Therapeutic Ultrasound and Exercise for the Treatment of ...

Therapeutic Ultrasound and Exercise for the Treatment of Myositis Ossificans Traumatica in a 16-Year Old Male with

History of Factor VIII Hemophilia

A Capstone Project for PTY 768 Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Physical Therapy

Sage Graduate School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Anita Abraham May, 2010


_________________________________ Laura Z. Gras, PT, DSc, GCS Research Advisor

_________________________________ Marjane Selleck, PT, DPT, MS, PCS

Program Director, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program


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Therapeutic Ultrasound and Exercise for the Treatment of Myositis Ossificans Traumatica in a 16-Year Old Male with History of Factor VIII Hemophilia

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Anita Abraham

April 26, 2010

I represent to The Sage Colleges that this project and abstract are the original work of the author, and do not infringe on the copyright or other rights of others.

Therapeutic Ultrasound and Exercise for the Treatment of Myositis Ossificans Traumatica in a 16-Year Old Male with History of Factor VIII Hemophilia


Anita Abraham

April 26, 2010

Therapeutic Ultrasound and Exercise for the Treatment of Myositis Ossificans Traumatica in a 16-Year Old Male with History of Factor VIII Hemophilia

PTY 768 Capstone Project

Anita Abraham, SPT April 26, 2010


Background and Purpose: The likelihood of developing myositis ossificans traumatica (MOT) may be increased in individuals with hemophilia. The purpose of this case report is: to investigate the clinical signs and symptoms of MOT; determine whether a patient with hemophilia is predisposed to developing MOT; and identify the most effective treatment options for MOT.

Case Description: A 16-year old male with hemophilia was seen for the treatment of recurrent thigh bleed. Clinical signs and symptoms were consistent with MOT.

Exam/Evaluation: The patient complained of increased pain and girth; decreased lower extremity range of motion, strength, and function with activities of daily living; and antalgic gait.

Interventions: Treatment consisted of pulsed ultrasound and therapeutic exercise.

Outcomes: The patient achieved all goals within 6 weeks.

Discussion: MOT is difficult to detect initially as it may mimic other conditions. Developing MOT increases after sustaining a muscle contusion due to complications from an intramuscular bleed. Evidence is limited regarding the predisposition of MOT in patients with hemophilia. Further research needs to be conducted.

Conclusion: The patient attained excellent results with pulsed ultrasound and therapeutic exercises, even though the efficacy of therapeutic ultrasound has been disputed.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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