It is with a great pleasure that I present my first venture in real life application of computing in the form of project work. I think all of those who devoted there precise time to my project it would not have been possible without the help of my teachers and some of my friends. I acknowledge my sincere gratitude to all those who helped me to make this project a success.

First of all I extend my sincere thanks to the faculty members of Information Technology department who tuned my knowledge in field of Information Technology. I thank them for their co-operation and guidance throughout the course.I extend my sincere thanks to the principal Mr. S.B.Singh.

I am also thankful to Mrs.Vaishali Kadam and Mrs.Aarti Patkar who showed faith in me and gave permission for the project. I also thank those who helped me directly or indirectly during my project.


It gives us great pleasure to present the project on “MOBILE SERVICING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” prepared sincerely, punctually and with utmost efforts.

The contents of this book are presented into many chapters, in order to ease reading. The project has been illustrated with precise data elucidated with neat dataflow diagram, Entity-Relationship diagram and structure diagram that simplify in understanding the software. The project includes the software development tools like VB, data reports to present the software very precisely.

Meticulous care has been taken to make this project perfect and useful in every respect.

Name of Developer: Signature

Merwyn Noronha

Roshan Karkera



Merwyn Noronha

Roshan Karkera

[Seat No.]


Under the guidance of Mrs.Vashali Kadam


The Shankar Naryan College of Arts, Science and commerce

Navaghar, Mahavidayalaya Marg, Bhayander (East)

Thane – 401 105


|Sr.No |Contents |Sub Contents |Page No. |

| | | | |

|1. |Introduction | | |

| | |Organizational Profile |5 |

| | |Introduction to Project |6 |

|2. |System Study & Analysis | | |

| | |Present System |7 |

| | |Scope & Objective of Project |8 |

| | |Proposed System |9 |

| | |Feasibility Study |11 |

| | |System Requirement |13 |

|3. |System Development | | |

| | |Data Flow Diagram |14 |

| | |Context Level |16 |

| | |DFD |19 |

| | |Gantt Chart |22 |

| | |Flow Chart |23 |

| | |E-R Diagram |26 |

| | |Event Table |29 |

| | |Database Design |30 |

| | |Menu Tree |31 |

|6. |Data Dictionaries | |32 |

|8. |Form Layouts | |35 |

|9. |Coding | |52 |

|11. |Testing | |91 |

|12. |Bibliography | |94 |

|15. |Conclusion | |95 |


Organization Profile

Urmi Enterprise, a pioneer in mobile telephony. The company provides all types of GSM mobile repair services to the customers. Multimedia terminals and computer monitors round out our expertise in communications technology. The company administers state-of-the art hardware repair facilities that are easily accessible to the mainstream consumer.

The company believes in Quality Service and long term Relationship. They are into business since last seven years. The company has many branches spread all over Mumbai.

The company also deals in providing any type of mobile parts. The company also provides warranty for the services given to the customer. If the customer faces any problem during warranty period given by the company, then the company renders the service for free. The company also deals in selling mobile parts as well as branded handset at small scale.

The company handles services such as Mobile Repairing on the basis of internal or external faults. Internal faults like Replacement of battery, mobile display, Internal parts etc .External faults like keypad replacement, Replacement of mobile charger, change of body ,etc.

Introduction to the Project:

The main aim of developing Mobile Servicing Management System is to build a user friendly, efficient and robust system that will handle all operations related to the company. All the information will be stored in consistent and structured format which will allow easier retrieval of data. .The system is Management Oriented.

The project aims to develop software which will store data about their different Customers.There are different type of services provided by this project like Mobile servicing, Sales, Purchasing and Other services. This system provides Various Report Facility That can give Current Status Of site Or Client in integrated fashion, preferably with Graphics User Interface (GUI) .

The objective of the project is to create a system that :

➢ Provides customer identification e.g Job sheet no

➢ Provides relevant data about the stock

➢ Handles inventory stock of the company

➢ Provides data security

➢ Less prone to errors

➢ Efficient data storage that will reduce the redundancy of data

➢ Less chances of information Leakage


In the current system, the company work done is totally manual. First of all the management has to manually keep all the information regarding the Stock, Supplier and Customer.

