Microsoft Education Shape the Future K-12 program

Microsoft Education

Shape the Future K-12 program

Qualifying K-12 education institutions can purchase devices with discounted Windows licenses from Microsoft's partners.

About the Shape the Future program

Education is core to Microsoft's mission to empower every student on the planet to achieve more. We believe that providing your students with a platform that can grow with them is critical to long-term success and career-readiness. Microsoft is proud to work with a broad array of partners to offer the Shape the Future program to qualifying K-12 education customers for use by administrators, teachers, or students in primary or secondary schools. The Windows platform can support learners from kindergarten all the way through highly advanced technical courses, with the ability to run both lightweight and robust programs.

Next Steps

Verify eligibility and sign up for the Shape the Future program on the Microsoft Store for Education.

Microsoft's Shape the Future program allows qualifying* K-12 education institutions to purchase devices with discounted Windows licenses from Microsoft's partners. Program prices for Windows devices are set by technology partners who supply Windows devices. By registering for the program, and establishing your institution's eligibility, you will be qualified to purchase from our partners at the Shape the Future discounted prices.

Who is eligible for the Shape the Future program?

? K-12 education customers are eligible if they are Qualified Education Users*. These are the same requirements for Microsoft Volume Licensing agreements. Only purchases made for institutional use by the K-12 education institution are eligible.

? Learn more about Microsoft Volume Licensing in Education and Qualified Education User definitions.

Ready to get started with the Shape the Future program?

? K-12 education schools and districts can access the Shape the Future K-12 Program or contact their Microsoft representative.

? Verify eligibility and sign up for the Shape the Future program on the Microsoft Store for Education.

? Schools and districts in other markets are eligible for the Shape the Future program but need to contact their Microsoft representative for more information.

Already signed up and need help finding the right solution?

Find the right Windows education device for students, educators, and your school. Through Office 365 Education, Windows 10, OneNote Class Notebook and Minecraft: Education Edition, we continue to offer immersive and inclusive experiences that inspire learning. Learn more at education/.

* National Academic only product may be preinstalled on Customer Systems distributed directly to Eligible Purchasers or their designees, as specified in the MS LOE under a National Academic Offer. A "National Academic Offer" means a program under which a government, non-government organization (NGO) or education institution (also defined as an "Eligible Purchaser") will purchase Customer Systems during a 12-month period for Education Use. For purposes of National Academic Offers, "Education Use" means use by administrators, teachers, or students in primary or secondary schools.

Available in the following markets

Andorra Australia Austria Belgium Bulgaria Canada Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Faroe Islands Finland France Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Isle of Man Italy Japan Jersey

Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Monaco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Romania San Marino Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States Vatican City

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