
DS Tom on Tuesday - Thoughts, Talk and Take ActionOctober 10, 2017Some things to consider in our DistrictTHOUGHTS:?Shelley & Jeff Bos?have a passion to reach the community around Muskegon Community College and Baker College campus.? They are seeking God’s direction for a Coffee Shop ministry that would serve as a worship location.??Gospel Mission Worship Center?and?Café Soteria?are the ministry names.? Friendship Wesleyan is providing oversight of this new ministry.? Ministry partners?Chasin & Lynette Jelks?are in Houston, TX because of special needs for an unborn child who is receiving medical attention for a lung issue.Prosperous meetings with?Debra Jackson (retired from?Community Wesleyan),?Dave Willett (retired and interim pastor at?West Golden);?Robert Gray?(pastor of Hart Wesleyan).? At Hart Wesleyan I watched for a little while as truss rafters were being placed on the new fellowship room addition.? Later I met with?Carlos Santana (Iglesia Manatial de Vida)?about ministry in Oceana County and FLAMA.? This was a totally filled up?Wednesday!Sacred Assembly?facilitated by?Mark Haines?and?Dave Kimball?was?Thursday?and?Friday?at Whispering Pines.? What an excellent time of prayer, introspection, encouragement, communion and fellowship.? The meal?on Friday?was fantastic too!? The 23 people at Sacred Assembly were spiritually filled.On Sunday October 1 we worshipped with?Neil & Bonnie Mowat?at?Ogilvie Wesleyan?and had great fellowship in the afternoon.??On our way to Evart we met with?Teresa & Jim Kingsbury?(Teresa is a retired minister), who live in Reed City, and enjoyed a very good breakfast at Seven Slot Grill (Jeep Restaurant).? Our time was filled with learning about Reed City and lots of laughter too.? ?I attended the training for?Michigan State Police Chaplains?at MSP Academy on Monday Oct. 2 and Tuesday October 3 with?Chad Brown?and?Bryan Thompson.I was given the privilege to officiate at the celebration of life funeral of friend?Violet Rohrer?in Cedar Springs.? Valuable time was spent with husband John, the Rohrer family, at visitation and at the funeral.? What joy in knowing Christ as Savior and being able to share the truth of hope found in God’s Word!Following the funeral we traveled to Marion, Indiana for a?Indiana Wesleyan University?Board of Trustee meeting?on Friday.? God is using this institution as it prepares students as world changers for Jesus Christ.Friday?night we sat in the bleachers at?Lafayette Tecumseh Middle School?as our grandson?Michael?sang in the 8th?grade choir.?Saturday?was a day of travel to Alden, Michigan to have an evening meal with?Steve and Linda Packer.? We had such a wonderful time sharing and talking about future ministry and life.??Sunday?morning, October 8, we were at?Kalkaska Peoples Church?(Steve & Linda, 5 years as pastor) to preach and for a fellowship time following worship.Monday, October 9 was an office day while the Federal Government recognized Columbus Day.TALK:The Puerto Rico families of?Chelo & Laura?Santana (Grant)?and?Matt & Janet Reisinger?(Cheboygan)?are all safe and are working through the various issues of clean water, electric service, fuel for vehicles and removing debris.? Janet has a brother-in-law that has been battling a brain tumor and is in need of medical care that has not been available.? Keep them in your prayers.Midland Faith?has extended a pastor call to?Kory and Linda Chessar (son Evan)?who will be starting as their pastor on?October 16.? Pray for Kory & Linda in this transition and for the ministries of Faith.Church Multiplication - ?“PRAY - HOWARD CITY”?as we seek direction in this new church planting ministry.? Pray for a church planter for this ministry.? Pastor?Dave Hansen?and?Lakeview Community Church?are leading the way for this church plant.Gospel Mission Worship Center?and?Café Solteria?(Coffee House ministry)?in Muskegon are seeking clear direction for location and financial support.? This vital ministry desires to be located in the Muskegon Community College and Baker College campus area.? Pastor?Shelley & Jeff Bos?appreciate your prayers and welcome your support.??Muskegon Friendship?and Pastor?Chad Fessenden?are providing oversight to this new ministry.Fremont Wesleyan Church Outpost?and?Hispanic Outreach Ministries?(Oceana County) are preparing ways to serve the Hispanic population by creating Immigration Connection locations.?West Golden?and?Muskegon Community?are still without a pastor.? Pray for these ministries as laity and pulpit supply fill the needs of preaching.??Dave Willett?did fantastic serving as interim pastor at West Golden and his last Sunday of responsibility was October 8.TAKE ACTION:?Calendar events:REFRESH -?October 23-25?at Whispering Pines Wesleyan Camp and Conference Center?with?Tim Roehl?as facilitator/trainer of Transformissional Coach Training and The Game Plan (How to be effective in being a church of impact). Register by calling the District Office?231-924-3284.? See attached flyer for registration and cost.On?November 1 & 2?the North Michigan District Board of Administration will be meeting with DBA’s of East Michigan, West Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin to discuss the?Great Lakes Region Wesleyan Church.?The Great Lakes Region would be joining together several districts to have a greater impact on this region for reaching the unchurched, resourcing churches, enriching pastoral ministries and providing avenues for the Holy Spirit to create a momentous movement of the transformative message of Jesus Christ.? Attached is the draft of a vision statement of a pilot Great Lakes Region created by DS Richard Meeks.?EXPONENTIAL REGIONAL EVENT in ChicagoNorth Michigan Church leaders will be attending?DREAM BIG, Exponential Regional Event?in Chicago?November 6, 7 & 8 (depart on the 6th). Final details are being determined for those attending along with travel arrangements.ORPHAN?SUNDAY November 12Remember to pray for the needs of foster children and foster parents in our communities. Thank you to those that serve by being foster parents.??Sunday, November 12 is Orphan?Sunday. Here is a link to a website that provides more detailed information about this movement:? ................

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