Whenever a Customer enquires for any handset, the management quotation for that product. The information regarding the quotation is kept in the files. The management has to manually check the handset availability. This is performed frequently, which helps them to decide as to when a purchase order for required handset should be placed. Before placing the purchase order the supplier details are checked from the file. If for a particular Customer order, the required handset is consumed then the remaining handset information must be updated in the respective files. When certain handsets are purchased then that again must be updated in files.

So, in the current system all business transactions are made manually and many files and register are maintained and written work is more.

Problem :

In the Company most of the work is done manually by maintaining registers.

This involves many limitations such as:

➢ Increases the paper work

➢ The time to access the data increases

➢ Frequent visit by customer for their product query and enquiry

➢ Chances of Information Leakage or Loss of Information increases

➢ Maintaining records is not Integrated

➢ Duplication of data

➢ Sometimes its not possible to maintain current status of Site

Scope & Objective of Project:

The project aims to develop software which will store data about their different Customers. This system provides Various Report Facility That can give Current Status Of site Or Client in integrated fashion, preferably with Graphics User Interface (GUI) .

The objective of the project is to create a system that :

➢ Provides customer identification e.g Job sheet no

➢ Provides relevant data about the stock

➢ Handles inventory stock of the company

➢ Provides data security

➢ Less prone to errors

➢ Efficient data storage that will reduce the redundancy of data

➢ Less chances of information Leakage

Proposed System

• To overcome the difficulties and constraints that are in the present manual system, one can say that the computerized system can solve many problems to a certain extent. Hence, my project serves in interacting with many of the work process that is taking place in the company. The computerization of the inventory control system is more user friendly and as reliable.

• My project uses VISUAL BASIC as front-end and SQL as backend. This system contains different tables in which the corresponding data will be stored and it also provides multi-user facility.

• Computerizing will automate the Order Processing System (OPS) and the stock will be checked more efficiently.

• In the proposed system, the system will process the customer order will check whether the order can be processed or not. If the order can be processed then required handset or sparepart are deleted from the database and if not the system will tell which handset or sparepart are to be purchased.

• The system also maintains the description of the suppliers along with its Handset & Sparepart that they sell. This will decrease a lot of time in identifying the details of the suppliers.

• The customer will be informed by the service dept through SMS when their product is ready.

• The system gives customer and supplier a unique identity so that they can be easily identified.

• Automated computerized system will decrease manual work to some extent and improve work performance.

• There is also a provision for producing reports that management needs for planning and control.

• Finally, the system can provide security from malpractices done by the clerk in harnessing the company’s prosperity.So, the computerized system will provide an easy way to communicate.

Feasibility Study

To fulfill the requirement of the organization, acceptance criteria are needed. The user specifies all the needs that they want in their system by giving necessary data. When the developer develops the system he has to take all points into consideration and proceed accordingly. Once, when the system is completed the developer needs to check whether it fulfills the criteria of the user. If it is fulfill then the user accepts the system. This acceptance criteria depends not only on the designing but also the study of feasibility. So it is necessary to study the feasibility of the system. Feasibility study is to determine whether the solution is feasible (achievable).

Three major areas of feasibility are –

1. Economic feasibility

The benefits of the proposed system outweigh the costs specified by the budget of organization. Thus the system should be economically feasible for the organization.

2. Operational feasibility

The proposed system is desirable within the existing managerial and organizational framework. The system must be tested with the present data. It should work smoothly.

3. Technical Feasibility

The proposed solution can be implemented with the available hardware, software and technical resources in organization.

4. Sources of information

Information is gathered from person who work in that

organization, available ,Pamphlets, available reports.

Scope & Objective of Project :

The project aims to develop software which will store data about their different Customers. This system provides Various Report Facility That can give Current Status Of site Or Client in integrated fashion, preferably with Graphics User Interface (GUI) .

The objective of the project is to create a system that :

➢ Provides customer identification e.g Job sheet no

➢ Provides relevant data about the stock

➢ Handles inventory stock of the company

➢ Provides data security

➢ Less prone to errors

➢ Efficient data storage that will reduce the redundancy of data

➢ Less chances of information Leakage


Processing environment includes hardware and software


1. Hardware Requirements

Microprocessor : Processor P-II & onwards


Hard Disk : 8 GB HDD

2. Software requirements

Operating System : Microsoft TM Windows 98 or higher

Front End : Visual Basic 6.0

Back End : MS SQL 2000

Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). It is common practice for a designer to draw a context-level DFD first which shows the interaction between the system and outside entities. This context-level DFD is then "exploded" to show more detail of the system being modeled.

Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are one of the three essential perspectives of SSADM. With a dataflow diagram, users are able to visualize how the system will operate, what the system will accomplish and how the system will be implemented. Old system dataflow diagrams can be drawn up and compared with the new systems dataflow diagrams to draw comparisons to implement a more efficient system. Dataflow diagrams can be used to provide the end user with a physical idea of where the data they input, ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole system from order to dispatch to restock how any system is developed can be determined through a dataflow diagram.

There are several common modeling rules that I follow when creating DFDs:

1. All processes must have at least one data flow in and one data flow out.

2. All processes should modify the incoming data, producing new forms of outgoing data.

3. Each data store must be involved with at least one data flow.

4. Each external entity must be involved with at least one data flow.

5. A data flow must be attached to at least one process.

The four components of a data flow diagram (DFD) are

Data flow diagram notation:

External Entities/Terminators  are outside of the system being modeled. Terminators represent where information comes from and where it goes.

Processes modify the inputs in the process of generating the outputs

Data Stores represent a place in the process where data comes to rest. A DFD does not say anything about the relative timing of the processes, so a data store might be a place to accumulate data over a year for the annual accounting process.

Data Flows are how data moves between terminators, processes, and data stores (those that cross the system boundary are known as IO or Input Output Descriptions).

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical system model that shows all of the main requirements for an information system in one diagram: inputs and outputs, processes, and data storage. Everyone working on a development project can see all aspects of the system working together at once with DFD. That is one reason for its popularity. The DFD is also easy to read because it is graphical model.

End Users, management, and all information systems workers typically can read and interpret the DFD with minimal training.

Context Diagram

A DFD (Data Flow Diagram) that summarizes all processing activity within the system in a single process symbol is called Context Diagram. A context Diagram is a DFD that describes the highest-level view of a system are shown in own diagram, with the whole system represented as one process.

The context diagram provides a good overview of the scope of the system, showing the system in “context” but it does not show any detail about the processing that takes place inside the system. The context diagram for the security company management system is shown below. The inputs & outputs of the store are shown in the fig. The diagram shows the external entities of the system & how the data that flows through the system. This helps in determining the basic functionalities.

A context diagram is a top level (also known as Level 0) data flow diagram. It only contains one process node (process 0) that generalizes the function of the entire system in relationship to external entities.


Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Data Flow Diagram



Data Flow Diagram



Data Flow Diagram



Data Flow Diagram



Data Flow Diagram



Data Flow Diagram



Gantt Chart




Flow charts used specifically for a process. A flow chart is defined as a pictorial representation describing a process being studied or even used to plan stages of a project. Flow charts tend to provide people with a common language or reference point when dealing with a project or process.

The flowchart is a means of visually presenting the flow of data through an information processing systems, the operations performed within the system and the sequence in which they are performed. The program flowchart can be likened to the blueprint of a building. As we know a designer draws a blueprint before starting construction on a building. Similarly, a programmer prefers to draw a flowchart prior to writing a computer program. As in the case of the drawing of a blueprint, the flowchart is drawn according to defined rules and using standard flowchart symbols prescribed by the American National Standard Institute, Inc.


A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operations to be performed to get the solution of a problem. Flowcharts are generally drawn in the early stages of formulating computer solutions. Flowcharts facilitate communication between programmers and business people. These flowcharts play a vital role in the programming of a problem and are quite helpful in understanding the logic of complicated and lengthy problems. Once the flowchart is drawn, it becomes easy to write the program in any high level language. Often we see how flowcharts are helpful in explaining the program to others. Hence, it is correct to say that a flowchart is a must for the better documentation of a complex program.

Four particular types of flow charts have proven useful when dealing with a process analysis: top-down flow chart, detailed flow chart, work flow diagrams, and a deployment chart. Each of the different types of flow charts tends to provide a different aspect to a process or a task. Flow charts provide an excellent form of documentation for a process, and quite often are useful when examining how various steps in a process work together.



