
The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation-37211036195005613986127000Presenting“The 3rd Annual Morning Glory Celebration - Year 2013”Featuring,“Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.”“Empowering The Prayers’ Of Holy Men & Women”General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Dean Of Academics & AdmissionsGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Prophetess, Counsellor, Priestess 5607050-9503800The Elated SalutationFirst and foremost I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, embrace this moment to salute and give deference to my Hallowed and Resurrected Savior, Yehovah-Christ Jesus for His Self-Sacrificial Kaphur on Calvaria’s Cross, also known as “The Place of the Skull.” Yes, it’s once again, that I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett count it such a great honor and privilege to embrace the sovereign grace and unrentless multitude of tender mercies that originates from the eternal mercy seat of Yehovah Jesus! Yes, it’s the resounding words of adulation, adoration and admiration embedded and saturated in my soul and spirit for such an awesome and divine eternal Deity who is revealed in the personage of Yehovah-Jesus!Secondly, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett also known as “The General Bishop & General Priestess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett” embrace this sanctified era to salute and give deference to my parents’ “The Elect General Apostle Elders’ Carlton Nathaniel & Johnnie’Mae Burnett” for their mantle, their marriage and their ministry. It’s once again, that I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett cherish and relish the predestinated purpose and plan of Yehovah-Yahweh for having chasen parents’ within the Christian Faith of Yehovah-Jesus! Yes, delighted expressions of elation is poised and amassed within the words “Hallelujah” to the sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Yehovah-Christ Jesus for such parents!Thirdly and without hesitation, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett seize this moment to welcome you to “The 3rd Morning Glory Celebration – Year 2013.” Yes, it’s 2013 and we have journey another milestone and climbed another pinnacle within our praise exaltation and worship to Yehovah-Jesus through the sanctification and a lively hope by way of the Resurrection of Yehovah-Christ Jesus!General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DD The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess-1099450-74134The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary of exaltationMAY 12TH – MAY 18th 2013 “the national healthcare week” 00The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary of exaltationMAY 12TH – MAY 18th 2013 “the national healthcare week” -127026670The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., DD 00The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., DD 345122555880The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., DD00The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., DD 90805023103420047237651778000 In Memory Of Those Who’s Lives Were Resolute Because Of Congestive Heart Failure Celebrating The National Healthcare WeekPerformed The First Successful Open Heart Surgery In The United StatesDr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 – August 4, 1931)In Highly Esteemed Honor & Memory Of My Parents’The Elect General Apostle Elders’ Carlton Nathaniel & Johnnie’Mae BurnettThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess And PriestessThe Holy Mountains’3rd Annual Morning Glory CelebrationOrder Of Service77787530289500The Morning Glory Candle-Light Of AdulationThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene BurnettThe Morning Glory InnovationThe General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene BurnettThe Morning Glory Scriptural FoundationPsalms 30: 7The Morning Glory Prophetic Explosive WordThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Morning Glory’s Call To Salvation, Atlar Prayer & BenedictionThe General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D.,Ph.D., DD“Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.”5757121-7598900 The Prophetic Explosive Word The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D.,Ph.D., DD “Empowering The Prayers’ Of Holy Women & Men” “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” “Coming To The Realization And Comprehension”First and foremost, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett embrace this sanctified moment to salute and give deference to my Resurrected and Hallowed Savior, who’s in the awe-inspiring personage of Yehovah-Yeos, none other than, Yehovah-Christ Jesus! As I joyfully prepared this salutation, my heart was elated with such gratitude and homage for another milestone that we have journey and in retrospect to this pilgrimage, it has not yet been fully manifestated or revealed what we will achieve, accomplish or attain with the dynamical, dualism and dynamo power and precious blood of Yehovah-Jesus! Yes, our hearts, minds, soul and spirit is elated with the highest praise to the Sovereign and Creative Savior, Yehovah-Elohim and Yehovah-Jesus and we lift our hands and frantically indulge ourselves in an solemn reverence and adulation to Yehovah-Yeos and declare “Lord, By Thy Favor, Lord, By Thy Lovingkindness And Lord, By Thy Tender Mercies, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.In retrospect to the salutation and introuction that has been so affectionately extended, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett embrace this opportunity and continue with the position and posture of soundness and journey