Advanced Placement Human Geography Name


1. What is the difference between “immigration” and “emigration”?

2. How do you determine “net migration”?

3. What is “Mobility”?

4. What is circulation and give an example involving you?

5. What is the main reason people migrate?

6. What is the difference between “Push” and “Pull” factors?

7. Give 2 examples of “Economic” push factors.

8. Give 2 examples of “Economic” pull factors.

9. Give 2 examples of “Cultural” push factors.

10. Give 2 examples of “Cultural” pull factors.

11. Give 1 example of an “Environmental” push factor.

12. Give 1 example of an “Environmental” pull factor.

13. What are “Intervening Obstacles”? Give 2 examples.

14. Name 2 of Ravenstein’s theories of migration.

15. What is the difference between “interregional migration” and “intraregional migration?

16. What is “migration transition”?

17. Regarding the gender of migrants, what groups migrate where and why?

18. Why do young people migrate more than older people?

19. What countries of the world have the lowest or highest percentage of immigrants?

20. Name the 3 eras of immigration to the U.S.

21. Concerning the “Colonial Immigration Era” what countries sent the most immigrants to the

U.S. and for what reasons?

22. Concerning the first peak of 19th Century immigration( 1840s and 1850s),

what countries did immigrants come from and for what reasons did they migrate to the

U.S.(give 2 reasons)?

23. Concerning the second peak of 19th Century (1870s and 1880s), from what countries did immigrants come from and for what reasons(give 3 reasons)?

24. Concerning the third peak of the 19th Century (1890s to 1910), from what countries did immigrants come from and for what reasons(give 3 reasons)?

25. Why did immigration in the U.S. surge in the late 20th Century and where did these immigrants come from? ( name specific countries and reasons why).

26. What did the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act do for immigration?

27. In what parts or regions of the U.S. did most immigrants in the late 20th Century settle?

28. What was the “enclosure movement”?

29. What was Europe’s “safety valve” for many years and why was it called that?

30. What types of economies did Europeans impose on the countries of Africa and Asia when they colonized them (and what were the effects of these systems)?

31. Define “undocumented immigrants”

32. What happens to the few illegal immigrants caught each year?

33. What would be the effect on the U.S. economy if we sent all illegal immigrants back to

Mexico? Why?

34. What factors determine where illegal immigrants settle?

35. What specific states in the U.S. have the most illegal Immigrants?

36. What is meant by “Chain Migration”?

37. How do countries try to control immigration numbers?

38. How do “Quotas” work?

39. When and why did the U. S. begin to control immigration?

40. Where are “guest workers” emigrated to today?

41. Where do most of the “guest workers” in Europe come from today? Name 2 countries.

42. Why is it important to distinguish between “Refugees” and “Economic Migrants”?

43. Why are immigrants from Cuba allowed to entire the U.S. legally and where do they migrate to in the U.S.?

44. Why were immigrants from Haiti treated differently?

45. Who were the “boat people” of Asia?

46. What happened eventually to the “boat people”?

47. What was the major “push factor” and the major “pull factor for those “boat people”?

48. Over the years why have immigrants to the U.S. been treated poorly?

49. How are “guest workers” treated when they migrate to various countries?

50. What kinds of problems occur with “guest workers”?

51. Name 2 reasons why people migrate within a country.

52. Give 3 examples of how technology has influenced migration in the U.S.

53. Since 1950, what invention has allowed people to migrate into the deep South?

54. Why have so many people moved to California since 1950?

55. Why did so many Afro-Americans move north in the 1900s?

56. * In the U.S. what type of intraregional migration has involved the greatest number of people over the two past centuries and WHY?

57. What are “favelas”?

58. In MDCs what type of intraregional migration has taken place since 1950?

59. Name 2 reasons for “suburbanization”

60. What is “counterurbanization” and why has this occurred in the late 1900s? (give 3 reasons).


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