
|United Nations Youth Summit |

|Group Rubric |

|Standard: SSCG6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of civil liberties and civil rights. |

|Criterion |1 |2 |3 |4 |Score |

|The student: |Below the Standard |Approaching the Standard |Meets the Standard |Exceeds the Standard | |

|Includes important background |Most of the background information |Some of the background information |Includes all of the background |Includes all of the requirements | |

|information about the country |is missing |is missing |information |plus additional and relevant |___x3 |

| | | | |information |=___ |

| | | | | |(12) |

|Summarizes the current political |Writes at least 1 sentence but the |Writes 1-2 sentences with accurate |Writes 3-5 sentences with accurate |Writes more than 3-5 sentences with| |

|situation in the country |evidence lacks accuracy |evidence |evidence and some detail |accurate evidence and ample detail |___x4 |

| | | | | |=___ |

| | | | | |(16) |

|Summarizes examples of human rights|Writes at least 1 sentence but the |Writes 1-2 sentences with accurate |Writes 3-5 sentences with accurate |Writes more than 3-5 sentences with| |

|violations in the country |evidence lacks accuracy |evidence |evidence and some detail |accurate evidence and ample detail |___x8 |

| | | | | |=___ |

| | | | | |(32) |

|Criterion |1 |2 |3 |4 |Score |

|The student: |Below the Standard |Approaching the Standard |Meets the Standard |Exceeds the Standard | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of civil |Includes none of the civil |Includes at least 1of the civil |Includes at least 1 of the civil |Includes 1 of the civil liberties | |

|liberties and civil rights |liberties and rights are included |liberties and rights and does not |liberties and rights and connects |and rights in own words, connects |___x8 |

|protected in the US Bill of Rights |and/or does not connect to human |connect to the human rights |to the human rights violations in |to the human rights violations in |=___ |

| |rights violations in the country |violations in the country. |the country. |the country, and provides own |(32) |

| | | | |opinion | |

|Designs a visually appealing and |Includes little or none of the |Includes most of the required |Includes all required elements of |Uses creativity to design all | |

|professional product |required elements of the poster; |elements of the poster; has few |the poster; uses correct spelling, |required elements of the poster and|___x2 |

| |has several spelling, grammar, and |spelling, grammar, and punctuation |grammar, and punctuation |includes additional and relevant |=___ |

| |punctuation errors |errors | |visuals; uses correct spelling, |(8) |

| | | | |grammar, and punctuation | |

| | |

|Grade Equivalents: A = 90-100 points B = 80-89 points C = 70-79 points Do Over! = 69 or Below |Total Points:____________(out of 100) |

Teacher Comments:

|United Nations Youth Summit |

|Individual Rubric |

|Standard: SSCG6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of civil liberties and civil rights. |

|Task: Write a persuasive letter to the country’s leader demanding change |

|Criterion |1 |2 |3 |4 |Score |

|The student: |Below the Standard |Approaching the Standard |Meets the Standard |Exceeds the Standard | |

|Demonstrates understanding of |Most of the elements of a formal |Some of the elements of a formal |All of the elements of a formal |All of the elements of a formal | |

|formal letter writing format |writing format are missing |writing format are missing |writing format are included. |writing format are included and the|___x4 |

| | | | |letter is typed with appropriate |=___ |

| | | | |spacing. |(16) |

|States a clear position |Lacks a reason for writing the |Provides a reason for writing the |Provides a strong reason for |Provides a few strong reasons for |___x7 |

| |letter |letter |writing the letter |writing the letter |=___ |

| | | | | |(28) |

|Supports the position |Writes at least 1 paragraph but the|Writes 1-2 paragraphs with accurate|Writes 2 paragraphs with accurate |Writes more than 2 paragraphs with |___x7 |

| |evidence lacks accuracy |evidence |evidence and some detail |accurate evidence and ample detail |=___ |

| | | | | |(28) |

|Provides a closure |There is no closure; the letter |The writer’s position is restated |The closure is recognizable; the |The closure is a strong, effective | |

| |just ends. |within the closing paragraph, but |writer’s position is restated |restatement of the writer’s |___x7 |

| | |not near the beginning of the |within the first two sentences of |position and begins the closing |=___ |

| | |paragraph; includes how the leader |the closing paragraph; includes how|paragraph; includes a strong stance|(28) |