to the next dimension of praise exaltation and worship and enter The Throne Room and journey to The Mercy Seat of an Sovereign and Everlasting and Eternal God, Yehovah-Olam, once again who is in the personage of Yehovah-Jesus!Yes, with our hearts saturated with the spirt of oneness, unity and the glorioius spirit of Yehovah-Yahweh we are corporately accompanied by the Divine Presence Of Yehovah-Shammah to the sanctified place, the heavenly place, the eternal place, the holy place and the most holy place and there we meet and praise, exalt and worship The Son Of Man, The Redeemer, The Propitiator, The Anointed High Priest and The Messiah, who’s in the Divine Sovereign personage of Yehovah-Christ Jesus! As I extensively pentetrated my thoughts on “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong” and the subtopic, “Empowering The Prayers’ Of Holy Women And Men” I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett consecrated and meditated on the phrase “Empowering The Prayers Of Holy Women And Men.” During the times of consecration and meditation the fundamentals and classifications of “the practicalities and the pragmatisms” unswervingly and unwaveringly was stirred in my spirit! “The Practicalities and Pragmatisms Of Empowering The Prayers Of Holy Women & Men” is depicted by asserting, “comprehending the realities and simplicities Of The Supernatural Power Of An Awe-inspiring Eternal Creative God (Yehovah-Yahweh) who is The Father Of Glory and The Ancient Of Days and was manifested in the Firstfruits from the dead and the only Begotten Son of the Father (Yehovah-Pater) and He’s in the personage of Yehovah-Jesus! 5834432-2476500 The Prophetic Explosive Word – Part 2 Continued The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DD “Empowering The Prayers’ Of Holy Women & Men” “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” Coming To The Realization And ComprehensionAs I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, continued to consecrate on this upcoming 2013 Morning Glory 3rd Celebration, the awesome overwehlming glory cloud of Yehovah-Yahweh continually reminded my soul and spirit to inform The Holy Women And Men Of Yehovah-Yahweh that when we come to the realization of understanding and appreciating and most importantly profusely applying the dynamics and dualisms of the Hallowed and Sovereign power of Yehovah-Jesus (mainly His name – Jesus; which depicts is humanity and also most importantly the name “Yehovah” which denote “his covenant”) then we will began to comprehend the practicalities and pragmatisms of the Power of Yehovah-Jesus’ within His humanity and divinity and thereafter, what an manifestation we will behold of His Divine Persongae! The Holy Scripture asserts, “Wherefore, God (Yehovah-Yahweh) has highly exalted Him (Jesus – His Humanity) and given Him a name that is above every name, at the name of Jesus (which emphasizes His humanity) every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess.” When the realization of excelling, accentuating and exercising within the environs or passageways of the immeasurable name and power of “Yehovah-Yahweh, which He promptly asserted the essences of His character when He denoted “I Am That I Am” the beliver has the full assurance and certainty of victory by the strong arm of the Lord, Yehovah-Yahweh, who is the immeasurable and uncomprehensive God and Father of the universe - a songwriter denoted, “He’s (Yehovah-Jesus) is so wide that you can’t go around Him, He’s so low that you can’t go underneath Him, you and I must come in at the door and He (Yehovah-Jesus) must come in the door of your heart! As we observe the impact and relevancy of the everlasting and eternal covenant that’s consistedly nurtured by the application of the incorruptible, infallible and redeemable Blood of Yehovah-Jesus it will then began to stir up the grain of mustard seed of faith; the shield of faith, the now faith, the mountain moving faith and our most holiest faith; then you and I, The Holy Women And Men Of Yehovah-Yahweh, The Saints Of The Most High God (Yehovah-Yahweh & Yehovah-Jesus); Every Born Again Believer, Every Sanctified and Holy Ghost filled Christian Believer rather domestic or international, bond or free, Jew or Gentile, black or white, man or woman, rich or poor, Baptist Or Holiness, Methodist or Presbyterian, Lutheran or Mormons will understand and appreciate the faithfulness of Yehovah-Yahweh and will be contingent within the profound and prolific pragmatism (simplicity) of the Solemn Word of Yehovah-Yahweh, He declared, “my covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my mouth, saith the Lord Of Host.” Once again lift your hands and declare, “I am being empowered! My soul and spirit is being renewed and restored by the awesome power of deliverance of an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresence God of all ages, who’s in the personage of Yehovah-Jesus!5748867-5016500 The Prophetic Explosive Word – Part 3 Continued The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DD “Empowering The Prayers’ Of Holy Women & Men” “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” Coming To The Realization And ComprehensionAs we embrace The Women And Men’s Holy Convocation and Conference Morning Glory 3rd Contennial, I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, I spiritually stretch forth my Holy Sceptre and Rod and decreed and declare “The Faith of The Holy Men and Women of God (Yehovah-Yahweh) who have assembled and partaken of The Morning Glory’s 3rd Contennial will be stirred, nurtured and enthused with The Sound Doctrine of Prayer and “The Practicalities and Pragmatisms Of The Eternality Of The Name