Peer Evaluation Form---Definition Paragraph

Peer Evaluation Form---Definition Paragraph

In the corresponding blanks, check each number off if the paper meets the requirement. As you read through the paper, mark any spelling errors, incomplete sentences, or parts that you feel do not flow together or make sense (rememebr to look for Run-Ons that commonly leave out a comma before the BOYSFAN word on a compound sentence).

Your name:______________________________________________________

Name on the paper you’re evaluating:____________________________________

1._____ The name, date, and hour are in the upper left hand corner of the paper.

2._____The title is centered at the top of the page and is in TNR 12 point font. The paper seems to be at least one and a half pages in length.

3._____ The first line of each paragraph is indented.

4._____ The font is in 12 point Times New Roman and is double spaced.

5. _____ Look at the first sentence. Does the paragraph open with a lead in? It should begin with a quote (if they use a quote, it needs to say who said it), a statistic, a rhetorical question, an action scene, or a sense of suspense. Does it capture the reader’s interest? The lead in needs to be at least 2-3 sentences. Write here any helpful hints you may have:

6. _____Next, the paper should define the word according to the dictionary. It should give credit to the dictionary and the definition should be in quotation marks, or summarized. If it does not sound summarized – In their own words, and they do not have it in quotes, be sure to note that! They don’t want a zero for accidental plagiarism (.

7. _____ The last sentence of the 2nd paragraph should be the thesis statement. It should state their word and three defining words. Ex.” Fear is terrifying, tormenting, and controlling.”Write here any helpful hints you may have, AND write their thesis statement here:

9. _____ The paper must now expand on the first element of the topic sentence. They must tell in their own words how the first element defines their word.

10. ____ The paper must give very specific examples of how the first element defines the word. It can also contain either an analogy or a personal story that defines the meaning. Do you have suggestions? Are their any things that are unclear and need to be be expanded on? Write here any helpful hints you may have:

11. _____ The paper must now expand on the second element of the topic sentence. They must tell in their own words how the second element defines their word.

12. _____ The paper must now give a very specific example of how the second element defines the word. Once again, it can also contain either an analogy or a personal story that defines the meaning. Do you have suggestions? Are their any things that are unclear and need to be be expanded on? Write here any helpful hints you may have:

13 _____ The paper must now expand on the third element of the topic sentence. They must tell in their own words how the third element defines their word.

14 _____ The paper must now give a very specific example of how the third element defines the word. It can also contain either an analogy or a personal story that defines the meaning. Do you have suggestions? Are their any things that are unclear and need to be be expanded on? Write here any helpful hints you may have:

15. _____Lastly, the writer should conclude their paper. They must re-state the topic sentence and make some concluding observations and comments.

*After you have completed this form for your partner, you now need to go over their paper with them. Explain in detail any helpful hints that you have and go over with them any problems you see. This activity should take you and your partner the entire hour.


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