Weekly Essentials s.net

[Pages:1]Week 9 -- Thursday

Research Paper -- Edi5ng

Cita5ons ?Your paper should have 4 MLA formaDed internal cita5ons in the form of direct quotes from 4 different authors.

?Do not turn in a paper with less (count them) ?Properly ci5ng your work is a MUST, it will cost you points and possibly your en5re grade.

Take the 5me to visit the link provided to properly cite your work in your paper.

Ignorance is not a viable excuse! ?Do Not Cite any website!

Rules (Schrowisms)

?Do not start a paragraph with a quote ?Do not end a paragraph with a quote ?Do not start a sentence with Or, But or And. ?Do not use contrac5ons (For example, isn't should be is not.)


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