UNIT 5: 1750-1900CHAPTERS 14-15-16REVOLUTIONS!!!!What happens from 1750-1900:Chapter 14: American, French and Haitian RevolutionsChapter 15: The Industrial Revolution in America and EuropeChapter 16: The Industrial Revolution in Japan, China and the Ottoman EmpireCHAPTER 14: ENLIGHTENMENTThe Enlightenment: The idea that we DON’T need Kings and that we should have a democracy (NOT in my class).We want the FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the 1700’sWe want the FREEDOM OF THE PRESS in the 1700’sWe want the RIGHT TO VOTE in the 1700’sThomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin in America Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Montesque and Voltaire in FranceJohn Locke in EnglandThe Enlightenment philosophers came up with a new way of understanding the relationship between POLITICAL RIGHTS, NATURAL RIGHTS, AND THE SOCIAL CONTRACTThe Social Contract: WE DON’T NEED KINGS (BUT WE NEED SHTRAKHMANS)They didn’t like that religion played such a huge role in the empires-That’s why we have the Freedom of Religion in the 1st AmendmentThey preferred REASON to religion-Just like the Greek Philosophers.They expanded SUFFRAGE- THE RIGHT TO VOTE!It used to be that only white, rich, property owners could vote. Because of the Enlightenment by 1856 even those without property could voteEnd of slavery (1865)Women’s right to vote (1920-19th Amendment)In Austria 16 year old can vote (Kiara 4 President!)Fun Fact: Last year a Congressman actually suggested we should go back to “only property owners voting” because he said only they understand the problems in a community! The Enlightenment will give u the American revolution, the French Revolution, the Revolution in Haiti and the Latin American Revolutions.First of all, they all happened around the same timeUSA: 1776FRANCE: 1789HAITI: 1804LATIN AMERICA 1805THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (1776)- I’m NOT gonna teach you a lot about this cuz you already know, right?!Period Title Date RangeTHE FRENCH REVOLUTION(1789): France and America are BFF’s. Why?Cuz the French Revolution came RIGHT AFTER the American Revolution. We started it! The US Rev in 1776/ The French in 1789That’s why they gave us the Statue of Liberty Their flag is red, blue and white. Our flag is __,___ and ____We say Liberty or Death/ The French say “Liberty, Fraternity and Equality.We have the Declaration of ______. They have the Declaration of the Rights of ManFRENCH REVOLUTION VOCABULARY TERMS:They wanted freedom and democracy just like the 13 colonies. In 1789 the people cut the heads off of King Louis XIII (13th) and his hot wife Marie Antoinette. Afterwards the French go a little crazy cutting people’s head’s off in a period known as THE TERROR. They use the awesome guillotine to chop-chop 10,000 heads. (And we thought the Aztecs were naughty!)Eventually Napoleon takes over France and ? of Europe but the other European countries get together and defeat him. He is buried in Paris toady. Europe will continue to have Kings and Queens all over the place until World War 1 (1917).**Still, if u get a question on the French Rev. just think of the American rev. and the rest will come to you. I hope!PART 3: HAITI’S REVOLUTION (1804)Haiti was the 1st country to have a slave revolt and the 1st free black nation in the world.They got their independence in 1804, AFTER the American and French Revolutions.It was based on the Enlightenment as well.The main guy was named Toussaint LouvertureHaiti was controlled by the French and the Dominican Republic was controlled by Spain. They are both located on the island of Hispaniola.In Haiti, France killed about 75% of the local Haitian Indian population and replaced them with slaves. Napoleon (shorty) was leader of France at the time and as usual he was fighting a war with other countries in Europe. He needed $$$$$$$$$$$ bad so he sold Thomas Jefferson all the French land in America. This was known as the Louisiana Purchase and it was done 1804. WE GOT ARKANSAS MISSOURI IOWA OKLAHOMA KANSAS MINNESOTA LOUISIANA (DUH) NEW MEXICO MONTANA WYOMING COLORADO NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTAWE PAIDOnly $11,000,000 (50 MILLION FRANCS) FOR 825,000 SQUARE MILES. THAT’S LESS THAN 3 CENTS PER ACRE!!!!!!