General Overview (introduction)Multi-Site Management 3. Style and Branding (Experience Management)3.1. The WCM page delivery mechanism should not add javascript, css styles and metadata attributes to any HTML page delivered to end users that is not strictly required to fit the design, branding and functionality and content requirements of the page/site.3.2. Any WYSIWG editor used within the CMS should strictly follow and utilize only the styles (CSS) that meet the current NS Government standards.3.3. The WCM must strip any unnecessary (not required for regular Internet use) tags introduced into the content through copy and paste from such tools as Microsoft Office.3.4. Any out of the box components or templates provided by the WCM must produce HTML5, CSS3 compliant web pages.3.5. The WCM must provide an ajax capable framework for user interactions on the generated site.3.6. The WCM must support with the use of customer relationship management tools that enable ‘click to chat with government’ support services.3.7. The WCM must provide a web interface for adding and removing styles to the system enabling modification to the design and layout by WCM subject matter experts.3.8. The WCM must provide device detection capability to deliver mobile site content.3.9. The WCM should support the ability for templates to be assigned on a page by page basis and be inheritable within the site structure.4. Language4.1. The WCM system must be multilingual and provide facilities for the website developer / administrator to manage multi-language web pages, sites, and applications. English and French are mandatory requirements, but should support multiple languages including Gaelic, German, Traditional Chinese, Arabic, MiKimaq, etc.).4.2. The WCM Administrative tools must support the creation and display of pages in languages other than English. This includes:4.2.1. Displaying content items including special characters (Unicode support) 4.2.2. Searching for content?4.2.3. Navigating website structures4.3. ?The WCM must allow users to toggle to other available languages where that content is available, without having to navigate to the homepage or a language selection page or a separate language site. 4.4. ?The WCM must list all content pieces that are due for translation in a centralized location allowing a translation team to translate and move the content forward via workflow. Content translations request should be tagged as ‘new content’ or ‘content update’ or ‘machine translated’ to allow translation teams to prioritize the translation verification process. 4.5. ?The WCM must enable content and page publishing using the created content language and allow the supported secondary and tertiary content to be published at a later date without impacting the created pages and content. 4.6. ?The WCM must provide a service to translate English text to additional languages. This can be via built in service, or integration service. 5. Front End Presentation5.1. The WCM must support full control of HTML and CSS output for customizability of user interface.5.2. The WCM tool must support the ability to meet the Government of Nova Scotia’s standards for Website Design and Content by allowing for control of all HTML output, and the separation of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The current standards are available via:. ?The WCM system must support specification, generation and maintenance of URLs that facilitate effective navigation of websites. This includes: ?5.4.1. Generation of plain-language (human-readable) URLs. ?5.4.2. The generation of some URLs needing special characters ?5.4.3. Specification and generation of customizable marketing URLs ?5.4.4. Creation of URL aliases and server-redirects including from legacy URLs to current resources, ideally with the appropriate HTTP codes. 5.5. ?The WCM must be able to ensure that all URLs are hyperlinked. 5.6. ?The WCM should be able to keep statistics on URLs that have been clicked on by visitors. 5.7. ?The WCM must support the creation of site navigation customizable to a specific website, sub- site or application. 5.8. ?The WCM must support multiple menu systems and allow for hierarchies of navigation. 5.9. ?The WCM must automatically scale and adjust resolution of images stored in the asset management repository and delivered by the CMS based on browser type, browser device to ensure device optimized experiences. 6. Device and Browser Compatibility7. Integration and Interoperability7.1. ?The WCM system should support development of applications using tools and programming frameworks separate from the WCM system. 7.2. ?The WCM system should provide an API to support interoperability with external systems including: ?7.2.1.Development of applications (content API, metadata API) 7.2.2.Extensibility of the WCM environment.?7.2.3.Tool integration with other content management software. 7.3. ?The WCM system should comply with industry standards to facilitate integration with other platforms and applications. 7.4. ?The WCM system should interface with external directory services for authentication and authorization using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). 