An ER-Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram) is a graphical model of the data needed by a system. This included the entities about which information is stored and the relationship among them. It is produced in structured analysis methods.

An entity is a “thing” or “object” in the real world that is distinguishable from all set of objects. An entity set is a set of the same type that share same properties, or attributes.E-R diagram consists of the following major components:


The traditional approach to system development places a great deal of emphasis on data storage requirements for the new system. Data storage requirements include the data entities, their attributes, and the relationships among the data entities. The model used to define the data storage requirements is called the Entity-Relationship Diagram

On the Entity-Relationship Diagram:

➢ Rectangles represent data entities

➢ Lines connecting the rectangles show the relationships among data entities.

➢ Ellipse represents the attributes of the entity.

The traditional approach to system development places a great deal of emphasis on data storage requirements for the new system. Data storage requirements include the data entities, their attributes, and the relationships among the data entities. The model used to define the data storage requirements is called the Entity-Relationship Diagram.


Event Chart

| | | | | | |

|Event |Trigger |Source |Activity |Response |Destination |

|Customer makes enquiry for the product |Product enquiry. |Customer |Record Customer & enquiry |Duration time for |Customer |

| | | |details. |preparing | |

| | | | |Quotation | |

|Customer place an order |Customer wants to buy|Customer |Places an order |Order Details |System |

| |the products | | | | |

|Checking Stocks |Placing an Order |System |Checking Stocks |Stock Details |System |

|Order Fulfillment |Stock Clearance |System |Fulfill Orders |Order Clearance |Customer |

|Making Invoice |Payment Details |Customer |Prepared Pay Bill |Preparation of Bill |System |

|Order Reject |Stock unavailable |System |Waiting/Reject |Stock unavailable |Customer |

| | | |order | | |

|Placing order for new stock |Stock |System |Loading new stock |New stock updation |Supplier |

|Customer come for servicing |Problem occurs in |Customer |Repairing |Error correction |System |

| |Mobile | | | | |

|Purchase of Handsets/Accessories |New order |System |Create new purchase order |Purchase order |Supplier |

| | | | |Status | |

|System changes/cancels the purchase |Update purchase order|System |Create update order |Update order |Supplier |

|order | | | |confirmation | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Order status | |

|Stock Report |Report generation |Management |Produce list of all stock |Stock report |Management |

| | | |available | | |

|Invoice Report |Report generation |Management |Produce Invoice of Order |Invoice report |Management |

| | | |placed | | |



Menu Tree


Data Dictionaries

1. TABLE NAME : Customer _master

DESCRIPTION: Keep information of customer


2. Table Name: Model Master

Description: Keep information of Model


3. Table Name: Part Master

Description: Keep information of parts


4. Table Name: Staff Master

Description: Keep information of Staff


5. Table Name: Services Details

Description: Keep information of customer services details


6. Table Name: Sale Billing

Description: Keep information of Order billing details


Form Layout

Main Form


Customer Master


Model Master


Sparepart Master


Supplier Master


Customer Order Details


SparePart Sales


Model Sales




Login Screen


Common Sales


Sale Billing


Service Details


Daily Report


Backup Sql Database


Invalid Email-ID Validation


Number Validation



Main Form Coding

Private Sub Image10_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

lblarrow(7).Visible = True

lblDtls.Caption = " Allows you to log on And to create & change the ID ...!!! "

StatusBar1.Panels(2).Text = "LOGIN MASTER .."

End Sub

Private Sub Image12_Click()

'display the form


End Sub

Private Sub lblExit2_Click()

'Exit the Program

Dim rstime As Recordset 'object created for displaying time

Dim b As Date 'Object created for date

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection 'connection made as "cn"

On Error GoTo errorhandle

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

Set rstime = New ADODB.Recordset

cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=Urmi"


If flag = True Then

MsgBox "Please Close Calculator First..."

flag = False

Exit Sub

Customer Master Coding

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim booledit As Boolean

Dim booladd As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=Urmi"


Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Set rscustomer = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open "select * from Customer_Master", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then


cmddelete.Enabled = False


Call txtfill

End If

'Option1(0).Value = True


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub

Private Sub txt_Email_LostFocus()

‘E-mail validation

'Dim pos, pos1, pos2 As Integer

'pos = InStr(1, txt_Email, "@")

'pos1 = InStr(1, txt_Email, ".")

