
China BlurbsCoronavirus Is the Chinese Government’s Curse upon the Worldby David Harsanyi, Senior Writer at National Review March 21, 2020The communist Chinese have been far more effective in stopping the spread of information about the coronavirus than in stopping the spread of the coronavirus itself. For example, China recently expelled most American journalists from the country.Early on, the communists destroyed samples and suppressed vital information that could have helped mitigate the damage of this new strain of the coronavirus. The government also silenced doctors who warned about the disease. Some were censured for “spreading rumors” or sharing test results with colleagues, and some were forced to write self-critical public letters—a Marxist mainstay—admitting that the warning “had a negative impact.” The Chinese communists probably let 5 million people leave Wuhan without screening, according to The Wall Street Journal.The Chinese communists, like all communists, hide societal problems. There is no public discussion of crime, disease, or addiction in the collectivist state. This kind of secrecy and dishonesty can be disastrous, especially in a highly interconnected world.Though millions of Chinese have been lifted out of extreme poverty through free trade, with modernity should come some basic responsibilities like honestly warning the world of a highly contagious disease on the loose. Honest governments would have done that. It’s important to stress that it’s not the Chinese people who are the problem. Just look at their success in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States. The Chinese Communists who run the government are the problem. QUESTIONS1. Why do ALL communist/totalitarian governments hide societal problems? (See Paragraph 5)The next information you read will give you ‘chilling’ insight into how the communists govern. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGEChinese Communist Treatment of Minorities Page 2 CHINA IMPRISONS MUSLIMS IN INTERNMENT CAMPS May 8, 2019China has imprisoned more than a million members of the country's Uighurs, a minority group who are largely Muslim, locked inside massive government internment camps which China says are "re-education centers."Chinese Communist leaders are accused of forcibly arresting and detaining well over a million Muslims in an effort to eradicate Uighur cultural and religious practices. Using Communist Party propaganda, party officials are attempting to instill OBEDIENCE and LOYALTY TO THE STATE rather than loyalty to Allah and their family traditions. What the Chinese are doing to the Uighurs is known as "cultural genocide."NOTE: According to its 2018 regulations on religious affairs, China sees ALL religion, religious fasting, and praying as extremism that potentially threatens government control. China says the camps are merely "vocational education training centers" and that the program, which locks up members of the Uyghur population identified through China's massive surveillance web, is a form of combatting terrorism.A forced ‘re-education’ complex in China used to detain (imprison) Uighur MuslimsSome of the first targets of China’s efforts to collectivize and arbitrarily detain Uighurs in Xinjiang were Uighur students studying abroad, living abroad, or with family living abroad. Many were lured back to Xinjiang—with threats levied against their families if they did not return—only to be arbitrarily detained in the estimated 143 camps where there are reports of torture, self-criticism sessions, and even limited reports of death in the camps. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE MORE UIGHUR PERSECUSTION: CHINESE COMMUNIST COMMIT CULTURAL GENOCIDE Page 3The Chinese Communist Party has razed dozens of Uighur Muslim cemeteries in western Xinjiang province. China has taken over Uighur burial rites and replaced them with Communist Party-controlled cremations staged in “burial management centers” that ban religious activity surrounding the handling of a person’s remains. The Communist Party used the camps to excuse the replacement of private burials with ‘burial management centers’, arguing that they are necessary because not enough young men remain free from the concentration camps to help carry bodies and perform burial rites.Survivors of the concentration camps say Beijing is subjecting Uighurs and other minorities to a host of human rights atrocities, including murder, rape, forced sterilization, and organ harvesting.The AFP’s reporters visited 13 destroyed cemeteries in Xinjiang and reported finding human remains thoughtlessly strewn across the empty plots where tombs used to be. Local officials dismissed concerns about disrespecting the dead, denying that the bones were human. In Shayar the local government has built new cemeteries near some of the old sites. The rebuilt sites “saved space, protected the ecosystem” and were “civilized,” a communist official said. “The new cemeteries are STANDARDIZED, clean, and they’re convenient for residents.” Uighur families are traditionally buried in the same cemeteries for generations, meaning that the sites serve as historical milestones where individuals can come to study their genealogy and their culture. Uyghur Islamic tradition requires family to have the ability to clean the body, then offer family prayers before burying the person among his or her ancestors.Uighurs whose cemeteries have been destroyed told the AFP that they feel that the Communist Party has launched a campaign to erase them from the history of China. Far from Beijing, Uighur identity developed distinctly in Xinjiang and has little in common with the Han Chinese culture dominant in the rest of the country.QUESTIONS2. For what reason(s) is the Communist Party committing ‘cultural genocide against the Uighurs? Why desecrate their burial grounds? 