7.5. ?The WCM system should provide the ability to function with other third-party content management and web development tools and modules including: ?7.5.1.Website analytics and reporting tools. 7.5.2.Link checking utility tools. 7.5.3.HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS and accessibility checkers and validators.7.5.4.External search engines (ex. Google Search Appliance).7.6. ?The WCM system must enable direct integration with a search engine tool (Google Search Appliance) into the content repository for returning real time results. 7.7. ?The WCM must allow for integration with content and document repositories such as filenet, database and 3rd party digital asset management systems. 7.8. ?The WCM must allow development teams to create and promote generic tools and modules that can be re-used across sites. 7.9. ?The WCM must be able to deliver content to 3rd party applications through a content access application program interface. 7.10. The WCM must provide a methodology to export the content into a machine readable format (such as XML) that could be imported (migrated) to another content management system if required.7.11. ?The WCM must support export of content. 7.12. ?The WCM must support import of content. 7.13. ?The WCM must support syndication of content (RSS feeds). 7.14. ?The WCM must support consuming of syndicated content. (RSS feeds) 7.15. ?The WCM must provide the ability to surface application content using open standards based framework (e.g. REST, SOAP, JSR-286, OpenSocial) in modules that can be easily added to a page (drag and drop) by a content author.7.16. The WCM must support integration with Adobe LiveCycle forms engine for rendering of HTML5 forms, production of PDF files.7.17. The site structure and navigation control tools in the WCM must support linking to third party applications and content outside the WCM.7.18. The WCM delivery tool must be able return pages to an end users web request from the WCM repository, 3rd part application interfaces (web services), 3rd party application pages(e.g. A2B application) and integrated social media platforms such as twitter.8. Accessibility8.1. The WCM tool must use standards compliant validated semantic mark-up to ensure that content displayed on the presentation layer meets regulations and guidelines for accessibility as outlined by Communications Nova Scotia at the following URL: . The WCM must allow for the inclusion of WAI-ARIA attributes.9. Digital Asset Management10. Content10.1. The WCM system must include support for a wide variety of file and data types types including:10.2. Documents and text (for example, MS office suite, PDF, Rich text format (RTF), ANSI text, Unicode text, XML and HTML).10.3. ?Support for standard image formats (JPEG, PNG, and SVG). 10.4. ?The WCM must support, at a minimum, the following content types: 10.4.1. ?Blockoftext/HTML 10.4.2. ?Block of text/HTML with integrated media (images, audio, video) 10.4.3. ?Individual media elements (images, audio, video) 10.4.4. ?Applications written in any language (, Java, PHP, Python, etc.) 10.5. Content must be able to be imported and exported from the WCM System. Preferably in XML format.10.6. ?Content must have metadata elements to aid in searching and categorizing. 10.7. ?Rich media (for example, audio and standard video file formats such as mp3, mp4, webm, ogg.)..The WCM system must provide ability to add new content types.10.8. The WCM must allow the ability to easily create redirects using 301 (Moved Permanently) or 302 (Moved temporarily).10.9. The WCM system must provide ability to incorporate dynamic content (for example, from a core database or application).10.10. The WCM system must support addition of client-side and server-side code for unique applications not in the main feature set.10.11. The WCM system must support reuse of CSS styles and classes. The page style information will be kept separate from the content, and should be reusable across many pages.10.12. The WCM system should provide guidance and enforcement capabilities regarding the use of standard templates and style-sheets.10.13. Authorized content developers must have the ability to override system guidance and enforcement for templates and style-sheets in order to address special cases.10.14. The WCM system must be able to generate output in conformance with defined website standards including: HTML 5, CSS 3, XHTML, JavaScript, and avoid requiring closed and/or patented platforms (e.g. Flash, Silverlight, Air, certain PDFs)10.15. The WCM system must allow single content instances to be rendered in multiple channels.The WCM system should enable content resources to be reusable in other applicationsincluding:?10.16.1. RSS feeds.?10.16.2. Generated documents.10.17. The WCM system should be able to serve sites on different domains (, ) microsites ( and subdomains eg: ( The WCM system must support synchronization, automatically updating appropriate content used by multiple pages or sites so that it remains consistent.10.19. The WCM system must support inbound and outbound content syndication (RSS, JSON, etc).10.20. The WCM system must support aggregation and presentation of information from external sources.10.21. The WCM system must support importing and exporting of information using open protocols (for example, XML, JSON).10.22. The