| | |should address the situation |the leader should address the |on how the leader should address | |

| | | |situation with examples |the situation with convincing | |

| | | | |examples | |

|Grade Equivalents: A = 90-100 points B = 80-89 points C = 70-79 points Do Over! = 69 or Below |Total Points:____________(out of 100) |

|United Nations Youth Summit |

|Individual Rubric |

|Standard: SSCG6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of civil liberties and civil rights. |

|Task: Create a petition to urge President Barack Obama to take action. |

|Criterion |1 |2 |3 |4 |Score |

|The student: |Below the Standard |Approaching the Standard |Meets the Standard |Exceeds the Standard | |

|Demonstrates understanding of |Most of the elements of a petition |Some of the elements of a petition |All of the elements of a petition |All of the elements of a petition | |

|writing a petition |are missing |are missing |are included. |are included and the petition is |___x4 |

| | | | |typed with appropriate spacing. |=___ |

| | | | | |(16) |

|States a clear position |Lacks a reason for writing the |Provides a reason for writing the |Provides a strong reason for |Provides a few strong reasons for |___x7 |

| |petition |petition |writing the petition |writing the petition |=___ |

| | | | | |(28) |

|Supports the position |Writes at least 1 paragraph but the|Writes 1-2 paragraphs with accurate|Writes 2 paragraphs with accurate |Writes more than 2 paragraphs with |___x7 |

| |evidence lacks accuracy |evidence |evidence and some detail |accurate evidence and ample detail |=___ |

| | | | | |(28) |

|Provides a closure |There is no closure; the petition |The writer’s position is restated |The closure is recognizable; the |The closure is a strong, effective | |

| |just ends. |within the closing paragraph, but |writer’s position is restated |restatement of the writer’s |___x7 |

| | |not near the beginning of the |within the first two sentences of |position and begins the closing |=___ |

| | |paragraph; includes how the |the closing paragraph; includes how|paragraph; includes a strong stance|(28) |

| | |president should address the |the president should address the |on how the president should address| |

| | |situation |situation with examples |the situation with convincing | |

| | | | |examples | |

|Grade Equivalents: A = 90-100 points B = 80-89 points C = 70-79 points Do Over! = 69 or Below |Total Points:____________(out of 100) |

|United Nations Youth Summit |

|Individual Rubric |

|Standard: SSCG6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of civil liberties and civil rights. |

|Task: Design an educational pamphlet to raise awareness about human rights violations in the country. |

|Criterion |1 |2 |3 |4 |Score |

|The student: |Below the Standard |Approaching the Standard |Meets the Standard |Exceeds the Standard | |

|Demonstrates understanding of |Most of the elements of a pamphlet |Some of the elements of a pamphlet |All of the elements of a pamphlet |All of the elements of a pamphlet | |

|creating a pamphlet |are missing |are missing |are included. |are included and the letter is |___x4 |

| | | | |typed with appropriate spacing. |=___ |

| | | | | |(16) |

|States a clear position |Lacks a reason for creating the |Provides a reason for creating the |Provides a strong reason for |Provides a few strong reasons for |___x7 |

| |pamphlet |pamphlet |creating the pamphlet |creating the pamphlet |=___ |

| | | | | |(28) |

|Supports the position |Writes at least 1 paragraph but the|Writes 1-2 paragraphs with accurate|Writes 2 paragraphs with accurate |Writes more than 2 paragraphs with |___x7 |

| |evidence lacks accuracy |evidence |evidence and some detail |accurate evidence and ample detail |=___ |

| | | | | |(28) |

|Provides a closure |There is no closure; the pamphlet |The writer’s position is restated |The closure is recognizable; the |The closure is a strong, effective | |

| |just ends. |within the closing paragraph, but |writer’s position is restated |restatement of the writer’s |___x7 |

| | |not near the beginning of the |within the first two sentences of |position and begins the closing |=___ |

| | |paragraph; includes how people can |the closing paragraph; includes how|paragraph; includes a strong stance|(28) |

| | |address the situation |people can address the situation |on how people address the situation| |

| | | |with examples |with convincing examples | |

|Grade Equivalents: A = 90-100 points B = 80-89 points C = 70-79 points Do Over! = 69 or Below |Total Points:____________(out of 100) |


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