HUDSON COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGECOURSE SYLLABUSTITLE OF COURSE: Data Structures and Advanced ProgrammingNUMBER: CSC 214-01TERM: Spring/YEAR: 2014CLASS MEETINGS: Tue 06:00 – 09:45 pm D207PREREQUSITE(S): CSC 115INSTRUCTOR: Juan P Rodriguez, PhDEMAIL ADDRESS:jprodrix@PHONE: (973) 416-4575 COURSE DESCRIPTION:The course examines Data Structures and their software implementation. Topics cpvered include top-down design, pointer variables and dynamic data structures, linked lists, stacks, queues, recursion, graphs, tree search and backtracking, and sorting/searching techniques.COURSE OBJECTIVES:Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:Master the implementation of Linked data StructuresUnderstand advanced data structures (hash tables, queues, stacks and graphs).Write recursive and graph algorithms (shortest path and minimum spanning tree)Use a variety of sorting algorithms including quick sort, merge sort and heap sort.3. TEXTBOOKS REQUIRED:D. S. Malik, C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, 6th Edition. Cengage Learning, 2013, ISBN-13: 9781133526322EVALUATION METHODS:Sources and pointsItemPointsMidterm exam200Final exam200Class Projects600TOTAL1000Grades and points required967 and up: A+934 – 966:A901 – 933:A-867 - 900: B+834 – 866:B801 – 833:B-701 - 800: C601 - 700:D600 and under: FCOURSE OUTLINE:WeekTopics102/04/14Introduction to Arrays(Book Chapter 08) and VideosIntroduction to Data Structures - Videos202/11/14Arrays – ContinuedTime Complexity in Programs302/18/14Linked Lists 01402/25/14Linked Lists 02503/04/14Stacks603/11/14Queues703/18/14Mid Term Exams – Lecture and Lab803/25/14Spring Break904/01/14Heaps1004/08/14Search Algorithms1104/15/14Sort Algorithms1204/22/14Binary Trees1304/29/14Graphs1405/06/141505/13/14Final Exams – Lecture and LabATTENDANCE POLICY:Classes: Students are expected to attend each class and to arrive on time. Regular attendance is vital because lectures are based on the material learned on the previous lecture.Assignments are due at the start of the class on their due date. A penalty of 10% will be charged for each day the assignment is late. No e-mailed assignments will be accepted unless under special circumstances and by prior arrangement with the Instructor.Exams (midterm and final): In general, no exams will be made up and a missed exam will have a grade of 0. In extraordinary circumstances, by prior arrangement or in cases of documented emergencies, exceptions will be made at the discretion of the Instructor. Missing an exam because of a vacation is not a valid reason. Schedule vacations around exams dates, not the reverse.USE OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DEVICES:No electronic devices will be used during the lectures or exams. During lectures, set your cell phone to vibrate and, if you need to use it, step out and do it outside the classroom.Cell phone texting and listening of mp3 players via earphones will be allowed, at the discretion of the instructor, during the lab portion of the class. Cell phone calls are to be done out of the class room.DISABILITY SUPPORT STATEMENT:Students with disabilities who believe that they might need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact, Disability Support Services at (201) 360-4157, as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.?? All disabilities must be documented by a qualified professional such as a Physician, Licensed Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC), Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychiatric Nurse, Licensed Social Worker or Licensed Professional Counselor, who is qualified to assess the disability that the student claims to have and make recommendations on accommodations for the student. ??All information provided to the Disability Support Services Program will be confidential between the program, professors involved with the student and individual student.ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT:Academic Integrity StandardsAcademic integrity is central to the pursuit of education. For students at HCCC, this means maintaining the highest ethical standards in completing their academic work. In doing so, students earn college credits by their honest efforts. When they are awarded a certificate of degree, they have attained a goal representing genuine achievement and can reflect with pride on their accomplishment. This is what gives college education its essential value.Violations of the principle of academic integrity include:Cheating on examsReporting false research data or experimental resultsAllowing other students to copy one’s work to submit to instructorsCommunicating the contents of an exam to other students who will be taking the same testSubmitting the same project in more than one course, without discussing this first with the instructorSubmitting plagiarized work. Plagiarism is the use of another writer’s words or ideas without properly crediting that person. This unacknowledged use may be from published books or articles, the Internet, or another student’s workWhen students act dishonestly in meeting their course requirements, they lower the value of education for all students. Students who violate the college’s policy on academic integrity are subject to failing grades on exams or projects, or for the entire course. In some cases, serious or repeated instances of academic integrity violations may warrant further disciplinary action. ................

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