Jehovah-Jesus.” Yes, Holy Men And Women, we are Empowering The Prayers’ Of The Holy Women and Men who “hunger and thrist after righteousness for we known that they shall be filled.” Yes, the faith of The Delightful Holy Men and Women Of Yehovah-Yahweh despite the practicalities (the realization of our plight, despite the calamities, adversities and infirmities; and we often understand that the final resolves are as followed: (1) no resolution, (2) no anwer and (3) no determination. However, the pragmatisms of our faith will sturdy arise to the ocassion, it will arise to a higher dimension and we will substantially lift our hands in the sanctuary and with the voice of triumphancy, with the Firstfruits of certainty of our faith we enthusiatically utter the greatest proclamation of the Three Hebrews Boys’ who were in the fiery furnace “If our God (Yehovah-Yahweh) Does Not Deliver, Let The Record Show, That He Is Able.” Lift your hands and declare, “I’m being empowered.”Regardless of the practicalities (the realization of the dreadfulness of the circumstance or the status quo) the pragmatisms (the simplicities) within Yehovah-Yahweh’s eternal and everlasting covenant will manifest His dunamis power and what glory the eyes will behold!” The practicalities (the realization) of our dilemmas, distresses, disapoointments and dismays will seem to have no resolve; however, the prgamatisms (the simplicities) of the awesome power and everlasting covenant with Yehovah-Yahweh will declare “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.” Lift your hands in the Sanctuary and declare, “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” Briefly, observing the pragmatisms “the simplicities” in retrospect to these simplicities; what power, authority, influence and inspiration the five lettered name Jesus conveys.) When The Holy Women And Men begin to comprehend that demons, satanic forces, principalities, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places, your enemies and your foes literally and realistically tremble at the mere sound of the Kingly and Earthly name Jesus; (Look at your neighbor and decree, “I hear a sound, I hear the name of Jesus! Somebody shout the name Jesus.”) 57637186745600 The Prophetic Explosive Word – Part 4 Continued The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D.,Ph.D., DD “Empowering The Prayers’ Of Holy Women & Men” “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” Coming To The Realization And ComprehensionOnce the Holy Women And Men Of Yehovah-Yahweh come to the realization and the practicalities of the name Jesus; when we began to understand the impact of the annunication from the angelic being, Gabriel he proclaimed to Mary “thou shall call His name Jesus.” When The Holy Women and Men Of Yehovah-Yahweh step into the full essence of the name Jehovah-Jesus and plead the sovereign Blood of Yehovah-Jesus and begin to exercise their power of attorney against the adversary and against the wiles of the devil, then you and I will declare that our prayers’ have been answered and empowered! (Look at your neighbor and declare “I Am Being Empowered.” Now lift your hands in the sanctuary and decreed, “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong. Lift them once again and declare, “The Blood Of Jesus.” When The Holy Women and Men Of God (Yehovah-Yahweh) began to exercise the name Jesus with all its’ practicalities and pragmatisms; demons will tremble, the lame will walk, the blind eyes will see! Yes, the name and personage Jesus has practicalities, (He’s real). The name and personage of Jesus has pragmatisms, (it a simple name to remember; yet it powerful name to remember and shake the foundations of the prison cell of Peter and John). Yes, it’s a universal and international name, in the greek form it’s pronounced Joshua or Jeshua. In my hebreaic form it’s pronounced, ………Hey Jesus, Rabbi, Rabboni, Master, Savior, Redeemer, Yehovah-Jesus! As we reiterate, the demons will tremble, the lame will walk and the blind eyes will see! Let’s observe momentarily the practicality and pragmatisms that accompanied Peter and John at the temple. There was a certain lame man, the practicality (the realization) of the certain man “he was lame” the praticality (the realization) of Peter and John “silver and gold have I not.” Can I Preach Practically, Theologically and Cerebrally (Intellectually) just momentarily? Let ‘s us reiterate, “the praticality of the certain lame man (he was lame) and the practicality of Peter and John “silver and gold have I not.” However, the practicalities (realization) of the pragmatisms (the simplicity) for this backcloth is the sovereign, powerful, authoritative and invisible personage tabernacle within the corridors of the joints and marrows of Peter and John (none other than the man, the power and spiritual image and the name Yehovah-Jesus was yet to be revealed.) Now the pragmatisms (look at your neighbor and shout “now.”) 5673725-14201100 The Prophetic Explosive Word – Part 5 Continued The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DD “Empowering The Prayers’ Of Holy Women & Men” “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” Coming To The Realization And ComprehensionNow the pragmatisms (the simplicity of the authoritative, spoken word and the dunamis power which came down from heaven on The Day Of Pentecost as a rushing mighty wind and sat upon each of them as cloven tongues of fire. Yes, it was the name Yehovah-Jesus that sat on each of them as cloven tongues of fire, the name Yehovah-Elohim, The Eternal Creative God, the name Yehovah-Yahweh, The All Consuming God, The Name Yehovah-Jeshua, The Eternal Salvation And Without Him (Yehovah-Jesus) There Is