Front to back, How to Write a Killer Resume is pure how-to! EXPERT RESUME-WRITER, Terri Lorrain, takes you step-by-step through this no-bull workbook designed to guide you as you write your

KILLER RESUME by the time you reach the book's end! PLUS!...A...G......R...E...A...T...B...O...N......U...S...F...R...O...M......E...X...P...E...R...T......R...E...S...U...M...E......-W...R......IT...E...R......T...E...R...R...I ...L...O...R...R...A...I...N...! ....1...

HOW to WRITE a KILLER RESUME by Terri Lorrain


Hey, thanks for downloading How to Write a Killer Resume! I think you're going to love it!

y company is ResumePro. It has one employee ? me. I have an old-school philosophy:

"If you want something done right, do it yourself."

I work alone because I'm the best. I have exceptionally high standards which is why I deliver exceptionally awesome killer resumes.

By keeping my workload to a manageable level I never miss a promised delivery date. When resume-submission deadlines fast approach, you can rest assured I will deliver your killer resume before the job opportunity closes.

Okay. That's a little about me. But, this e-book is about YOU, so, let's get into writing your killer resume!

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................................................................................................................................................................... HOW to WRITE a KILLER RESUME by Terri Lorrain


ABOUT THE BOOK & THE AUTHOR............................................... 4 APPLICANT TRACKING SYSTEM................................................... 7 SECTION ONE: IT'S ALL IN YOUR APPROACH................................ 8 SECTION TWO: YOUR RESUME IS NOT ABOUT YOU!.......................... 13 SECTION THREE: THE RESUME FORMAT: CLEAN & SIMPLE............ 21 SECTION FOUR: BE A COPYCAT................................................... 29 SECTION FIVE: THE RIDICULOUSLY EASY PART!................................. 42 SECTION SIX: DO'S & DONT'S (Minus the DO's).................................... 47 TWEAKING YOUR RESUME........................................................... 50 COVER LETTERS......................................................................... 52 ODDS `n ENDS & BONUS.............................................................. 54 RESOURCES............................................................................... 58 COVER LETTER & RESUME SAMPLE............................................ 59


HOW to WRITE a KILLER RESUME by Terri Lorrain



How to Write a Killer Resume!

By Terri Lorrain, Expert Resume-Writer

The purpose of this great little e-book is to help you write a killer resume by the time you reach the book's end. It contains about 2o "working" pages, many containing strategically-placed internal links enabling you to move around the book logically. You will work through this awesome little e-book quickly as you write your killer resume!

The book is written based on what I know works and what I know doesn't work in resume-writing. I am an expert resume-writer. I became an expert resume-writer by writing hundreds of resumes for people across a myriad of industries. The resumes I write get my clients invited to interviews. So stick with me, kid. I know what I'm talking about in this great little e-book and I'll have you going to interviews, too!

I do a lot of research. It's my schtick. I become intimately acquainted with and knowledgeable about my clients' trades, occupations, and professions. I've learned a great deal about how sewer cleaning is done, how ski-accident victims get rescued, how a crane is operated, how teeth get cleaned, how a bakery gets managed, and oh so much more. Also, as a part of my constant research I talk with employers, recruiters, and HR personnel to learn what they look for in resumes. It's pretty universal: ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

In this awesome little e-book we get into this concept of accomplishments in depth. Once you know how to describe your accomplishments in a powerful and meaningful way which will impress prospective employers, you'll be writing some killer resumes!!

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This book is fully based on both the concept and the approach of writing for the employer. Writing for the employer is the end-all-be-all of resume-writing. If you're not writing for the employer you're wasting your time. More importantly, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. This e-book teaches you everything you need to know about writing for the employer.

Back in the day it was called "skills matching". In 2019 it's called "wowing the pants off prospective employers!" By the the time you reach the end of this awesome little e-book, you will have written a killer resume that will have prospective employers standing around in their skivvies.

I recommend reading this book cover-to-cover before you begin writing your resume. At best, you may experience an ah-ha moment somewhere around the middle and, at the least, you'll get a feel for what you'll be doing before you dive in. Once you begin the actual hands-on work, it will go quickly! You'll do the work as you go through the book Section by Section, of which there are only six. The sections are short and by the time you reach the end of Section Six you will have written a killer resume!

