officer? As the latter is a federal order?1:30:13No state has the same provision. In fact, the state law here Victoria lace very clear that there must be first an examination and testing order before the public health order can be generated and signed off by the Chief Medical Officer. So there's a two step process that are very clear and defined. Nice.1:30:37Alright, and Mike, our web Guru has said Hi, guys, I was just reading the Commonwealth biosecurity act as you do. It was running with the state acts inconsistent with the Commonwealth Act, or whether the Premier's are just acting unlawfully when constantly pushing for zero cases, interested in your thoughts. So he's sent us here the Commonwealth bio security 2015. subsection five appropriate level of protection for Australia against biosecurity risks, says appropriately protected for Australia as a high level of sanitary and Phyto sanitary protection aimed at reducing biosecurity risks to a very low level, but not to zero. So it specifically says that and then he said a section five out of the Queensland biosecurity act, how purposes are primarily achieved purpose of the activity achieved primarily by providing for flexible and timely ways of minimising and mitigating biosecurity risks. He's given us the definition of mitigating and all the rest of it. But yeah, so it clearly says it's just about minimising mitigating not reducing it to zero yet here we have all these premiers saying that we can't come out and lock downs until we reduce these cases to zero. So what's going on there?1:31:47Well, 100% I agree with Mike and as we spoke earlier in the show in regards to it being on a national scale. We don't find the evidence of that, that claim that the Governor General is made in the COVID-19 potential pandemic declaration. So I've got one question, when will they declare there is a pandemic in Australia because it's never been done? There's just a declaration to say that the COVID-19 virus into the country naming the names with pandemic potential but no pandemic has been proclaimed in Australia. There you go.1:32:31All right. And lucky. Last Alyssa says South Australia high schools are mandating kids wear masks in class and on buses. But teachers do not. They are stating they have to have a doctor's letter stating what medical exemption the child has, what rights to why and others can continue to what do I have? What rights do I have to either continue homeschooling or refuse to enforce my child to wear masks? We've been given less than 24 hours to be able to obtain a doctor's letter. But again, I mean, that comes back on to that Privacy Act 16 by one a that we covered before. I mean, no, no school can, you know, breach that doctor patient privilege either 100%.1:33:12And a child has as much chance of contracting COVID-19 and dying from it as being struck by lightning. There you go. Absolutely given that statistic.1:33:25All right. So we are well and truly out of time, we have once again covered a tonne of information on tonight's show. Obviously, we can't cover everything. So please, if you have enjoyed what you've heard tonight, we would encourage you to look into some of the various products and services that we do have available now that these products have, of course been specifically designed for people who want to learn more and take their knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level. Again, I want to remind everyone, that we didn't go to all the trouble of creating all these products because we got nothing better to do with their time, we certainly didn't do it because we're going to make me in selling 20 $30 CDs. We did it to help people access everything that we've learned and experience so that you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way and at the cheapest possible price. Now, obviously, we don't have any time left to go through the products tonight. But please do make sure you check out our product page and our shop pages. For further details about the various products that we have, including of course our ebook, the essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights. And, as I say on each show, if you're a motorists in this country, you simply must have a copy of that truly licenced saving Ozzie speeding fines book, as it really is the best motoring investment you'll ever make. And of course, those same principles can be adapted to suit any kind of unjust or unlawful fine, including, of course, a wide range of COVID related fines. Just go to Ozzy speeding to grab a copy. And if you want to learn the truth about the fraud that the banks commit every single day, as well as learning the tried, tested and proven system for discharging any unsecured loans such as credit cards or personal loans, please be sure to check out bank Secrets Revealed dot com.au. And considering it can potentially save you 10s, if not hundreds of 1000s of dollars. This is an absolute must have book to add to your collection. As I've said many times before, all of these books in the other CDs are the absolute best way of taking your understanding of these topics to the next level in the quickest possible time frame. So please make sure you check those out. The operating profit guys are still being swamped with inquiries for private foundation, as people becoming increasingly freed up fed up with handing over their hard earned money to that wonderful non legal entity called the 80. Oh, and they do want to now start operating in the private outside the clutches of the corporate government. So to finish up tonight, I'm going to do what we always do at the end of each show. And let's remind you there's many simple things that people can do to cost little or no money do take up very little time, but really do add up to make a big difference. First and foremost, you can sign up for the local government class action via the link on our local government page. You can download the flyer that's relevant to your state send that off with the cover letter that you