
4 Sample Email Scripts to Wow Your Managed Network Services ProspectsWe know what you’re thinking: “Does cold emailing even work?” Our response to that? “Heck yeah!” And the best part of cold emailing is that it can be a lot easier to set up than a cold call, but it needs to be spot on. Let’s start with a few guidelines to structure your messages in an effective (and repeatable!) way and then we’ll share some samples you can use and customize to your liking. Overall, keep it short.Key elements of successful cold emails:Nail the subject lineThe biggest hurdle you’ll face with email is that you’re competing for the prospect’s attention with dozens (even hundreds) of other emails in their inbox. Your subject line needs to grab their attention and hit their inbox, so be bold or catchy or pose a question, get to the point, and avoid spam triggers. (Tip: Do a search for common spam triggers to see if your email’s at risk.)Personalized openingUsing their name is a start, but that’s not what we mean by personalized. Show you actually did some research by mentioning their industry, niche challenges, etc. The whole point is to understand their pain points and find a way to add value for their business, so start by talking about them—not you.Create a connectionYour opening explains why you’re reaching out, so now you can make the connection to tell them why they’ll want to hear you out (why they should care). Call to action Ask them to take the next step and be both direct and specific. For example, “What works better for a 15-minute call on Tuesday morning, 9 a.m. or 10 a.m.?”Email sample #1: They’re hiring IT rolesSubject: Can I help?Hi {Prospect Name},I’ll keep this short and sweet to make the 36 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it).I’m {Your Name} from {Company Name}, and I’m reaching out because I noticed you’re hiring for new IT resources. Before you take your next interview, I’d like to share how we’ve helped other companies in {industry name} see hefty savings by outsourcing their IT needs to our team.Simply put, we keep IT networks running so businesses can make costly downtime a thing of the past. You get efficient, affordable, and specialized service without the additional overhead expenses you’d invest in FTEs.What works better for a 15-minute call on Thursday morning, 9 a.m. or 10 a.m.?Best,{Signature}Email sample #2: They’re using the cloudSubject: Can we review this week?Hi {Prospect Name},I suspect like most {role} in {industry} that you’re swamped, so I’ll cut to the chase. I’m {Your Name} from {Company Name}, and I’m reaching out because I noticed you’re using WordPress for your website—don’t worry, I’m not trying to get you to change your website (it looks great!). I wanted to talk about the thing that keeps your business running if you’re relying on several other cloud-based apps just like WordPress (think Office 365, G Suite, Dropbox, Salesforce, Adobe Cloud, etc.). That “thing” is your network connection, and your business could grind to a halt without it. Let alone the impact to your customers and your bottom line if it drops. That’s our reason for being: We keep IT networks running so businesses can make costly downtime a thing of the past. Can we set up a 15-minute call this week to talk about your network? Does Wednesday or Thursday morning at 9 a.m. work better for you?Best,{Signature}Email sample #3: Christmas light analogySubject: That one broken Christmas light ?Hi {Prospect Name},How is it that a single broken light in an entire strand of Christmas lights can make the whole thing go dark? Well, that’s pretty much what happens when a business network goes down—if one switch, router, firewall, or other network device goes down, the whole network does too. And the business grinds to a sudden halt.I’m {Your Name} from {Company Name}, and I’m reaching out because I bought {product the prospect sells} from you online last month and was impressed by the great service I received with your site’s chat bot and how easy it was to then find and buy what I was looking for. I had a great customer experience and want to see if we can help you continue to deliver that to all your customers.Simply put, we keep IT networks running so downtime becomes a thing of the past. Can we set up a 15-minute call this week to talk about your network (and maybe you can offer up some tips on how to keep my Christmas lights from getting tangled...every. single. time)? Let me know if Wednesday or Thursday morning at 9 a.m. works for you?Best,{Signature}Email sample #4: Referral approachSubject: {Referring Person’s Name} said I should connect with youHi {Prospect Name},I’m {Your Name} from {Company Name}, and I met {Referring Person’s Name} at {event you met at}. After speaking with {her/him} about how we’ve been working with similar businesses in {the prospect’s industry} to proactively manage their network connection and avoid costly downtime, {he/she} thought you might also want to speak with us.With so many business-critical applications now hosted in the cloud, a network issue can bring your operations to a grinding halt—not good for your customers, and not good for your bottom line. Simply put, we keep IT networks running so downtime becomes a thing of the past. If you’d like to set aside 15 minutes this week to talk about it, we can do a quick assessment of your current network needs and potential capacity issues. What works better for you on Thursday morning, 9 a.m. or 10 a.m.?Best,{Signature}-914400-59499500Remember: You can’t improve what you can’t measureYou know the general structure of your email, and you’ve got some samples you can use to start crafting your unique email strategy. But before you copy, paste, customize, and send, consider how you’ll be able to measure the effectiveness of your emails—beyond whether or not they replied.There are several email marketing platforms out there that make it easy for you to get insight into:Open ratesWhat send dates and / or times had the most opensClick through rates (if you’re including links)ResponsesWhen a recipient marks it as spam (it happens to the best of us, but knowing which email triggers this action can help you determine where you need to rethink your messaging). With these insights in hand, you can tweak certain elements of your emails, like the subject line, call to action, and more to improve your response rates. The good news is, there are many platforms that offer a free or low-cost option for those who are new to email marketing. Give it a try—you’ll be happy you did.10160011938000011938000What’s next? Read our How to Prospect, Pitch & Sell Managed Network Services with Auvik guide to better identify and find ideal managed network services prospects, and how to position and sell the value within your overall managed services offering. ................

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