** We actually owe all the states of the Louisiana Purchase to HAITI!!! THANK YOU HAITI!REVOLTION #4: LATIN AMERICAWhen I was a Junior at Boston University I took an upper level class in Latin American Political Science. The Final Exam had only one question:“ Why is Latin America so poor today”The short answer is that Spain, which colonized them, left Latin America such a mess that they never recovered!!!!!!Spain left them with:An illiterate populationMillions of ex-slavesMassive povertyNo Social Mobility (1%/99%)No industrialization (no manufacturing and no factories)No gold or silver left (The Spanish took all they could)Single-export economies (coffee, bananas and sugar)SIMON BOLIVAR: The dude responsible for Latin American independenceHE HELPED FREE1. COLOMBIA 2. VENEZUELA 3. ECUADOR 4. PERU 5. BOLIVIANot only is there a country named after him, (Bolivia), But Venezuela also hasBolivar state Ciudad bolivar And Simón Bolívar airportHe wanted freedom, equality, the Catholic Church to leave everyone alone, no more slavery, women’s rights etc-----THE ENLIGHTENMENT!!!!!!!!!!SIMON BOLIVARTOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE Bolivar’s Letter from Jamaica: Enlightenment and Revolucion NOWWWWWWWCHAPTER 14 CONT.-AYO EUROPE!!After 1492, Europe starts to come out of its slumpand the Middle Ages end!(All of this stuff found above actually happens in the 1500’s but I put it in historical period 5 anyway )things happen:The Renaissance: It is a French word that means rebirth in art. Painters and sculptors like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci (not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) make gorgeous works of art. Most are Christian, some are not! Michelangelo paints the Vatican!The Scientific Revolution: Galileo and Copernicus realize the Earth is NOT the center of the solar system, I am. The Catholic Church is super pissed and sends Galileo to hell! The Pope has a lot of power…… cross him at your own risk! (Like me!). Copernicus build the strongest telescope in the world and Galileo proves Jupiter has 4 moons (Europe and Ganymede may have water on them!)The Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther, a German monk, splits Christianity from Catholicism and creates Protestantism. Martin Luther King Jr. is named after him. He argues that the Pope and the priests are crooked and corrupt because they are SELLING your way into heaven (called indulgences). He argues all u need is the Bible, in ur language, NOT Latin, and not a priest or the Pope but just you and the good book. When the Europeans invent the Printing Press (by improving Chinese technology with the wooden printing blocks) the Gutenberg Bible is printed and 10,000 copies are sent out all over Europe. Plus they are in 15 different languages, not just Latin, so everyone can read them. He also states that since the Pope is one of the richest and most powerful men in Europe, Catholicism is worse than Protestantism.France, Spain and Italy stay Catholic (South America is Catholic cuz of the Spanish)England becomes Protestant (America is Protestant cuz of the British)Germany, Sweden and Norway become Christian (Christmas trees come from Scandinavia [ Norway, Sweden and Finland)(Big Fat King Henry VIII even creates the Church of England cuz the Pope in Rome wouldn’t give him a divorce) That’s why America is Protestant/Christian, NOT Catholic. The ONLY Catholic President ever was JFK in 1960. I will call on one of U to sing the ‘King Henry has 6 wives song’. This is a VERY important point: The only reason that Latin America is Catholic is cuz they were colonized by Spain and Portugal. The only reason we are Protestant here in the U.S is cuz we were colonized by England. What does that say about a country’s religion?_________________LOOK AT ALL THE DIVISIONS OF CHRISTIANITY AFTER THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION ** DON’T 4GET Russia, Greece and Byzantines are EASTERN ORTHODOX!!!!CHAPTER 15: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (1800’S: EUROPE AND AMERICA) List the 10 most important inventions in human history I’ll give you the first: The taser for High School students 7. 8. 9. 10.THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION HAS 6 CONTINENTS (NOT ANTARCTICA)In Europe-The 1st to get itIn America- does really wellLatin America: DOES NOT get the Industrial Revolution. This is because Spain and Portugal left them in such bad shapeIn Russia : will be the only country to have its entire period of industrialization controlled and run by the State (King and Queen)In Japan (YES) and China (NO)In the Ottoman Empire (YUP- Turkey)PART 1: EUROPE AND AMERICAREQUIRED examples of why the Industrial Revolution started in Europe. Why?They had the best Universities (UF, UCF, FSU). Nope, I went to Boston University.They already went through the Scientific Revolution in the 1500’s (Copernicus and Galileo)Lots of coal, iron