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| |Yandoo | |

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|[pic] |The Newsletter of the 7 Field Regiment | |

| |Royal Australian Artillery Association | |

| | | |

| |Vol 2 No 14 (2019) | |

| | | |

| |Website Address: | |

Inside This Issue:

New President’s Report

Past President’s Report

Association Committee 2019/20

Key Postings in 7 Battery

From the CO’s Desk

2019 Major Events

The Association Website

Soldier’s Award 2018

Annual Reunion 2018

Humour Section

RAA Acronyms

Last Post Obituaries

List of all Association Members

Upcoming Social Events

Annual Reunion - Friday 22 November 2019

ANZAC Lunch - Sun 5 April 2020

ANZAC Day - Fri 25 April 2020

New Committee 2019/2020

(Elected 30 July 2019)

President: D. Moysey


Presidents: J. Nash & A. McCallum

Secretary: J.G. Balfour OAM

Treasurer: D. McVay

Committee: WO1 K.S. Aiston

C.S. Bowen

K. Cochran

S. Flower

T.J. Gwilym

Brig J.P. Keefe

D. Moysey




Rep: LT Benedict Cutts

Patron: COL J.A.L.Fairless RFD

Hon Solicitor: LTCOL G.Barter

Hon Auditor: W.J.Neill

The President’s Report

Firstly, thank you for electing me as your President for 2019/20. Thank you also to those who attended the AGM and welcome to both the new and returning Committee members.

I am looking forward to continuing to work with the committee for the benefit of our members and our ongoing liaison with the serving soldiers of the battery through BC MAJOR Marcus Jones.

Also, many thanks to our outgoing President, MAJOR Steve Flower, for his commitment and dedication to the President’s role over the last three years and to welcome him back as a Committee member for the coming year.

On a more sober note, it was sad to lose long serving Committee member Danny Toplis in April this year.

Danny served on the Committee for over 32 years and was a serving member of the Regiment for 36 years. His knowledge of the Regiment’s history was legendary and remains on our website for all to read.

We will miss his wise counsel. Vale Danny.

The 2018 Annual Reunion Dinner and 32nd anniversary of the Association was held at Chatswood RSL Club on 23 November and attended by 34 members and guests.

Our guest speaker was LT COL Lachlan Searle, CO of 9 Regiment supported by WO1 Reg Grundell, RSM 9 Regiment, who together gave us the latest picture of what is happening with the newly formed Regiment.

Another successful ANZAC Day lunch was held on 7 April this year with 25 members in attendance at our new venue, Club Willoughby. As in previous years, it was a very informal lunch and a great way to catch up with old mates.

This was followed by the ANZAC Day march which was well attended by 40 Association members and the ANZAC Day Gunner reunion at the City Tattersalls Club.

Thanks again to the members of 201 Cadet Unit who carried our banners for the ANZAC Day march.

On May 4 we celebrated another milestone of our Regiment’s predecessor, the 7th Australian Field Artillery Brigade - the centenary of the Brigade’s disbandment on 1 May 1919 with a commemorative dinner at Chatswood RSL.

The dinner was attended by 30 members and guests with guest speaker and local historian, Tony Cuneen giving a very thoughtful insight into the social and economic conditions facing soldiers as they returned to civilian life after the Great War.

(Tony also happens to be the younger brother of Association member, Steve Cuneen.)

Thanks to Vice President Jim Nash whose idea it was to mark this important event and then manage the process through to a very successful celebration dinner.

Congratulations go to the winner of the 2018 Soldier of the Year Award, LBDR Adrian Orellana from 28 Troop,

Dee Why with LBDR Nathan Taylor of 113 Troop, Adamstown as the runner up. Well done to both soldiers.

Our next Annual Reunion is on Friday 22 Nov with guest speaker LT COL Gary McKay MC, a published military historian, who was briefly a member of the Regiment before going on to full time National Service with 4RAR and continued to serve with the ARA until retirement in 1995.

This promises to be a great evening and I hope as many

as possible of you can attend. See you there.


Dave Moysey

Past President’s Report

The older we get, the faster time seems to go. It doesn’t seem like another three years as your President has past however, and with the end of

the third year the time has again come to step aside. Thank you to all members who have allowed me to serve, it has been a privilege. 

