REVIEW EXERCISE FOR SECTION 29 Use quotation marks …

Review Exercise for Section 29 Use quotation marks correctly.

Correct any errors in the use of quotation marks and related punctuation.

Child psychologist Bruno Bettelheim wrote that fairy tales, with their archetypal evil characters, terrifying situations, and improbable happy endings, could tell children a great deal, “about the inner problems of human beings and of the right solutions to their predicaments in any society”. In a newspaper article called Old Theory Could Explain Love of Harry Potter, Richard Bernstein argues that Bettelheim’s analysis of fairy tales reveals the reasons for the staggering popularity of J. K. Rowling’s books. Although Bernstein sees the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone as “a fairly conventional supernatural adventure story”, he admits that children find the books “as powerful as the witch of “Hansel and Gretel.” Bernstein analyzes the narrative and concludes that, “Harry’s story, [. . .] with its early images of alienation, rejection, loneliness and powerlessness leading to its classically fairy tale ending, contains the same basic message that Bettelheim described.”

Bernstein is not alone in writing for adults about the Harry Potter “phenomenon.” Academic conferences call for papers on Rowling’s books; one asked graduate students and professors to ponder the ways that the books “embody, extend, exploit, or enfeeble the fantasy genre”. On the Internet, fan fiction sites are filled with Harry Potter stories written for adults. Lori Summers, the author of a fan fiction story called Harry Potter and the Paradigm of Uncertainty, which features Harry and his friend Hermione as young adults, notes that “she intended the story for adult fans of the Harry Potter series.” Although children helped the Rowling books to reach “number one” on the bestseller lists, it is clear—in spite of the reservations of adults like Bernstein—that many adults are equally captivated by Harry Potter.


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