[Pages:10]so you Think you know a thing or two about Mr Gum?

Well, why not try the Mr Gum Quiz book and find OUT! Features over 82 questions, including some that don't even make sense.


ISBN 978-1-4052-5524-0














But stop complaining,


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Egmont's Top

Quiz Tip

You'll probably get more questions right if you read the Mr Gum books!



Score a maximum of 10 points for each quiz (apart from You're A Bad Man, Mr Gum! where you may score a bonus 1000 points for knowing Polly's full name).

0-1: Have you actually read any of the books or do you waste all your time gluing pigeons to apples and shaving your own ears off? Go out and read all

the `Mr Gum' books IMMEDIATELY and don't come back until you know what's what!

2-3: have

If you'd only got done very poorly

a few more right you'd have done indeed. You ought to be ashamed

quite well. As it of yourself. You

is, you are no

better than a common snowman pretending to be a real person.

4-6: Your score is neither good nor bad. It dog who can't be bothered to move but

is just sort of there, like an old smelly just lies around in front of the fire,

farting occasionally.

7-8: This is a bit more like it. Well done. You are much better than that other lot. But not as good as this next lot, I'm afraid....

9-10: Well done, you are officially extremely good and if we were giving out prizes you'd get a big life-size out of chocolate and gold and electric guitars. (We're

at `Mr Gum' quizzes figure of Mr Gum made not, though. Bad luck.)

Features: This book LoMof aLrdasGmouafobmnqoauiuncedtsBthteiiowbobnrelsdr! GueTshse`MwtohrrgeladGmSfaeium!lhmoouusette' `Andy Stanton: Thebsulitgehqtluyallelyssgfoaomdous True or False?' game! This list of Features!


fan, eh?

Well, let's just see about that, you boastful little strawberries! Answer the questions that follow and then see how you scored using our amazing



at the end of this book. It's Mr Gum-Calcu-Score-o-Question-o-Thing-o-riffic!

Q C And now...

uLiezt thze ing


? Andy Stanton and Egmont UK Ltd Illustrations ? David Tazzyman Not for resale


1) What is the name of the town the `Mr Gum' stories are set in?

2) What is Mr Gum's favourite TV programme?

3) Who owns the local sweetshop?

4) What is Friday O'Leary's catchphrase?

5) What type of sweets does the Spirit of the Rainbow give out?

Shabba me 6) Complete this phrase:


7) What is the name of Lamonic Bibber's second best, and only, newspaper?

8) Who is Mr Gum's best friend?

9) Do you like grapes?

10) Which character is often to be found craftily drinking sherry?


Name the following characters from Lamonic Bibber.

2 1






1) Why does Mr Gum need to keep his garden tidy?

2) What is the name of the fattest man in town?

3) Who runs the local launderette?

4) Who doesn't run the local launderette?

5) What does Billy William III do for a job?


Name five words from (Bonus 1000 points if

Polly's full you can do

name. the whole


7) Where does Jake the dog live?


What shape is the piece of Nathaniel Surname's

of chocolate that treasure chest?






9) How many times does the word `the' appear in the whole of You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum?

10) Who does Friday O'Leary propose marriage to?

1) What's on the photograph that Mr Gum sticks in his beard to make himself look even more frightening than normal?

2) What is the name of the book that Polly is reading on Boaster's Hill?

3) What is Alan Taylor's helicopter called?

4) Which fairground attraction does Martin Launderette turn Jonathan Ripples into?

5) According to Mr Gum and Billy, who is the smelliest man alive?

6) Mr Gum and Billy hide out in a cave in which cove?

7) Mr Gum says he'd like to buy the Eiffel Tower, smash it to bits and put up what in its place?

8) What does Polly give Alan Taylor when he's lying in bed crying like a little baby?

9) What terrifying plants does Friday O'Leary have to walk through in his shorts and bare feet?

10) What is the name of the school Alan Taylor decides to start?

1) After poor Mrs Lovely is duffed up, where do our heroes take her to recover?

2) Lamonic Bibber's mysterious Stone Table is at least how many years old, according to the famous scientist Crunchy?

3) What is the name of the fabulous musical horn that the Spirit of the Rainbow gives to Friday O'Leary?

4) Name any one of the Three Impossible Challenges that Polly and Friday have to face on Goblin Mountain.

