IPC Valid Symbol List Specification

WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATIONSPECIAL UNION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL PATENT CLASSIFICATION(IPC UNION) TITLE \* MERGEFORMAT IPC Valid Symbol List SpecificationDateByVersionStatusModificationJuly 13, 2006Fiévet0.1DraftCreationJanuary 29, 2007Molés0.2DraftAdding core-predecessor attributeJanuary 29, 2007Fiévet0.3 DraftValidationJanuary 29, 2007Molés1.0FinalFebruary 3, 2016Conde2.0FinalCE47 DecisionContact: WIPO: Patrick FI?VET (patrick.fievet@wipo.int)Table of Contents TOC \o "2-9" \t "Heading 1;1" 1.References PAGEREF _Toc442276193 \h 22.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc442276194 \h 23.File format: PAGEREF _Toc442276195 \h 24.File naming convention: PAGEREF _Toc442276196 \h 24.1.Zip file PAGEREF _Toc442276197 \h 24.2.Zip file content PAGEREF _Toc442276198 \h 24.2.plete file in xml format PAGEREF _Toc442276199 \h 24.2.plete HTML file PAGEREF _Toc442276200 \h 24.2.3.Section files PAGEREF _Toc442276201 \h 25.XML File Content PAGEREF _Toc442276202 \h 3The file is made of the following information: PAGEREF _Toc442276203 \h 35.1.IPC Symbol tag PAGEREF _Toc442276204 \h 35.1.1.IPC symbol attribute: PAGEREF _Toc442276205 \h 35.1.2.Optional Entry Type attribute: PAGEREF _Toc442276206 \h 35.1.3.Optional Latest Version Indicator attribute: PAGEREF _Toc442276207 \h 3Example: PAGEREF _Toc442276208 \h 35.2.ref to schema PAGEREF _Toc442276209 \h 36.HTML File Content PAGEREF _Toc442276210 \h 3References[1] IPC Master File Specification[2] IPC Scheme Master File SpecificationIntroductionThe purpose of this paper is to document format and content of the valid symbol list file. This file contains all valid symbols (classification and indexing symbols) for a given IPC version taken from the Scheme Master File. File format:XML format is used as exchange format. Importing of this file in XML compatible spreadsheet was made straightforward by the following:flat XML structure (only one type of record)symbol information re-grouped and placed in attributesXML element names use Camel Case convention, i.e., uppercase first letter in each word except the first.File naming convention:Zip fileipc_valid_symbols_YYYYMMDD_yyyymmdd.zip whereYYYYMMD is the corresponding version the IPCyyyymmdd is the generation date.Zip file contentComplete file in xml formatipc_valid_symbols_YYYYMMDD.xmlComplete HTML fileipc_valid_symbols_YYYYMMDD.htmlSection filesipc_valid_symbols_YYYYMMDD_S.xmlwhere S is the concerned IPC section (in uppercase).XML File ContentThe file is made of the following information:IPC Symbol tagName: IPCSymbolIPC symbol attribute:Name: symbolValue: See description of “Symbol” in [2]Optional Entry Type attribute:Name: entryTypeValue: See description of “Entry type” in [2]This attribute is not present for Section and Class symbols.Optional Latest Version Indicator attribute:Name: latestVersionIndicatorValue: most recent IPC Version from the list of version indicators (“edition” tag in [2]) in the Scheme Master File for the corresponding symbol. See [1].This attribute is not present for Section and Class symbols.Example:<IPCSymbol symbol="A01B0001000000" entry-type="K" latestVersionIndicator=”20060101" />ref to schemaSee schema file ipc_valid_symbols_2.0.xsdHTML File ContentTitle: Valid symbols for IPC YYYY.MM (where YYYY.MM is the year and month concerned IPC version)IPC Valid Symbols List of files in one column, according to the standard IPC symbol representation (e.g. H01S 3/02)End of document ................

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