SMBs: Don’t Leave $770B on the TableWhy Your Small Business Can’t Afford to Ignore Technologies like CloudBy Thomas Hansen, Vice President, SMB Worldwide, MicrosoftIs your small business taking full advantage of the latest advancements in information technology? If not, a recent survey shows that you might be missing out on some big opportunities to grow your business and gain a competitive edge. According to a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) global study commissioned by Microsoft, if more small and medium-sized businesses adopted the latest in IT tools, it could potentially boost their revenues by a combined $770 billion and create more than 6 million jobs. Think about that for a second. $770 billion is roughly the equivalent of the annual GDP for the Netherlands. Those 6 million jobs? Nearly equal to the entire population of Denmark. And it’s the same no matter where you’re at in the world. The BCG research shows that this growth transcends industry, geography and economics. Simply put, businesses that invest in and quickly adopt the latest technology are significantly more likely to see success in their business. But why?The findings indicate that adopting the latest technologies like cloud contribute significantly to this growth. That’s because the cloud enables companies of all sizes to access the kind of services that until recently had only been available to big, enterprise-level companies. More simply put, technology allows for easier expansion into new markets – even across borders – and enables employees to keep up with their work, no matter where they are in the world. In fact, businesses who adopt this technology are six times more likely to have international customers and 24 times more likely to have international employees. There is also a significant cost savings associated with an increased use of technology – and cloud is a great example of this. Instead of installing and maintaining significant hardware and software for server operations, businesses can outsource these IT functions, eliminating the upfront cost and allowing companies to pay only for what they use. That’s why more than 80 percent of technology adoption leaders use cloud services, and why cloud usage by small and medium-sized business has increased 15 percent during the past three years.Being a Leader Pays OffAccording to the report, businesses at the forefront of technology adoption grew significantly faster than those that are slow to adopt new software and services – creating jobs almost twice as quickly as other businesses. In addition, tech adoption leaders are able to innovate more quickly, a key driver in growth, and as a result can promote vibrant local economies by grabbing their piece of the $770 billion pie that’s out there. These businesses grew faster still when they utilized Microsoft cloud services like Office 365, which are designed with small and medium-sized businesses in mind. Specifically, adopters of Microsoft cloud services enjoyed greater ability to grow and flexibility to adapt to their unique needs than those who utilized other vendor’s cloud services. And because Microsoft offers both on-and off-premises solutions, businesses can take advantage of cloud services at their own pace rather having to choose one or the other.One great example is New York-based boutique law firm Tayman Lane Chaverri LLP (TLC). TLC was founded on the desire to provide its clients a flexible and mutually beneficial partnership not offered by larger law firms. In order to free itself from technology restrictions common at those larger firms, TLC needed technology that matched its nimbleness, could scale up quickly and be agile and responsive. Given these requirements, the firm’s decision to build its technology infrastructure in the cloud from the very beginning was a no brainer. With the help of Microsoft partner New Signature, TLC implemented a completely cloud-based infrastructure including using Microsoft Office 365. As a result, the company is more agile and flexible and can engage with clients and projects real time in a highly secured environment. Leaders like TLC utilize cloud technology because it allows them to scale their business operations in a flexible, incremental manner, with absolutely no capital expenditure required.Security Myth BusterAccording to the report, the number one concern preventing most businesses (64 percent) from utilizing cloud technology has been data security. With the latest advancements in cloud technology, these fears have been proven to be unfounded. Security is actually a major benefit for many SMBs who have already transitioned to cloud infrastructures, provided they’re working with the right company. And for those still concerned about the security of the cloud, vendor services certifications relevant to international standards let SMBs know that minimum levels of security, privacy and data protection are met regardless of where they’re located. For example, all Microsoft products utilize the latest technologies and adhere to strict privacy and security policies to help ensure compliance and keep your business safe. SMBs using services such as Office 365 get the same security features offered to enterprise-level companies. And with Microsoft’s investments in security infrastructure and more than two decades worth of experience managing online data, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your data is safe and secure. Cloud Levels the Playing FieldPreviously, this sort of always-on information access, data security and support was only available to enterprise-level companies. Not anymore. Cloud services are more affordable than they’ve ever been, and small businesses across the world are enjoying the benefits, including the ability to expand globally. And with a potential $770 billion and 6 million jobs still out there for the taking, isn’t it time your business took another look at the cloud?How to Get StartedMoving to the cloud is simple. With Microsoft’s long tradition of helping small businesses get the most out of their technology, we can help find the solution that fits your business. And because leaders spend smarter on IT – and not necessarily more – we have a few deals that can help make the transition to the cloud even easier: With Skype’s core free offering, your business can enjoy powerful communications tools, including voice and video calls to anyone else on Skype’s network, instant messaging and file sharing. You can also leverage other no-cost options to run your business with SkyDrive, and Office Web Apps. Upgrading your hardware and like saving money? When you buy a new Windows 8.1 Pro PC, you can get Office 365 for 20 percent off. And educational institutions and nonprofit organizations can save even more, even if they don’t need to upgrade their hardware just yet. The era of cutting-edge technologies being available only to enterprise-level companies is over. Today, many small and medium-sized business leaders are adopting the latest cloud technologies and reaping the benefits – faster growth, higher revenues and lower costs. And with $770 billion and 6 million jobs on the table, being a tech adoption leader is no longer just an option for SMBs. It’s absolutely essential. For government leaders around the world, look closely at ways to prioritize and empower SMBs, so they are able to make full use of new technologies. For SMBs, stop worrying about missing the next big opportunity. Move to the cloud with Microsoft and start growing your business today. ................

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