I would like to congratulate Dave Moysey who has been elected as your new President. Dave has been a passionate Committee member for several years and was instrumental in the creation and administration of the Association Facebook page. Dave will be ably supported by our two long standing Vice Presidents

in Jim Nash and Andrew McCallum. I look forward

to continuing to serve as a Committee member under Dave’s leadership. 

Thanks to John Balfour for his tireless work as secretary. We can all agree that without John’s efforts, we would not have such an effective association. 

The last few years have seen dramatic changes in the Reserve Artillery and I would like to acknowledge and thank MAJ Marcus Jones, BC 7 BTY, for the support he has given us, despite a dynamic and hectic training schedule. I know that under Dave Moysey, we will continue to support you and the Battery also. 

Finally, thanks to the 2018/19 Committee members and those who attended the AGM to elect the new Committee for 2019/20. 

See you at the reunion in November. 


Steve Flower 


BRIG Vince Williams with members at

the Gunner Dinner – August 2019

7 Battery Key Postings 2019

BC MAJ Marcus Jones

IG CAPT Andrew Toms*

BK Vacant

BSM WO2 Andrew Cartwright

SMIG WO2 Darren Jackson *

25 Tp Comd LT Benedict Cutts

28 Tp Comd LT Charlie Allen

113 Tp Comd LT Hugh Lightbody



Following its establishment in 2018 the 9th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery has had another impressive year, undergoing significant modernisation whilst meeting its commitment to generate forces for operations and contingencies.

Much of 2018 and 2019 was focussed on generating a composite Battery to deliver joint fires and effects for the Reinforcing Battlegroup, 2nd Division’s contribution to the Combined Joint Interagency Task Force that was tested on multi-national exercise Talisman Sabre 19. This exercise proved once again that with appropriate equipment and resources the ARES can provide a very strong contribution to Australia’s Defence capability.

The 2019 training year was also distinguished from the previous year by the inclusion of EX Chong Ju, in the exercise continuum. EX Chong Ju is Army’s premiere live fire demonstration, conducted at Puckapunyal each year and draws a large number of Senior ADF Officers and their international counterparts as well as providing an opportunity for Members of Parliament and invited guests to witness the tactics and firepower of a mechanised Combat Team conducting offensive operations. 9 Regiment participants fired 81mm mortars in support of Combat Team manoeuvre and directed fires from the M777 155mm Howitzer in close proximity to friendly forces, using danger close procedures. Soldiers of the 9th Regiment rounded out the M777 Detachments and provided a Joint Terminal Attack Controller to enable pre-H hour strikes on depth positions from RAAF aircraft.

Modernisation milestones during 2019 included the roll-out of the Small and Nano Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS/NUAS) equipment for use by the forward observer teams. The new M-32A1 hand-held ballistic computers have been distributed with new, lighter 81mm mortar systems to follow by the end of the year. A quantity of Mercedes G-Wagons are now in service within the Regiment, replacing the ageing Rover fleet. Competency training and procedural development is underway, under careful management by the sub-units.

As the ADF draws down its operational commitments in the Middle East, domestic operations and regional international engagements are increasing in importance for national security policy makers. 9 Regiment has already contributed a number of personnel to these important tasks including recently promoted SGT Shane Fender who has deployed on the Transit Security Element as part of Operation Resolute. Opportunities are now regularly offered to support international engagement in the South West Pacific and training teams to the Philippines, providing another incentive for 9 Regiment soldiers to continue to serve.

7 Battery continues to make a valuable contribution towards the force generation and modernisation effort. Consistent with Army’s Force Generation Cycle, and having achieved certification during EX HAMEL 2018, 7 (and 23) BTY transitioned from the ‘READY’ phase to ‘RESET’ in June 2019. The focus for the ‘RESET’ year transitions back to maintenance of individual readiness and unit needs readiness in order to posture the sub-unit to re-commence the cycle. Significant effort has been invested into recruitment and retention initiatives during this period in order to sustain a base-line capability that reduces the training liability in future phases of the readiness cycle.

