
• Students will understand the reactions, reservoirs, and pathways of the carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur and water cycles.

• Students will understand the impact of human intervention on the carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur and water cycles.


You will work in groups of 3-4. Each student will complete their packet. FYI, . I will be collecting 1 packet (randomly) from each group and grading that packet.

1. Draw the biogeochemical cycles. You may use the textbook, access the websites listed below, or your own Internet search from more information.

2. On the back of the each diagram, you must include the following information for each cycle:

a. Chemical reactions involved

b. Inorganic and organic reservoirs for the element

c. Pathway(s) of movement

d. Impact of human intervention on the cycle

3. Please include the additional information for each cycle listed below

1.) Carbon cycle tutorial (p. 67)

• Explain the relationship of photosynthesis & respiration in the carbon cycle

• Identify 5 ways carbon is released into the atmosphere

• What % of the atmosphere is CO2

• Identify 4 Carbon sinks

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2.) Phosphorus cycle tutorial (page 70)

• Identify if the phosphorus cycle has a gaseous component

• List 3 ways humans have impacted the phosphorous cycle

• Explain the connection between phosphorous, fertilizers and algae blooms. Be sure you define eutrophication.

(click on phosphorous cycle)

3.) Nitrogen cycle (page 68)

• Explain the process of nitrogen fixation (through bacteria, lightning and industry).

• Define Ammonification, and denitrification.

• Define: Nitrification and Assimilation


4.) Review the sulfur cycle (page 71)

• Explain the formation, common sources, and ecological importance of the following sulfur compounds/molecules SO42-, SO2, CH3SCH3, H2SO4, and S2-.

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5.) Review the water cycle (page 66 and 375)

Visit the website􀃆 Watch the animations on the water cycle. Explain the role of condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, evapotranspiration, and how humans can negatively affect them.


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