No Salvation, The Name Yehovah-El Shaddai, The Eternal God who is more than enough, The Power of the name Yehovah-Jireh, The God Who Can Provide, boisterously manifested His propensity and power in the personage and work of The Holy Ghost! Months later, years’ later and chapters later within The Book Of Acts Of The Pentecost, we have embodied the Firstfruits of The Day Of Pentecost with all its continued fillings written and composed profusely for the work of the ministry and the edifying of the Body of Christ, till we all come in the unity of the faith in Yehovah-Christ Jesus! (Lift your hands and declare, “I am being empowered.) Yes, it was the authoriatative and the powerful name of Jehovah-Jesus on the inside of Peter and John that declared the simplicity (the pragmatisms) of the name Jesus “but such I have, I give unto thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Rise Up and Walk” and Peter stretch forth his hand and The Holy Scripture denotes “immediately the lame man’s ankle bones received strength and he when leaping and praising God (Yehovah-Jesus) into the Temple. (Look at your neighbor and declared, “it’s time for my pragmatism to override my practicality!) I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett encourage you to occasionally tell yourselves, “my practicality accentuates the reality of the situation, however, my pragmatisms anticipates the simplicity of the sovereign creative power of Yehovah-Jesus to do the impossible! Tell yourselves, “with God (Yehovah-Jesus) all things are possible.” Look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor “I am empowering my prayers.” Look at your other neighbor and ask, “are you being empowered?” Lift your hands in The Sanctuary and declare, “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” Prayerfully, Powerfully and PeacefullyGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D.,Ph.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess And PriestessThe Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of ExaltationThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s 2013 Morning Glory AdulationEmpowering The Prayers Of Holy Women & Men“Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.”Endeavoring, Doing Your UtmostEndeavoring To Keep The Unity Of The Faith!Maturity, ExperienceBy whom also we have access by faith unto the grace wherein we stand; and rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Yehovah-Yahweh). And not only so, but we glory in tribulation also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience: and patience , experience; and experience , hope; And hope maketh not ashamed, because of the love of God (Yehovah-Yahweh) is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Romans 5: 2 – 4Peaceful, A Peaceful Spirit Is A DelightfulA delightful and contrite spirit, Thou Oh God (Yehovah-Yahweh) Thou will not depise! A broken spirit (a peaceful spirit) in prayer is the certainty that Yehovah-Yahweh has heard and will hear your supplications! “Delight thyself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalms 37: 4 And Romans 7: 11 - 25Overcomers, The Crown (Mitre) Of OvercomingDigging within the soul and spirit with the intent to serach for the overcoming spirit! Searching the mind for “The Crown Of Overcoming and The Head-Piece Or The Mitre Of Overcoming.” Searching for the testimonial word “victory” within the midst of the calamities, adversities and infirmities! Yes, we overcome by the word of our testimony! Learning To Overcome “Self” is a challenge of every believer! Declare The Greatest Proclamation “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” (Revelations 3: 20 & 21)Wisdom, The Soul And Spirit That Possession Of WisdomThe soul and spirit that possess’ spiritual wisdom is the soul and spirit that has a heart after God (Yehovah-Yahweh)! The Soul & Spirit possessing spiritual wisdom is relentlessly searching for the spiritual understanding and spiritual knowledge of Yehovah-Yahweh! The soul and spirit of wisdom nurtures and cultivates itself within Proverbs 8th Chapter! The Soul And Spirit That Possess’ Spiritual Wisdom applies Romans 11: 33 – 36Encouragement, Encourage Yourself In The LordTo Empower The Prayers Of Holy Women And Men one must encourage themselves to sustain a vigorous and consisted prayer life! Most importantly, quality study time within The Holy Writ And The Oracles Of Faith and a holistic study the precepts (principles) of Yehovah-Yahweh! One must encourage themselves to practice the practicalities and pragmatisms of the conversation of grace, wisdom and prudence (discretion)! Yes, practicing prudence is required; it takes practice, practicalities and pragmaticalities to grow in the conversation of prudence, grace, maturity and practicality!Reverence, Reverencing The Name Of Yehovah-Yahweh (Psalm 111: 9)The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation 2nd Annual Grammy CelebrationFeaturing152400020997300 The Thunderbolt’s 2nd Big Screen & Movies Grammy Award HonoringThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett & The Little Judah“The Resurrection Of The Preacher”Prayerfully, Powerfully & Peacefully,General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D.,Ph.