can also download from the page, send it to your local MP, and just see if they can answer those few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils. We do of course have the old neighbour rights Facebook group up and running. There's about 10,000 members there but we do ask any of our more advanced and intermediate members to please transfer over to our meet we group. Again Ozzy speeding fines got a big Facebook presence 7000 people bank secret revealed great Australian party as well on Facebook. You can also help us spread the word by getting some of our bumper stickers and business cards to shoot off an email info at Know Your Rights crypto comm that IU info at Ozzie spreading finds comm info at buying Secrets Revealed Comdata you to say hey guys, I'd love some cards and stickers, this is my postal address and they will be sent out to you completely free of charge. Another great way to help spread the word get the message out to people that they really can fight back against injustice is of course to send through a short video testimonial outlining exactly how you have successfully used our information to fight back and win. As I keep saying doesn't need to be anything fancy couple of minutes recording off the phone is perfectly fine. It's just about getting your story across to inspire and empower others to challenge the system and fight back as you have. And of course if you want to do even more all of those books that I said before research, the straw man concept online, watch those videos, contact the operating the private guys join up as part of our affiliate programme. Remember, it doesn't cost you anything to join, you can earn a full 20% Commission on everyone that you refer through to us as he speeding fines has got a affiliate programme as well. So if you sign up for those that don't cost anything, great little way, if you've got a big social media following or anything like that, get your affiliate link, send that out, and then a bit of extra income just by informing and educating others about their rights. But look,1:37:45whatever you do, at the end of the day, please make sure you make full use of all the information that's already on all of the websites, including of course Know Your Rights .au Ozzie spreading funds, calm Bane, secret .au, operate the . And of course, Darren's amazing website, constitution . Au, which has just been constantly updated with fantastic new research and information. So make sure you check that out. There is a wealth of information available. It's all very easily accessible on those websites, but you need to actually access it, learn it. And then of course put it into practice and use it. Don't forget we're always looking for people groups companies to sponsor our shows. If you would like to do that you can contact us directly at info at no your rights today, you. Again, I do want to thank all of our show sponsors, alkaline health, Verona resorts, and of course our longtime sponsor greener cleaner. Please do be sure to check out granite clean is excellent range of environmentally friendly cleaning products that can genuinely save you money as well as their amazing health and vitality products as well through Melbourne are going to be in Melbourne, please make sure you book in a session with Phil Burton from alkaline health, because you'll be absolutely amazed by what he shows you. And of course, finally who couldn't do with a holiday to Noosa you want to secure an extra 10% of your stay at Verona resort, please do be sure to booking directly with them and just let them know that you're part of the know your rights group to secure that discounted rate. And, of course a final reminder, if you want these shows to continue throughout this year, we do need our show to pay its own way. Therefore we do need all the sponsors we can get. And we do need everyone to join up as members to support us and ensure that these shows can continue in the future. As we've said many times before, the shows quite clearly do not write themselves. There's a lot of work that goes into the background of putting this all together plus all of the constant changes and updates to the websites and all the rest of it. It's an insane amount of hours that go into making all of that happen. And we do of course still need to eat and put a roof over our heads as well. So please do remember for the equivalent of just a single price of a cup of coffee a week. You can access our fully edited shows our notes for each show our extensive court cases page enter new members only forum as well as helping us out in the process. So if you haven't already done so, please do be sure to join up as a member tonight as the show ends and do support that Wireless work that we do. So we're going to finish off tonight by reminding everyone that as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We do recommend listeners do their own independent research and all the topics we discussed, we recommend the websites that I mentioned just before, quite clearly 2021 is shaping up to be an even more challenging me than 2020 was. So it's more important than ever before for people to learn about their rights. So please do help us spread the word and share the details of our website around with everyone that you know. So that is it for us tonight. We look forward to speaking to you all again next Tuesday night. Don't forget to tune in for our next live video update on Thursday. via our Facebook page. big thank you to Darryl for all your input tonight. only too happy good stuff, buddy. And Darren for all your ongoing research and pulling all those wonderful bits of legislation to pieces. We love talking stuff. Nothing like watching the paint draw, buddy. That's it. All right, we're gonna leave it there. I will speak to you all for the live video update on Thursday. Otherwise we will catch you live again next Tuesday night. Have a fantastic week. Everyone's See you later. Bye. ................

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