'If (pos = 0 Or pos1 = 0) Then

'MsgBox ("Invalid Email-ID...please try again")

'txt_Email = ""




' pos2 = InStr(pos1 + 1, txt_Email, ".")

'If (pos2 = 0) Then

'MsgBox (" invalid Email_id...")

'txtemail = ""



' If (pos2 + 2 Len(txt_Email)) Then

' MsgBox ("Invalid Email_id... 2")

'txt_Email = ""



'End If

'End If

'End If

If txt_Email.Text = "" Then

txt_Email.Text = "N.A"

End If

End Sub

Model Master Coding …

Option Explicit

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim rs_Tech As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim f As Integer

Private Sub cmd_edit_Click()

Dim count As Integer

Dim i

If cmd_edit.Caption = "&Edit" Then

Frame1.Enabled = True

cmd_add.Caption = "&Save"

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Cancel"

lst_Technology.Enabled = True

lst_Technology2.Enabled = True

cmd_back.Enabled = False

cmddelete.Enabled = False

Text2.Enabled = True

'cmdtechno.Enabled =False

Addedit = 2


rs_Tech.Open "select * from TechnologyTable order by Technology_Name ", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

While Not rs_Tech.EOF

count = 0

For i = 0 To lst_Technology2.ListCount - 1

If lst_Technology2.List(i) = rs_Tech(1) Then

count = 1

End If

Next i

If count = 1 Then


lst_Technology.AddItem rs_Tech(1)

End If





If rs.EOF And rs.BOF Then







cmd_edit.Caption = "&Edit"

cmd_add.Caption = "&Add"

lst_Technology.Enabled = False

cmd_next.Enabled = True

cmd_prev.Enabled = True

cmd_back.Enabled = True

end sub

Sparepart Master Coding …

Dim resspare As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim rs_Sparepart As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim check As Integer

Private Sub cmd_add_Click()

If cmd_add.Caption = "&Add" Then

cmd_add.Caption = "&Save"

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Cancel"

cmd_next.Enabled = False

cmd_prev.Enabled = False

cmd_back.Enabled = False

cmddelete.Enabled = False

Frame1.Enabled = True

Dim res1 As New ADODB.Recordset

res1.Open "select max(Part_Id) from SparePartMaster", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If IsNull(res1(0)) Then

txt_part_code.Caption = 1


txt_part_code.Caption = res1(0).Value + 1

End If

Call clearfield

check = 1


If txt_qty.Text = 0 Or txtprice.Text = 0 Then

MsgBox "Zero value is not allowed"

Exit Sub

End If

If txtname.Text = "" Or txt_part_type.Text = "" Or txt_desc.Text = "" Or txt_qty.Text = "" Or txtprice.Text = "" Then

MsgBox " Enter All Neccessary Values", vbCritical


If check = 1 Then

Dim restemp As New ADODB.Recordset

Set restemp = New Recordset

restemp.Open "insert into SparePartMaster values('" & txt_part_code.Caption & "','" & txtname.Text & "','" & txt_part_type.Text & "','" & txt_desc.Text & "'," & Val(txt_qty.Text) & "," & Val(txtprice.Text) & ")", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Err.Number = 0 Then

MsgBox "RECORD SAVED", vbInformation




cmd_add.Caption = "&Add"

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Edit"

cmd_prev.Enabled = True

cmd_next.Enabled = True

cmd_back.Enabled = True

cmddelete.Enabled = True

Frame1.Enabled = False

cmddelete.Enabled = True


MsgBox Err.Description

MsgBox Err.Source

End If

End If

If check = 2 Then

'Dim restemp As new ADODB.Recordset

Set restemp = New Recordset

restemp.Open "update SparePartMaster set [PartName] = '" & txtname.Text & "',[Type]= '" & txt_part_type.Text & "', [Description]= '" & txt_desc.Text & "', [Quantity]= " & Val(txt_qty.Text) & ", [Price]=" & Val(txtprice.Text) & " where [Part_Id]='" & txt_part_code.Caption & "'", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic


If Err.Number = 0 Then

MsgBox "RECORD UPDATED", vbInformation




cmd_add.Caption = "&Add"

