Basic Tags

Basic Tags | |

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|Creates an HTML document |

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|Sets off the title and other information that isn't displayed on the Web page itself |

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|Sets off the visible portion of the document |

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|Header Tags |

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|Puts the name of the document in the title bar |

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|Identifies keywords related to the web site content that can be used by a search engine |

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|Provides search engine with a description of the website |

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|Body Attributes |

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|Sets the background color, using name or hex value |

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|Sets the background with a texture or image using a graphic file |

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|Sets the text color, using name or hex value |

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|Sets the color of links, using name or hex value |

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|Sets the color of followed (visited) links, using name or hex value |

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|Sets the color of links on click (visited) |

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|Text Tags |

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|Creates preformatted text |

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|Create a headline and sets the size of headline, from 1 to 6, with 1 being the largest headline to 6 being the smallest headline |

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|Aligns text to right, left, or center of page |

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|Creates bold text |

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|Creates italic text |

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|Creates teletype, or typewriter-style text (monospaced font) |

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|Creates a citation, usually italic |

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|Emphasizes a word (with italic or sometimes bold) |

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|Emphasizes a word (with bold or sometimes italic) |

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|Creates blinking text (does not work in all browsers) |

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|Sets size of font, from -7 to 7 |

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|Sets font color, using name or hex value |

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|Sets font typeface or style, using name of font typeface |

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|Links |

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|Creates a hyperlink (hypertext reference) to another web page |

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|Creates a mailto link |

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|Creates a target location within a document (a "bookmark") |

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|Links to that target location from elsewhere in the document (link to a bookmark) |

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|Formatting |

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|Creates a new paragraph |

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|Aligns a paragraph to the left, right, or center |

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|Inserts a line break |

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|Indents text from both sides |

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|A generic tag to center align elements on a web page |

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|Creates a definition list |

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|Precedes each definition term |

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|Precedes each definition |

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|Creates a numbered (ordered) list |

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|Precedes each list item, and adds a number in an ordered list or a bullet in an unordered list |

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|Creates a bulleted (unordered) list |

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|A generic tag used to format large blocks of HTML, also used for stylesheets |

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|Graphical Elements |

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|Adds an image (src = "source or location" of the graphic file, including the name, and path if needed, of the graphic file) |

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|Aligns an image: left, right, center; bottom, top, middle |

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|Sets the width and height dimensions, in pixels, or the graphic (the size of the image) |

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|Sets size of border around an image |

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|Creates space (on each side, to the right and left) between the image and the wrapping text in number of pixels |

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|Creates space (on the top and bottom, above and below) between the image and the wrapping text in number of pixels |

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|Gives an alternative text description of the graphic file, if browser does not display graphics |

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|Inserts a horizontal rule |

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|Aligns the horizontal rule to the left, right, or center |

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|Sets size (height) of rule |

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|Sets width of rule, in percentage or absolute value |

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|Creates a rule without a shadow |

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|Tables |

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|Creates a table |

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|Sets off each row in a table |

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|Sets off each cell in a row |

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|Sets off the table header (a normal cell with bold, centered text) |

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|Creates a caption for the table |

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|Table Attributes |

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|Sets width of border around table cells |

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|Sets the background color for the entire table, using name or hex value |

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|Sets the table alignment to left, right or center of page |

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|Sets amount of space between table cells |

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|Sets amount of space between a cell's border and its contents |

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|Sets width of table - in pixels or as a percentage of document width |

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|Sets horizontal alignment for row or cell (left, center, or right) |

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|Sets vertical alignment for row or cell (top, middle, or bottom) |

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|Sets the background color for the row or cell, using name or hex value |

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|Sets number of columns a cell should span (default=1) |

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|Sets number of rows a cell should span (default=1) |

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|Prevents the lines within a cell from being broken to fit |

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|Aligns the table caption |

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|Frames |

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|Tag in a frames document; can also be nested in other framesets |

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|Defines the rows within a frameset, using number in pixels, or percentage of width |

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|Defines the columns within a frameset, using number in pixels, or percentage of width |

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|Defines a single frame - or region - within a frameset |

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|Defines what will appear on browsers that don't support frames |

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|Causes multiple links on a page to appear in the same target frame |

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|Frames Attributes |

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|Specifies which HTML document should be displayed |

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|Names the frame, or region, so it may be targeted by other frames |

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|Defines the left and right margins for the frame; must be equal to or greater than 1 |

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|Defines the top and bottom margins for the frame; must be equal to or greater than 1 |

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|Sets whether the frame has a scrollbar; value may equal "yes," "no," or "auto". The default, as in ordinary documents, is auto. |

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|Prevents the user from resizing a frame |

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|Specifies a different window or frame where a new page will appear when it loads |

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|Forms |

|For functional forms, you'll have to run a CGI script or other server-side script. The HTML just creates the appearance of a form. |

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|Creates all forms; method refers to how the information should be sent, either 'get' or 'post'; action refers to where to send the information from the |

|form for processing |

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|Creates a form where results are submitted to an e-mail address |

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|Creates a pulldown menu; name is the functional name given to the pulldown menu; size sets the number of choices to be viewed at a time in the pop-up menu|

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|Creates a scrolling menu; name is the functional name given to the scrolling menu; size sets the number of menu items visible before you need to scroll |

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|Sets off each menu item; value is the value returned when the form is submitted; selected will make this option show up as the default in the pop-up |

|window - when this is omitted, the first option in the menu will be the default |

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|Creates a text box area. Cols sets the width in pixels; rows sets the height in pixels. |

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|Creates a checkbox; name gives a reference name to the checkbox; value is the value returned if the checkbox is checked (default is "on"); checked will |

|pre-check the box - this would be omitted if pre-selection is not wanted; text follows tag. |

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|Creates a radio button; name gives a reference name to the radio button; value is the value returned if the radio button is selected; in a set of radio |

|buttons, all buttons in the same list of choices should have the same name but different values; checked will pre-select the button - this would be |

|omitted if pre-selection is not wanted; text follows tag. |

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|Creates a one-line text area; name gives a reference name to the text box; size sets length, in characters; maxlength sets the maximum number of |

|characters the user can enter |

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|Creates a Submit button |

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|Creates a Submit button using an image |

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|Creates a Reset button, which clears all entries on the form |

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|Creates a textbox password field for entering a password; when anything is typed into the field, its shows up as dots/asterisks instead of text |

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|Image Maps |

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|Creates an imagemap |

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|Describes a rectangular-shaped area in the imagemap; coordinates refer to the coordinates of the upper left corner (X,Y) and the lower right corner (X1, |

|Y1); URL is the link to which these sets of coordinates (area) will be linked |

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|Describes a circular-shaped area in the imagemap; coordinates refer to the coordinates of the center point (X,Y) and the length of the radius; URL is the |

|link to which these sets of coordinates (area) will be linked |

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|Describes a pologon-shaped area in the imagemap; the coordinates for each point in the shape are required and must be listed in order, either from left to|

|right around the shape, or right to left around the shape; URL is the link to which these sets of coordinates (area) will be linked |

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|Links the image and map informtion to form the imagemap; src is the name of the graphic file that the image map uses; usemap is the name of the map; |

|border will usually be "0", unless a rectangular-shaped border is wanted around the image |


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