September monthly SG - CBC

Learning English with CBC Edmonton

Monthly feature story: Training to excite September 2013

Learning plan created by Justine Light

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Feature Story Objectives

CLB competency outcomes

Listening: Reading: Speaking: Writing:

Training to excite

L: Identify factual details and some implied meanings in extended narration; identify situation, purpose of speech, and relationship between speakers. R: Access, locate, integrate, interpret, and analyze information contained in a two or three page moderately complex text S: (knowledge and strategies) Produce intelligible and communicatively effective pronunciation focussing on linked sounds W: Use a note taking table to take effective notes and avoid plagiarism

Language skills


Use vocabulary words in context


Understand and use present simple


Understanding linked sounds

Language Activities (in order of appearance in materials)

Completing pre-listening activities to build vocabulary and prepare learners for audio Listening to the audio to identify facts and details Listening to audio to identify which comments and opinions came from which speaker Identifying meanings of simple present forms Recognising linking sounds in speech and understanding when words link Completing pre- reading vocabulary activity Reading for meaning ? Identify true false statements, sometimes with inferred meaning Reading strategies ? developing skills to build sentence structure skills Writing notes using a table to be clear and concise and avoid plagiarism

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The Audio

In this audio, you will hear CBC journalist Adrienne Lamb during a visit to Canadian Forces Base Wainwright speaking with Colonel Anderson about a novel training program known as `Training to excite.'

Photo credit: Adrienne Lamb

Before you listen: Do you have any family members in the military? Does your home country have military service?

Getting started

SPEAKER Adrienne Lamb Colonel Anderson Adrienne Lamb Colonel Anderson

TRAINING TO EXCITE Colonel Dave Anderson takes a slurp of coffee from his travel mug.

From the coolest cup holder on the coolest car on the planet.

This car is a LAV. A light armoured vehicle rumbling down a muddy dirty road. And the cup holder - a gift from his troops. Magnetic? It's magnetic. Necessity is the mother of invention - and they really don't want to piss off the boss by spilling his coffee again so we now have the very first magnetic LAV cup holder.

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Pre-listening vocabulary

The words below are from the audio. The definitions are next to the words. Read the definitions then complete the sentences on the following page.



A. slurp (noun/verb)

eat or drink something with a loud sucking noise

B. armoured (adjective)

covered with metal for defense

C. rumbling (verb/present participle)

a continuous, deep sound

D. laden [with] (adjective)

weighed down by something

E. dude (noun)

informal for a man

F. unfold (verb)

open or spread out from a folded position

G. practice their craft (expression)

to do the activity you have trained for

H. arduous (adjective)

difficult and tiring and need strenuous effort

I. craving (verb/present participle)

a powerful desire or want for something

J. live (adjective)

when military exercises uses weapons in a practice situation

K. enlisting (verb/present participle)

to sign up for the armed forces

L. combat (noun)

fighting between armies

M. scramble (verb)

to rush to do something quickly

N. lugging ( verb/present participle)

carry something very heavy

O. antsy (adjective)

feel impatient or restless

P. strides (verb)

walk with long steps in a particular direction

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Use the vocabulary words to complete the following sentences.

(Answers can be found in the appendix.)

1. I heard a __________________ noise when the truck came around the corner. 2. I have been __________________ chocolate since I started my diet. 3. Once my daughter decided to go to College, we had to __________________ to get

her application in on time. 4. My children sometimes __________________ when they eat noodles so I have to

remind them to eat quietly. 5. I gave my friend a ride home as she was __________________ with so many

groceries. 6. My brother enjoys his life in the military. He likes not only the __________________

but also the opportunity to help in different parts of the world. 7. The soldiers always have to be extra careful when their practice exercises include

__________________ fire. 8. When we go camping, we have to __________________ a lot of our equipment

including our tent and sleeping bags in order to fit everything into the trunk. 9. When I went to visit my sister in Toronto I was __________________ two very

heavy suitcases. 10. Sitting on a plane all night makes me __________________ because I am not good

at doing nothing. 11. When I saw the President's car drive by, I noticed it was an __________________

car with dark windows. 12. This is a very __________________ class to take as you can expect at least four

hours homework tonight. 13. It is hard to walk around the park with my brother as he __________________ along

at a very fast pace. 14. I have three cousins in the army and now my brother is __________________ in the

navy. 15. Many teachers enjoy _________________________ and would rather teach than do

any other job.. 16. My older brother has always been a very cool __________________.

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