During 2019, 7 Battery (supported by 23 Battery) continued to support the Regiment through participation in:

-      M2A2 Gun Salute Course

(Kogarah Barracks in January)

-      Australia Day Gun Salute

(Bradfield Park in January)

-      Officer Cadet Training Block 5

(RMC-D in Jan-Feb)

-      Mortar Conversion Course

(Singleton in Feb)

- Sub 4 Sgt OS module

(Singleton in March)

-      ANZAC Day ceremonial duties

(Manly and Pittwater in April)

-      Queen’s Birthday Gun Salute

(Mrs Macquarie’s Chair in June)

-      SPT to EX Talisman Sabre (Ready Brigade 17 day exercise in Shoalwater Bay in July)

-      Technical FTX weekend

(Dee Why Depot in August)

-      Technical LFX weekend

(Singleton Range in September)

In February 2019, upon completion of an accelerated 12 month training program attached to 4 Regiment and 20 STA Regiment, LTs Charlie Allen and Bennedict Cutts became the first fully qualified Mortar Line Officers (MLO) of 7 Battery. Later in June, LT Hugh Lightbody graduated from RMC, completing GSO training and marched-in as the next Troop Commander. These new Troop Commanders will continue to develop as MLOs and future Joint Fire Team commanders and represent a promising future as the command team of 7 Battery.

7 Battery remains committed to its future within 9 Regt RAA, whilst being cognisant of its heritage. Members of 7 Battery enjoy the support of the 7 Field Regiment Association and its sponsorship of the Gunner of the Year award. The BC of 7 Battery has indicated that he is also committing to strengthening the Battery’s ties with the historical associations and hopes to foster more co-operation in the future through liaison, recruiting and involvement in social events.

LTCOL Lachlan Searle



Queen’s Birthday Salute June 2019





RFD Parade Newcastle July 2019

COL James Cameron with Robert Colgan-Gore, Doug Roworth, Karl Milic & John Balfour


Regimental Master Gunner WO1 David Nutini, MAJGEN Tim Ford, John Balfour, MAJGEN Craig Furini, BRIG Richard Vagg & Peter Muir at the National Artillery Gunner Dinner at the Sunshine Coast, QLD – 24 August 2019


Rob & Laraine Corbett, Peter & Gayle Muir, Bob Waller & John Balfour at the National Gunner Dinner

Items for Sale from the Association

Association Tie $25 + $5 postage

Order now – send payment to


These will also be available to purchase

at the reunion.

***Membership Fees are due now***

Annual $10 – Life (over 55) $100

Internet Banking


Payments for the Reunion and Membership fees

can be made to:

BSB No 062 – 272

Account No 1001 3543

Don’t forget to include your name

Association Website Update

Don’t forget to periodically look at our website at:

Please also see this new Website:


Congratulations to LBDR Adrian Orellana

(28 TP Dee WHY) who was chosen by the CO

& BC to receive the Association’s Soldier’s Award for 2018.

The Runner-up was LBDR Nathan Taylor

(113 TP Adamstown)


LTCOL Lachlan Searle & BRIG John Keefe with LBDR Adrian Orellana & LBDR Nathan Taylor

The winner received a certificate plus a weekend at the Army’s Bulwarra Resort, Terrigal.

BULWARRA RESORT, TERRIGAL proudly supports the 7 FD Regt RAA Association annual SOLDIER’s AWARD



Proposed Australian Army Armour and Artillery Heritage and Learning Centre

Extract from the Australian Army History Unit website in June 2019

The Department of Defence has finalised an Initial Business Case that which identified and recommended a preferred option for the construction of a new Puckapunyal Combined Arms Heritage Learning Centre to preserve the Royal Australian Armoured Corps (RAAC) and Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery (RAA) and heritage and technical collections. The Initial Business Case has been considered and endorsed by the Defence Investment Committee and a submission for the approval of development funding has been forwarded to the Minister of Defence.

Once approval to spend development funding has been received from Minister of Defence and Minister of Finance, Department of Defence will develop a Detailed Business Case. This will be presented to Government requesting approval to commit capital funding for the construction of a Australian Army Armour and Artillery Heritage and Learning Centre.

Subject to Government and Parliamentary approval, construction is planned to commence in mid-2020 and be completed by late-2021. This may coincide with the RAA’s 150th Corps Birthday.

The Australian Army Armour and Artillery Heritage and Learning Centre will co-locate the current Army Tank and Artillery heritage and technical collections and be the newest addition to the Army Museum Network, managed by the Australian Army History Unit.

The Australian Army Armour and Artillery Heritage and Learning Centre will tell the story of the men and women who have served with these two Corps. In addition to being a resource for professional military education, the project will deliver a more publicly accessible and manageable facility at the Puckapunyal Military Area. This will improve access for veterans and their families, school groups and members of the public.

