Human Impact on the Environment World Population and Exponential Growth ...

Human Impact on the Environment

World Population and Exponential Growth ? As the human population grows what might be the impact on the following: 1. Resources ____________ and ______________________ 2. Loss of _______________________________ (different species in an area) 3. Global ______________________________ Change

Migration ? ___________________________________________ ? Individuals moving _____________________ of an area ? Country to country ? City to city ? ___________________________________________ ? Individuals moving ___________________ a new area ? Country to country ? City to city Why do humans move from one area to another? ? __________________________ (food, shelter, space, mates) Other animal species move for the same reasons! Problem: Can we emigrate from the Earth???

? __________________ ? __________________

Resource use ? As population increases, demand for food, water, and land increases ? ____________________________________ resources ? _____________________________, sunlight, water ? ____________________________________ (cannot be renewed in the environment) ? _______________ _________________, fresh drinking water, nutrient rich soil ? Growing use of nonrenewable resources may lead to a ____________________________ ? Resources must be properly ___________________________________

Resource use Negative impacts

? Food ? ____________________________________ (one type of crop) farmlands replace natural habitats

? Water ? Diverting of natural waterways for ____________________________ (Las Vegas)

? Land ? Habitat ___________________________________ to construct new living structures ? Displaced ____________________________________ ? Urbanization ? _____________________ (flooding because of increased paving of roads, parking lots) ? Beach erosion ? Structures on beaches aid in the movement of sand ? Loss of _______________________________________

Human Impact on the Environment

Waste and pollution ? ______________________ farming ? Waste ___________________________ from lagoons ? Poo in the water ? Factory emissions (burning of fossil fuels) ? Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide react with ________________________ molecules ? Creates _________________ _________________ ? Mount Mitchell ? __________________________ __________________________ ? CO2 is a greenhouse gas (keeps _______________________ in, global climate change)

Pollution and range of tolerance

? The ability of an organism to withstand fluctuations in environmental factors is known as tolerance.

? Factors

? ______________

? ___________________ level

? ____________________________

? Nitrogen concentration

? ____________________________

Waste and pollution ? _____________________________________________ ? Buildup of a chemical in an ______________________________________ ? Occurs when an organism absorbs a substance faster than they can ___________________ it ? Pesticides, mercury ? Biomagnification ? Buildup of a chemical as it moves up the food _________________________ ? _____________________________ ? DDT: water zooplankton fish #1 fish #2 seagull ? DDT concentration in seagull was much ____________________________ than in water ? Mercury ? Mad as a hatter ? Sharks have a _______________________ level (top of the food chain!)

Human Impact on the Environment Waste and pollution

? CFCs ? __________________________________________________ ? Found in ______________________________, refrigerants, solvents ? Heavy use of CFCs caused the depletion of the ___________________________ layer ? Ozone layer protects us from harmful ______________ radiation ? CFCs also act as a greenhouse gas (keeps _______________________ in) ? Banned in 1989

Loss of biodiversity

? Biodiversity

? ___________________ of life in an area

? Availability of food and medicines

? ______________ ________________ is the leading cause of the decrease in biodiversity

Benefits of biodiversity ? A wide __________________________ of different species of organisms living in an ecosystem ? More biodiversity = More ________________________________ in the ecosystem ? Biodiversity ? forest ? No biodiversity ? corn field, ________________________________ lawn ? Biodiversity allows ecosystems to better _________________________ a catastrophic environmental event

Which forest is more diverse ? It's not about the number of ____________________________________ ? It's about the number of different ________________________________ in a given area

Reasons for loss of biodiversity ? Invasive species ? Nonnative species inhabit an area with no natural ________________________ (kudzu, stink bugs) ? Invasive species thrive and outcompete ____________________________ species ? Endangered species ? A species that is likely to go _________________________________ ? Causes ? Habitat _____________________________, pollutants, invasive species

Global climate change ? Greenhouse gases ? Hold ______________________________ in the atmosphere ? Carbon dioxide ? Cars, factories ? Loss of carbon __________________________ through deforestation ? Methane ? Source of _____________________________________ ? Cow farts, rice farming ? Nitrous oxide ? Burning anything!

Human Impact on the Environment

Global climate change **Increase in greenhouse gases __________________________ the overall temperature of the Earth*** By 2100, expected increase of 2?F to 11.5?F

? Habitats change too _________________________________ ? Species cannot _________________________ quick enough ? Leads to _________________________ extinction

Carbon dioxide and global warming

Management of resources ? Earth's resources must be used _____________________________________ ? Careless use of resources makes them ____________________________________ to future generations ? Easter Island is an example of irresponsible resource use.

Ecological footprint

? An ecological footprint is the amount of __________________________ needed to support a person.

? The land must produce and maintain enough

? ______________ and ______________

? ________________________

? _____________________________

? ________________________

? Several factors affect the size of the ecological footprint.

? amount and ______________________________ of resource use

? amount and ______________________________ of waste produced

Human Impact on the Environment

Ecological footprint problem ? Earth cannot _______________________ the human population if all people consumed goods at the same rate as America ? Why is this a problem?


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