Miscellaneous Symbols+Plus / add / addition / sum-Minus / subtract / take away÷Divide / divisionxTime / multiply / multiplication / product =is equal to ≠is not equal to ?is identical to / is congruent to ≈is approximately?equal to ∝is proportional to <is less than ≤is less than or equal to >is greater than ≥is greater than or equal to ∞is infinityOperationsa + ba plus ba – ba minus ba ×b , aba multiplied by ba ÷ ba divided by ba : bthe ratio of a to bais the positive square root ofthe real number a|a|the modulus of real number ax +1x plus 1x -1x minus 1x ± 1x plus or minus 1xyx multiplied by yxyx over yx = 5x is equal 5 / x is equal to 5x ≠ 5x is not equal to 5HOW TO READx > yx is greater than yx ≥ yx is greater than or equal to yx > yx is less than yx ≤ yx is less than or equal to y0<x<10 is less than x is less than 10≤x≤10 is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1x2x squared / x to the power 2x3x cubedx4x to the fourth / x to the power 4xnx to the nth / x to the power nx-nx to the power minus nx(square) root x / the square root of x3xcube root (of) x4xfourth root (of) xnxnth root (of) x(x+y)2x plus y all squaredHOW TO READ=Equal tois more than / is greater thanis less than≥is more than or equal to /is greater than or equal to≤is less than or equal to32Square of 3 / 3 to the power of 243Cube of 4 / 4 to the power of 39Square root of 938Cube root of 8454 over 5 / 4 divide by 51231 whole , 2 over 3 / 1 whole two-thirds121 over 2 / half131 over 3 / one-thirds141 over 4 / one-quarter343 over 4 / three-quarters112Mixed number fraction145Improper fractionP(a 9)Probability of getting a 9P(red)Probability of getting a redP(not blue)Probability of not getting a blueP(2) + P(5)Probability of getting 2 plus Probability of getting 5OAOA / the length of the segment OAOAOA / vector OA ................

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