
halFILE 4.x Hot KeysGeneralCTRL+ZUndo hot key. Can be used to ‘undo’ the last key strokes that were performed.CTRL+CCopy. Copies the highlighted text to the Windows clipboard so it can be used in a ‘paste’ function later.CTRL+XCuts. Cuts (erases) the highlighted text to the Windows clipboard so it can be used in a ‘paste’ function later.CTRL+VPaste. Pastes the contents of the Windows clipboard into the box where the cursor is.ALT+If a menu selection has a letter underlined, then you can activate that menu by pressing ALT + the letter underlined. For instance, at the main menu of halFILE, the “File” has the letter F underlined. Therefore, pressing Alt-F activates the File menu.TABMoves the cursor to the next control on a screen or form. Examples of controls include a button, a list box and a text box. On the search criteria screen, for example, you can TAB down from field to field until you get to the field you want to search on.SHIFT+TABMoves the cursor to the prior control on a screen or form. On the index form, for example, if you notice something was mis-keyed and want to go up to the box containing the incorrect data, you can press SHIFT-TAB until you get there.F1Online help from any moduleScan / ImportF5After scanning a batch of pages, when you are stapling images into documents, the F5 key works the same as pressing the End of Document button. This also works for stapling images during Import.F6Two docs on one page. Clicking this will create a “duplicate” so that you can index the same document multiple times. Clicking more than once creates additional duplicates.F8After scanning a batch of pages, when you are stapling images into documents, the F8 key allows you to staple the document based on the first page of the document rather than the last.Down arrowAfter scanning a batch of pages, when you are stapling into documents, the Down arrow displays the next image in the list.Up arrowAfter scanning a batch of pages, when you are stapling into documents, the Up arrow displays the prior image in the list.SearchF2If the cursor is on a text box that is validated in a table and the question mark is displayed, F2 works the same as clicking the question mark and displays the valid table entries.F4Auto Complete. Press F4 then type a few letters of the name and matching names in the database will be listed.F7Spell check.F8When you are viewing a document, F8 returns you to the search hit list.F9Scrap list – view/restore items removed from hit listF10Starter wizardF11When you are on the search hit list or are viewing a document, F11 takes you to the prior document.F12When you are on the search hit list or are viewing a document, F12 takes you to the next document.PageDownWhen you are viewing a document, pressing Page Down takes you to the next page within the document.PageUpWhen you are viewing a document, pressing Page Up takes you to the prior page within the document.Ctrl+NWhen used in a multi-entry field, will replicated the prior line's last name.Ctrl+QQuick Search (similar to Quick Find but w/ multiple rows and document preview)Ctrl+SSave the current document and index information and move to the next documentIndexF2If the cursor is on a text box that is validated in a table and the question mark is displayed, F2 works the same as clicking the question mark and displays the valid table entries.F4Auto Complete. Press F4 then type a few letters of the name and matching names in the database will be listed.F7Spell check.PageDownWhen you are viewing a document, pressing Page Down takes you to the next page within the document.PageUpWhen you are viewing a document, pressing Page Up takes you to the prior page within the document.Alt+DDuplicates value for the current field from the previous document (or from the document loaded into Document Clipboard) Overwrites current field with data.Ctrl+DDuplicates value for the current field from the previous document (or from the document loaded into Document Clipboard) Appends data to current field.Alt+ADuplicates all field values from the previous document (or from the document loaded into Document Clipboard)Ctrl+Shift+VPaste the document clipboard (a document previously copied into the document clipboard from another halFILE module (i.e. Search)User DefinedSelect Tools-Options menu to assign specific field values to hot keysCtrl+NWhen used in a multi-entry field, will replicated the prior line's last name.Ctrl+OIn Index you can draw a box around a portion of the image, press Ctrl-O and the system will convert the boxed portion of the image to text and post it to the current index field. (Available in NET and Imaging Viewers)Ctrl+UQuick FindCtrl+SSave the current document (when updating information)Viewers (4.0 and prior)Alt+ZZoom toggle Alt+1Zoom to upper left quadrantAlt+2Zoom to upper right quadrantAlt+3Zoom to lower left quadrantAlt+4Zoom to lower right quadrantAlt+~Fit width (toggles upper half/lower half of document)Ctrl+FGoes to first page of the documentCtrl+LGoes to last page of the documentViewers (4.1 and later)Alt+ZZoom toggleCtrl+1Zoom to upper left quadrantCtrl+2Zoom to upper right quadrantCtrl+3Zoom to lower left quadrantCtrl+4Zoom to lower right quadrantCtrl+~Fit width (toggles upper half/lower half of document)Ctrl+FGoes to first page of the documentCtrl+LGoes to last page of the documentCtrl+GJump to a specific page number of the document ................

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