Ashley Dunford1-23-2013Response 4Don’t you wish your skin would be as flawless as the celebrities you see on TV? Proactive has found a way to make you believe that by using their product your skin will be flawless, and acne free. Eleven, the advertising company that created the campaign, endorses popular celebrities and shows their “breakouts” and how proactiv “helps” clear their face. The commercials also show everyday, normal, people stating how practiv helped change their lives, and how much better their life is now their face is blemish free; all thanks to proactiv products. Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and Julianne Hough, to only name a few, are some of the famous faces you will see staring in the often seen commercials. According to , proactiv has more than 15 endorsed celebrities including singers, actors, dancers and athletes. Using all kinds of different celebrities opens your target audience range. With singers, and other performers, you draw attention of people who loved their last big hit, all the teenagers who have crushes on them, and the people who want to be like them. With athletes you open the door for people who play sports, watch sports, and people whom workout and sweat like you would if you were playing a sport. Another way the proactiv commercials persuade people, is by using everyday people. This makes the viewers see that they are not the only people experiencing blackheads, and blemishes. This tactic really plays with peoples emotions, making them feel like they are part of a large group of people and not sticking out to the public. When the commercial shows random people who have used proactiv they show a before photo, where the person has their hair thrown up, or all messy, they don’t look happy, their face is red and they have zits everywhere. Showing short after, is the picture of the same person after they used proactiv, with a huge smile, dressed nicely, hair is done, and their skin in flawless. Not one blemish to be seen. To close out the commercial, they show the “special offers” you can receive when, and if, you purchase proactiv. A lot of the times they will give you a discounted price if you order at the time of the commercial. And if you order soon, they say they will throw in a free facemask, or a free brush, or something free from the proactiv collection. Proactiv also offer a free trial, where if you are not happy with your results then you can receive your money back. This helps plant the idea that this company is so confident in their product working they are willing to give money back, if someone is not happy with the results, so we are persuaded that the product really does work. Sometimes the popular celebrity who spoke in the beginning will show back up on screen and say a few last words, so we remember that we to can have a perfect face like the celebrities we see on TV.Is proactiv worth the money?How much are the celebs being paid to talk about the product?“success’ stories? ................

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