3. Chinese communists, and Russian communists before them, have been totally opposed to ALL religion. Why do communist leaders everywhere attempt to ‘eradicate’ religion?4. The terms ‘collectivist’, ‘collectivize’, and ‘standardize’ have been used in these articles in reference to communist government. Given what you have read, explain WHAT and WHY communists strive for a collectivist, standardized citizenry. OPTIONAL: If you want to know more about the ‘arbitrary’ and heartless nature of communism, do a little research on ‘organ harvesting’ in China (highlighted in green above). GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Page 4Uighur Academic Imprisoned, Sentenced to Execution November 18, 2019Tashpolat Tiyip, a Uighur geography professor and university president, faces imminent death. After vanishing in 2017 after he was detained on his way to a conference in Germany, Tiyip was reportedly given a secret trial and sentenced in September 2017 to a suspended death sentence. As was required (to hold a leadership position), he was a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Before his arrest, Tiyip, was respected as a model of how Uighurs could succeed within the Chinese system and even acknowledged by Chinese State Media as a “model minority leader.” But how did the “model minority leader” get into trouble with the Communist Party? According to reports, Tiyip was sentenced to death because the Chinese government suspected he was a separatist. Those who knew Tiyip say accusations of separatism are false. (Separatists want to break away from China and form their own government.) The exact details of how and why he was apprehended are largely unknown given that the trial was secret.Some of the first targets of China’s efforts to collectivize and arbitrarily detain Uighurs in Xinjiang were Uighur students studying abroad, living abroad, or with family living abroad. Many were lured back to Xinjiang—with threats levied against their families if they did not return—only to be arbitrarily detained in the estimated 143 camps where there are reports of torture, self-criticism sessions, and even limited reports of death in the camps. Former detainees confirm these abuses and others. There are reports of forced sterilization of Uighur women to control Uighur population growth. Tiyip’s situation, and the situation of the million or more Uighurs currently held in detention, is a realistic picture of what all powerful governments can and will do to its own citizens. QUESTION5. Tiyip’s trial was held in secrecy. Charges against him and his execution date have not been revealed. For what purpose has the Chinese Communist Party withheld this information? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Page 5 CHINA CENSORING MOBILE PHONE USEAFA Journal March 2020Government owned CHINA MOBILE LIMITED (CML) is the largest telecommunications service center in mainland China. Li, a former employee of CML recently revealed that he had been one of 500 employees whose job was to monitor users of the tech giant’s phones in order to discover and then censor remarks deemed sensitive, harmful, or critical by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Li reported that CML is cracking down on customers who use language considered sensitive by the Chinese government. Li stated that one such phrase considered sensitive and unacceptable to the government is ‘Almighty God’. Religion of any kind is strongly frowned upon by the CCP so using religious terminology even in a private phone conversations is banned by the government.Likewise, critical language directed at the government, government leaders, or official government policy is banned. To make anti-government statements, even by phone to a friend, can bring swift consequences. If sensitive or banned language is detected by phone surveillance, the user’s phone service is immediately deactivated. To be reactivated, users have to personally bring their identification cards to a phone service center where they will be required to sign a sworn statement that he or she will NEVER again share such sensitive information. A repeat violation is subject to more serious penalties ranging from permanent deactivation of phone service to loss of employment, or even jail time. The Chinese people do NOT enjoy the privilege of speaking openly and freely about government or religion because the LEFTIST government of China is oppressive and jealous of its power. But why are Communist rulers so opposed to God and religion? The Chinese Communist Party intends to rule every facet of the lives of its citizens. The government aims to reign supreme. Faith in God, from their viewpoint, would endanger their leftist agenda! QUESTION6. Do you think that the U.S. government might at some future time surveil your private phone conversations? Why or why not? