Mitchell High School

Mitchell High SchoolDate Issued: Course Name: Year 9 Australian HistoryDate Due: Student Name:ClassClass teacherTask Name:Biographical Assessment TaskTask Weight: 40% Time to complete task:5 weeksThe outcomes to be assessed are following:? explains and assesses the historical forces and factors that shaped the modern world and Australia HT5-1? sequences and explains the significant patterns of continuity and change in thedevelopment of the modern world and Australia HT5-2? explains and analyses the causes and effects of events and developments in the modern world and Australia HT5-4? uses relevant evidence from sources to support historical narratives, explanations and analyses of the modern world and Australia HT5-6? applies a range of relevant historical terms and concepts when communicating anunderstanding of the past HT5-9? selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicateeffectively about the past for different audiences HT5-10WARNINGStudents are to attempt all sections of the Assessment Task.Failure to do so will result in an ‘N-Award’.PLAGIARISM will result in a zero score.WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO COMPLETE THIS TASK?Your assessment task for Year 9 History is a biographical task on a significant Australian pioneer from the colonial period. It will be included in your overall mark and grade for this subject.Choose ONE person from the list below and complete the activities that follow for your chosen person:Francis Greenway: Ex-convict and civil architect Mary Reibey: Ex-convict and business womanElizabeth Macarthur: Wife of Lieutenant John Macarthur and sheep farmerJohn Macarthur: Lieutenant in the NSW Army Corps and wool exporterPart A: BIOGRAPHY CLOZE PASSAGE (10 marks)Read the biography of your chosen personality (This is SOURCE A in the source file)Fill in the missing dates by researching when these events happened in their lives.HINT: The dates will be in chronological order. There may be clues in the biography you can use to work out a missing date so read it carefully.PART B: ALARM (A Learning and Response Matrix) GRID (50 marks)Fill out the ALARM grid provided using the information from the biography of your chosen person. NB: Only refer to the five events/periods of life for your person that have been chosen on the page titled: ‘Events for ALARM Grid’This grid will help you in PART C of this assessment so be sure to fill it in accurately and in detail USING YOUR OWN WORDS. PART C: EXTENDED RESPONSE (40 marks)Use your answers in the ALARM grid (PART B) to structure and write your extended response for the following question:Based on the five events provided, can your chosen personality be considered a success, a failure or both?Be sure to include source material from the sources to support your answer to the question and to provide greater detail in this extended response. Your essay should have an introduction and a conclusion.Write about 500 words in total.Include a BIBLIOGRAPHY of the websites that you have used from the list of resources provided.RESOURCESMary ReibEy Macarthur Macarthur GREENWAY(c._1777-1837) ................

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