The RAAC and RAA collections include many artefacts of historic and technical significance, including:

• An 18-pounder gun used by RAA units during the First World War, which has recently been fully restored by the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company.

• An AS1 Leopard Tank sectionalised for use as an instructional model that displays the tanks internal layout and workings.

• One of only two surviving Yeramba Self-Propelled Gun – a uniquely Australian Armoured Fighting Vehicle, and the only armoured fighting vehicle operated by the RAA.

• A rare Australian Cruiser Tank Mk I Sentinel – one of only a handful of surviving examples of this uniquely Australian tank.

As with any museum, only a portion of the RAAC and RAA heritage collection will be exhibited at any one time with considerations as follows:

• The focus on telling the story of the Australian Army’s development of armoured and artillery corps. Artefacts relevant to those their people and capabilities will be afforded priority for exhibition.

• That portion of the collections that are not on display will be held in storage and rotated through exhibition as opportunities exist and in accordance with accepted museum practice

Implementation and Timeline

The project will be managed by Estate & Infrastructure Group in accordance with extant processes under the Defence Estate Quality Management System, in close consultation with Army as the primary stakeholder and Project Sponsor.

Subject to Government and Parliamentary approval, construction is planned to commence in February 2023 and be completed by October 2024.

The Head of Corps RAAC and Head of Regiment RAA (or their representatives) will be consulted in the design and development process.

The Head of Corps RAAC and Head of Regiment RAA will liaise with their relevant Corps associations as the project progresses.


Subject to Government approval, the Defence Integrated Investment Program has allocated a total capital budget of $40m for this project.


The possible relocation of the memorials currently located in or adjacent to the existing Tank Museum will be considered separately.

Article curtesy of Steve Noakes


32nd Annual Reunion 23 Nov 2018

For your information, the following attended

the Annual Reunion in November 2018 at

Chatswood RSL:






MAJ Marcus JONES, John KEEFE, David LEEK, Brian LEWIS, Andrew McCALLUM,

Don McVAY, David MOYSEY, James NASH, Chrissie PRATLEY, Grahame SMITH,






John Balfour, MAJ Steve Flower, LTCOL Lachlan Searle, WO1 Reg Grundell & BRIG John Keefe


Michael Barnett, Geoffrey Herbert,

Michael Carrodus & John Stanford


Don McVay, Jim Nash & Mark Bagster


Neil Hawkins, Leonie Wright, Chrissie Pratley, Jack Gwilym, Sharon Fulcher & Karen Aiston

Centenary of disbandment of 7th FAB May 2019


Graham Gates, Barney Flanagan, Kerry Livingston, John Stanford, Russell McLean & John Balfour


John Keefe, Ken Broadhead & Steve Cunneen


Annual Reunion 2019

The Annual Reunion is to be held at Chatswood RSL on Friday, 22nd November. Cost for dinner, wines

& port is only $55

Our guest speaker will be

LTCOL (retd) Gary McKay MC

Military Historian, Writer & Tour Guide


[pic] Last Post [pic]

Brian Joseph BRENNAN – November 2017 –

Aged 76

Brian joined the University of New South Wales Regiment on 16 March 1961 and transferred to 7 Field Regiment on 20 February 1962

He served as a Gun Number in the Regiment & discharged as a Bombardier on 12 April 1967.

Ian Anthony HAYLEN – 15 January 2019 –

Aged 77

Ian joined 7 Field Regiment on 11 August 1970.

He served in HQ Bty & 28 FD Bty as a Gun

Number, Driver and Signaller. His civilian occupation as a Technical Officer with Telstra was a great asset to the Unit.

Ian discharged on 22 October 1981 as a Bombardier.

Dennis Patrick MOORE – 2 March 2019 – Aged 84

Dennis joined 12 National Service Training Battalion on 20 August 1953. He then served in the following Units;

5 Field Regiment from 26 November 1953

14 Field Regiment from 24 April 1955

7 Field Regiment from 1 July 1960

7 FD REGT Light Aid detachment from 18 June 1969

7 Field Regiment from 6 June 1974

Dennis served as a Gun Number, Driver, Vehicle Mechanic and Artificer Armament. His knowledge of Gun & Vehicle maintenance was of great support to the Unit.

Dennis discharged on 8 July 1985 as a Warrant Officer Class Two.

Ralph Colin Murdoch (Danny) TOPLIS –

5 April 2019 – Aged 86

Known as Danny to all in the Military, he was Colin to his workmates at the Valuer General’s Office.

