

Navigate to . If you had a bookmark or a favorite saved on your desktop that pointed to the website, then you will need to remove it and save a new one. There is a link to the website on the Procurement Training and Resources page at .

After landing on this page, click on the “Search Records” button in the box that is labeled Search Records.


On the Search Records page, enter the entity’s name or DUNS number and click on the “Search” Button.


If a vendor is not in the SAM database, then the response will be “No records found for current search.” This means the vendor is in good standing with the Federal Government. Print the page and include it with your procurement file.


If the vendor is in the database, then we want it to have “No” behind the words “Has Active Exclusions?” (red arrow). This means the vendor is in good standing with the Federal Government. Print the page and include it with your procurement file.

If you cannot tell if the vendor you are searching for is displayed (simply by the name), then you can click on the “View Details” button to see more information (green arrow).


The vendor’s address will be displayed on the right hand side in the dark blue band at the top of the page (see the green arrow). If the address does not match your vendor, then print the page and include it with your procurement file. If it does match your vendor, then we want to see “No” (red arrow) – this means the vendor is in good standing with the Federal Government. Print the page and include it with your procurement file.

If your vendor has “yes”, then print it and include in your justification to award to the next low responsive and responsible vendor.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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