and timbe/Lots of good farming Lots of rivers and canals, PLUS the Atlantic OceanLots of men, lots of women, lots of kids, no freshmen-MORE food cuz of all the food coming in from the NEW WORLD!Urbanization (people moving to the cities lookin’ for work)Private property was protected and encouraged. (Some places had really bad laws about Private Property. Like my classroom)Capital, $$$$ and joint-stock companies.AMERICA DID REALLY WELL………………………The Steam Engine and the Internal Combustion engine used fossil fuels like gasoline and coal for energy. *Chrysler just built a 1000 horsepower car.The new factories had ASSEMBLY LINES where you did the same job OVER AND OVER again. This is called ‘specialization of labor’. This is why you must study and pass your AP Exams (to get a good job)As more and more people moved to the cities and started working in dirty disgusting factories, we got decline of economically productive, agriculturally based economies. If your country ONLY grew soybeans and had no factories (TOO BAD!)Did you know that there’s only 2 million farmers left in America?!We started to get these huge trans-national and multi-national companies like Coca-Cola, Ford, Tropicana, AT&T etc.DEVELOPMENTS IN TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION:? Railroads? Steamships? Telegraphs? CanalsTelephoneNintendoiPhoneKids textingNow they can’t read!THERE WAS ALSO A 2ND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (AP MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION)steel, chemicals, electricity and precision machinery like….the scantron machine!This new Industrial revolution created A LOT of problems though:Child Labor (Publix employees have to be 14)Terrible factory conditions: People in slaughterhouses getting their toes and hands cut offLiving in slums with no sanitationLiving in tenementsWorking 60-80 hours per weekNo minimum wage!!!!In response to these criticisms and problems, some governments mitigated (tried to help) the negative effects of industrial capitalism by promoting various types of reforms.FOR EXAMPLE:The 40 hour work weekMinimum Wage!!!!OvertimeLabor Unions (like the Broward Teachers Union of the Plantation Fireman’s Union)Free education (Yay!)School lunch (green meat)The ways in which people organized themselves into societies also underwent significant transformations in industrialized states due to the fundamental restructuring of the global economy.Hey, we get a MIDDLE CLASS (YaY)Oh no, its shrinking in 2016 (No!!!)(America used to have a Middle Class of 50%. Last year it dropped to 49.% for the first time since WWII. Congratulations!!!) Family dynamics, gender roles, and demographics changed in response to industrialization:People in cities start having fewer kids because……no one invented the diaper yet!Women entered the workforce (Right now girls outnumber boys in Graduate School, Law School and Medical School. In 1st hour and 2nd hour the girls are smarter, but in 5th hour ….the girls are smarter too!)***In the 1800’s we also get CAPITALISM VS. COMMUNISM. But we’re gonna cover that in Chapter 17. But do U see how Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution go together?CHAPTER 16: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN JAPAN, CHINA and the OTTOMAN EMPIRE Japan modernizes quickly (Honda, Toyota, Mazda, Mitsubishi)So does the Ottoman Empire ….then they become Turkey after WWIChina, unfortunately, never modernizes……and then in 1949 they become Communist.JAPAN: THE MEIJI RESTORTAION: JAPAN’S CIVIL WAR:SAMURAI VS. TECHNOLOGYEmperor Meiji was a 15 yr. old hooligan (like u) who became Emperor after the Samurai were defeated in Japan’s Civil War: The Meiji Restoration (1800’s) JAPANESE HISTORY (POOR Lil’ JAPAN….)Japan was ALWAYS bein’ attacked by people. That’s why they hated foreigners.First it was the Han Dynasty-------Then it was the Tang and the SongFinally it was the Mongols*In fact, the word KAMIKAZE, which means ‘divine wind’, comes from when 2 Japanese hurricanes blew the Mongol ships away.But nobody could completely take over Japan! Places like Japan, Korea and Vietnam will get Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Chinese Civil Service Exam, but JAPAN will NEVER be taken over. They will do business with China, but that’s it!Japan became the most isolated country on the planet. They kicked all the foreigners out and they even told their own citizens “You are NOT allowed to travel!”The SAMURAI really ran the show for 1000 years. They relied on tradition and a sense of duty and respect. They didn’t like technology or guns or cannons or Americans telling them what to do.