
|Name | |Date | | |Grade 7

Unit Rubric: Probability

| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Thinking | | | | |

|• makes and carries out a |makes and carries out a |makes and carries out a plan|makes and carries out a plan |makes and carries out a plan |

|plan to solve probability |plan to solve probability |to solve probability |to solve probability |to solve probability |

|problems, using a range of |problems, using a limited |problems, using some |problems, using appropriate |problems, using appropriate |

|appropriate strategies |range of appropriate |appropriate strategies; |strategies; usually results |strategies that result in an |

| |strategies; rarely results |frequently results in an |in an accurate solution |accurate solution; may offer |

| |in an accurate solution |accurate solution | |an innovative approach |

|Knowledge and Understanding | | | | |

|• shows understanding by |may be unable to |may only be partially able |demonstrates and explains: |in various contexts, |

|appropriately demonstrating |demonstrate or explain: |to demonstrate or explain: |– experiment outcomes |demonstrates and explains: |

|and explaining: |– experiment outcomes |– experiment outcomes |– relative frequency |– experiment outcomes |

|– experiment outcomes |– relative frequency |– relative frequency |– experimental and |– relative frequency |

|– relative frequency |– experimental and |– experimental and |theoretical probability |– experimental and |

|– experimental and |theoretical probability |theoretical probability | |theoretical probability |

|theoretical probability | | | | |

|Application | | | | |

|• with accuracy: |with limited effectiveness:|with some effectiveness: |with considerable |with a high degree of |

|– lists outcomes and |– lists outcomes and |– lists outcomes and |effectiveness: |effectiveness: |

|determines relative frequency|determines relative |determines relative |– lists outcomes and |– lists outcomes and |

|of each outcome |frequency of each outcome |frequency of each outcome |determines relative frequency|determines relative frequency|

|– uses charts, tables, and |– uses charts, tables, and |– uses charts, tables, and |of each outcome |of each outcome |

|tree diagrams to find and to |tree diagrams to find and |tree diagrams to find and to|– uses charts, tables, and |– uses charts, tables, and |

|record probabilities |to record probabilities |record probabilities |tree diagrams to find and to |tree diagrams to find and to |

| | | |record probabilities |record probabilities |

|Communication | | | | |

|• presents work, describes |presents work, describes |presents work, describes |presents work, describes |presents work, describes |

|procedures, and expresses |procedures, and expresses |procedures, and expresses |procedures, and expresses |procedures, and expresses |

|mathematical thinking clearly|mathematical thinking, |mathematical thinking with |mathematical thinking with |mathematical thinking |

|and precisely, using |often unclearly and |some clarity, precision, and|general clarity, precision, |clearly, precisely, and |

|appropriate mathematical |imprecisely, with little |appropriate mathematical |and appropriate mathematical |confidently, using a range of|

|terminology |appropriate mathematical |terminology |terminology |appropriate mathematical |

| |terminology | | |terminology |

| |Name | |Date | |

Grade 7

Performance Assessment Rubric:

Games of Chance

| |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Thinking | | | | |

|uses critical/creative |uses critical/creative |uses critical/creative |uses critical/creative |uses critical/creative |

|processes (e.g., making and |processes with limited |processes with partial |processes successfully to |processes successfully and |

|carrying out a plan) to |success to design simple |success to design simple |design simple experiments and|effectively to design simple |

|design simple experiments and|experiments and solve |experiments and solve |solve problems involving |experiments and solve |

|solve problems involving |problems involving |problems involving |probability |problems involving |

|probability |probability |probability | |probability; strategies may |

| | | | |be innovative |

|Knowledge and Understanding | | | | |

|shows understanding by using |shows very limited |shows limited understanding;|shows considerable |shows thorough understanding;|

|probability concepts to |understanding; may be |may only be partially able |understanding; able to |able to accurately and |

|explain: |unable to explain: |to explain: |clearly and appropriately |effectively explain: |

|how probability relates to |– how probability relates |– how probability relates to|explain: |– how probability relates to |

|sports and games of chance |to sports and games of |sports and games of chance |– how probability relates to |sports and games of chance |

|the experimental and |chance |the experimental and |sports and games of chance |the experimental and |

|theoretical probability of a |the experimental and |theoretical probability of a|the experimental and |theoretical probability of a |

|specific outcome |theoretical probability of |specific outcome |theoretical probability of a |specific outcome |

| |a specific outcome | |specific outcome | |

|Application | | | | |

|with accuracy: |with limited effectiveness:|with some effectiveness: |with considerable |with a high degree of |

|lists possible outcomes |lists possible outcomes |lists possible outcomes |effectiveness: |effectiveness: |

|compares the experimental |compares the experimental |compares the experimental |lists possible outcomes |lists possible outcomes |

|probability with the |probability with the |probability with the |compares the experimental |compares the experimental |

|theoretical probability of a |theoretical probability of |theoretical probability of a|probability with the |probability with the |

|specific outcome |a specific outcome |specific outcome |theoretical probability of a |theoretical probability of a |

| | | |specific outcome |specific outcome |

|Communication | | | | |

|uses appropriate mathematical|uses few appropriate |uses some appropriate |uses appropriate mathematical|uses a range of appropriate |

|terminology (e.g., relative |mathematical terms |mathematical terms |terms |mathematical terms clearly, |

|frequency, theoretical | | | |precisely, and confidently |

|probability) correctly | | | | |

|presents work and expresses |presents work and expresses|presents work and expresses |presents most work and |presents all work and |

|mathematical thinking clearly|mathematical thinking with |mathematical thinking with |expresses most mathematical |expresses all mathematical |

| |little clarity |some clarity |thinking clearly and |thinking clearly, precisely, |

| | | |precisely |and confidently |


Master 11.1

Master 11.3


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