WCM must be able to support custom content types with attributes defined at design/build time that can be used or included on pages created throughout the WCM solution.10.23. The WCM must be able to search custom content types based on the values specified in the attributes as well as metadata about the content (author, review status, etc).10.24. The WCM must support creation of modules, or surface government backed data through an easy to use application interface.10.25. The WCM content authorizing experience must be intuitive such that a first time user could contribute content immediately.10.26. The WCM must support find-and-replace searches site wide allowing site owners to collaborate on site updates.10.27. ?The WCM should allow tokens to allow customization and personalization 10.28. ?The WCM must allow content to be created and re-used across various government sites.10.29. The WCM must enforce metadata tagging on specific content types if configured.10.30. ?The WCM must allow content to be found via search engine after it has been published. 10.31. ?The WCM must provide out of the box content types to be skinned and used as desired by content authors. This may include content types such as URLs, Files, Articles, Memos, Videos, Maps, Events, RSS feeds, (Application Functionality, Portal), Navigation.10.32. The WCM must support out of the box content types to cover surveys, polls and input forms that allow a content author to quickly create a dynamic wizard for capturing user data and applying for government programs and services.10.33. The WCM must support saving of data entered into input forms if the user is logged in, allowing them to continue the process at a later time.10.34. The WCM content and pages must support metadata relating to the creation, usage, modified by, date time and expiration of the content.10.35. The WCM must support creation and edits to friendly URLs and the publishing of those friendly URLs per managed site.10.36. ?The WCM must have a built in spell checker and thesaurus available to content authors. 10.37. ?The WCM must enable creation of sites that use the WET open source code library for building websites that are accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile-friendly and multilingual.10.38. The WCM must support content scheduling indicating when a piece of content should be active vs. when deactivated automatically.10.39. The WCM must provide an accessibility checker interface (e.g. WET / WAI / Section 508 compliance) for doing site wide verification of accessibility checklists.10.40. The WCM must have a link checker tool that ensures the delivered website does not have dead links.11. Content Targeting and Personalization12. Citizen Generated Content12.1. The WCM must support generation of user (citizen) generated content and allow site owners to moderate content before it is made available to all citizens.12.2. The WCM must support moderated forums for citizens to discuss and engage with government employees.12.3. The WCM must support integration with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and others.13. Delivery of Mobile Content and Application Content13.1. The WCM must manage sessions both for anonymous and users logged into the delivered web page sites.13.2. The WCM must be able to deliver content in ‘non-marked-up-form’ through a mobile application API if desired.14. Templates14.1. Web pages should be created from templates to ensure consistent, predictable renderings for the Web environment. The WCM system should allow designers to focus on building templates.14.2. Subject experts should be able to build content in an environment separate from the published website.14.3. The WCM must allow flexible movement of content pieces within the pages created from the template.14.4. The WCM must allow templates to be re-skinned easily with across existing pages without editing every page of the site.14.5. The WCM must allow the navigation to be easily controlled (addition, removal and creation of navigational elements should not require any code changes) through easy to useinterface eg;drag and drop.14.6. The WCM must allow pages to appear under multiple navigation targets and not strictly link delivered site navigation to organization of content within the WCM.14.6.1. ?Must be able to navigate from links, menus, and search results. 14.6.2. ?Must be able to generate menus, links, and other structures from metadata. 14.7. ?Web page design should be based on reusable templates. 14.8. ?Templates should be selectable on a page by page basis. 14.9. ?Templates must be independent of the content they support. 14.10. ?Templates should be inheritable. A template specified for a particular page of the site should be used by all sub-pages unless otherwise specified.14.11. ?The WCM must support administrator created templates. 14.12. ?The WCM must support templates which contain multiple content items. 