
Computer?and Information LiteracyCourse?SyllabusCourse?OverviewThe course will be delivered in ten 90 minute classes of instruction.Instructor Technology Instructor: Bryan Olson M.Ed.When: M,W,R10:30am-12:00pmWhere: LAALC, Ludlow MAResources: btools.Syllabus Introduction, Computer Basics, Hardware, Internet and Web Basics,Customizing Windows, File Management, Downloading/Installing software Email, Computer Maintenance, Data Security and Protection, Photo Management Word Processing with Microsoft Word Spreadsheets with Microsoft ExcelPresentations with Microsoft PowerPointCourseIntroduction1. Group Introductions? Have each person indicate their name, why they are taking the course and what they would like to get from the course.2. Class expectations? Class Rules3. Agenda for course and the unit? Review agenda and discuss any changes the group may want.4. Enrolment forms and other paperwork required Computer BasicsThe basics of computers set the foundation for everything else you are going to learn. Today it is often assumed that people know these basics, however in an introductory course it is good to ensure these basics are introduced.1. Identify the basic parts of a desktop computer.? Monitor, mouse, keyboard, system unit, speakers, printer.2. Different types of computers? Desktop, laptop/notebook, netbook, tablets, handheld3. Demonstrate how to turn a computer on and off? Some computers with two power buttons. One on back? Using Windows to turn computer off.? The different options of shutting down, logging off, etc.4. Basic parts of the Windows operating system? icons, start button, start menu, task bar,notification area, desktop5. Mouse Basics? How to move, click, double click, right click, drag6. Working with windows programs? With Write and Paint, practice dragging and dropping, and learn other windows features. ? minimize, maximize and close buttons,? Menus - keyboard shortcuts shown on menus.? scroll bars? resize and move windows.? Tile windows and Cascade windows to show multiple windows.7. Keyboard Basics? the function of various keys on a keyboard. Enter, SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, backspace, delete, function keys, number pad, arrow keys, page up, page down, num lock, insert, home, ESC.? Use Windows Write to practice the keyboard functions? cut, copy and paste.HardwareIf using a computer, troubleshooting a glitch or looking to buy a computer or a laptop, it is useful to have some background to thecomponents and how they work.1. Identify the function of key parts in a computer system.? System unit, keyboard, mouse/track pads, monitor, speakers, printer.2. Identify the function of the key components of the system unit.? Motherboard, Power Supply, HDD, DVD Drives, RAM, ROM, USB and other ports.3. Difference between memory and storage4. Types of storage devices? HDD, CD, DVD, Flash Drive, Memory Cards, online/cloud storage.5. What to look for when buying a computer.Internet and Web BasicsWeb browsers are programs that people likely use the most; however most people do not know the capabilities of the program. This section will explore key features of web browsers. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera1. Introduction to the Internet and the Web? What is the Internet?? What is the Web?Video: The Internet in 5 Minutes? How do I access the Internet?? WiFi, Hotspots, Wireless Aircard or Internet Stick, Mobile devices, etc.? What is a URL?? What is a hyperlink?2. Basic parts of the web browser window? Address bar, search bar, back and forward button, scroll bars, tabs3. How to I navigate to a website?4. How do I find information on the Internet?? What is a search engine?? How does a search engine work?? How to refine a search to get what you need?5. Useful/Interesting websites? Google maps for navigating? Youtube6. Key Web Browser Features? Create and organize favorites? Changing your home page? How to delete your browsing history and cookies? How to increase the security of your browser? Identify when you are on a secure website.? How to view and use your history? Find feature. Show how to find specific information on a web page using the find command.? Tool bars. How to view/remove? Menu, Favorites, Command, Status.? “In Private Browsing”. When and how you would use this feature? Pop up blockers. When and how to use this featureCustomizing WindowsBy customizing Windows, the user can make their computer more functional and appealing to him/her. Can also make it more functional