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, PriestessThe Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary of Exaltation Elect Gold & Bronze Soundtrack Award-2101856247976Humbly SubmittedGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess, Producer & Publisher00Humbly SubmittedGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess, Producer & Publisher-177805029200The Thunderbolt’s 3 Prophetic Sounds & The Lion of Judah’s 2012 Faith of Our Fathers’ Elect Honored Soundtrack1 Peter 1: 2 - 800The Thunderbolt’s 3 Prophetic Sounds & The Lion of Judah’s 2012 Faith of Our Fathers’ Elect Honored Soundtrack1 Peter 1: 2 - 82820035211958100871855720090The Elect General Apostle Elders’ Carlton Nathaniel & Johnnie’Mae Burnett00The Elect General Apostle Elders’ Carlton Nathaniel & Johnnie’Mae Burnett98171026543000The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary of Exaltation 92265566103500Elect Gold & Bronze Soundtrack Award-2038355810038Humbly SubmittedGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess, Producer & Publisher00Humbly SubmittedGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess, Producer & Publisher-1390654493895The Thunderbolt’s 3 Prophetic Sounds & The Lion of Judah’s 2012 Faith of Our Fathers’ Elect Honored Soundtrack1 Peter 1: 2 - 800The Thunderbolt’s 3 Prophetic Sounds & The Lion of Judah’s 2012 Faith of Our Fathers’ Elect Honored Soundtrack1 Peter 1: 2 - 82346960147500700871855126365The Elect Bishop & First Lady Robert W. & Marjorie Jones, Sr., 00The Elect Bishop & First Lady Robert W. & Marjorie Jones, Sr., The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary of Exaltation Elect Gold & Bronze Soundtrack Award-946156234853Humbly SubmittedGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess, Producer & Publisher00Humbly SubmittedGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess, Producer & Publisher2424430197527300-177804959350The Thunderbolt’s 3 Prophetic Sounds & The Lion of Judah’s 2012 Faith of Our Fathers’ Elect Honored Soundtrack1 Peter 1: 2 - 800The Thunderbolt’s 3 Prophetic Sounds & The Lion of Judah’s 2012 Faith of Our Fathers’ Elect Honored Soundtrack1 Peter 1: 2 - 8871855618490The Elect Bishop & First Lady Gilbert E. & Louise Patterson 00The Elect Bishop & First Lady Gilbert E. & Louise Patterson 91122521018500The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary of Exaltation Elect Gold & Bronze Soundtrack Award-685805001895The Thunderbolt’s 3 Prophetic Sounds & The Lion of Judah’s 2012 Faith of Our Fathers’ Elect Honored Soundtrack1 Peter 1: 2 - 800The Thunderbolt’s 3 Prophetic Sounds & The Lion of Judah’s 2012 Faith of Our Fathers’ Elect Honored Soundtrack1 Peter 1: 2 - 8-1606556252633Humbly SubmittedGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess, Producer & Publisher00Humbly SubmittedGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess, Producer & Publisher2809631183368500640715606425The Honorary General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett 00The Honorary General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett 78955022923500134620037211000The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation\\The Morning’s Glory 3rd CentenaryFeaturing The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s 2nd Grammy’s Award Centenary Saturday, May 11th 2013 @ 3pm – 8pmThe General Bishop’s Exquisite & Exclusive Blue Velvet Carpet MenuThe ReceptionThe General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Frozen Daiquiris’ Buffet Bar The AppetizersThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Grilled Baby Back Riblets & Prosciutto Wrapped Shrimp Sprinkled w/Papayo Fruit Juice The Café Flamboyant Le’Fruit SaladGrilled Mangos Sprinkled w/Cinnamon and Diamond WalnutsMain CourseFilet Mignon w/Creamy Sweet Butter & Sauteed Onions Served w/Fresh Steamed Vegetables Topped w/Minced Onions * Rosemary & Garlic Scallop PotatoesGo Diva’s Coffee, Tea & DessertThe Little Judah’s Table-Top FavorsPsalms 148: 4“For The Lord Taketh Pleasure In His People; He Will Beautify The Meek With Salvation.”The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Grandoise Extravagant Frozen Daiquiri Dessert Bar(Virgin Pina Colada, Coconut, Blueberry And Peach Daiquiris’)The General Bishop’s Blue Velvet Carpet Menu Is An Incentive For Wedding, Bridal Showers, Anniversaries And Bar Mitzvahs!-85725-11493500The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of ExaltationPresentingThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s 2nd Annual 2012 Best Supportive Actor & Actress 19487259404800218122540703500484114247615200Monarc Black Onyx Ring Emblem Award Centennial774700146050Bequeathed Upon The Elect Apostles’ Drs.’ Creflo & Taffi Dollar00Bequeathed Upon The Elect Apostles’ Drs.’ Creflo & Taffi DollarI, the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett pray the prayer of the righteous according to the holy scriptures of psalms 18: 10 be ye known and honored that the elect apostles’ drs’ creflo & taffi dollar be endowed with the abundance of continued grace and strength within “the creflo dollar ministries & it’s afflitates.” this Award is bequeathed upon the elect apostles’ drs’ creflo & taffi dollar as a emblem FOR their appreciation, dedication and servitude within their commission to preach and teach the infallible, incorruptible and immutibility word of yehovah-yahweh and yehovah-jesus! 612838521116100signed by the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett On this 11th day of may of the blesseth year 2013 of our lord and savior yehovah christ jesus! shalom in yehovah-christ jesus name! General prophetess Elder Leslie’maelene Burnett, th.d., dd the senior executive president & ceothe senior executive general presiding int’l bishop, counsellor, prophetess, priestess, publisher & producer-66040-4445000The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of ExaltationPresentingThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s 2nd Annual 2012 Best Supportive Actor & Actress 27241559756500522414564262000211582043878500Monarc Black Onyx Ring Emblem Award Centennial523875302260Bequeathed Upon The Elect Apostles’ Drs. Kenneth & Gloria Copeland Copeland00Bequeathed Upon The Elect Apostles’ Drs. Kenneth & Gloria Copeland CopelandI, the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett pray the prayer of the righteous according to the holy scriptures of psalms 18: 10 be ye known and honored that the elect apostles’ Kenneth & gloria copeland be endowed with the abundance of continued grace and strength within “the kenneth copeland ministries and it’s affiliates.” this award is an emblem of our appreciation and their dedication and servitude within their commission to preach and teach the infallible, incorruptible and immutibility word of yehovah-yahweh and yehovah-christ jesus! 