
Your tips for paying and saving for a wedding

Nicola: We had some savings and also some of our family helped us out as well and we booked our wedding two years in advance so we had time to save up some more money too.

Scott: We are planning on getting married but we’re looking into going abroad as a cheaper option. We just think everything’s rolled into one – the honeymoon, wedding, everything sort of catered for on that day so it just works out a couple of grand cheaper all in all.

Jay: My parents will help me out along with us saving together. No I haven’t quite told them yet; I have mentioned it and they said, you know, we will help you when it comes closer.

Louise: We’re paying for it ourselves basically saving up a little bit each month and paying it off in stages. Anything out of our bank accounts, rather than doing it as a direct debit each month, just whatever’s left at the end of the month in our bank account we put aside for the wedding.

Anita: We’ve got a saving account with our bank, both of us, so we just need to set up a direct debit so it went straight into our saving account.

Sara: We’re trying to put about fifty-pound a month to a hundred but again it just depends, obviously we’ve got a child so what expenses are coming up, if she needs shoes and so forth and we’re living in a flat so we’ve got the bills and everything so just fifty to a hundred at the moment.

Jay: Thinking about not going on holiday this year, not going out as much obviously ‘cause I’ve just had a baby

Scott: Just be a bit more tight with our money I suppose. We look for more deals and things like that rather than just spending money on the big name brands

Sara: We’ve gone down from two cars to one so it’s only one insurance, one tax so that’s saved us quite a bit of money.

Craig: Luxuries, games, movies, stuff like that.

Louise: Junk food – take the money we would have spent and put that in the bank account

Zita: Try to be very strict with yourself, be disciplined and if you’ve got an account, put a special account aside if you have to if you’re getting married – say that’s my wedding account. Put money aside each week you’ll be amazed as so many months go past you like whoa have I got all that.

Sara: Just cut back, maybe not have the whole where you have like…I know people who have spent thirty grand on a wedding and you can do a nice wedding, well I know someone who did one for about six and a half grand; it wasn’t all the big wedding and so forth - still nice and they just hired a hall and had a buffet

Nicola: Shop around for everything, ‘cause as soon as you mention the word wedding everyone makes the prices more expensive. Just don’t go for the first thing you find because we managed to get some things half of the price of other things. Like my wedding dress was half the price in one shop than another.

Candy: I think they should save for two years so they start saving now, especially if they want to go abroad or do it here, they should save a lot and not have any children yet I suggest, ‘cause children are very expensive.


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