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Page 6COMMUNIST OFFICIALS KEEP CITIZENSHIP SCORES, CENSOR INTERNET To monitor for unacceptable behaviors, China uses—in addition to phone monitoring—various forms of surveillance, including internet monitoring, video surveillance, and a “double-linked” household system, in which citizens are encouraged to spy on one another.? Government surveillance affects all Chinese citizens. The Chinese government has developed a ‘social credit system’ which monitors academic records, traffic violations, social media presence, quality of friendships, employment performance, consumption habits, and other topics.” As the system becomes more advanced, the government has become more aggressive in implementing repercussions. Chinese state media claims that 11 million air-travel trips have now been BLOCKED due to citizens’ low “social credit” scores. The report also examines China’s newest efforts at internet suppression, including the creation of the Cyberspace Administration of China, which shut down an estimated 128,000 websites in 2017. Additionally, platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as any information on topics such as Taiwan, the Dalai Lama, and the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre are all banned from the internet. It’s now estimated the government employs tens of thousands of individuals to restrict and monitor internet content, as well as to promote state propaganda.QUESTIONS7. Do you suppose the ‘tens of thousands of individuals’ hired to spy on their fellow citizens are spied upon themselves?8. Why would the Chinese government ban social media sites?9. Do you think Chinese citizens ever receive accurate, unbiased news about world events or even events that occur within China?10. Do you think Chinese citizens were warned of the dangers of Covid-19 in a timely manner?GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Page 7Final fact on Chinese Communist tyranny:“Of great importance in China is the ‘Five Forbidden’ policy dealing with religion. This policy prohibits 5 classifications of people—children under 18 years old, all students, Communist Party members, military personnel, and all public officials—from participating in religious practices.The level of oppression and tyranny directed at citizens of China is stunning. Their movements and words are constantly monitored. The Communist Party has developed surveillance technology so sophisticated that citizens enjoy little privacy and no secure place of concealment from the prying government. You have now read about LEFTIST GOVERNMENT initially based on Marxist principles and lived out in China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and numerous other countries during the ‘cold war’ period. Leftist government runs counter to everything traditional America, often referred to as the WEST or the RIGHT, has stood for since 1776. Below is a chart contrasting a few of the basic differences between leftist beliefs and our beliefs. Examine the list carefully.AMERICATHE LEFTfocused on individual rights collectivist with group rightspersonal freedom group standards always applyreligious freedom state religions or suppression of religionfree market capitalism socialist state control of economic activitylimited, small government BIG, intrusive government republican government/free elections ruled by powerful leadership/dictatorThe LEFT has produced misery, poverty, oppression, tyranny, famine, and death on a massive scale!AMERICA has produced wealth, prosperity, freedom, and individual liberty that is the envy of the world. As a young American, do you see the stocked shelves in stores, the roadways full of high priced automobiles, churches of numerous faiths scattered everywhere? Do you sleep each night well fed and in a warm bed, confident that you are safe in your own home? Can you look forward to a bright future--a future over which you have some amount of control? If so, be grateful. THANK GOD AND YOUR PARENTS for what you have and be willing to fight for America so that your children can enjoy those same blessings. Saudi Arabia has abolished flogging as a punishment, the state human rights commission said Saturday, hailing a "major step forward" in the reform programme launched by the king and his powerful son.Court-ordered floggings in Saudi Arabia -- sometimes extending to hundreds of lashes -- have long drawn condemnation from human rights groups.But they say the headline legal reforms overseen by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have brought no let-up in the conservative Islamic kingdom's crushing of dissent, including through the use of the death penalty.The state human rights commission said that the latest reform, which was reported by Saudi media including the pro-government Okaz newspaper, would ensure that no more convicts were sentenced to flogging."This decision guarantees that convicts who would previously have been sentenced to the lash will from now on receive fines or prison terms instead," its chairman, Awadhe most high-profile instance of flogging in Saudi Arabia in recent years was the case of blogger Raif Badawi who was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes in 2014 ................

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