632318822158600signed by the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett On this 11th day of may of the blesseth year 2013 of our lord and savior yehovah christ jesus! shalom in yehovah-christ jesus name! General prophetess Elder Leslie’maelene Burnett, th.d., Ph.D., dd the senior executive president & ceothe senior executive general presiding int’l bishop, counsellor, prophetess, priestess, publisher & producer-188595-4191000The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of ExaltationPresentingThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s 2nd Annual 2012 Best Supportive Actor & Actress 10350546672500497903558102500197993028130500Monarc Black Onyx Ring Emblem Award Centennial776605256540Bequeathed Upon The Elect Apostles’ Larry & Frances Jones00Bequeathed Upon The Elect Apostles’ Larry & Frances JonesI, the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett pray the prayer of the righteous according to the holy scriptures of psalms 18: 10 be ye known and honored that the elect apostles’ larry & frances jones be endowed with the abundance of continued grace and strength within “feed the children and it’s affiliates.” this Award is bequeathed upon the elect apostles’ larry & frances jones as a emblem FOR our appreciation, and their dedication and servitude within their commission to preach and teach the infallible, incorruptible and immutibility word of yehovah-yahweh and yehovah-christ jesus! 625317613575700signed by the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett On this 11th day of may of the blesseth year 2013 of our lord and savior yehovah christ jesus! shalom in yehovah-christ jesus name! General prophetess Elder Leslie’maelene Burnett, th.d., Ph.D., dd the senior executive president & ceothe senior executive general presiding int’l bishop, counsellor, prophetess, priestess, publisher & producer-145415-6858000The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of ExaltationPresentingThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s 2nd Annual 2012 Best Supportive Actor & Actress 11557071120000507873070802500203881556705500Monarc Black Onyx Ring Emblem Award Centennial792480209550Bequeathed Upon The Elect Apostles’ Drs. Rod & Joni Parsley00Bequeathed Upon The Elect Apostles’ Drs. Rod & Joni ParsleyI, the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett pray the prayer of the righteous according to the holy scriptures of psalms 18: 10 be ye known and honored that the elect apostles’ Rod & joni parsley be endowed with the abundance of continued grace and strength within “the rod parsley ministries & it’s affiliates.” this Award is bequeathed upon the elect apostles’ rod & joni parsley as a emblem FOR our appreciation, and their dedication and servitude within their commission to preach and teach the infallible, incorruptible and immutibility word of yehovah-yahweh and yehovah-jesus!627791315574600signed by the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett On this 11th day of may of the blesseth year 2013 of our lord and savior yehovah christ jesus! shalom in yehovah-christ jesus name! General prophetess Elder Leslie’maelene Burnett, th.d., ph. D., dd the senior executive president & ceothe senior executive general presiding int’l bishop, counsellor, prophetess, priestess, publisher & producer-128905-6477000The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of ExaltationPresentingThe General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s 2nd Annual 2012 Best Supportive Actor & Actress 199570062484000Monarc Black Onyx Ring Emblem Award Centennial 1422406477000508508023304500-76200193040Bequeathed Upon The General Presiding Int’l Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett00Bequeathed Upon The General Presiding Int’l Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnetti, the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett pray the prayer of the righteous according to the holy scriptures of psalms 18: 10 be ye known and honored that the general presiding int’l prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett be endowed with the abundance of continued grace and strength within “the general bishop elder leslie’maelene burnett’s independent int’l christian church ministries & inc., & affiliates.” this Award is bequeathed upon the honored general presiding int’l prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett as a emblem FOR our appreciation, and her dedication and servitude within her commission to preside, counsel, preach, teach and prophesize and admnister in the office of the divine priesthood the infallible, incorruptible and immutibility word of yehovah-yahweh and yehovah-christ jesus!622091914069900signed by the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett On this 11th day of may of the blesseth year 2013 of our lord and savior yehovah christ jesus! shalom in yehovah-christ jesus name! General prophetess Elder Leslie’maelene Burnett, th.d., Ph.D., dd the senior executive president & ceothe senior executive general presiding int’l