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Note Texts at unusual hours and facebook messages that continue after requests she “leave me alone”


|[pic] |Me to Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ (732) 703-0046 - mobile |Inbox |

| |1/7/13 10:56 AM 4 weeks ago | |

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|Me: hope u made it out ok and r on your way honey 6:49 AM |

|Me: hope u made it out ok and r on your way honey 6:51 AM |

|Me: I scraped ice off ur car hope that helped ... luv u 6:57 AM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: Thank u babe. I appreciate it. You are a sweetheart. Honey, when I have only three hours sleep and a full day awaiting |

|me, can we just sleep. I feel bad saying no to you bc I know sex will bring you some release and you have a lot of stress but I need sleep really |

|badly. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the sex baby 7:58 AM |

|Me: oh my goodness miss selfish! 8:25 AM |

|Me: jk.... I will shame myself for the rest of the day and allow u to put me in timeout 8:26 AM |

|Me: btw your text regarding this is do nice and "classy", you are totally a special, special person babe .... I luv your ways 8:37 AM |

|Me: so nice ... not "do nice..." 8:38 AM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: Well I was trying not to repeat my old patterns, holding in stuff, being cold, then delivering a venomous bite after it |

|festers 10:56 AM |

|Me: no u r not. but our schedule is an old pattern at this point... its def an obstacle, but at least we went a few data without a lot of |

|contact?? and without being together... just hard not to jump your bones after a few days honey... still I def don't want to piss you off 11:42 AM|

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|[pic] |Me to Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ (732) 703-0046 - mobile |Inbox |

| |1/6/13 9:59 PM 4 weeks ago | |

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|Me: katy its me derek... sorry I couldn't respond earlier... I was having sex with garrett... retaliating 3:30 AM |

|Me: then we burnt a town 3:31 AM |

|Me: ... my cell plan is disconnected by the way so text me with google voice until tuesday... this number 3:32 AM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: K babe. How are you? I'm exhausted. Shannon kept me up till when I texted last 8:24 AM |

|Me: I figured sure kept u up and having the girls this am and school tomorrow would be... ouchy 9:27 AM |

|Me: boo babysitter 9:28 AM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: It's just annoying bc she has no concept of my schedule and work and she will just keep going even when I try to tell |

|her like "I better get to bed I have a long day tmrrw" she be like "oh yeah I know that forget like two minutes later, start telling me something |

|else. Ugh 9:30 AM |

|Me: oh I just saw your messages... ugh. gotcha. really sorry about baby sitter... rude! 9:33 AM |

|Me: if I can help u later let me know 9:34 AM |

|Me: can any family helper come .... emergency helper needed... u need nap and work time baby... my poor baby! 9:36 AM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: :( I called mom. She's working. I think I'm going to put in a couple movies 9:47 AM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: Xoxo 3:14 PM |

|Me: xoxo 3:26 PM |

|Me: I am sorry we skylab sync up honey.... 3:27 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: ? 3:30 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: Skylab? 3:30 PM |

|Me: yeah skylab, baby... and mee mop mee mop... boop da 3:31 PM |

|Me: this is as serious a love as anyone can have once skylab is involved!....NO sorry we didn't get to sync up this weekend 3:32 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: I don't know what you're talking about 3:32 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: I don't get skylab but I miss you:( 3:35 PM |

|Me: it was a stupid auto spell error 3:36 PM |

|Me: I am stupid :( 3:36 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: No baby u r not. I love you 3:40 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: :( I wish I could collapse on you now 3:40 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: Baby? 3:50 PM |

|Me: oh honey, I wish I had nothing top do but be with u as well 3:51 PM |

|Me: even though u must be beat, u r being so sweet. 3:52 PM |

|Me: I wish I was holding you and caressing you slowly 3:53 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: Oh baby I would love that too. That's exactly what I want. To spend the evening in your arms 3:56 PM |

|Me: :-) 4:06 PM |

|Me: I am such a mix of emotions today and.frustration (with things I have to do and can't do... not having to do with u btw) but under it all I |

|just want to be near u ... badly 4:08 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: That is precisely how I am feeling too, stuff to do that I can't, wanting to be near you badly. I would love to hold |

|your hands now and nap close up to with afternoon sun on us 4:14 PM |

|Me: I am even too tired to burn another town today in frustration... I just want u and peace 4:18 PM |

|Me: lil :-)... =/ .... :-( 4:20 PM |

|Me: lol... :-)... =/ .... :-( 4:21 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: Yes I feel all those emotions. Well I guess its just a day and it will end 4:24 PM |

|Katy Elizabeth - Team NJ: ................

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