saving time and effort when on the computer.1. Change the desktop background2. Change the screen saver3. Change the theme to make multiple changes to the desktop appearance4. Customize the taskbar5. Customize the Start menu6. Windows Sidebar7. Set the date and time8. Show how to have multiple users on Windows.File ManagementUnderstanding file management seems to be an area that many computer users do not understand. People will create files but not know where they are saved or how to copy them onto other storage devices.1. What is a file2. Naming conventions3. File Extensions4. File Pathway5. Windows Explorer window6. Viewing files7. File property dialogue box? Explain file size (bytes, kilo, mega, giga, tera) and abbreviations used.8. Create a Folder9. Move a file (multiple files)into a folder10. Delete files and folders11. Recovering deleted files12. Renaming files13. Searching for files14. Creating and deleting shortcuts on desktop15. How programs may save files in specific location by default. How to find where file is being saved.16. How windows creates a directory for each user.File ManagementVideos 5 min.Part 1 5 minPart 2Downloading and Installing programs1. How to download files and programs from the Internet2. Installing programs on your computer. Email1. Email Basics? What is email?? What you can do with email.? How email works over the internet? How mail servers work.? Parts of an email address? How to get an email address? Differences between webmail and POP accounts? Sign up for free webmail account with Gmail2. How to compose and send email? Header (To, From, CC, BCC, Subject)? Body? How to attach files? Set Priority of the message? How to save a draft email message? Creating address book/contact list? Introduce basic formatting that can be done.? Font, Line and paragraph formatting, lists,? Spell check? Email Etiquette? Using emoticons? Creating a signature3. Receiving and Responding to Email? How to view received messages? How to identify if messages have been read or not? Reply? Reply All? Forward? How to open attachments? Setting vacation or away messages? How to block messages? How to filter/redirect messages? Reporting Spam4. Organizing Email? How to delete messages ? How to recover deleted messages? Creating Folders/mailboxes? How to move messages between folders? How to search for a message? How to sort messages? Date, size, puter Maintenance and TroubleshootingComputers like any equipment need some maintenance to ensure they continue to run like they should. This unit is to introduce some basic maintenance and some troubleshooting techniques to use if there is a problem.1. Caring for the hardware? Cleaning the case? Cleaning the monitor? Cleaning the keyboard2. Deleting unnecessary files and programs? Disk Clean up? Deleting programs – Delete all toolbars!3. Defrag your hard drive4. Computer Maintenance programs i.e. Ccleaner, MyDefrag, Spinrite, etc.5. Basic Troubleshooting techniquesThere are many possible problems that can happen to a computer, which makes it difficult to cover all possibilities in a shortcourse. Couple of key points to remember:? Restart your computer and components? Check cables on the back of computer? Uninstall newly installed software? Use the Windows troubleshooting software, (access from the Control Panel)? Start Windows in Safe Mode? Search the Internet for a solutionWord ProcessingThe key features of Word Processors. Using Microsoft Word, Google Documents. This unit will be looking at features common to most if not all word processors.1. Introduction to Word Processors2. Creating a Basic Document? The Word Environment, The Ribbon, etc.? Get Help Using Word? Enter Text? Save a New Document? Preview a Document? Print a Document? Templates available in Word3. Editing a Document? Navigate in a Document? Insert Text? Select Text? Move and Copy Text? Delete Blocks of Text? Undo Changes? Find and Replace Text4. Formatting Text? Change Font and Size? Apply Font Styles and Effects? Change Text Color? Highlight Text? Copy Formats? Clear Formatting5. Formatting Paragraphs? Set Tabs? Change Paragraph Alignment? Indent Paragraphs? Add Borders and Shading? Apply Styles? Create Lists? Change Spacing Between Paragraphs and Lines6. Proofing a Document? Use the Thesaurus? Check Spelling and Grammar? Check Word Count7. Adding Tables? Create a Table? Enter Data in a Table? AutoFormat a Table8. Inserting Graphic Elements? Insert a Clip Art Picture? Insert Symbols and Special Characters? Add