bishop, counsellor, prophetess, priestess, publisher & producer6250940817435500-299824-75565tHE gENERAL pROPHETESS eLDER lESLIE’mAELENE burnett’s tHUNDERBOLT gOSPEL rECORDING aRTIST fIRE emblem pRESENTED tO Bishop dR. Inez AndrewsApril 14th 1929 – December 19, 201200tHE gENERAL pROPHETESS eLDER lESLIE’mAELENE burnett’s tHUNDERBOLT gOSPEL rECORDING aRTIST fIRE emblem pRESENTED tO Bishop dR. Inez AndrewsApril 14th 1929 – December 19, 2012-1028707085965Signed This 11th Day of May of year 2013 of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Yehovah-Christ Jesus! General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DDGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DD The Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Prophetess, Counsellor, Priestess, Producer & Publisher 00Signed This 11th Day of May of year 2013 of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Yehovah-Christ Jesus! General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DDGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DD The Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Prophetess, Counsellor, Priestess, Producer & Publisher 206502068649852 Peter 3: 10 - 1302 Peter 3: 10 - 1316740715219911002114555520055005605780541845500211455-7620000355600-8445500-286312115445tHE gENERAL pROPHETESS eLDER lESLIE’mAELENE burnett’s tHUNDERBOLT gOSPEL rECORDING aRTIST fIRE eMBLEM pRESENTED tO Dr. Mahalia Jackson October 26th 1911 – january 27, 197200tHE gENERAL pROPHETESS eLDER lESLIE’mAELENE burnett’s tHUNDERBOLT gOSPEL rECORDING aRTIST fIRE eMBLEM pRESENTED tO Dr. Mahalia Jackson October 26th 1911 – january 27, 1972539645927830700119921106774001741170112395006231890149352000-91440447675Signed This 11th Day of May of year 2013 of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Yehovah-Christ Jesus! General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DDGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DD The Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Prophetess, Counsellor, Priestess, Producer & Publisher 00Signed This 11th Day of May of year 2013 of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Yehovah-Christ Jesus! General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DDGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DD The Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Prophetess, Counsellor, Priestess, Producer & Publisher 21075652971802 Peter 3: 10 - 1302 Peter 3: 10 - 1362274458102600005401945497522500-1244607053580Signed This 11th Day of May of year 2013 of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Yehovah-Christ Jesus! General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DDGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DD The Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Prophetess, Counsellor, Priestess, Producer & Publisher 00Signed This 11th Day of May of year 2013 of our Blessed Lord and Savior, Yehovah-Christ Jesus! General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DDGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DD The Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Prophetess, Counsellor, Priestess, Producer & Publisher 2107565688594000-88905069840001735455540956500-5232406350tHE g ENERAL pROPHETESS eLDER lESLIE’mAELENE burnett’s tHUNDERBOLT gOSPEL rECORDING aRTIST fIRE eMBLEM pRESENTED tO Mother Frances Mcclurkinjanuary 18th 201300tHE g ENERAL pROPHETESS eLDER lESLIE’mAELENE burnett’s tHUNDERBOLT gOSPEL rECORDING aRTIST fIRE eMBLEM pRESENTED tO Mother Frances Mcclurkinjanuary 18th 2013-8890-5207000The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene BurnettAnd The Little Judah’s Crystal Mountain Of Faith Citation“The Studious Sound Mind Award”Exodus 19: 19, 2 Chronicles 12: 6, 2 Kings 18: 41, Nehemiah 8: 10, Psalms 2: 9, Psalms 8: 1, Psalms 29: 1 – 11, Psalms 32: 11, Psalms 37: 4, Isaiah 40: 5, Jeremiah 2: 13, 1 Corinthians 2: 8, Colossians 3: 1 & 2, 2 Timothy 2: 15, 2 Timothy 1: 6 & 7, 2 Peter 1: 21, Revelations 3: 20 & 21, Revelations 5: 5 – 8 & Revelations 15: 3 2301240281458600 Saint John 7: 37 – 39 & Saint John 19: 28-920755593715I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett on this 8th Day Of June in the blessed year of 2013 of our Resurrected Messiah, our Lord And Saviour, Yehovah-Christ Jesus humbly bequeathed upon The Elect Anointed High Priest And Great Eternal High Priest, Yehovah-Christ Jesus “The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Mountain Of Faith Citation Crystal Glass Award” in retrospect for His sovereign and distinguished character of Yehovah-Jareisha, The Lord Our Nourisher and Sustenance within “The Morning Glory Of The Lion & Lioness Delightful Spirit Of Praise Exaltation Worship Communion Service. Also, His finished work of the redemption plan.” (1 Corinthians 11: 24 – 26, Hebrews 1: 3, Hebrews 6: 20 & Revelations 5: 5 - 8). I, The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett salute The Great Sovereign and Eternal Anointed High Priest Yehovah-Christ Jesus! In conclusion, as a remembrance, Yehovah-Jesus declared at Calvaria’s Cross, The Place of the Skull, “I Thirst” and He uttered “It Is Finished.” I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett make available many refills as needed to Yehovah-Christ Jesus in the modem of Praise Exaltation and Worship! Prayerfully, Powerfully & Peacefully Signed By: General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DD The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess00I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett on this 8th Day Of June in the blessed year of 2013 of our Resurrected Messiah, our Lord And Saviour, Yehovah-Christ Jesus humbly bequeathed upon The Elect Anointed High Priest And Great Eternal