Danny joined 12 National Service Training Battalion on 4 January 1952 and then 7 Field Regiment on 11 April 1952. He served as a Gun Number, Storeman, Driver and Quartermaster Sergeant.

Danny was a very quiet man who had a vast knowledge of Unit stores & equipment plus associated systems. Most of his service was as the Quartermaster in HQ Bty.

He retired on 6 January 1988 as a Warrant Officer Class Two.

Danny was also the Librarian at the Australian Army Artillery Museum and later the RAA Historical Company at North Head for around 20 years. He was a Committee member of the RAA Association (NSW) plus Life Member and continuous Committee Member of the 7 FD REGT RAA Association from formation in 1986 through to ill health in 2018.

Editor’s Note; Special thanks to the Committee Members who assisted with Grounds Maintenance at Lindfield before & after Danny’s passing.

Allan Douglas CHAD – 19 May 2019 – Aged 72

Allan joined 7 Field Regiment on 12 February 1963. He transferred to 1 Field Regiment on 18 January 1965 and then to 12 Field Regiment on 18 April 1966 (both on full time duty). He transferred back to 7 Field Regiment on 2 December 1966.

Allan served as a Gun Number, Driver & Supervisor Transport.

He always seemed to be available and was a valuable unit member. A lasting memory was Allan using a bulldozer to build bunds around guns on the Fire Support Base at Tianjara.

Allan discharged on 10 May 1994 as a Warrant Officer Class Two.

Ross McDonald (Rusty) RUSSELL OAM

– 26 May 2019– Aged 96

Rusty joined the CMF, 108 Anti-Tank Regiment on 27 Sept 1941. He then served in the AIF from June 1942 to June 1947 in the following Units;

29 Aust Ant-Tank Bty, 112 Tank Attack Regt, 2/7 Aust Field Regt, 5 Advanced Ordnance Depot, 6 Base Ordnance Depot, 4 Advanced Ammunition Depot & 5 Central Ammunition Depot. He served in Borneo April to December 1945.

He discharged as a Private in August 1948

Rusty was awarded an OAM for his lifetime of service to Scouting and was the first Citizen of the Year of the City of Ryde in 1994.

William Edward KNIGHT – 1 June 2019– Aged 86

Bill joined National Service Training Battalion on 8 January 1953, then transferred to 7 Field Regiment on 16 April 1953.

Bill served as a Gun Number in the Regiment and discharged on 17 February 1964 as a Sergeant.

Despite living (retired) on the Central Coast, Bill worked as a Volunteer in the Restoration Team with the RAAHC & Harbour Trust for over 15 years.

Ian Stewart FRAZER (Fraze) – 15 July 2019– Aged 63

Ian joined 9 Light Anti Aircraft Regiment on 26 July 1971 and transferred to 7 Field Regiment on 1 November 1973.He served as a Gun Number, Operator Command Post Field, Signaller, Storeman Technical & Quartermaster Sergeant.

Fraze was an excellent instructor and mentor and his many skills kept him in great demand. He was loud and funny and a great morale booster.

Ian discharged on 21 May 1996 as a Sergeant.
























Q. What’s the difference between a Co-Pilot

and a Jet Engine ?A. The Jet Engine stops whining when the plane shuts down

There are BOLD Pilots & OLD Pilots but

very few OLD BOLD Pilots

Never tell the Platoon Sgt you have nothing

to do

Don’t draw fire: it irritates the people around you

If the Enemy is in range, then so are you

Tracers work both ways

If your attack is going well, you have walked into an Ambush

Don’t ever be the FIRST, don’t ever be the LAST & don’t ever volunteer for anything

The only time you have too much fuel is when you are on fire

Five second grenade fuses last about 3 seconds

Radios will always fail as soon as you desperately need fire support

If it’s stupid & it works, then it isn’t stupid

It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed

When the pin is pulled, MR Grenade is not our friend

When you are short of everything but the Enemy, then you are in Combat

When one engine fails on a twin engine aircraft, you always have enough power left to get you to the scene of the crash

Coffee tastes much better when the Latrines are dug downstream from the Camp

No man is a Leader until his appointment is ratified in the minds & hearts of his Men