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Edit"

cmd_prev.Enabled = True

cmd_next.Enabled = True

cmd_back.Enabled = True

Frame1.Enabled = False


MsgBox Err.Description

MsgBox Err.Source

End If

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

Public Sub clearfield()

txt_desc.Text = ""

txt_qty.Text = ""

'txt_part_code.Text = ""

txt_part_type.Text = ""

txtname.Text = ""

txtprice.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_Delete_Click()

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Dim del As String

del = "delete from SparePartMaster where Part_Id = " & Val(txt_part_code.Caption) & ""

MsgBox " This will delete U'r Record....!", vbExclamation

cn.Execute del


End Sub

Private Sub cmd_next_Click()


If resspare.EOF = True Then


MsgBox " This Is Last Record...", vbInformation

End If

Call txtfill

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_prev_Click()


If resspare.BOF = True Then


MsgBox "This Is First Record...", vbInformation

End If

Call txtfill

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_back_Click()


Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmddelete_Click()

On Error Resume Next

intchoice = MsgBox("Do you wan't to Delete this record", vbYesNo, "URMI ENTERPRISE.")

If intchoice = vbYes Then

Dim restemp2 As New ADODB.Recordset

Set restemp2 = New Recordset

restemp2.Open "delete from SparePartMaster where Part_Id = '" & txt_part_code.Caption & "' ", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Err.Number = 0 Then






MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "URMI ENTERPRISE."

MsgBox Err.Source, vbCritical, "URMI ENTERPRISE."

End If

If resspare.EOF And resspare.BOF Then

txt_part_code.Caption = ""


For Each Control In frmSparepartMaster

If TypeOf Control Is TextBox Then

Control.Text = ""

End If


End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

On Error Resume Next

'connecting database to this form


Set resspare = New Recordset

resspare.Open "select * from SparePartMaster", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If resspare.EOF And resspare.BOF Then

MsgBox "No records in the backend", vbInformation

cmddelete.Enabled = False

cmd_prev.Enabled = False

cmd_next.Enabled = False

cmd_back.Enabled = False





End If

'Frame1.Enabled = False

End Sub

Public Sub txtfill()

txt_part_code.Caption = resspare.Fields(0).Value

txtname.Text = resspare.Fields(1).Value

txt_part_type.Text = resspare.Fields(2).Value

txt_desc.Text = resspare.Fields(3).Value

txt_qty.Text = resspare.Fields(4).Value

txtprice.Text = resspare.Fields(5).Value

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_edit_Click()

If cmd_edit.Caption = "&Edit" Then

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Cancel"

cmd_add.Caption = "&Save"

cmd_prev.Enabled = False

cmd_next.Enabled = False

cmd_back.Enabled = False

cmddelete.Enabled = False

check = 2

Frame1.Enabled = True


Private Sub txt_qty_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And (KeyAscii 8) Then

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtname_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 65 Or KeyAscii > 90) And (KeyAscii < 97 Or KeyAscii > 122) And (KeyAscii 8) And (KeyAscii 39) And (KeyAscii 32) Then

'MsgBox "enter only Alphabet's"

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtname_LostFocus()

txtname.Text = UCase(txtname.Text)

End Sub

Private Sub txtprice_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And (KeyAscii 8) Then

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Supplier Master Coding …

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

'Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim rscustomer As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim check As Integer

Dim rescorder As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim rescorder1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim booledit As Boolean

Dim booladd As Boolean

Dim boolstatus As Boolean

Dim Control As Object

Dim i As Integer

Dim inttemp As Integer

Dim intchoice As Integer

Private Sub cmdBkModel_Click()

'display the form


Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdBkModel_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

'mouseover effect while draging the mouse pointer to the button

cmdBkModel.BackColor = &H80000001

End Sub

Private Sub cmdBkSaleBilling_Click()

cmdBkModel.Enabled = True

cmdBkSparepart.Enabled = True

cmdBkSaleBilling.BackColor = &H80000001

cmdBkModel.BackColor = &H80000001

cmdBkSparepart.BackColor = &H80000001

End Sub

Private Sub cmdBkServiceDtls_Click()


Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdBkServiceDtls_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

cmdBkServiceDtls.BackColor = &H80000001

End Sub

Private Sub cmdBkSparepart_Click()


Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdBkSparepart_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

cmdBkSparepart.BackColor = &H80000001

End Sub

Private Sub cmddelete_Click()

'modified on 30/12/08

On Error Resume Next

intchoice = MsgBox("Do you wan't to Delete this record", vbYesNo, "URMI ENTERPRISE.")