YOU WANT A RESUME NOT A HISTORY LESSON When people look for help to write their resume I don't think they are interested in learning everything there is to know about "The Resume". Rather, they want to grab a quick, highly-effective how-to guide that is hands-on right from the get-go without a bunch of useless crap like the history of the resume, what a resume is, why to write a resume, and blah blah. In this book the focus is on writing the resume. Brief, relevant explanations clarify some of the instruction. When you "get it" you'll write with more confidence (and maybe even a little enthusiasm!).

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To keep things simple, throughout the book I use the term "the employer". By that I mean whoever is reading your resume. It may be the employer, it may be a hiring manager, a member of an HR department, or an ATS.

This book is intended for those writing a conventional resume. It does not contain instruction for developing a *CV, nor a Functional or Hybrid resume, nor a Creative resume.

I used Google Slides to compose this e-book (first time!) and was anxious to get busy writing! I didn't spend much time learning the program and, though I think my layout turned okay visually, the next time I write an e-book in Google Slides I will pay attention to its built-in templates and layouts.


This book is well-written with impeccable English grammar. That's an important thing. When you are reading technical material...particularly can be hard enough to grasp the meaning without the additional confusion that comes with trying to decode poor grammar and incohesive writing. I want to assure you this book is 99% grammatically correct (nobody's perfect), easy to read, and easy to understand.


Being careful not to bash my counterparts, I will say only this: do not trust everything you read on the Internet. Do not trust most of what you read on the Internet. There are resume-writers and there are blog-writers. Resume-writers write write blogs...there is a difference. I am an expert resume-writer...writing resumes is what I do. The resumes I write for my clients get them invited to interviews. Check it out.

*A resume is competency-based and intended to showcase the candidate's skills, notable achievements, work experience, and accomplishments to the greatest advantage.

A CV (Curriculum Vitae) is submitted for jobs in academia, scientific research, and medical fields, and is credential-based, providing a comprehensive (and often lengthy) listing of one's education, certifications, research experience, and professional affiliations and memberships.

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Let's understand what an ATS is early. I mention ATS right from the get-go in Section One and frequently throughout the book. ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System. It is software recruiting companies and HR departments use to collect, sort, and filter the hundreds of resumes submitted for a single job posting. Many companies use ATSs--especially big companies and corporations, but even small companies with high employee turnaround use these software programs.

When you apply for a job online, your resume isn't typically going directly to a recruiter or hiring manager. It is first being processed by an ATS. Whether a human ever sees your resume depends on how well your resume is optimized for ATS algorithms. Chiefly, ATSs sort resumes based on keywords and phrases that were used in the job ad (much on this later), but your resume won't even make it to the ATS's sorting stage if it is poorly formatted. Believe it or not, how your resume is formatted is extremely important to ATSs.

Resumes that are formatted all crazy with lines and dividers, characters and symbols, oddly-shaped bullets, and even some fonts, make ATSs koo-koo. Those types of insertions sometimes show up as big garbled messes that distort your resume so grotesquely the ATS just says: "To hell with it", and boots your resume right out of its little robot pea-brain. Unfortunately for job seekers, most ATSs lack sophistication and are not able to search and filter candidates reliably. Well-qualified candidates can fall through the cracks and be eliminated from the applicant pool when their resume has formatting issues or lacks the correct search keywords.

This is a tradeoff for hiring personnel. They have limited time and resources and know they will receive hundreds of resumes in answer to a job posting. They are willing to let the ATS reject qualified applicants whose resumes are poorly formatted. So, in order to get your resume noticed, you must optimize your resume for ATS.

By following the resume-formatting guidelines I provide throughout this book, and by using the TEMPLATE I have designed for you, rest assured your resume will be ATS-friendly!

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Wanna hear something scary?

"If you have gobs of time, are a good writer, you know how to do Internet research (and are discerning enough not to get bamboozled by the B.S.), are resourceful, embrace challenge, are patient, persistent, confident, and, can write your resume objectively, then go for it. You possess all of the attributes necessary to write your own resume." I wrote that in my October 2017 blog article: Skip the DIY Resume, Get a Pro ...because I was seeing so many awful resumes that were thrown together with no real effort and I wanted to say to the masses, basically, "Look people, this is what it takes to write an awesome resume and if you aren't willing to put in some real effort, then hire a pro." Writing a killer resume is not the easiest thing in the world, but I don't want to scare you. Writing an exceptional, killer resume can be stressful, but this handy little e-book will make it much less so for you. By the end of this book you will have written your kick-ass, killer resume!

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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