Members List OCT 2019

|AISTON |Karen |Μ |

|AMOR |William |Μ |

|ARNOLD |Don |Μ |

|ATTARD |Andrew |Μ |

|BAGSTER |Mark | |

|BALDWIN |Murray |Μ |

|BALFOUR |Steven |Μ |

|BARNETT |Michael |Μ |

|BARRY |Andrew |Μ |

|BASTOCK |Fred | |

|BAYNIE |John |Μ |

|BEETON |John |Μ |

|BIGNOLD |Peter |Μ |

|BLINKHORNE |Gordon |Μ |

|BLOW |David |Μ |

|BORROWMAN |Gregory |Μ |

|BOWEN |Chris | |

|BRENNAN |Raymond |Μ |

|BREWER |Charles |Μ |

|BRINCAT |Alex |Μ |

|BROAD |Paul |Μ |


|BROWN |Jeffrey |Μ |

|BURKE |Leo |Μ |

|BUZACOTT |David |Μ |

|CANNON |Megan |Μ |


|CARRODUS |Michael |Μ |

|CARSTENS |John | |

|CASHMORE |John |Μ |

|CHANDLER |Stewart |Μ |

|CHASEBERRY |Joseph |Μ |

|CHETWYND |Rodney |Μ |

|CHRISTIE |Carl |Μ |

|CLARK |David |Μ |

|CLARK |Neville | |

|CLIFF |Kevin |Μ |

|CLIFTON |Alfred |Μ |

|COCHRAN |Kathryn |Μ |

|COCHRANE |John |Μ |

|COLE |Mick | |

|COLGAN-GORE |Robert |Μ |

|COLLINS |Don | |

|COLLINS |Peter |Μ |

|CONDON |Schon |Μ |

|CREEK |Jenny |Μ |

|CROWE |Michael |Μ |

|CROZIER |Kel |Μ |

|CUNNEEN |Stephen |Μ |

|DICK |Anthony |Μ |

|DONOHUE |Tom |Μ |

|DOWN |Patrick |Μ |

|DROVER |Angus |Μ |

|DWYER |Peter |Μ |

|EAGLETON |Harold |Μ |

|EDWARDS |Hugh | |

|ELDERTON  |Frederick | |

|FAIRFIELD |Peter |Μ |

|FAIRLESS |John |Μ |

|FENDER |Shane |Μ |

|FENTON |Stuart | |

|FINCH |Lachlan |Μ |

|FLIPPENCE |Addie |Μ |

|FLOWER |Stephen |Μ |

|FOX |Harry | |


|FRY |Gary |Μ |

|FULCHER |Sharon |Μ |

|GATES  |Graham | |


|GILLETT |Paul |Μ |

|GILMORE |Ian |Μ |

|GILMOUR |John |Μ |

|GOLD |Dustin |Μ |

|GLADEN  |Noel | |

|GROUSE |Richard |Μ |

|GWILYM |Jack |Μ |

|HALL |Graeme |Μ |

|HAMER  |Colin | |

|HANLEY |Alex |Μ |

|HANSFORD  |Jes |Μ |

|HARGREAVES |Thomas | |

|HARROWER |David | |

|HARRISON |Allan |Μ |

|HAWKINS |Neil |Μ |

|HAWLEY |Ted | |

|HAWTHORNE |Laurie |Μ |

|HEMSLEY |Mark | |

|HERBERT |Geoffrey |Μ |

|HEWETT |Robert |Μ |

|HILEY |Steven |Μ |

|HOBSON |Stuart | |

|HOEY |Ian |Μ |

|HOGAN |Chris |Μ |

|HORSELL |Drew |Μ |

|HUNGERFORD |Bruce | |

|IRELAND |John | |

|IZARD |Michael | |

|JACKSON |Neville |Μ |

|JAMES |Ian |Μ |

|JARMAN |David |Μ |

|JOHNSON |Bruce | |

|JOHNSTON |Warwick |Μ |

|JONES |Marcus |Μ |

|JONES |Michael |Μ |

|JONES |Ronald | |

|KARIKS |Andi |Μ |

|KEEFE |John |Μ |

|KEEN |Ken | |

|KELLY |Walter |Μ |

|KIRKWOOD |John |Μ |

|KNIGHT |Stanley |Μ |

|KNOWLES |Howard | |





|LAURENCE |Michael |Μ |

|LAWSON |Callum |Μ |

|LEDWICH |Sam |Μ |

|LEEK |David |Μ |

|LEWIS |Brian |Μ |

|LINCOLN |David | Μ |

|LITTLE |Bruce | |

|LONG |Allan |Μ |