15. Workflow15.1. The WCM must provide a content staging environment where all content, links, user experience and functionality can be tested before being promoted live.The WCM must support drag and drop functionality to adjust the layout of pages andallow content authors to quickly create pages.15.3. The WCM must support a workflow that can function across sites and include content types, pages, navigation, digital assets (and all artifacts) relating to the change being put through a business process.15.4. The WCM must have simple out of the box workflows to support content reviews, content publishing.15.5. The WCM must support creation of complex workflows to support translations, content reviews, content staging, release planning, content expiration.15.6. The WCM must support workflow activities that can be both group and directly assigned tasks. (I.e. members of a content authoring group can pick up any task as it is created)15.7. The WCM must be able to use email notification service to inform individuals and groups of workflow tasks assigned to them.15.8. (in addition to clicking on “go” buttons) Workflows can be initiated by various system triggers (e.g. a document is uploaded, clock strikes 12:00, etc.)15.9. Workflow?15.9.1. Workflow Management15.9.1.1. Workflow overrides for those with appropriate privileges16. Metadata16.1.1. The WCM system must provide metadata generation and management facilities.16.1.2. The WCM system should support use of a third-party metadata generation and management tool.WCM Requirements Page 14The WCM system needs the ability to customize workflow.The WCM system should be able to version control workflow changes.The WCM system should indicate the current step in the workflow to provide context to users and clarity and current status of content.Metadata facilities must include the following capabilities: Import metadata elements, keywords and schemas from existing metadata management tools. Assign or generate content item keywords and metadata elements when content is created. Facilitate metadata assignment and generation through pick lists, selection from existing schemas and through interface with thesauri. Review and approve metadata along with the content item(s) as part of review and approval workflow steps.16.1.4. Metadata facilities should provide ability to customize the metadata elements used by the department.16.1.5. Metadata facilities should support use of the Dublin Core metadata element set.16.1.6. Expose metadata through a metadata API16.1.7. Allow for the mixing of metadata content with HTML such as RDFa or microdata16.1.8. The WCM should automatically index content, for searching.16.1.9. The WCM should automatically index uploaded files, for searching. The tool can be configured to index only certain file types (e.g. doc .docx .pdf, etc.)16.1.10. Searches should use metadata and content indexes.16.2. The WCM must support a taxonomy metadata tagging & thesaurus library which allows site organization, search and personalization features to relate common keywords, acronyms, and colloquial terms to ‘Government Terminology’. (e.g. Someone searches for ‘pogey’ and search results appear as if ‘Employment Insurance’ was searched.) The thesaurus should be easily amended by content authors.16.2.1. Taxonomy should support synonyms16.2.2. Taxonomy should allow hierarchical control – enterprise taxonomy and local taxonomy 16.3.17. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)XML sitemap generation for external search indexing17.2. SEO functionality to generate keyword and metadata based on page content as well as additional custom metadata when required.17.3. Ability to customize page titles18. WCM Administrative Interface19. Documentation and Training20. Support21. Government Expertise22. Security and Performance23. Content MigrationAuthorization must be managed through group membership.Authentication must be managed via LDAPAuthorization must be able to be managed on a page by page basis.Authorization should be inheritable. All sections below a particular node should use the security settings assigned for13.1 The WCM system should allow for exporting / importing of clean reusable website content through industry standard methods such database export, XML, TXT, JSON, CVS or HTML with minimum effort.24. Development25. Analytics25.1. The WCM must provide or integrate with an analytics tool to give content authors ability to record success of web content.25.2. The WCM must provide the ability for content authors to test content by providing alternate pathways to gather analytics data about web experiences. (e.g. One user may experience navigation A and another user would experience navigation B, and the success of finding content will be measure the success of method A vs. B)25.3. The WCM and analytics tool must create easy to read reports that can guide content authors to continually test and improve content.25.4. The WCM must automatically track page impressions and related information about the traffic of the page.25.5. ?The CMS must allow for the use of Google Analtyics 25.6. ?The CMS must support the the easy creation of Analytics event tags The WCM should provide the ability to track clicks on URLs place on a page.26. Further thoughts:26.1. ?Avoid seat-limits for developers and content creators 26.2. ?Avoid steep learning curves: use common and open tools and languages 26.3. ?Avoid expensive or proprietary training 26.4. ?Must run on WIN 2012 r2 – SQL Server or a RHEL LAMP stack. ................

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