How to reset centurylink c1100t


How to reset centurylink c1100t

If your C1100T (CenturyLink) router is not working as it should, dropping connections or not being responsive, you should first do a reset of the router to see if the problems persist. Other scenarios where you might want to reset your router is if you've forgotten the password or misconfigured it and can't get access anymore. Your can reset your Technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) in

the following way(s): The 30-30-30 reset There are no specific instructions for this model yet, but you can always do the 30-30-30 reset as follows: When router is powered on, press the reset button and hold for 30 seconds. (Use a paper clip or something sharp) While holding the reset button pressed, unplug the power of the router and hold the reset button for 30 seconds While

still holding the reset button down, turn on the power to the unit again and hold for another 30 seconds. This process usually works for resetting any router to it's factory setting. Note: It is worth reading more about how to reset routers with the 30 30 30 reset and what the risks and considerations are when resetting your router this way, instead of just rebooting it. To get access to

your Technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink), you need the IP of your device, the username and password. You'll find such information in the Manual of your Technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) router. But if you do not have the manual for your router or you do not want to read the whole manual to find the default login information then you can use the quick guide below. To get to the

router login page it's necessary that you are connected to the router. The default network name (SSID) is CenturyLinkXXXX . Technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) Login Guide Open your web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Opera or any other browser) Type (the default IP to access the admin interface) in the address bar of your internet browser to access the router's

web-based user interface. You should see 2 text fields where you can enter a username and a password. The default username for your Technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) is admin.The default password is (blank). Enter the username & password, hit "Enter" and now you should see the control panel of your router. If above login credentials doesn't work with your Technicolor

C1100T (CenturyLink) router then try this method Try different ID/password combinations that are widely used by Technicolor that you'll find below. In this list are the most popular default username and password combinations used by Technicolor. Sometimes the username and password doesn't work that we mentioned in the top of this guide. Then you can try these

username/password combinations below to get access to your Technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) wireless router. # Username Password 1adminadmin2adminpassword3admin4admin(blank)5(blank)admin6Administrator(blank)7User8userpassword9(blank)(blank)10admin123411root12Administratorprinted on router13userVTmgQapcEUaE14adminlocated on bottom of

router15''blank''(blank)16AdministratorBlank or Printed on Routers Label17user(blank)18fastweb(blank)19admin413527920Administratorblank or access key on label21root(blank)22'blank' 'blank' Default login IPs for my Technicolor router You tried different router IPs but nothing worked? Did you try the following IPs? In the list below we listed all known router IPs for the

manufacturer Technicolor. Maybe this will work for you. # Default Router IP 1192.168.1.12192.168.0.13192.168.1.254410.0.0.1510.0.0.1386192.168.100.1710.1.1.18192.168.10.19192.168.87.1 Manuals for Technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) Manual ? 1996-2014, , Inc. or its affiliates Default logins for technicolor 44 % IP Address: Username: admin

Password: password 19 % IP Address: Username: - Password: admin 19 % IP Address: Username: admin Password: admin 6 % IP Address: Username: - Password: root 6 % IP Address: Username: - Password: user technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) Router Login To Login as Admin at technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) Router

use the guide below. Connect your PC or Laptop via cable to your router. Or instead use your wireless network. Suggestion - It is recommended for the connection to be done by using a cable attached to the technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) router. That will prevent you from losing connection in the middle of the configuration / setup process. By using a web browser of your

choice and entering the IP address of your C1100T (CenturyLink) router in the address bar you will load the login screen. You can find the ip address on the back of your router. Now enter the default username and password of your router and you will be granted access to its admin panel. If you do not happen to know what the username and password is then feel free to lookup

some of the default ones for C1100T (CenturyLink) routers by technicolor. technicolor C1100T (CenturyLink) Routers Support If you experience problems logging in a C1100T (CenturyLink) router, then you are probably using the wrong username or password. Do not forget to store the login details after you have reset them. Forgot Login Password? Try the hard reset function. In

order to do this, press and hold the small black button usually situated at the back your router case for approximately 10 seconds. Doing so will reset your router to the factory settings. Router login page not loading? If for some reason the admin webpage fails to load, then check if the device you are using is connected to the wi-fi. You can also lookup what exact IP address has

been set as default for the router. In many cases problems related to loading the login screen of the router are related to it having a different IP from the one tried to be loaded. In this case, your network is most certainly using a different IP address. If that is the case, review our IP address router list, and find the right address. If you need any help, check out our tutorial on how to

find your router's IP address. Resetting your CenturyLink router or modem is a common troubleshooting step for network latency. It's also an easy way to start over with fresh settings on your network. Factory resetting your device will wipe all of your custom settings¡ªthis includes things like your WiFi password and network name. Be certain you're ready to proceed before

initiating a factory reset. If you aren't happy with your CenturyLink service, you may want to check out Xfinity. Howchoo may earn a small commission when you order products and services through our affiliate links. As CenturyLink and Qwest merge companies, we are working hard to combine our systems. By supplying your service address zip code we will be able to get you to

the right location. Thank you for your patience during the merger process. First of all, go and grab your modem. It should look like one of the two modems shown below: Source: CenturyLink There are a bunch of flashing lights that probably seem intimidating at first glance. The first thing we want to check is whether or not your modem is getting any power. On the far left side of the

box, you¡¯ll see the power light. It will look something like this: Source: CenturyLink We want to see a green power light, but your power light could be red, amber, or off altogether. Red or amber light You¡¯ll see a red or amber power light when the modem tests its own hardware. Hopefully the light will stay red for about 30 seconds and then transition to green. If it stays red, then

here are some possible reasons: You¡¯re using the wrong cord for power supply. Make sure you use the one they gave you. Your modem has overheated. Move your modem to a spot where it gets better air circulation. You¡¯re not getting enough power from your power strip or surge protector. Try plugging your modem directly into an outlet. If nothing else works, you can press the

reset button with a paperclip until the lights go out. This will reset your modem to factory defaults. No light at all If the power light isn¡¯t turned on, then you¡¯ll want to check the power cord and make sure it¡¯s plugged in. If it¡¯s plugged in and you¡¯re still not getting power, then it¡¯s possible that no power is coming through the outlet. If there¡¯s no power in the outlet, then you¡¯ve got a

bigger problem than an internet outage, friend. I¡¯d call an electrician. DSL, internet lights, and Wi-Fi lights Source: CenturyLink If your power light goes to green, the rest of the lights on your modem box should start to light up green as well. Here is a quick checklist of everything you need to make sure every other light goes green as well: For the DSL light, you want to make sure

you have an Ethernet cord plugged in to your box. If an Ethernet cord is plugged in and the port still isn¡¯t turning green, you should try a new Ethernet cord. The internet icon will turn solid green once your modem connects to the internet. If that icon flashes red or amber, it¡¯s either because your login information is incorrect, or the internet is down in your area. This would be a good

time to get in touch with technical support. Your Wi-Fi light will be turned off if you don¡¯t have it enabled. Here¡¯s how you can set up your CenturyLink Wi-FI: Open a web browser and go to . Select Wireless Setup. Select Basic Settings. Select Enable next to Wireless Radio. Select Apply to save changes. Long story short, if everything is plugged into your modem correctly, and the

internet isn¡¯t down in your area, your internet should work reliably.

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