Temple Grandin EssayDue date: Friday, May 20Directions: Write an argumentative essay about one of the themes explored in Temple Grandin’s Thinking in Pictures book. Essay Requirements:Minimum 800 words in lengthWritten in a third person/academic voice (avoid I, me, us, we, you, your) and casual language (stuff, things, sucks, etc.)Minimum four sources (one may be Thinking in Pictures)MLA formatIn her book, Grandin discusses past and present research on autism, including how autism is diagnosed and treated, as well as the types of sensory, emotional, and cognitive (thinking) issues that come with an autism diagnosis. While Grandin does talk about the hurdles people with autism must overcome, she also talks about the links between autism and intellectual and artistic gifts and the close connection many people with autism have with animals. In writing this novel (and her other novels), she hoped to educate the public about both the struggles and triumphs people with autism face in order to help both those with autism and those who know or someday meet someone with autism. She also wants people to understand that everyone processes the world around them in different ways – with or without a diagnosis of autism or any other genetic, emotional, or processing disorder – and that variety is something positive.Essay Prompts:You may choose one of the following prompts OR pursue your own idea. The essay should present some type of argument and must relate to the themes explored in Temple Grandin’s book, Thinking in Pictures (topics related to autism, varied learning styles, connections with animals, educating the public about genetic/processing disorders). Please submit the claim/thesis you are considering to me for approval.Prompt#1: Some people believe the ultimate goal for a child with autism is to be mainstreamed into a typical classroom, while others believe schools or classrooms that specialize in special education or, specifically autism will provide better opportunities. Research the topic and even local schools and develop a claim about this debate. One semi-local school I’m aware of is Oak Grove in Murrieta, which has a portion of the school dedicated to young students with low-functioning autism. Remember, autism is a spectrum disorder, so you’ll need to be specific in your response.Prompt#2: At a fairly young age Temple Grandin discovered she had a strong connection with animals. Not only did she enjoy being in their company, but she found many similarities between how both she and animals process the world around them. Do some research into animal-assisted therapy. How are animals used in both physical and mental therapy? Develop an argument about a SPECIFIC use for animal therapy. You may wish to research therapy dogs used in hospitals for children in surgery or service dogs used for people with autism (example: ).Prompt#3: Everyone learns differently. Some people process and remember visual information better (special – pictures), while others may better learn from kinetic (physical -performing) lessons. Still others may process verbal (lectures and discussions) better than aural (auditory – music) lessons. In order to reach all student learners, a good instructor must find ways to differentiate instruction, which means developing lessons that will appeal to a variety of learning types (visual, aural, kinetic, verbal). Technological advances are helping with this task but there is still a lot of debate about how technology should be used in the classroom. For example, some teachers may use cell phone activities (voting apps, Snapchat, etc.) to engage students in a way that differs from traditional lecturing and notetaking (and it combines both visual and kinetic learning). But there’s some concern that technology like cell phones are distracting and that the quality of work suffers, as the platform lends itself to more casual communication, rather than academic/scholarly discussion. Develop an argument about how to best differentiate instruction in order to reach all learning types within a classroom. Essay Organizer(I will stamp this Friday, 5/6. If you are absent, bring it Monday 5/9. Those without stamps will not receive credit. You will turn this in, along with your rough draft and final essay on Friday, 5/20.)What is your overall topic?What is the main opinion (thesis statement) you plan to argue?What is your first body paragraph topic sentence (an idea that supports your thesis statement)?Discuss one example (cited source material) you can use to support this main idea.How does this example support your main idea?What is your second body paragraph topic sentence (an idea that supports your thesis statement)?Discuss one example (cited source material) you can use to support this main idea.How does this example support your main idea?What is your third body paragraph topic sentence (an idea that supports your thesis statement)?Discuss one example (cited source material) you can use to support this main idea.How does this example support your main idea?What is the counter-argument or another viewpoint you will discuss in this paragraph? How will you either fully disagree or disagree in part with this other viewpoint about your topic? In your conclusion, what will be your final thought about your topic? ................

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