Kindergarten - NJCTL

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Human Impact on Earth Systems


Table of Contents

? Intro to Human Resources ? Earth's Resources

Click on the topic to go to that section

? Taking Care of the Land

? Trash

? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

? Human Impact on Land

? Human Impact on Forests

? Human Impact on Water

? Treating Water

? Wasting Precious Water

? Water Around the World

? What Can You Do?

? Human Impact on Air

? Human Impact at Home

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Teacher Notes

This unit is about human impact on earth's systems. The students will learn that people do things to live comfortably. The things people do can affect the world around them. The students will learn that they can make choices that will reduce their impact on the land, water, air, and other living things in their local environment.

Introduction to Human Impact

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Human Impact

The planet Earth needs to stay healthy in order function at its best. We need good health to survive. Without good health, the Earth wouldn't be able to do the things we need most. The Earth needs to grow healthy plants and animals. It needs to provide clean air and water. It also needs to have beautiful places for us to visit. For this to happen we must take care of the Earth.

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Human Impact

Things that people do to live comfortably can affect the world around them. Humans use natural resources for everything they do.

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Human Impact

We need to keep ourselves and the Earth alive and healthy. We need to own and use things in a way that will help us have a nice life but will not hurt the Earth. We must learn how to be thoughtful shoppers. We should ask ourselves questions before we ask our parents to buy for us.

Human Impact

Questions to ask... 1.Do I need this object or do I want it? 2.Will having this object make my life easier or happier? 3.Will I still be using this object in a few days, weeks, or months? If you can answer yes to these questions then it might be a good idea to buy the thing you desire.

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1 We must take care of the Earth so _______.

A we have healthy plants and animals B we have dirty air C we have no beautiful places to visit

2 People use natural resources for everything they do. True False

3 You should buy something just because you want it.

True False

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Earth's Resources

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Earth's Resources

People rely on earth's resources to supply their needs for food, water, and shelter. There are two types of resources: renewable and nonrenewable.

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Earth's Resources

A renewable resource is one that can be replaced within a reasonable period of time.

For example, forests are replanted to replace trees used for building. It still takes forest many years to grow.

one year

twenty-five years ten years

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