** If a Samurai disgraced himself or didn’t do his homework he had to commit seppuku, or ritual suicide, by taking their samurai swords and stabbing themselves in the stomach. It was only in this way that they could maintain their honor nd get an ‘A’. The Samurai wanted to keep Japan in the Middle Ages, using swords and stuff, but the intelligentsia and those with money wanted to industrialize. There were many people in japan who wanted to get rid of the Samurai because they knew that in order for Japan to enter the 20th century, they had better industrialize and do it quick.They needed:Railroads (built 1000 miles in 60 days)ElectricitySchools etc.**If ur good we’ll watch scenes form Last Samurai starring Tom Cruise. They knew they had to industrialize to keep up with America and Europe. Why? 2 reasons:Europe: After Europe became THE MAN , and started printing millions of copies of the Gutenberg Bible in Japanese and Chinese, they sent Catholic and Christian missionaries all over China, Japan, Vietnam and Korea to convert people. As a result, the Japanese kicked them out and cut the heads off of any Christians who stayed. Nice!America: then, AMERICA starts telling Japan what to do also!!!(DON’T 4GET that America was now the MOST INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY ON THE PLANET)America sent the Commodore (Admiral) of the Navy, Commodore Perry, with a group of American Navy ships fitted in all-black. These were known as the famous “BLACK SHIPS”. Commodore Perry tells Japan that they WILL trade with the United States or else!! They will be isolated NO MORE!!!! You see, America wanted CUSTOMERS for their products (product like rifles, pistols, bullets and cannons) He tells the Japanese:“You WILL trade with us, or we will blow you out of the ocean with our guns, and our cannons, and our industrialized navy!The Japanese were powerless against our guns and armored ships. UH-OHThe Japanese Tokugawa Shogunate (the ruling family AKA The Shtrakhmans of their time) surrendered to the Americans and man were the Samurai UPSET!!!!!!The Meiji Restoration: Japan’s Civil War(1870-1900) RIGHT AFTER AMERICA’S CIVIL WARTokugawa Shogunate : ruling familyShoguns: Generals and Warlords (Shtrakhmans) Daimyo: Feudal lords. It was the job of the Shoguns to keep all the Daimyo from killing each other. (the girls of 5th hour)Samurai: His warriors (the boys of 5th hour)Freshmen: target practiceShintoism/ Confucianism:Their religionTHE SAMURAI LOSE……………………………………………..The industrialists knew they had to kill the Samurai and in 1870 they did. But how? When they started buying American bullets and American guns, American cannons and hiring American soldiers to train them (Tom Cruise), it was all over……… They fight a brutal Civil War in 1870.- The samurai lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! America got just what they always wanted—CUSTOMERS FOR AMERICAN STUFF.The modernizers put a 15 year old on the throne. His name was ‘MEIJI’ or ‘ENLIGHTENED RULE’. (How many of YOU could run a country at the age of 15?! You can’t even keep your rooms clean!)Meiji gets rid of Confucianism= everyone’s equal. Freshmen = Sophomores!!!!Can’t carry swords around anymore (Dammit!)They start building railroads and developing electricity.They start wearing Western clothes and buying Justin Bieber C.D.’sFun fact: the Japanese island of Okinawa used to have the most people over 100 years old. But then they got McDonald and KFC and now no one is that old!JAPAN WILL INDUSTRIALIZE VERY QUICKLY SUCCESFULLY.How do we know?HondaToyotaMitsubishiSonyNintendoPART 2: CHINACHINA DOES NOT INDUSTRIALZE BUT BECOMES COMMUNIST IN 1949!!!!At this point we have the QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)!!!!!!Same stuff as all of China (Patriarchy, Confucianism, Buddhism, Emperors, etc.)You gotta feel BAD for China. They go from being the strongest country in the world, nicknamed “THE MIDDLE KINGDOM”, to being Europe’s *#$%^.China invents, guns, printing, silk, etc, and Europe comes along and TAKES OVER.Europe invents GUNS, PRINTING PRESS, CANNONS ETC.By this point England, THE MAN, has already taken control of India. And in India they will grow Poppy flowers, which are used to make heroine, the most dangerous and addictive drug on the planet.And the British sold all this heroine to China: England became the biggest drug dealer on the planet. The Qing Dynasty was powerless. When the Qing Emperor (Emperor somethingorother) saw what was happening to his people in these disgusting opium dens (suicide, malnutrition, babies