5) The delightful `Tunnel Song' features a special burp solo by which goblin?

6) What kind of animal rescues Polly and Friday from the bottom of the well?

7) What is the name of Martin Launderette's giant washing machine?

8) What do the goblins all see that make them chant `Shiny Fing! Shiny Fing!?'

9) Name three of the goblins. And you can't have the one who did the burping in the `Tunnel Song' because we already told you the answer to that in question 5.

10) What was the name of Old Granny's punk band?

1) What is the date written on the little cloth bag that Jake digs up? 2) What colours are the two spooky stones Polly finds in the bag? 3) Where do the stones want Polly to take them? 4) After her midnight sleepwalk, what does Polly wake up wearing? 5) What is Polly's favourite breakfast cereal? 6) Where do Friday O'Leary and his lovely missus, Mrs Lovely,

go for their honeymoon?

7) Who made the Power Crystals and put a curse upon Lamonic Bibber?

8) What is the name of Sen?r Darren's fastest donkey? 9) Finish Old Granny's phrase: The past has a way of........................ 10) What kind of bird does Crazy Barry Fungus think he is?

1) Who is the only one of the townsfolk brave enough to approach Padlock the bear at the start of the story?

2) Who wins the World Champion of the Butcher's Shop Lying Contest?

3) Where does Alan Taylor say that Padlock should be taken to, `where he can roam wild and free and hairy as nature intended'?

4) Huzzoo! What is painted on the side of Jonathan Ripples splendid red hot-air balloon?

5) What TV programme did the sinister midget watch after his short, but probably quite deadly, killing spree?

6) What does Billy use to collect the audience's money down by the docks?

7) What is the name of the run-down little fishing boat that Mr Gum and Billy steal?

8) Who is the captain of the Nantucket Tickler?

9) What do Polly and Padlock disguise themselves as at sea?

10) What snacks from China does Jonathan Ripples offer Polly? (Clue: Polly doesn't like them as they're a bit too potato-ey for her.)

1) What is the other name for the Battle of Lamonic Bibber? 2) Where do the heroes go at the start of the story? 3) Billy William is secretly in love with the Butcher Queen

of Olde London Town. What's her name? 4) Greasy Ian has a pet monkey called Philip the Horror.

But what is that filthy little creature always shrieking? 5) What does Billy William plant in Mr Gum's lawn to take

RIVINGE for Mr Gum hanging out with Greasy Ian? 6) This question is only for people who got a copy of the book with

the wrong chapter printed in it: What was Mrs Flamingo's name before she married Mr Flamingo? 7) When Alan Taylor lived in Olde London Town what job did he used to do? 8) What is the name of the street where all of London's butchers live and work?

9) What is the name of Mr Gum's ultimate fighting machine?

10) According to the SUPER BONUS STORY, who is responsible for the whole world losing all of its money?

1) Who brings the news that `the Old Ways are back'?


WPahmaetlaar,ePPaammeelala, ,PPaammeelala, ,PPaammeelala(,bPuatmneoltat,hPeaomthelear,

Pamela, Pamela

who no-one likes), known as for short?

3) Who are the only two characters not to fall for Runtus's charms?

4) What type of mythical creature is Galloping Bill?

5) What happens in Chapter 7?


What type of animal is Squirrel McWirrell's General Store and

McWirrell, who Delicatessen?



7) Who joins in with Runtus and Galloping Bill to sing `The Cherry Tree Song'?

8) The Spirit of the Rainbow gives Polly three fruit chews. What do they say?

9) What precious thing does Old Granny give to Runtus?

10) Do unicorns really exist?

1) What is the name of the man who keeps popping up here, there and everywhere?

2) Mr Gum hits Billy over the head with a silk handkerchief. But he doesn't have a silk handkerchief, so what does he use instead?

3) What is the name of Friday and Polly's office? 4) How does Crazy Barry Fungus communicate with Polly

and Friday? 5) What does Mr Gum make Billy burn when they run out

of meat to throw on the furnace? 6) How many rules of evil are there? 7) What does I.M.P. stand for? 8) What is the name of Captain Brazil's long-lost love? 9) What type of plant does Old Granny end up sitting on

in the high street? 10) What on earth is `bunch-paraka'?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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