If intchoice = vbYes Then

Dim restemp2 As New ADODB.Recordset

Set restemp2 = New Recordset

restemp2.Open "delete from SuppMaster where Supp_Id = " & Val(txt_Supp_Id.Caption) & " ", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If Err.Number = 0 Then






MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "URMI ENTERPRISE."

MsgBox Err.Source, vbCritical, "URMI ENTERPRISE."

End If

If rs.EOF And rs.BOF Then

For Each Control In frmSuppMast

If TypeOf Control Is TextBox Then

Control.Text = ""

End If


'cmd_next.Enabled = False

'cmd_prev.Enabled = False

'cmddelete.Enabled = False


End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdsearch_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

'Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

'cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\UrmiNokiaCenter.mdb;"



Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Set rscustomer = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open "select * from SuppMaster", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then


cmddelete.Enabled = False


Call txtfill

End If

'Option1(0).Value = True


End Sub

Private Sub cmd_add_Click()


'Add supplier details

If cmd_add.Caption = "&Add" Then

cmd_add.Caption = "&Save"

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Cancel"

cmd_next.Enabled = False 'button are hidden

cmd_prev.Enabled = False 'button are hidden

cmd_back.Enabled = False 'button are hidden

cmdsearch.Enabled = False 'button are hidden

cmddelete.Enabled = False 'button are hidden

check = 1

Frame1.Enabled = True

Call clearfield

rscustomer.Open "select max(Supp_Id) from SuppMaster", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If IsNull(rscustomer(0)) Then

txt_Supp_Id = 1


txt_Supp_Id.Caption = rscustomer(0) + 1

End If

Set rscustomer = Nothing

ElseIf cmd_add.Caption = "&Save" Then

If check = 1 Then

''' If txt_Mob.Text = 0 Or txt_Off_No.Text = 0 Or txt_Pincode.Text = 0 Or txt_Res_No.Text = 0 Then

''' MsgBox " Zero value is not allowed..!"

''' Exit Sub

''' End If

If txt_Supp_FName = "" Or txt_Supp_MName = "" Or txt_Supp_LName = "" Or txt_Add = "" Or txt_Pincode = "" Then

MsgBox " Enter All Neccessory Values", vbCritical

Exit Sub

fir = InStr(txt_Email, "@")

sec = InStr(txt_Email, ".")

If fir = 0 And sec = 1 Then

MsgBox ("Invalid Email-ID...please try again")

txt_Email = ""


ElseIf sec = 0 And fir = 1 Then

MsgBox ("Invalid Email-ID...please try again")

txt_Email = ""


ElseIf fir - sec = 1 Or sec - fir = 1 Then

MsgBox ("Invalid Email-ID...please try again")

txt_Email = ""


End If

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Mob_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

'validation for number

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And (KeyAscii 8) Then

MsgBox "enter only number"

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Mob_LostFocus()

If txt_Mob.Text = "" Then

txt_Mob.Text = "N.A"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Off_No_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

'validation for numbers

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And (KeyAscii 8) Then

MsgBox "enter only number"

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Off_No_LostFocus()

If txt_Off_No.Text = "" Then

txt_Off_No.Text = "N.A"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Pincode_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

'validation for numbers

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And (KeyAscii 8) Then

MsgBox "enter only number"

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Pincode_LostFocus()

'If txt_Pincode.Text = "" Then

'MsgBox "Please Enter Your Pincode "

'txt_Pincode.Text = ""


'ElseIf txt_Pincode.Text = 0 Then

'MsgBox "Please Enter Your Pincode "

'txt_Pincode.Text = ""


'End If

End Sub

Private Sub txt_Res_No_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

'validation for number

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And (KeyAscii 8) Then

MsgBox "enter only number"

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub add()

'create add function procedure

cmd_add.Caption = "&Save"