being abandoned, and even death), he forbade Opium to be sold in China.Well, England wasn’t gonna have that, now were they? England decided to GO TO WAR with China over their refusal to buy heroine. There were TWO OPIUM WARS (1835 and 1850) and England won both of them. China was no match for England’s ships, guns, and cannons.Unfortunately for China, it will remain a poor, backwards nation for a while. There are so many peasants and so much poverty that in 1949 China will become Communist under Mao Zedong (Chapter 19)PART 3: THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE**You should remember that Muslim armies finally sacked Constantinople in 1451 destroying the Byzantine Empire. From this point on the area would be known as the Ottoman Empire Replaces the Byzantine Empire and controls traditionally Muslim areas:The Middle East (Mecca and Jerusalem!)Egypt (of course)North Africa (of course)Becomes Turkey after WWIThe Ottoman EmpireCapital: IstanbulReligion: Muslim Language: Turkish, Arabic and PersianReligious Freedom : Some but better to convert to IslamThe Ottoman Empire sacks Constantinople (capital of the Byzantine Empire-Constantine) and renames the city ISTANBUL (there is great song about this that I will make Tsaiace and Elma sing 4 us).I visited Istanbul last October for my parents’s 40th Wedding Anniversary. Unfortunately, Istanbul has had a lot of major terrorists bombings since then and I will never go back (remind me to who you pictures).They also took the big church that Emperor Justinian built, the HAGUE SOPHIA, and turned it into a Mosque. It’s gorgeous. RELIGIOUS FREEDOMJust like most large empires, you better give your people SOME religious freedom.And just like the Muslim Caliphates, the Ottoman Empire will give RELIGIOUS FREEDOM to People of the Book; Christians and Jews cuz they were monotheistic (Don’t 4get that Muhammad recognized both Moses and Jesus as prophets)But if you had a weird religion then no. **Scientologists believe humans were sent here in pods 75 million years ago from a planet called Xenu. I say it was 74 million years ago!!On the other hand, one thing the Ottoman Empire would do is kidnap young Christian boys, make them learn Turkish, force them to convert to Islam, and make them fight in the Ottoman Empire. They used CHILD-SOLDIERS Look, the Turks (Ottomans) needed soldiers. And where better to get them than from gullible snot-nosed naughty teenagers (u know who you are). Plus, they would force them to learn Turkish and make them give up their Christian faith and become Muslim. This is known as forced assimilation, and it’s what I do when I make you throw out Dunkin Donuts coffee. These ‘kids’ then became trained assassins. Killers who were the pride of the Turkish arma. You see, if you can get a kid when they’re young you can convince them of almost anything (Santa Claus). This is because we are all conditioned to believe something that was taught us early on. This is true for all of us to some extent. This is also why in 50% of the African wars going on now, they use CHILD SOLDIERS. They brainwash them and get them addicted to drugs. Tell them their parents are dead. This is happening in Rwanda, the Sudan, Congo…. Terrorists in the Middle East use child suicide-bombers as well (ISIS, Afghanistan, Libya….)If you have an empire that conquers other places, how you gonna make them assimilate.Charge a tax if they don’t become MuslimKill them if they don’t play ballGet them as children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Spain killed Jews during the Spanish Inquisition unless they converted to Christ! (How Christian of them)We burned ‘witches’ during the Salem Witch Trials unless they renounced Satan!The boys were called DEVSHIRMEThere is a GREAT movie about this called DRACULA UNTOLD. We’ll watch it if ur good! OTTOMAN INDUSTRIALIZATION**THE PEOPLE WHO WANTED THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE TO MODERNIZE WERE CALLEDTHE YOUNG OTTOMANS OR ‘THE YOUNG TURKS’Wanted a DemocracyWanted a ConstitutionMore modern stuff like technology and educationNo more EmperorRights for women!!! (Hillary Clinton said “If you don’t give women equal rights and equal education, you lose 50% of your intellectual energy). In 1st hour its more like 60% We can be Muslim and modern too!!!The Ottoman Empire does the impossible and separates POLITICS from RELIGION , just like in the United States.During WWI (1917), the Ottoman Empire was one of the Bad Guys, and after they lost the Ottoman Empire will break up into separate states LIKE TURKEY, GREECE, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, YUGOSLAVIA ETC.The most interesting thing about Turkey is that it is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East. The Freedom of Religion is actually enshrined in their Constitution.When President Bush invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 he used Turkish Air Force bases for our planes and fuel.