|LONGFELLOW |Virginia |Μ |

|LOWE |Margo |Μ |

|MAIN |Rick |Μ |

|MARTIN |Graham |Μ |

|MASON-JONES |Nicoll |Μ |

|McCALLUM |Andrew |Μ |

|McCARTHY |Noel | |

|McCLELLAND |David |Μ |

|McDONOUGH |Paul |Μ |

|McFAYDEN |Barry |Μ |

|McGARRY |David |Μ |

|McGLINN |Les |Μ |

|McGRATH |Peter |Μ |

|McILWRAITH |Michael |Μ |

|McKECHNIE |David |Μ |

|McLEAN |Russ |Μ |

|McMAHON |Peter | |

|McVAY |Donald |Μ |

|MERCER |Thomas |Μ |

|MILIC |Karl | |

|MILLAR |Anthony |Μ |

|MOORE |Jon |Μ |


|MORGAN |Robert | |

|MORRIS |Douglas |Μ |

|MOYSEY |David |Μ |

|MOYSEY |Robert |Μ |

|MUIR |Gayle |Μ |

|MUIR |Peter |Μ |

|MUIR |Lawrence | |

|NEWBERRY  |Malcolm |Μ |

|NEWTON |Neville |Μ |

|NICHOLS |Grant  |Μ |

|NOAKES |Steven |Μ |

|O'NEILL |Mark |Μ |

|ORGOVANYI |Cornelius |Μ |

|OWENS |Robert |Μ |

|PALMER |Grant |Μ |

|PEDERSEN |Peter |Μ |

|POSENER |John |Μ |

|POWER |Brian | |

|POWER |Phil |Μ |

|PRIMROSE |Brian | |

|QUINTON |Graham |Μ |

|RICHARDSON |Robert |Μ |

|ROBERTS |Paul | |

|ROGAN |Robert | |

|ROWE |Warren |Μ |

|ROWORTH |Douglas |Μ |

|RULE |Donald |Μ |

|SAINSBURY |Maurie |Μ |

|SCOTT |Ian |Μ |

|SCHWEBEL |David |Μ |

|SENGOS |Patrick |Μ |

|SEABROOK |Stuart |Μ |

|SHADAY |Max |Μ |

|SHANNON |John |Μ |

|SHUNWAH |Richard |Μ |

|SLATER |Peter |Μ |

|SMITH |Grahame |Μ |

|SMITH |Peter |Μ |

|SOTTER |Vernon |Μ |

|STAMELL |James |Μ |

|STANFORD |John |Μ |

|STAPLETON |Gerald |Μ |

|STARKE |Bill |Μ |

|STONE |Peter |Μ |

|SULLIVAN |Kevin |Μ |


|TAYLOR |Harry | |

|TAYLOR |Lawrence | Μ |

|THORNTON |Stephen |Μ |

|WAGLAND  |Ross |Μ |

|WALLER |Robert |Μ |

|WEBB |Ken |Μ |

|WHEATLEY |Murelia |Μ |

|WHITE |Dean |Μ |

|WHITFIELD |Timothy | |

|WILLIAMS |Darcy | |

|WILLIAMS |Trevor |Μ |

|WILSON |John |Μ |

|WOODING |Don |Μ |

|WORBOYS |Simon |Μ |

|WORSLEY |Susan |Μ |

|WRIGHT |Colin |Μ |

|WRIGHT |Leonie |Μ |

|YEATES |Chris | |

|YOUNG |Warwick |Μ |

|Honorary Life Members | |

|BALFOUR |John |Μ |

|CORBETT |Robert |Μ |

|CROWE |John |Deceased |


|FLANAGAN |Kevin |Μ |

|HECKENBERG |Brian |Deceased |

|HINDMARSH |Laurie | |

|LEWIS-HUGHES |Ken |Deceased |

|NASH |James |Μ |

|NEILL |William | |

|TOPLIS |Danny |Deceased |

|Honorary Members | |

|CAULFIELD |James |Μ |

|EHRLER |Louis |Μ |

|ROBINS |Keiran |Μ |

|LO |Ina | |

|MCDONALD |Trisha | |

|STEVENS |Carol | |

| |Denotes Email address held |

| | |

| | |

|Μ | |

Yandoo 2019

Compiled & edited by John Balfour

Photos by Dave Moysey & John Balfour[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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