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Cancel"

cmd_next.Enabled = False

cmd_prev.Enabled = False

cmd_back.Enabled = False

'check = 1

Frame1.Enabled = True

If cmd_add.Caption = "&Add" Then

Call clearfield

rscustomer.Open "select max(Supp_Id) from SuppMaster", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

If IsNull(rscustomer(0)) Then

txt_Supp_Id = 1


txt_Supp_Id.Caption = rscustomer(0) + 1

End If


If txt_Supp_FName = "" Or txt_Supp_MName = "" Or txt_Supp_LName = "" Or txt_Add = "" Or txt_Pincode = "" Then

MsgBox " Enter All Neccessory Values", vbCritical

Exit Sub


'If check = 1 Then

cn.Execute "Insert into SuppMaster values (" & Val(txt_Supp_Id) & ",'" & txt_Supp_FName & "','" & txt_Supp_MName & "','" & txt_Supp_LName & "','" & txt_Add.Text & "'," & Val(txt_Pincode.Text) & "," & Val(txt_Res_No.Text) & "," & Val(txt_Off_No.Text) & "," & Val(txt_Mob) & ",'" & txt_Email.Text & "')"

If Err.Number = 0 Then

MsgBox "Record saved sucessfully ..."




cmd_add.Caption = "&Add"

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Edit"

cmd_prev.Enabled = True

cmd_next.Enabled = True

cmd_back.Enabled = True

Frame1.Enabled = False


MsgBox Err.Description

MsgBox Err.Source

End If

End If

ElseIf cmd_add.Caption = "&Save" Then

If txt_Supp_FName = "" Or txt_Supp_MName = "" Or txt_Supp_LName = "" Or txt_Add = "" Or txt_Pincode = "" Then

MsgBox " Enter All Neccessory Values", vbCritical

Exit Sub

cn.Execute "Update SuppMaster SET [Supp_FName] ='" & txt_Supp_FName & "',[Supp_MName] ='" & txt_Supp_MName & "',[Supp_LName] ='" & txt_Supp_LName & "', [Address]='" & txt_Add & "',[Phone_Res]=" & Val(txt_Res_No) & ",[Phone_Off]=" & Val(txt_Off_No) & ",[Mobile]=" & Val(txt_Mob) & ",[E_Mail]='" & (txt_Email) & "' where Supp_id = " & Val(txt_Supp_Id) & ""

If Err.Number = 0 Then

MsgBox "Record updated succesfully ..."



cmd_add.Caption = "&Add"

cmd_edit.Caption = "&Edit"

cmd_prev.Enabled = True

cmd_next.Enabled = True

cmd_back.Enabled = True

Frame1.Enabled = False


MsgBox Err.Description

MsgBox Err.Source

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

Service Details Coading …

Option Explicit

Dim rescorder As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim rescorder1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim booledit As Boolean

Dim booladd As Boolean

Dim boolstatus As Boolean

Dim Control As Object

Dim i As Integer

Dim inttemp As Integer

Dim intchoice As Integer

Private Sub cmdadd_Click()

On Error Resume Next

For Each Control In frmServiceDtls

If TypeOf Control Is TextBox Then

Control.Text = ""

End If



optWarrenty(0).Value = False

optWarrenty(1).Value = False

optMop(0).Value = False

optMop(1).Value = False

Dim res As New ADODB.Recordset

Set res = New Recordset

res.Open "select Cust_Id from Customer_Master", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic 'txtcustid.Clear


While Not res.EOF

txtcustid.AddItem res.Fields(0).Value



Dim res1 As New Recordset

Set res1 = New Recordset

res1.Open "select Distinct(ProblemDesc) from ServiceDtls", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic


While Not res1.EOF

txtProbDesc.AddItem res1.Fields(0).Value



Dim restemp1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Set restemp1 = New Recordset

restemp1.Open "select max(JobsheetNo) from ServiceDtls", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Dim inttemp As Integer

Dim strchar As String


strchar = restemp1.Fields(0).Value

strchar = Right(strchar, 3)

inttemp = CInt(strchar) + 1

If inttemp = 0 Then inttemp = inttemp + 1

If inttemp > 9 Then

txtJobsheetNo.Text = "J0" & inttemp

End If

If inttemp > 99 Then

txtJobsheetNo.Text = "J" & inttemp

End If

If inttemp ................

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