High Priest, Yehovah-Christ Jesus “The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett’s Mountain Of Faith Citation Crystal Glass Award” in retrospect for His sovereign and distinguished character of Yehovah-Jareisha, The Lord Our Nourisher and Sustenance within “The Morning Glory Of The Lion & Lioness Delightful Spirit Of Praise Exaltation Worship Communion Service. Also, His finished work of the redemption plan.” (1 Corinthians 11: 24 – 26, Hebrews 1: 3, Hebrews 6: 20 & Revelations 5: 5 - 8). I, The General Bishop Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett salute The Great Sovereign and Eternal Anointed High Priest Yehovah-Christ Jesus! In conclusion, as a remembrance, Yehovah-Jesus declared at Calvaria’s Cross, The Place of the Skull, “I Thirst” and He uttered “It Is Finished.” I, The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett make available many refills as needed to Yehovah-Christ Jesus in the modem of Praise Exaltation and Worship! Prayerfully, Powerfully & Peacefully Signed By: General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DD The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess103505478599500574802038138100028098751802765 The King Of The Jews “Yehovah-Christ Jesus”00 The King Of The Jews “Yehovah-Christ Jesus”30105357965440004191007419975Prayerfully, Powerfully & PeacefullyGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess00Prayerfully, Powerfully & PeacefullyGeneral Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess5643797717279300-53340-16573500-52705-15875The general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett’s and the little judah’s faith of our fathers’ soundtrackpresenting“the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett’s daytime emmy soap opera tribe of judah Fiery emblem”“Yehovah-Christ Jesus’“for he (yehovah-Jesus) is like refiner fire & fuller’s soap”malachi 3: 2 & 3 & Revelations 5: 5 - 800The general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett’s and the little judah’s faith of our fathers’ soundtrackpresenting“the general prophetess elder leslie’maelene burnett’s daytime emmy soap opera tribe of judah Fiery emblem”“Yehovah-Christ Jesus’“for he (yehovah-Jesus) is like refiner fire & fuller’s soap”malachi 3: 2 & 3 & Revelations 5: 5 - 8The Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of Exaltation 2698236881900Celebrated Holidays During The Month Of June 2013The Feast Of The Ascension Of Yehovah-Christ JesusActs of the Pentecost, Chapter 1. The Feast of the Ascension of Yehovah-Christ Jesus commemorated forty (40) days after our Blessed Messiah and Lord and Savior, Yehovah-Jesus boisterously Resurrected from the dead. He (Yehovah-Jesus) finally ascends into the heavens to once again return at His second coming and in retrospect to His appearance, those who are born again will be rapture to meet Him in the air! (1 Thessalonians 4: 17) Embodied within The Feast of the Ascension is the inference of the redemption plan for our salvation and Yehovah-Jesus earthly ministry. Listed below are a few declarations associated with “The Feast of the Ascension.”The Blessing Of The Firstfruit - Proverbs 8: 8 – 10The Blessing Of A Candle – Saint Luke 11: 33 The Little Judah’s Candle-Light PresentationThe Wearing Of A Mitre – The Deacon & DeaconessFlag Day Celebration – June 14th 2013The Shavuot Season Is Celebrated During The Month Of June 2013The Wearing Of A Mitre - Revelations 3: 5 & 12 “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, (The Name Of God Is The Crown or Mitre The Overcoming Crown or Mitre) and the name of the city of my God, (The Name Of The City Is The Overcoming Crown or Mitre) which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.” (The Overcoming Crown or Mitre Is The Name). Predominantly, in Revelations 3: 5 & 12 the “Mitre” is a pillar and in retrospect to “the pillar” it refers to a position of sustenance or status quo! In regards to your local positions within your churches, temples, synagogues, cathedrals, contact or see your pastors. (Revelations 3: 5 & 12 is only in relations to those who are born again believers and is a reward from Yehovah-Jesus in the New Jerusalem!)Connotations from The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett - One must remember that “pillars” in The Holy Scriptures Or The Oracles Of Faith symbolizes; The House Of God or Temple Of God – Genesis 228: 22, 2 Kings 23: 3; An Foundation Or Substance – 1 Timothy 3; 15; A Memorial – 2 Samuel 18: 18; Where God (Yehovah-Yahweh) Appears To His People – Deut. 31: 15; Overcoming Crown – Revelations 3: 5 & 12! One may desire to read and study the book of wisdom (Proverbs 9: 1) “Wisdom has built her house and hewn out her seven pillars….” Once again, Biblically, Pillar symbolizes: The House Of God Or The Temple Of God, An Foundation or Substance, A Memorial, A Place Where God (Yehovah-Yahweh Appears To His People, God’s House (Yehovah-Yahweh House), Overcomer! Yes, Faith can be a pillar – substance (Hebrews 11: 1)!The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph.D., DDThe Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Prophetess, Counsellor, PriestessThe Mountains’ Holy Sanctuary Of ExaltationFeaturingThe Morning Glory’sKing Of GloryKing Of KingsKing Of The JewsKing Of IsraelKing Of Judah131635519748500-8509021018500 “Father Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do!” “Lord, By Thy Favor, Thou Hast Caused My Mountain To Stand Strong.” Affectionately From The General Prophetess Elder Leslie’Maelene Burnett, Th.D., Ph. D., DD The Senior Executive General Presiding Int’l Bishop, Counsellor, Prophetess, Priestess ................

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