a Watermark9. Controlling Page Appearance? Set Page Orientation? Change Page Margins? Add Headers and FootersSpreadsheetThe key features of Spreadsheet software. Using Microsoft Excel, Libre Office, Google Docs. This unit will be looking at features common to most if not all spreadsheets.1. Introduction to Spreadsheets2. Create a simple spreadsheet? Moving Around a Worksheet? Selecting Cells? Columns, Rows, and Ranges? The Zoom Feature? Entering and Deleting Data? Using Undo and Redo? AutoFill and Complete? Dragging and Dropping Cells? Cut, Copy, and Paste Cells? Insert and Delete Cells, Rows, and Columns? Creating a New Workbook? Opening a Workbook? Saving a Workbook? Closing a Workbook3. Printing Your Spreadsheet? Opening Print Preview? Using the Print Preview? Quick Printing? The Print Dialogue? Using Page Setup4. Functions and Formulas? Basic Mathematical Operators? Working with Basic Formulas? Using Formulas with Multiple Cell References? Relative and Absolute Cell References? Fixing Formula Errors? Displaying and Printing Formulas? What are Functions?? Finding the right Function? Some Useful and Simple Functions? Using AutoSum5. Editing Your Workbook? Changing the Size of Rows or Columns? Adjusting Cell Alignment? Rotating Text? Creating Custom Number and Date Formats? The Format Painter? Cell Merging and AutoFit? Adding Patterns and Colors? Adding Borders? Working with Styles6. Viewing your Workbook? Using the View Ribbon? Using Normal View? Using Full Screen View? Using Page Layout View? Page Break Preview? Managing a Single Window? Creating a New Window? Freezing a Pane? Managing Multiple Windows? Switching Between Open Workbooks? Arranging Workbooks? Comparing Workbooks Side by Side? Synchronous Scrolling, Resetting aWindow, and Saving a WorkspaceLinkingMultipleDevices40 minPeople usually have multiple devices that can beconnected to work with the other device. Thisunit will explore connecting WiFi networks,telecommunication networks and Bluetooth.1. Home Networks? What are Networks?? Why set up a home network? How homenetworks allow multiple devices tocommunicate. Smart TVs that will connect toyour WiFi network.? What is needed to set up a home network?2. Connecting your phone to 3G networkand/or WiFi network.3. How to create a hotspot for a laptop ortablet using your phone 3G/4Gconnection.4. Using Bluetooth to connect your phoneto vehicle, speakerphones or the multitude ofother Bluetooth devices (speakers, printersother phones or BT computers, etc.)DataSecurity andProtection30 minData can be lost, stolen or damaged due to manycauses. The focus of this unit is to inform peopleof the precautions they should be taking toensure they do not lose valuable files orinformation. Taking these precautions will helpagainst losing data from computer crashes, harddrive failure, power spikes, malware, hackers,stolen computers, etc.1. Introduction to data security andprotection.2. Creating strong passwords and storingpasswords3. Securing your home wireless network4. How to stay safe when surfing theinternet? “In Private Browsing”.? Identify when you are on a secure website.? Avoid seedy sites? Clear cookies from your browser? Avoid file sharing software/sites like“Frostwire”? Be aware that fake sites exist. BeBasic Computer Training Course 12 of 13suspicious of emails from your bank, etc.5. Using surge protectors6. How to protect yourself if your laptop orcomputer is stolen or lost.? Have Windows Password? Do not have browser save usernames andpasswords to sites like online banking.? Set a password to your screen saver.7. Keep Software updated? Show how to set automatic updates forwindows operating system.? Java, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash8. Firewalls – What they are and how to usethem9. Antivirus Programs -? What they are? how to use them? ensure they are updated? How to obtain an antivirus program10. Backing up your data files? How to back up files? Where to store backupsIntroduction to other software or websitesAreas that might be of interest:1. PowerPoint2. Outlook3. Photo editing software, e.g. Picasa4. DVD burning software5. Online movies, e.g. Netflix6. Online music7. Online news sites - RSS feeds8. Online shopping sites, e.g. eBay, kijiji9. Remote access to computers10.Twitter or other social media sites11.Online Dating12.Blogging13.Wikis, Wikipedia14.Genealogy15.Investments and Banking16.Dropbox, BitTorrent Sync ................

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