** TIMELINE: just remember that the Ottoman Empire took over the Byzantine Empire and lasted until WWI when it became Turkey.Byzantine-----Ottoman-----Turkey (1918)-------IndustrializationLATIN AMERICA DOES NOT INDUSTRIALIZESpain left them with:An illiterate populationMillions of ex-slavesMassive povertyNo Social Mobility (1%/99%)No industrialization (no factories)No gold or silver left (The Spanish took all they could)Unfortunately, Latin America has STILL not fully recovered from the effects of colonialism. Either have Africa or Asia.Just to give you an idea of how poor Central America is even in 2016:Honduras has a 75% Poverty Rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Guatemala has the HIGHEST murder rate in the world.100,000 kids from Central America snuck into Arizona and California in 2015Another 30,000 kids tried to come to the US in 2016Obama has been haunted with what to do (no amnesty) and so will the next President. A wall, deportations…we shall see!RUSSIA IDNUSTRIALEZ BUT ONLY WITH THE CZARS ‘KINGS’Czar means ‘King’ and comes from ‘Caesar’.Peter the Great controlled industrializationCatherine the Great controlled industrializationShtrakhman the great controlled coffee productionHOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS:CHAPTER 14 THE 4 REVOLUTIONS (1776-1804)What’s so cool about the Renaissance?Why send Galileo to hell?OK, the Protestant Reformation was MAJORRRRRRR. How so?Why was the ENLIGHTENMENT such a BIG deal?Why are France and the US BFF’s?Why is the situation with Haiti so unique?Who was SIMON BOLIVAR?Who was TOUSSIANT LOUVERTURE?What happened with the LOUISIANA PURCHASE? LONG RESPONSE: How was France’s REVOLUTION different from the AMERICAN REVOLUTION?CHAPTER 15: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONWhy did the IR (Industrial Revolution) start in Europe? (3 reasons)A.B.C.Were there any SIDE-EFFECTS of industrialization?How did some people deal with these side effects?What’s the difference between American and Latin American industrialization?What’s the difference between European and Russian industrialization?What was the 2nd Industrial Revolution?Why do you think so many people came to America? Could you provide PROOF that we are a diverse “melting pot”?CHAPTER 16 JAPAN, CHINA AND THE OTTOMAN EMPIREJAPANWhy didn’t Japan like foreigners?What happened during the Meiji Restoration?How would you characterize their industrialization?CHINA: What were the Opium Wars all about?Why does China HATE foreigners?Why does China become Communist?Ottoman Review Questions:When did the Byzantine Empire fall?What did the Ottomans change the name of Constantinople to?Which religion were the Ottomans and how did they treat others?Who were the YoungTurks and what did they want?Were they successful? Provide proof:When does the Ottoman Empire fall?What kind of a country is Turkey today?This is what your Long-Response Questions will look like for Unit 4: (1 point each. 4 points max. 15% of all AP Exam)Using either JAPAN, CHINA, or the OTTOMANS, explain the following statement: “Subjects challenged centralized imperial governments”It can ALSO be phrased like this: “Increasing discontent with imperial rule propelled reformist and revolutionary movements.”______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________“Middle Eastern and Asian countries still kept producing stiff, but their share in the global market went down. Instead, the rapid development of steam powered manufacturing in Europe and America led to these regions’ increase in their share of global manufacturing.”Can u prove this statement?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The global economy of the 19th century (1800-1899) expanded dramatically. Why? Because of increased exchanged of raw materials and finished goods. Some commodities have certain countries an advantage.Use Opium and the American-Japanese relationship to prove this point:Opium Wars:American-Japanese relationship (Meiji restoration)** Remember, there is either a Crossword Puzzle, Word Search or fill-in-the-blank Quiz for this Unit.PLEASE MOVE ON TO CHAPTER 16: IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA ................

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