NEW HOPE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHBIBLE STUDY GUIDE (ZOOM STUDY) Beginning April 22, 2020ON BECOMING A DISCIPLE DR. MICHAEL ANDREW OWENS, INSTRUCTORWHAT IT MEANS TO BE A DISCIPLE Disciple: A Learner; with an emphasis on deliberately, intentionally following a teaching/teacherRoot Word: Mathetes (math)...Indicating thought accompanied by endeavorStudent/Teacher Relationship In Greek Literature: A strong emphasis on the inner fellowship between disciple and teacher and its practical effects A relationship that survived the death of the teacher, because of a strong desire to continue to propagate the truth of the master. In the GospelsA broad and narrow use of the term DiscipleJesus had great drawing power, but the response to his ministry varied in terms of different levels of conviction and commitment Luke 6:12-18: The choice of the Twelve come from a larger group of persons drawn to himChallenges posed in the Beatitudes and The Sermon on the Mount: Luke 6:22-49II. DISCIPLINE: THE BATTLE FOR YOUR MINDFrom the Greek Word: sophronismos, sophron...”saving the mind”Paul: II Timothy 1:7 - God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”Jesus’ Battle in the Wilderness: Luke 4:1-13Jesus to a Would-be Disciple: Luke 10:27,28...What is in the law re: inheriting eternal life? the Lord the God with all....thy heart, soul, strength, and mindThe Carnal Mind: Romans 8:7...The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to GodPaul: What should be on your mind? Philippians 4:8,9 If you have learned Christ, put off the old man,..corrupt ...and be renewed in the spirit of your mindThe Mind of Christ: Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus”.The Battle for Your Mind in this CrisisBeing changed or challenged to be a different person?Perfect Peace Promised: Isaiah 26:3 Routine vs DisciplineBe steadfast and unmoveable, always abounding... I Cor. 15:58Prayer & Study: Jesus “ ought always pray and not lose heart Lk. 18:1...Paul: “Study to show yourself approved...” II Timothy 2:15Routine can be the enemy of creativity, growth, and developmentCOMMENTARY/SYNOPSIS ...Disciples are meant to be Disciplined Learners...Characterized by heartfelt conviction and unshakable loyalty ...with a ready, willing, humble mind, open and receptive to the Master’s teaching and example ...Following Christ with deliberation, dedication and purpose, so that in word and deed, we may reflect and represent Him in the world.III. THE DISCIPLE’S CHRIST CENTERED FOCUSOur Focus must be on Christ, the Author & Finisher of our Faith...Hebrews 12:2. “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith...”Becoming a Disciplined Learner of Christ is so necessary because what we are being taught in the Word, by God’s Spirit, with the Example of a Christ is:Not according to our’s part of the new person in Christ that we are trying to become ...II Cor 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”The Truth of God : The mysteries of the Kingdom are not known to us except God reveals them to us...He wants our regular, faithful availability so He can illuminate us, edify us, empower usCounter to our tendency to get just enough learning to convince ourselves we are great or to impress others with our knowledge and judgment.C. Paul: On the Excellency of Knowing Christ, Philippians 3:8,9IV. DECISION TIME: WHAT KIND OF DISCIPLE DO YOU WANT TO BE?GENERAL: Disciple generally applies to all who came in the multitudes to hear and and witness his miracle working power who responded with a minimal degree of conviction and faith ...Matthew 5:1-2SECRET: As was Joseph of Arimethea (John19:38) ..Joseph..being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews.THE INNER CIRCLE: The Twelve ...Matthew 10:1, 11:1, John 6:8TRUE DISCIPLES: Jesus’ Description John 8:31...those who continue to abide in his word ...then are you my disciples indeedJESUS PROOF TEST: That you bear much fruit (John 15:16); That you love one another (John 13:34,35) this shall all men know that you are my disciples ...called A New Commandment by Jesus ................

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